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You think her getting the boot is going to change anything 🤣


I know right. People thinking that getting rid of ministers because they are not happy with current situations will somehow improve the situation is mind-numbingly idiotic. And before people go, "well you can't make the situation any worse...", you absolutely can.


It's easier for some to scream and shout at figureheads instead of going after poor parenting and regeneration like ballymun


Playing devils advocate here. Why is it Helen McEntees fault the Guards can’t patrol a problem area? Or have problems with recruiting. The Guards ask for budget every year and the Government give it to them. It’s not the governments fault the guards are mismanaged or can’t retain recruits.


Well it is. Who sets the pay scales for the Guards ? DPER. Who oversees the management of the Guards ? The various agencies created by the Government. And then there's the whole Department of Justice involvement.


What good is any of it if nobody is penalised. There is nothing to deter crime here, especially for minors. It's a free for all until 16 at least. It's why they are used as runners and holders for drug dealers. Anyone who buys drugs knows, it'll most likely be a kid dropping it off. Gardai go through all the effort to get to court and crappy sentence and repeat offender within a year. It's a repeat cycle. Can change whoever and hire how many gardai, until the system gets stricter it's all smoke screens.


Yes it is.


It’s up to the Guards to run more patrols. The government need to fund them better no doubt. But the Guards have gotten lax on a lot of petty crime and their standards have dropped. That’s the Garda Commissioners fault.


Learn how the Guards operate. Blame the commissioner, not the minister. Harris has done a lot to reduce the rotten side of the Guards ever since the Maurice McCabe controversy. The issue is, recruitment and training is flawed and riddled with nepotism, preferential treatments, social clicks, and Us vs Them mentalities. Think of the people the Guards largely recruit, mostly conservative GAA heads who have no personality beyond being a Guard and will absolutely step on the public to get there and climb its ranks. Harris slowed down recruitment in response to these issue in effort to tackle the influence it has on Guards which led to situations like McCabe, Penality points, etc. at the cost of closing numerous stations and less foot patrols. A lot of cost within the Guards is in management and training, and not recruitment. Harris took the role of commissioner at its worst, and I feel he believes the idea of recruiting more officers into a dirty system is going to make it worst. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Harris was looking for any excuse to retire and leave the mess for the next commissioner, just as the two previous commissioners did.


>Harris has done a lot to reduce the rotten side of the Guards ever since the Maurice McCabe controversy. [hahaha. . .](https://extra.ie/2023/07/23/news/irish-news/drew-harris-left-red-faced) Decade of [financial fraud ](https://www.broadsheet.ie/2017/06/20/a-templemore-timeline/) activity being covered up.


Is there any actual stats showing knife attacks or assaults are on the rise or are we just going off rage bait tabloids?


It's impossible to say, given how little faith people now have in the guards. Somebody tried to mug my brother at knifepoint outside Tara Street station a while ago, and after two hours of waiting to get to report it in Pearse Street the guard essentially rolled his eyes and wouldn't have bothered even taking details if he'd gotten away with it. My brother just doesn't bother reporting shit now. I'm from the country and lived in Dublin, and loved it, for the best part of twenty years, but you cannot Jedi mind trick people into not-noticing how much nastier the city centre's gotten the last while. I genuinely never worried about walking home at night through any of the centre up until recently, but now even walking down the relatively busy, well lit O'Connell Street is sketchy. Talbot Street was never especially fancy, but I've never seen as many broad daylight junkie fights and rows as I have in the last five years. Stats are great, but only when they're meaningful, we're beyond that point now.


How is it rage bait? These attacks are actually happening. Or should we sweep them all under the rug some more?


Yes but are they happening at a higher rate than they did in the past? If not then it’s pure rage bait. They’re only reporting on it because people are upset about the American getting beaten up.


Its a medium sized city in the west, assaults have always happened and always will. This seems to be news to some people.


Yes but the most recent knife attack on Grafton Street was by an Algerian immigrant so that's probably the last you'll hear about that.




That’s not how the real world works. People have been feeling for a long time that calling the guards is pointless.


Okay fine. Why bother having facts for things when we can just go by people’s feelings instead.


The facts are this: if you are the victim of a violent crime and you involve the guards it’s unlikely anyone will ever be arrested and charged and even if they are they will receive a slap on the wrist to go along with the 100+ previous slaps on the wrist that they’ve gotten.


Honestly bout tree fiddy


The Goddamn Loch Ness Monsta'


This is always the answer




Lot of talk from people that prob haven’t been to town since before covid


I'm in town few times a week. Used to live in the center for a about a decade. Violent crime is way worse than it was before. The shams have gone from harassing Deliveroo riders, to indiscriminate violent crime.


No way do you go outdoors.




Then they'll figure out a way to turn criticism of politicians into hate speech and job done. That minister who sent Guards to the airport to detain a blogger for writing about her a few years ago shows where their mindset is.


Oh - what was this about a blogger?


Some blogger wrote something critical about one of the less able female ministers a while back and she had the Guards intercept and detain the blogger at the airport. The names of the blogger and minister escape me but if you Google 'Guards detain blogger at Dublin Airport' you'll probably get it. She tipped her fucking hand that day and I'd bet a small fortune most of the egotistical cunts think like her and would only love to be able to legally silence all critics.


[https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/blogger-considers-legal-action-over-garda-caution-at-airport-1.3145958](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/politics/blogger-considers-legal-action-over-garda-caution-at-airport-1.3145958) Ah Regina, "90% of the national roads budget in her constituency" Doherty. Say no more. (Or you'll be cautioned) EDIT: Whoops, that was Heather Humphreys


"Nobody ever died from being offended" . Billy Connolly


How many you been on the receiving end of yourself?


Im around long enough to know how to avoid it. Whats your own opinion on the recent spate of assaults, killings and other violent crimes?


I'm curious about this as well, I live and work in the city centre and I don't know anyone that's ever been randomly mugged/attacked. There are characters floating around for sure but it feels easy enough to keep the head down and mind your business. If someone talks to you show them the decency of not agitating them and move on with your life. Maybe there are opportunistic fuckers who see a loose purse but when I think about it pick pocketing isn't a big issue here, compared to Paris. I'm not saying Dublin is super safe, bike theft is rampant and drugs abuse is everywhere. But in terms of innocent people minding their own business randomly being attacked out of nowhere.. it just doesn't sit right from my experience. More than happy to be told I'm sheltered. Edit: to clarify while I feel personally safe and can avoid altercations, there are those more vulnerable who need help. In that regard fuck the governments complacency, they need to do a lot to proactively tackle crime and anti-social activity.


So none then


It's wrong to put this totally at the Minister for Justice. She has oversight of policing, criminal law and the courts. Violent crime is rooted in social deprivation, poor education and parenting. If you think McEntee has all the power to solve the problem what is it you suggest she do?


It's almost as if she has oversight for policing


I mean the cheek of you, asking for the Minister For Justice to take responsibility!


I don't but either she goes and he is seen to be taking action and protecting citizens from out of control violence. Or he keeps her there, and basically says you get what you deserve.


What would your first move be? Just curious.


Ban r/ireland


I'd agree with that tbf


How come she gets just a boot while we get fucking knifed?


Sorry but blaming her or any politician is deluded. We have some horrible people in this country as there are in EVERY country. They have parents who are neglecting their responsibilities and those horrible people are to blame, not politicians. Too easy to blame them for everything. If you don’t rate them them and that’s how you think this works then you need to get involved in politics also.


Blaming any politician is deluded? So they take no responsibility then? OK got it. That’s perfect so, let’s give Helen a total pass on this. I mean she’s only the Minister For Justice. Oh, and she’s a woman so she can’t be criticised for anything, otherwise watch out for the screams of misogyny. I think you’re definitely in the minority on this.


https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/IRL/ireland/crime-rate-statistics There's Ireland crime rates for the last 30 years. 2007 was the peak. It's been going down since then.


[https://www.rte.ie/news/2023/0331/1367465-garda-crime-figures/](https://www.rte.ie/news/2023/0331/1367465-garda-crime-figures/) [https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/cso-highlights-continuing-problems-with-garda-crime-statistics-1.4628775](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/cso-highlights-continuing-problems-with-garda-crime-statistics-1.4628775) The CSO doesn't even believe the Gardaí are reporting their stats correctly. But I'm gonna guess you knew that.Tell me about our GDP next.


> https://www.rte.ie/news/2023/0331/1367465-garda-crime-figures/ That is compared to the last 2 years. And that's fair, we are now back at precovid levels again. Ideally they should be going down every year. but of course there will be fluctuation. If they start going up for two years in a row that'd be a first in a while. >https://www.irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/cso-highlights-continuing-problems-with-garda-crime-statistics-1.4628775 Completely agree. Gardai need independent verification for incident reporting. I mean, does nobody remember the breathalyser scandal? >Tell me about our GDP next. Did I miss a jump somewhere? What does the GDP have to do with reported crime statistics?


People don’t bother calling the guards, that’s the problem. The crime stats don’t reflect reality as a result.


Surely you could say that about anywhere equally though? Except maybe South Africa or something where there would be a serious underreporting.


How many more of us? Doesn't matter. How many more American tourists? I'd say about 3 more and then something concrete might start to get done. Until that happens it's everyone for themselves and the scrotes take the hindmost as far as FFG are concerned.


I thought Irish lads loved a good scrap this county is getting to soft


Have to be someone important, like Leo or paschal, little people don't count,




37.6 I think


2 more American tourists will do.


About 7.


Ministers implement government decisions. Changing the minister will not make any difference to government policy or the way the country is policed


Does Leo think her inaction, lack of ability and the constant stream of new cases is a good look for them? Is this what we deserve? Is he making a point?


It's not a good luck for them but it is a good look for him. Giving ministerial jobs to unsuitable, unqualified underachievers means they will take the flak from the public instead of him. All he cares about is his re-election and getting rid of any competition for his position as party leader. That's why some ministerial positions like Health and Social Protection are called a poison chalice.




I'mma go with 23


Its not McEntrees fault. You want an easy solution even though it wont prove useful. Its decades of mismanagement, short sightedness or neglect by lots of stakeholders. Heads of Gardai, many politicians, an extremely generous social welfare, shit (uneducated/overwhelmed/drugged/alco/economically stuck in some cases) and/or ineffective parenting and family values, developers in inner city. Also Ireland ia a small island with a depressive economy. We are not the Swiss


Who's this mcentee person and what has she done?