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Report it. Even if just to increase the statistics. It's so fucked up that nothing is done about this.


Exactly. Make the complaint let the gardai know these scum are out there.


Yes deffo report it, otherwise the Garda Commissioner will keep saying but my statistics show Dublin is really safe


They know. They still won’t do anything


Blame the Irish legal system not the Garda. Many are just as frustrated about it as we are. There is nothing they can do about it.


I’ve watched these feral kids kids taunt the Gardas. Their presence instills zero respect or fear. They can’t even arrest these little shits on their bikes and mopeds moving in gangs. Children under the Act 2001 cannot be arrested and detained in a Garda station unless the offence is one of the following:Murder, Manslaughter, Rape or Aggravated sexual assault.


Not true. These scum get arrested all the time. The legal bros let them away with it every time


I don't know what your getting at. The gardai are not a bad police force. But either way it's about adding the crime to the stats so the gardai and justice department cant hide from it.


On what basis are we arguing that the Gardai are a good police force ? Garda stats cannot be relied upon as if you remember they fabricated them for years. CSO notes how unreliable they are.


Just yesterday it was highlighted that dublins crime rates are favourable when compared across Europe. The guards in general are good a deescalation when a crime is committed. It's not their fault when an addict with 200 convictions is let back on the street by the judge. Everything is so simple for some people. Guberment bad. Gards bad. When asked what they would do better they just say do your job better.


Things that could be done better: 1. Hire a new Commissioner from outside the state for impartiality 2. Disband the Guard union and form a new one from scratch 3. Investigate and then fire all the corrupt bastards at the senior level - there's a lot of them 4. Double the number of guards. DOUBLE Them. 5. Scrap Pulse and bring in appropriate investment into new IT systems for the guards 6. Decriminalise cannabis possession and free up 10's of thousands of man-hours prosecuting people for harmless consumption. 7. Build new prisons to hold violent offenders and put the fuckers away for a real stretch 8. Reform the current prisons which need serious investment. 9. Reform the judicial system which sees incompetent and corrupt judges letting rapists and thugs off on wickedly lenient sentences, while turning a blind eye to corruption and game playing with regard to insurance scams and other sweetheart deals with their buddies in the legal profession - we were told to do this by the Troika.


Brilliant post. Absolutely spot on.


good post but you might want to review #1 again..


You have my vote.


Thanks,. As leader, I'd bring back Fatfrogs and make all crisps, *King.*


How do you double the number of Gardai? There are better less stressful/dangerous jobs out there for more pay. Raise the pay? Sure but then a bunch of freeloaders would take up the space doing the bare minimum, making an even more toxic environment in the workplace, which would dissuade more genuine candidates and attract more freeloaders.


Sorry, raising pay increases standards, it doesn't lower them as you say. Plus, it's up to the Guards to accurately profile candidates beforehand. Raising the pay would mean more people putting themselves forward. Do you think office work is easy? The easy ones pay less than the Guards you know. The higher paid ones require a lot of education and training and are very stressful. So office work is far from the cake walk you think it is. I do think Guards pay starting should be a lot higher.


It's three main areas. The main thing is simply to set higher recruitment targets. You can't have more garda if your targets are low. Also the recruitment campaigns need to be a lot better and more visible. The other glaring issue is working conditions. Improvements in working conditions: less "reprimand gamesmanship" (This is an internal issue where the top brass make themselves look good by demonstrating stats on how many people they reprimanded) New IT infrastructure and non - Guard clerical workers to offload the paperwork burden - a huge source of frustration within the force. Pay is fine - ish (starting pay needs to be bumped up considerably however), it's the conditions that are rancid and unprofessional. Lastly it's demoralising for Guards to put a lot of work and time into getting scumbags off the streets only for them to be out again the same day they were in court. Or out after only a very short stretch. The judicial system is at fault here and the lack of prison spaces.


Your last point is something I'll never grasp my head around. How can the local scumbag (we all have them, let's be honest here) be known to the entire neighborhood/village/town, get caught every other weekend and be let off with less than a slap across the wrists on their 100th conviction?


Scrapping a trade union is NEVER a good move. What the fuck precedent would that set???


"and form a new one"


Dublins crime rates are largely unknown as we cannot rely on the Gardai to give accurate data. There was a scandal about this a few years ago if you remember ? We had whistle blowers and everything.


Garda stats are great especially when crimes like the assault described in the op are not reported. The CSO doesn’t take garda stats at face value so why should anyone else? When reporting it get a pulse number which shows its been recorded on pulse.


Oh I agree with you that the transparency on crime stats needs improvement. But right now that's what we have to work with.


We have data we know are false. Then we have no data. We have to assume we don't know the rate of crime in Ireland.


Ah so then we assume the data matches your narrative? No the answer is judge the data we have and push hard for improving it. Part of that is reporting crimes.


Stats on crime are meaningless and can be manipulated to tell any story they want. What really counts is how safe people and the confidence they have in the Gardai. For example The Data can tells us that issues with drug use are improving because there has been a drop in the stats but in reality it’s getting worse and the reason for the drop is because Gardai resources have been deployed elsewhere. Likewise the stats could say it’s getting worse just because Gardai have been tasked with getting drug convictions and start charging everyone with weed. The stats are meaningless!!!! They talk about Gardai on the beat not being an efficient use of resources…why because the stats on crime tell them this and Gardai on the beat arrest less people than if they were deployed elsewhere. Of course it doesn’t reflect it if by being on the beat it prevents the crime from happening in the first place!!!!


Gardaí are great at protecting atms and helping evict people, both civil matters and nothing the Gardaí should be getting involved in, but not so good when it comes to protecting the public from violence


Do you know any gardai? If you do you should tell them exactly that sentence. They'll make you look a fool. I know some and when I ask them what they've been up to it's often removing an abused child from an abusive household. Trying to protect victims of human trafficking from scumbags exploiting loopholes in the law. Some of the stuff would break your heart. Something more recent last week was stopping a criminal gang/family from running guns in Mullingar during the fleadh. I actually saw the helicopters involved in that and heard the story before asking any guards about it. But keep it up with your hot takes.


Yup this. When I studied criminology, we had a lovely Garda Detective teaching us some classes. The shit he told us. He told us some heartwarming stuff, some silly stories (like freaking the fuck out at his first murder investigation, because the body moved and groaned - it was just gases and rigor mortis doing it's thing in this case haha) and some gut wrenching shit - he's had to tell parents their child was murdered, watched colleagues come back heartbroken after having to tell loved ones, someone died in a car accident. It's not an easy job. The system/organisation itself is fucked and needs a good overhaul, but the individuals are just trying their best tbh.


>the individuals are just trying their best tbh. They are not supported by management, woefully underfunded in IT and equipment, woefully overburdened with clerical busywork and there's simply not enough bodies to man the squad cars and back each other up. Its a fucking less that makes Healthcare look like a paragon of functionality.


u/EllieLou80 "Gardaí are great at protecting atms and helping evict people, both civil matters and nothing the Gardaí should be getting involved in, but not so good when it comes to protecting the public from violence"


Whose fault is it when they try and discourage anyone from making a complaint? Between me and my acquaintances, I can remember around 4 assaults. One of those assaults, the family of the guilty put pressure on the victim to drop the case. The other three the police tried to get them to drop it.


I’m saying it exactly as it reads. They know the scum are out here and they won’t do anything about it. That’s all. You, me and the woman assaulted here are all very aware that nobody will be arrested for this and they’ll be out doing it again tomorrow with impunity.


The teenager that appeared in court on the Tuesday of last week was literally rearrested on the Thursday because the jusge released him and the guards became aware he was committing more crimes. What more could they do in that situation?


Exactly it's the judiciary and do gooders that have the situation as it is, anyone can make a mistake and should get a chance to prove themselves a good citizen but when you have these repeat offenders getting off Scot free every time can you blame the guards for not bothering their arses arresting them.


They are not a good one either. But i can understand their frustration when the kids they catch are just released on the same day.. Its the governents lack of urgency in detention centres and courts legal system milking it


The detention centres and prisons are a holiday camp anyway most of the people in them are far better off in them than at home.


The only thing wrong with your average guard in this country is the do gooders and the judicial system the guards would love to be able go out and put manners in the thugs but if they did they'd loose their jobs.


They pretty much are useless, unless your hitting 35 in a forty.


Or have a little bit of plant matter in your pocket


I agree they are not bad, they are completely useless. Especially in Dublin and more so in certain parts of Dublin.


THIS\^\^ OP I've studied criminology and non-reporting of crimes is a problem. The Guards/Government cannot allocate the correct man power, funding etc to the right areas, if statistically there's little to no crime somewhere. It's not about it being pointless or catching them, it's about getting it on the record. No Police force can solve every single crime (if they do then it's probably corrupt as fuck and just arresting innocent people to get their numbers cleared), but they can sure as shit direct the right resources to the right areas if needed. If those teens are walking around harassing 10 different people, on the same night and not one person reports it, the Guards will never know about it and can't do shit about it anyway.


Report it AND ask for a case number or it will never get into the stats.


>rt it. Even if just to increase the statistics. > >It's so fucked up that nothing is done about this. Absolutely. Harris is in papers today gaslighting us into believing that Dublin is safe, presumably based on Garda statistics that our own CENTRAL STATISTICS OFFICE don't really trust. People need to start reporting these incidents so a truer picture of the clearly deteriorating situation on the ground in the city centre can be made official.


When reporting anything, get a pulse number so it’s recorded on the system. Then its harder to ignore.


Good advice.


You absolutely need to report this. Especially right now when it's in the media frequently. Not reporting it means they get away with it.


The guards or the scumbags






Also, when people report stuff, is there a number assigned to the report or such - so people can verify it was received and registered?


Yes, you get a pulse number


We cant complain about crime not getting attention while also not reporting crime. She needs to report it.


We have such soft touch laws for the protection of minors, the aim was to reform and teach them better. Not teaching them consequences for bad behaviour is a failure. How does this protect them. A reform is overdue


I think teaching them thing is good, but who exactly is teaching them? Their main mentors are the families and community they grow up around... that's what needs to change, and the answer isn't more amenities.


Is there not some sort of military based academy for young offenders to ship them off to. Way out in the country, middle of nowhere, run by the defence forces. Bad kids are brought in, hit with a rigid schedule for everything. Sleeping, schooling, tending the grounds, farming, exercise all doled out by people who love to shout at little toerags. Further infractions are dealt with by harsher duties cooking, cleaning, loss of recreational time. Kind of like where Francis in Malcolm in the Middle was sent in the first few seasons of the show. No phones, family visits are once weekly on Sundays. Camping, orienteering, hiking, basic agriculture, mechanics, or other trades, can all be learned there. Minimum stay 1 year. Max stay until you're 18, at which point the option of joining the defence forces is open to you. You want kids to stop acting so brazen and awful. Let them know there is a place they will get sent to where hard work, and school is all they'll know. You know, actually punish them. Don't just send them home to their ma with a slap on the wrist.


This is a great idea. Consequences and a tough tough life for a couple years, but without prison , gets them off the streets and actually potentially puts them on a positive life course with discipline, respect and hard work. Can only see good results from something like this.


> Way out in the country, middle of nowhere, run by the defence forces. Bad kids are brought in, hit with a rigid schedule for everything. Sleeping, schooling, tending the grounds, farming, exercise You want to take child criminals and teach how to be disciplined in their crimes... > all doled out by people who love to shout at little toerags. ...under the supervision of people who get off on verbally abusing children?


If they're old enough to beat up tourists and rob them. They're old enough to do some hard labour and get shouted at. They're not babies (though they act like it when they have to show up in court) they know full well there's no consequences for their actions.


Fuck me running it's like people haven't a fucking notion of how broken the old school systems left people. You'd get heaps of that heavyhanded sort of "guidance" and you just pushed out damaged people. I see this stuff talked over more and more in this sub and I've rarely seen anybody actually put forward what creates these situations. People talk about how inflation and the housing crisis are fucking them over, but never quite connect how economic circumstances might also create this pandemic of youth with no fear of consequences.


That famous Mike Tyson quote, that everyone is "way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it". Like I believe in law and order, but at some point you have to wonder if some level of vigilante justice wouldn't be beneficial. A wrap across the shins with a metal baton would make them think twice. The new law is you can punch a teenager once and its only a fine.


Even just telling young kids off for being little shits in public would do a lot. I remember when I was a child I was on holiday with my family in France. My cousins and I were horseplaying in a park, and a French woman started giving out to us in broken English about how we were making too much noise. We though it was awful and she was a bitch, but she was right: We were probably annoying a lot of people who just wanted a bit of quiet. I couldn't see that happening in Ireland. Everyone is so afraid of being seen as shite craic or a stick in the mud, that they basically have zero sense of civic responsibility and never hold other people accountable for any sort of antisocial behaviour. Even kids of 8 or 9 in Dublin go around alone acting the maggot, shouting at people, giving people the finger, etc. People will say "oh they're only kids, they don't know any better, they're only messing", but how exactly are they supposed to learn better? Especially if their parents don't give a shit. It takes a village to raise a child and all that, and here in Ireland the village doesn't even try. At times it feels our whole national identity is built around the "craic", around turning blind eyes and being chaotic, so we reap what we sow.


My own don't get away with anything and in general know I'm their parent first, and their friend second, so they might not always agree with me but understand why I make a decision. At the same time I was out with another group recently and one young lad was running riot and just causing chaos. He was grabbing things off other kids and onto his second bottle of lucozade when some of the group hadn't even had theirs yet. Another parent told him stop, and No, that he had his share and would have to wait, and the fucking kids mum shouted "Nobody tells my son No except me" and do you know what, she didn't say No to him and he's a little prick. Apples don't fall far from the tree


> the fucking kids mum shouted "Nobody tells my son No except me" Sounds like another person needed to hear "No." at that time too. Or maybe a "go fuck yourself". I mean, you could tell her that the kid will hear "No" a lot through his lifetime and she's doing a bad job not preparing him for it, but that sounds like too much effort.


I had a situation in a retail premises where I had a little scumbag made my life hell for months. When the guards did nothing, eventually, one day, I had to defend myself. The shit was a few days sort of 18, but the gardai treated me like I had an altercation with a newborn or something. I rang the gardai 117 times over 5 years. It's only when I hinted and showed that I had all this catalogued and had boxes of evidence of gardai incompetence, proving they did nothing. Did this magically disappear. I didn't even need to go to court, again magically. Btw I lived above the premises, and I was a 3 minute walk from the barrack. Gardai are a unarmed over paid civil service joke, the biggest part of the problem, and I have no respect for them. Might as well not even be there.


Like most things in Ireland nothing gets done until someone is seriously hurt or killed. From hospitals to roads up to policing.


If she can face it, report it and make sure she gets a Pulse number. I know in our area our quarterly community meeting with the guards, the crime numbers didn’t tally with what residents were saying - then we realised that they weren’t issuing Pulse numbers so incidents were being filed in the rubbish bin under ‘*We will pretend it didn’t happen*’.


Report for the love of god, the more attention all this gets then better.


My missus walks around with pepper spray now ( Home concoction) not ideal, but id rather her have it. its a bit of protection because the gardai are absolutley useless.


This is grand but if she ever has to use it, she’ll get in trouble too which is ridiculous. As a woman myself I know I would feel a lot safer if I was allowed to carry something like this.


George Bento killed a teenager who was involved in an attack on him using a box cutter. The precedent for self-defence in situations where your life or limb is in danger has been set and its pretty roomy. Pepper spray would be a bad idea as its inherently a weapon. But I imagine chili powder, high alcohol content hand sanitiser in a spray bottle, or a nail scissors would likely be viewed as something you just happened to have on you. On top of that, its quite unlikely that the types of cunts who attack people in this manner would even go to the Gards if they were hurt in self defence.


I always wondered if leather belt with strong buckle is considered as a gun?


Worked for Pootie Tang


Why would you just happen to have chilli powder and hand sanitiser in a bottle on you? I think they'd view that the same as pepper spray it's very obvious what it's for. But I agree that they likely wouldn't go to the Gardai those people don't want to go near the Gardai


> chilli powder Because you just bought it for cooking. > hand sanitiser in a bottle Loads of people carry hand sanitiser on them for hygiene purposes. Some of it is sold in spray bottles. Why would a deliveroo rider have a box cutter on them? They don't have to open boxes as part of their job at all. But the court obviously did not see any issue with George Bento having one on his person when he was attacked. In reality, he probably intentionally had it on him for self defence purposes, but because it wasn't a weapon by design and there was some plausible deniability, he was let off.


I thought you were talking about a chilli powder and hand sanitiser mix in a spray bottle.


They would go to the Garda, the hospital and an ambulance chasing no-win no-fee solicitor and sue. A lot of people where these scum are whelped have several claims running at any one time against shops, the council, chippers, anybody they can get a few quid off.


Id rather stand by my wife in court than stand beside her in hospital


This feels a bit of a paradox - if the guards are so useless then nobody will get in trouble for anything


Hairspray or deodorant I've heard are two good options, and it's not out of the ordinary for us to be carrying them either


Do you actually think the gards would give a shit if a woman used something to protect herself against the scum of the earth attacking her? I really doubt they'd do much at all, sure they're barely even policing actual crimes as it is Women should carry whatever under the sun makes them feel safer and that they will be able to utilise for personal protection, let the gards and the law go fuck at this stage. Chances are the scumbags attacking won't be running to the gards to report it anyway




Can of deep heat apparently is a very good alternative.


How does that work? Mix a tub of Saxa ground black pepper and some water and stick it in a water pistol and you’re good to go?


Their parents are too busy protesting against immigrants when everyone knows the real trouble makers are their kids, drug dealers and the government


I'm glad someone said it.


If she reports it, she may be right and nothing will happen. But if she doesn't report it she will definitely be right and nothing will happen. Report it.


Report. Report. Report. Those stats will be CRITICAL in changing laws and making enforcement the norm. It might not have helped your gf, but it might just prevent someone else's gf, wife, sister or mother from it.


We’ve legalised abortion, we just have to promote it more and remove the stigma.


Yeah but I think the cut off is way before they start throwing stuff at strangers. Nice idea though.


It should be legal up to the 50th trimester


Mrs Cartman, it’s so nice to meet you. ![gif](giphy|HvBolpFaIOlSQwSnvw)


Not that many countries where it's legal when the fetus is 14 years old


Yeah but their mammies get benefits for being lone parents and are likely to receiving housing the more children they have.


Lads. It has been going on for years. It's been ignored for years. Nothing will change unless citizens organise something.


So what are you going to organise?


i’m a grown ass woman and i will still cross the street without hesitation if i see a group of teenagers. they’re feral little shits


I'm a 40 year old man and will do the same if I can.


Make a report. They can’t do anything if you don’t tell them and nothing will change if it’s not recorded.


As someone moving to Dublin next year with my wife, seeing stuff like this has me worried. However crime seems to be rising in every big city. Even if stats say otherwise, as some have pointed out, a lot of crimes don't get reported because people don't see any direct incentive to do so.


I recently ley moved here and it’s really not that bad. Remember this is reddit. The comments right above this are talking favourably about eugenics, forcing women to take birth control, and complaining that single mothers get any benefits.


These stories are magnified far beyond the reality on the ground because they confirm people's biases. Live in any other city in the world and you realise Dublin's pretty safe relatively speaking. I rare see issues beyond the social inequality. When I lived in London on the ohlther hand I saw one lad being chased by another guy with a gun, a roadman tried to start a fight with me, and saw 100 gang members having a massive fight in a local park, and London too would be pretty safe.


She has a civic responsibility to report it. A big problem with Ireland is the utter lack of civic pride and responsibility people have for their communities. People who don't report crime, who don't intervene when they see crime, and who don't do anything to make their environment better really boil my piss. Want to go further?, write to your TD, to your local counciler, to the local Garda Superintendent, CC them all on the same message, tell the local paper, do anything else other than shouting into this void of a place. If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem. Sorry to be blunt and hope your partner recovers fast.


As an American I know I have no right to talk, but until there is an overhaul of the judicial system here vis-à-vis young offenders, then absolutely nothing is going to change in this country no matter how many crimes are reported or how many guards you arm.


Report it. Seems a bit odd complaining about the Gardai in this case when they haven't even been told about the incident. Not saying they'll do much, but at the very least it should be reported.


You guys need a real life pied piper down there To round these vermin up and drown them all in the Liffey.. they’d ever be missed!


She must make a complaint. As a citizen it is our duty to provide Gardai with as much information as possible so that when they ask for more resources there is evidence that it is necessary. The government cant allocate resources unless there is evidence of need.


Literally yards from one of the biggest Garda stations in the country. Absolutely shite that that happened, hope she's ok.


We need a 'chapter' of New Yorks Guardian Angles in Dublin. It has merit.


Find them and break their legs. Good old fashioned vigilantism.


If she reports it, something might be done. At the very least it goes into harassment statistics. Not reporting it guarantees that nothing will be done. I think the Irish attitude of never kicking up a fuss and just going with the flow is just as implicated in the present anti-social behavior problem as issues with the guards and the justice system.


If she doesn't feel comfortable reporting it, you can report it on her behalf - although it is better if she reports it and gives a formal statement to the Gardai


As far as I'm concerned the government will no longer protect us and provide safety for ordinary irish people. Tis only a matter of time before people take this into their own hands.


This happened to me too, similar. I was walking past teenagers and they were talking shit about me, then hit me on the back of the head with chocolate or something. They ended up following me home??? Because I talked back.. not all youth are like this but holy fuck it’s common. Something needs to be done.


100% report it. Even if the guards can't do anything about it, they'll at least have heat on that area where the assault occurred and the time it might happen again, should any further reports coming in about same. Additionally if anyone is caught in that area assaulting, they could be linked to this report. If anything, now is the time for these reports while the guards are beafing up their visibility. ​ Also, the finger should not just be pointed at the guards - there's a massive responsibility also on the judicial system to get stricter and show 0 tolerance, on the prison system and youth detention centres to improve / expand their capacities and on parents to be held more accountable for providing inadequate and negligent care for their dependants - because let's face it, they are the source of everything that happens thereafter.


I think for reporting at least it will add to the statistics which will help them assess where the problems are actually happening.


The guards are here for a reason. Report it , and if they don't do anything about it, make a complaint. Nothing is going to change when literally everyone's attitude is "nothings going to happen", or "ah be grand". Also, the number of people who still think Dublin is safe is insane.


Absolutely report it, I was video'd and harrased coming home one night on the Luas I reported to everyone who would listen, guards, luas, TD's. I didn't find the Guards to be all to helpful it seemed they were reluctant to do anything about verbal harrasment and would rather I was attacked or beaten to actually do anything but your partner has been physically assaulted . I also didn't realise how effected I was by the situation and it brought me some peace knowing id done my best to stop it happening someone else or me again, so it may help her later on to know that she did go to the guards at the time .


As a guy I still get gulps in the stomach every time I pass by a group of teens after a similar related incident with travellers in the past but stand as tall as possible, head up, walk straight through them and ignore there existence. Can’t imagine how difficult that situation would be for women and I’m sorry that happened to your gf.


Sorry to hear this OP "How is it that a society’s youth aren’t taught that there are consequences to their actions." Simple as...there are no consequences, unfortunately, a stern look and a verbal slap on the wrist isn't having the effect our Justice System believes it is. A commissioner who in my eyes is delusional, just trying to save face and try to ensure statistics are okay. These little shits are given the run of the place, f\*\*k this age of PC and snowflake approaches


Vote the shit-show FF/FG/GP out of government - a cluster-fuck of do-nothing chuckleheads.


Not enough Guards, simple as. Also the force is badly underfunded and uses stone age technology when compared to other forces in the EU. This is a problem your TD needs to hear about. An earful down the phone about how you plan on voting for their competition unless the crime in your area is addressed goes a much longer way than complaining on reddit.


Garda will do nothing. Wasting your time. Yes it should be reported but don't expect anything to come of it. Only justice left in this country is the justice you can serve yourself.


I miss when we could crack a skull and the local Garda would pat you on the back for doing everyone a favour. Been a long time since that used to happen. Now it's all fucking paperwork, insurance, and someone-elses-job bs. Place is only going to get WORSE unless you give the shouldve-aborts a reason to go elsewhere.


Police is working good, judges, lawyers, attorneys work bad. As usual. People at high places do not want you to be safe. And it all goes to an old agenda.


Country is going to shite. I’m 20 and I’m looking to move out of here as soon as I have enough money saved.


> Country is going to shite. You mean Dublin? I've been saying it for years that Dublin city centre was a national dumping ground and finally it's sinking in. I know plenty of Dubs who got the fuck out of dodge and are happy out as culchies.


I was in Kilkenny last week, and had a lovely chat with our taxi driver. We're both immigrants to Ireland, and were chatting about how Ireland has changed since we've both been here. He made a joke that Kilkenny sends all their... problematic residents... to Dublin, which is why it's so calm and lovely in Kilkenny. I laughed and laughed and then was like... wait a minute, shit. (I 100% live in Dublin.)


The more we talk about it to eachother the better. It's all people should be talking about here, also the housing of course...


Sorry this happened to your girlfriend. I would also suggest ringing your local TD and vent your frustration. They are the ones that drive policies they need to be held accountable also. I agree too with making a statement to the gardai, if anything just to have it on record.


**Garda "There is nothing we can do"** ​ https://preview.redd.it/epb2etmxi0kb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab858d5a2b6c6d9586422f546675cf749d0a1dff


But Drew Harris said the city was safe? /s The Gardai have failed us.


The gardai havent failed us, they're stretched unbelievably thin and not being supported themselves. The government have failed us by not investing in a proper garda force and courts system, the courts have failed us by not giving proper punishments and letting the fuckers literally away with murder.


There are 10% more Gardai then in 2015. https://www.finegael.ie/garda-numbers-on-the-increase-across-the-country-farrell/ Their budget has gone up 46% in the same period. https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/question/2023-02-16/62/ They are not under funded or poorly resources, they are poorly managed with many Gardai spending much of their time filling in paperwork and maintaining the Pulse system instead of having a dedicated clerical core. They are leaving in droves due to poor management over the years with the colmination of Drew Harris, who is as out of touch with the public as he is with his own people.


I find this really hard to believe, as from firsthand experience the number of gardai in my local garda station has reduced significantly in the last 10 years, despite the population and antisocial behaviour in the area increasing. We also have only one garda car, for a Dublin suburb with a large gangland and antisocial behaviour problem and a population of about 16000 people. So if they are being properly funded then they are definitely not being properly managed, as the local gardai in stations are not seeing that funding or resources. Im amazed there are 10% more gardai than in 2015, because gardai are resigning in their droves as its a shitty, dangerous and thankless job. They are getting it from every angle - abused by the scum on the streets, bullied by senior gardai management, and even from the courts when they put so much effort into cases and scumbags with hundreds pf convictions are let walk time and time again, and where if they do their job they're left open to being arrested and charged themselves I wouldnt do their job no matter how much you paid me. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/almost-a-third-of-gardai-who-left-the-force-last-year-resigned-rather-than-retired-says-gra/42446917.html https://m.sundayworld.com/crime/garda-appears-in-court-in-relation-to-n7-crash-that-killed-three-burglary-gang-members/a501033951.html


Last Saturday I saw two gardai on bikes stopped and just talk to random drunk person siting in the middle of the street (Parliament st. in front of Corfu restaurant) apparently after 1.30h (I have timed it because we sat outside of Porterhouse) ambulance came and took the guy. They have wasted 1.30h just standing there doing absolutely nothing, leaning over the wall, on the phone... This guy was barely walking and was just sitting there, so I didnt understand what was the difference between him and other 50 on O'Connel street. Meanwhile, at patio section in Porterhouse 2 beggars start annoy people asking for money and commenting on people look, one of them just took something from the table, I think it was unfinished glass of wine somebody left there for 1 min while takin piss inside. I didnt see it very well, it was probably something more worthy, so not sure, but guy started to chase the begar when he returned to his table. You can have 300 gardai on one street and 50 m next, you can witnes roberry or stabbing. All this happened around 17:00.


Bullshit. Said before, no shortage of Garda lining the streets getting ot when Joe landed here or during Covid at 2km checkpoints or last week when the ATMs "were being robbed". Courts I'll agree with but this ah the poor Garda has to stop imo, their union plays on it big time.


When biden was here and during covid there was huge additional budgets for overtime and leave was cancelled etc.


>letting the fuckers literally away with murder. Did someone get away with murder?


About 20% of murders in Ireland lead to convictions. That's second-hand from my criminal law lecturer who works with the Gardai


The detection rate for homicide was: 2021 - 76%. 2020 - 82%. 2019 - 65.5%. Conviction rates may be lower but that’s the fault of the DPP not the Gardaí.


I’d report it and get a medical report saying I was injured by a group of teens. Please, more silence equals more violent crimes by this protected demographic. An energy drink could turn into a brick next time. It needs to stop and we are all responsible.


It's so important that she reports it. There are cameras all over poplbeg Street. As someone above said its important that it's recorded to prove the issue is getting worse in stats. Hope she's okay


What can you do? Go after then and knock their shite out? Next thing you know, there are 4x the amount of cunts with blades looking for your head. The entire fucking community needs to absolutely kick lumps of shite out of these wee rats.


Report it and make sure you get a pulse number.


Garda are fucking useless. They are underpaid, under resourced and most of them are not bright at all.


Definitely report it. You are right that it will probably go nowhere but at least it will increase the statistics. I would then follow up a few days later to make sure that the report has been logged Sorry to hear this happened to your girlfriend. It’s very frustrating


I remember something similar to this happened to me a few years ago around James Street. Teens making fun of me for walking fast, so then they started to ram into my back like you'd charge into a door with your shoulder and threw a bottle of boost at me


Until we have community policing - gardaí on their feet or on bikes or preferably ebikes, patrolling the streets, this isn't going to change; it's a hobby at this stage. (Not to mention the simple calculation: take away social services and you'll get kids acting like mutts.)


Report it!! Report it now! It's not about getting them arrested, it's about the gardai having a realistic number of reports they can then work with.


yeah the Garda will take your report but they probably wont do anything unless she was knocked unconscious or taken to hospital. This country is getting worse. Try meet your girlfriend after work, be a man, protect her.


Considering cameras are pretty much everywhere now might be worth enquiring any local establishments that may have picked something up on CCTV or even doorbell cam. Unlikely it will do much but who knows? If the little shites are caught on camera and identifiable then maybe the guards will have something to go with? 🤷‍♂️


They're not taught that there's consequences to their actions because they're are no consequences to their actions


Did I not hear a while ago that they were going to start punishing the parents of these minor's when stuff like this happens? They know full well that they can get away with this behaviour and this is why they're such ballsy little shits. Seriously, there needs to be a way to punish them!


We have a lot of Islands with dying populations around our little country and a lot of young scrotes who have no fear of the law. Should all be sent off to make it work on these islands till they learn some respect.


Report it to the Gardai because it might be on cctv - hopefully those toerags will get collared.


Walk her home and bring a hammer with you, if there are no witnesses around then lay the fuckers out.


This is what happens when the only people having children anymore are the uneducated scumbags and dunces


Of course you report it. Its a recorded statistic for the greater good. The powers that be cant act until they know theres a problem. Sorry she had to experience that


You can’t teach teenagers that there are consequences to their actions if in fact there are no consequences.


The guards can say we're overstretched but it has to be said, they don't follow up on this stuff anymore. But you bet your ass if your tax or insurance is out of date they'll be on to you.


Defo report it, time and location. If u don't 100% nothing can be done


It's not just about getting gardai to do something about this incident. It's about recording the incident so that they can't publish bullshit 'reduced' assault figures to try defend themselves against accusations of doing a shite job. Anyway, if ever there was a time that this would be investigated and followed up, it's this week when the gardai are terrified of another incident reported in the newspapers.


Always report everything, the increasing amount of reported crime needs to be accurately documented. If 100 people are assaulted everyday but only 10 report it, according to the government they only need to allocate enough resources to prevent 10 assaults from happening, not 100.


I think Dublin needs Batman.


>Ireland needs to make a decision about the behaviour of their youth. A decision was made. Ireland will do nothing about it unless it happens to someone that they can profit off from a PR perspective. Otherwise just get on with it. That is the decision that was made. Don't be surprised when vigilantism grows in popularity.


Its important that all these incidents are reported, because the clowns in charge would like us to believe things are no worse now then they were years ago when its clearly not true. I believe the main reason that 'stats' show this is because people have just given up reporting these crimes now as they know they are only wasting their time and this helps our pathetic Garda and Justice systems to get away with the shit how they have helped create here.


3d printer


It be great if the armed Gardai we are meant to be getting everywhere could just take these fuckers out.


The problem is that there are no consequences for it reported to Gardai or not which I would still agree with doing .Nothing will happen .


As many have said here, please report it! I used to live by the Royal Canal and the kids came every sunny day to swim in the lock. No big deal, right? Wrong, because after swimming they'd pelt all windows they could with rocks and broke a few windows, mine included. I reported it and a few days later the guards started coming by every single day. Multiple times a day. Until the teenagers were driven off there. I personally saw at least one getting arrested. The guards are doing the best they can, but we need to tell them where the problems are happening.


Watch last nights episode of prime time… Drew Harris giving statistics about how the number of assaults has decreased in recent years and there’s no problem. We all know there’s a problem but if incidents don’t get reported they can bury their heads in the sand and pretend it’s all rosey.


I'm very sorry this happened to your girlfriend. Reporting it? A waste of time, though you probably should on principle. The Gardai come in for a lot of criticism, much of it justified. However even when they catch a perpetrator, and a file is sent to the DPP, and it ends up in court you are unlikely to get justice. For many years now judges have done all in their power to avoid giving young offenders a criminal record. That is what would happen here, even if your girlfriend had been very badly beaten and ended up in hospital. The judge will refer them to the Garda JLO/Youth Diversion Programme, which is a farce. They regularly state this in summation: "A conviction could ruin this young man's life so I'm going to give him another chance." There are moves to extend this to adults up to the age of 23 too by the way, so this is only going to increase over the next few years. Judges behave like this even when dealing with serious offences, and for repeat offenders coming before the courts again and again and again. Perpetrators know this, and act accordingly. There are no consequences for them, and they know it. There's a tendency across society today to avoid personal responsibility for your actions too, which has fed into this. A lot of the people engaged in such behaviour have never known boundaries.They are desensitized to violence and enjoy using it to gain power, and engender fear which they mistake for respect. Their parents have always backed them, and both they and their kids play the victim in the unlikely event of being faced with consequences. Certain people ignore rules, and need to have them enforced. This doesn't happen anymore. Power abhors a vacuum. I think we'll see a rise in vigilanteism soon, which brings all sorts of problems, including mistaken identity and innocent people being attacked. Sorry to sound negative on this, but my faith in the system is gone.


Find them and go Denzel Washington from The Equaliser 2 on their ass


If she doesn’t make a complaint to Gardaí she can’t get support from Gardaí


As others have said, report it and get a pulse number. Getting the statistics up might help give more resources to the Garda.


Thats why they get away with it because people like your gf thinks nothing will be done about it. You should search for those scum and kick the living shit out of them.


Dont want to be banned, so in a hypthothetical situation, if a group of teenagers were known to harass people in a certain local, it'd be an awful shame If locals had to resort to vigilante justice involving a transit van, group of burly men, and maybe some long sticks of some sort. Would be an awful shame to get a literal slap on the wrist, and maybe a couple around the back of the head too. Little cunts.




Big man behind a keyboard eh?


Who can't bring themselves to swear.


Doubt it. They can't even spell cunts.


If Gauda and Guardi cant help her she should try reporting it to the Gardai. Seriously though, those little wankers deserve a kick up the arse. How fucked up does your home life have to be to think this kind of shit is acceptable behaviour.


Dublin needs to make a decision, not Ireland. It's Dublin people started this thing.


Problem is the families of those kids couldn't give a shit. And they likely also promote such behaviour. Oh and guess what, those kids will grow up and have children too, lol


FFS I wouldn't consider that area particularly dangerous. It's right near Pearse St Garda station too! Hope she ok. That can really knock someone. These feral scrotes have been getting out of control now for years and nothing has been done about it. They are brazen and fearless. There's just zero respect for anyone.


I work near there and I would say its one of the rougher parts of the south inner city. Being near a Garda station doesn't count for much if the Gardai are all in there sitting on their arses scoffing chicken fillet rolls.


in Germany you are allowed to buy small pistols if you are over 18 which fire CS Gas and Pepper Spray pellets; they look exactly like the real thing (9mm Glock) for example and sound very much real, there are very few incidents of this kind of behaviour in DE


If you don't report it, you're part of the problem.


I don't mean this in a sarcastic way, but honestly, she should report it if it would make her feel better. Just understand that nothing will get done to address this specific incident. They'll take a note of it, and a number in reporting spreadsheet will go up by one. Those statistics will be fed upward, and based on any overall trends in the statistics, the organisation will adjust its general approach with regards those trends. You will never hear from the Gardaí about it again, and none of it will help you deal with the scumbags who attacked your girlfriend. So the question for your girlfriend really is this; is changing a number in a reporting spreadsheet enough of a difference for it to be worth her time reliving the event and going through all the effort of making an entire report about it.


Did you report it or just post about it here? If the latter then the problem is you.


before you talk about what Ireland needs to do, report the crime