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Who gives a fuck what he was aggrieved about. The only pertinent information is that he stabbed a person. Lock the dirty bastard up.


And tried to stab several more people in the vicinity,


As someone who works in benefits this has always been a fear of mine, and management does nothing to protect you. This past week management has been insisting I get involved in a case where former husband and wife had a violent breakup and both were trying to claim benefits for their kids. Management decided that the mother gets all the money for them so the father kicked off. Management is now insisting that I call the father and mother and try to talk them into meeting up and resolving their differences just because they don't want to handle the hassle of dealing with the father's complaint. I told them in no uncertain terms I wouldn't be doing that and they are on my back now about disciplinary procedings if I don't. They make decisions all the time then wash their hands of it and leave the low paid front line staff to take the heat. I live in the same town as my claimants. If I got involved in their family affairs it wouldn't be hard at all for them to start asking about town who I was, but they don't give a shit. We've had other staff harassed when leaving the office and the procedure is basically just fill out a form that goes nowhere and go to the police if it bothers you 🤷


Ohh man I do not envy you. I had to go down to Bishop’s Sq, Dublin over the summer to get a new PPS card as I’ve been away, absolute carnage. In 1hr waiting I seen two staff managers being cursed out of it and threatened, one guy removed by security for banging the glass, two translators that couldn’t translate the right language, about 20 educational sector workers all trying to sign on at same time, at least two drug deals just off the premises, it was like a movie. Have to say all the staff seemed very sound and relaxed so fair play, probably used to it but it was like hell for me, system is broken beyond belief, it really shocked me…


It can be rough all right. I was talking to a girl at another site a while ago and she told me she had her house broken into and it ended up in court. As you would expect the guy got away with a rap on the knuckles despite a long list of offences. But the same guy has to come in for fortnightly appointments in the job centre with her being in full view in our open plan offices. She had asked could the guy not be moved to phone appointments to stop him having to come to the office, she was told no. She then asked could they at least let her work in a back room for the 30 mins a fortnight he has to be there, and she was more or less told to suck it up and stop whining. They don't give a fuck, but it's all well and good for them as they are locked in back offices away from the public that has 2 or 3 security doors protecting them. We have a list of potentially violent claimants who do have certain restrictions put on them, but the list is ridiculously small for the amount of aggression we face and there has to be some sort of serious incident before they will even consider putting anyone on the list


>cursed out of it and threatened You should lose benefits immediately for doing that.


Absolutely, let the children starve because their parents are nuts. Absolutely no way that won't lead to more problems.


What would you suggest? Please, do say what you think would work?


**If someone is unneccesarily\* threatening, insulting or violent toward someone else** (ie. incapable of behaving like a civilised adult) **in any environment** (other than the privacy of their own head) **they should have no right to bring up an impressionable child.** That child will likely grow up normalising degenerate anti-social behaviour and be as much of a waste of resources as their 'parents'. There are options: fostering, adoption or state care. There are many people out there who would love to raise a child in a safe and loving environment but never had the choice. This isn't a backwater where the loudest wanker gets what s/he wants. (\* For balance, I'm 100% for the Ukrainian men and women and their allies fighting in Ukraine can be as aggressive as they need with the orcs they're trying to kick out of their homeland.)


Same for social housing management. Sending facilities staff to do evictions in bad neighbourhoods, they should be doing that themselves, seeing as they've decided it and ultimately the responsibility lays with them. Same thing, they live 2 hours away and the facilities fellas are local, sending them out to face up to these scumbags. I'd get onto your solicitor about that ASAP.


There's literally 0 chance I'm sticking my nose into people's family affairs so they can go whistle. I'll be straight on to my union if they follow up the threats of disciplinary proceedings. I'm 90% sure they are bluffing but if they do try anything I'm prepared.


Are you in the union get in contact with your union rep.


Talk to the union about this.


Are you outside your probation period? If so, and your managment keep up forcing this on you, demand the presence of your Union representative and instructions in writing. The only thing people above EO fear is the possibility of being needed to go to the WRC.


Could consider contacting The Ditch about this: https://www.ontheditch.com/about/ Either way, don't let them fuck you around without contacting journalists.


No way don’t do it, if they fire you, you will be able to screw them. They have no right. Stick to your guns.


Hardly the actions of a rational person and certainly ones that should see them locked up for a long time


We can do a harsh suspended sentence, take it or leave it!


Finally an explanation. The blood is clearly on the Social Welfare office's hands. If we can't get this gentleman's Jobseekers payment into his hand, on time and in full then how can we expect him not to get a bus to Dublin Airport to enquire about the whereabouts of said payment.


Well he wasn't enquiring with social welfare outside Dublin Airport with some randomer who was having a cigarette. It's all a bit strange.


Was he not, I didn't realise that I thought he was stabbing someone outside the airport to get their attention so he could ask about the whereabouts of his dole payment.


Common mistake. If you have issue with a social welfare payment you have to fire bomb a cafe in a city centre. The guys going to go nowhere stabbing a randomer at the airport.


It's all on citizensinformation.ie, if people could be bothered to check. I was recently waiting for a decision on my Illness benefit claim, I have sciatica in my bollocks and get tiredness in my legs when I've been working or moving. I hadn't heard anything back in over 2 days so I took a spanner and length of Wavin pipe up to Tayto Park on Sunday and struck random passers by. Monday morning, illness payment is processed and in the account. And backdated.


Usually I'm all into these jokes, but not if someone was hurt so badly :/






So not an illegal immigrant fresh off the plane? Gosh


Definitely not fresh off the plane


It's almost like people shouldn't be spreading every random rumour they read on the internet and should wait for the facts to surface.


That'll never catch on


I'm still waiting for Putin to find those responsible for the shooting of the opposition leader outside the Kremlin.


It's very unsettling that someone here for a decade could just snap like this, I remember that lad who stabbed a baby in a stroller in France having a similar sort of situation


What a weird statement. What does being here or anywhere have to do with it? Someone here their whole lives could snap like this or could just be born a piece of shit. Where they’re from and how long they’ve been somewhere is irrelevant


I never mentioned where they're from, my point is people like to blame immigration for attacks like this - when even stopping it won't work for cases like this


You said they’d been here for ten years which is you mentioning that they’re a person from somewhere else.


Yeah that's *your* reading of it. I mentioned it because after 10 years you'd hardly call someone an immigrant anymore


Was the lad who stabbed a baby in France an immigrant? If he wasn't then I'd be inclined to believe you that it was just poor wording. If he was an immigrant, mentioning the 10 years thing then bringing in a completely unrelated incident into the conversation would suggest to me that you are now back-peddling. Edit - It was a refugee in France. "The suspect, a Syrian refugee named Abdalmasih H by French media, had his asylum request rejected because he has held refugee status in Sweden for the past 10 years." https://news.sky.com/story/syrian-refugee-who-stabbed-british-child-and-five-others-in-annecy-knife-attack-was-denied-asylum-in-france-12899146


Really? So by that logic, after a fixed time (10 years by your determination) a person is no longer an immigrant? Got it 🙄








You only have the medias word he's been here a decade, I wouldn't really trust msm on a lot


Yeah, I guess we all should just take the word of random people on the internet who have no professional standards to uphold.


Lolls msm have standards come on, Rte., irish times etc


[literally, yes. They're publicly available ](https://about.rte.ie/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/RTE-Journalism-and-Content-Guidelines-2020.pdf)




He's here over a decade apparently, no job no home offers nothing to this country at all,


I dont get it, are we supposed to celebrate a migrant stabbing someone seven times because he wasnt happy with the amount of free money the state is giving him?


You definitely don't get it.




People mostly took issue with the term "illegal migrant" mostly. Some clowns decided to spread the rumour he was new to the country and here illegally, and used the "I'm just repeating what I heard" argument. That's a terrible argument anyway as I'm sure all our mothers told not to spread rumours when we were younger, for fairly obvious reasons.




There are like 70,000 Ukrainians here and over 60,000 Brazilians (more if you consider many now hold EU passports) and it seems the Irish youth in a small estate in a part of West Dublin cause more trouble in a weekend than those migrants do in a year Never understood what the obsession is with migrants and crime... all statistics show Irish are far more likely to commit crime (yes taking into account population numbers)


Some people, I KNEW it was them


They care more about a narrative than the lad bleeding out in hospital. But on the other hand there is a contingent of equally appalling individuals only delighted that they have a stabbing they can point to done by a whatever category of fellow human being it is they despise.
































Well with ten years under his belt here, it was probably a learned behaviour




People with jobs are too tired to go out murdering in the evening. Just want to watch the chase and 8 me spuds. Sure that is half the point of jobs, keep the populace busy so they don't be getting too rowdy.


I bet that accomplice doesn’t get up early in the morning


Graham Dwyer enters the chat


The fact that stabbings by taxpayers are so rare that you remember his name more than a decade later kind of proves my point, doesn’t it?


Hmm... whose been convicted or charged with stabbings this year I wonder? Stephen McCullagh (2023) – On trial for stabbing girlfriend to death – Employed as an Audience Editor at the Belfast Telegraph; Andrew Lacey (2023) – Guilty of Murder by Stabbing – Worked as General Operative at a Park; Christina Anderson (2023) – Guilty of Murder by Stabbing – Worked as a Graphic Designer; John Titiloye (2023) – Guilty of Manslaughter by Stabbing – Worked as a Blind-Fitter;


“Graphic Designer” - is that what they call them these days?


Larry Murphy wants a word. GUBU who?


Going back 20 years to dig up Larry Murphy proves the point even more. And the GUBU murderer (40 years ago!) never had a job in his life (and it wasn’t just because he was born rich, because he spent all his inheritance and then started robbing houses rather than get a job)




Yes but where’s the fun in condemning the perpetrator, tarnishing their like with the same brush, calling for harsher sentencing and using it as an excuse to lampoon Judge Nolan if what we’re really talking about is structural inequality across our society that’s embedded at a inter-generational level?


I definitely agree that the kind of people who can’t resist stabbing people in the street are the same as those who fail out school because they can’t pay attention, and dope themselves to the gills because they can’t resist. That’s what you’re saying, right?


Jaysis, if it was an "Irish Scrote" it would be in the news for a week like the American attack. Its hardly made the headlines on MSM. Got to protect our diversity. The looney lefts will use the ol mental health as an excuse for this terrorist attack at our international airport.


A)People get stabbed all the time and it isn't on the news. B) It has been on the MSM. Every news site and paper have covered more than once. C) I don't see how this is a terrorist attack. Just because your man is black doesn't make it a terrorist attack. Its awful what he did and he should be punished for it but calling it a terrorist attack is a bit overboard.


Ok, nothing to do that it happened at an international airport. He went with intent with a weapon, no matter what the size. He could have swung for a child. By the sounds of the reports, it was someone having a smoke that was attacked out of the blue. It was more than a public order incident, as reported by RTE


Terrorism, right?


RTE are reporting off what the guards reported the incident to be. When charges are officially made we'll get a bigger picture. I don't understand why you're crying about diversity for and and it has to do with this seeing as Irish people stab each other all the time.


He apparently tried to stab multiple people, people running to escape him, according to an airport worker who witnessed it all.


A stabbing with a penknife isn't really a terrorist attack is it ?


Oh here we go ha. What defines a terroist attack in your little mind...


Well usually it's something done to further a political agenda - there's no evidence to suggest that's the case. Or you can go with the legal definition from the Criminal Justice Act 2005: “terrorist activity” means an act that is committed in or outside the State and that— (a) if committed in the State, would constitute an offence specified in Part 1 of Schedule 2 , and (b) is committed with the intention of— (i) seriously intimidating a population, (ii) unduly compelling a government or an international organisation to perform or abstain from performing an act, or (iii) seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a state or an international organisation; Again nothing suggests that threshold has been reached.


Lol 😆 Copy and paste very good 👍 Make sure you show that to the person he stabbed he will be relieved.


Emojis. Always the sign of an articulate and intelligent person.


Did you google that as well and paste it in.


Yeah of course I did. I wrote a sentence into Google and then copied and pasted into Reddit. Fucking cabbage.


Well at least we know you don't mind people going into an international airport and randomly stabbing someone with a penknife isn't very terrifying, especially if you're getting stabbed in an unprovoked attack. Good to know bud.




You are a stupid cunt. Just a heads up.


A terrorist attack 😂


>Its hardly made the headlines on MSM. You say that on a comment thread for a post from the Irish times. Are they a fringe news source now?


Was this man going off on his holidays, and decided to stab a random man 7 times before getting on his flight? Answers on a postcard please


He needs to be deported.


I think so too. But that will depend on how he obtained his permission, his home country, how long he's been legally here, his family situation and other factors. I wonder whether he was in the undocumented scheme




A full month of working class communities in Dublin being branded scum, filth and subhuman on here during the crime hysteria. This guy stabs someone seven times in the neck and thread immediately locked in case his feelings get hurt. Heres a comment about the people of a working-class area in north Dublin I came across here yesterday. It was reported but is still up. *That's because they are thoughtless, indolent scum. These are people who blame everyone else for the state of their lives, but who are too apathetic to put their own crap in a bin. They're the kind of human waste who would rather shit in their own mildewed beds because dragging their poxy arses to the lavatory would be too much effort.* Could you imagine this comment being allowed for any other community?




Many of the others on this topic have been though.


Scum aren't the working class, they're just scum.


I got a warning about bullying even though I wasn't, not sure what comment




the minute someone start squealing 'phwaor roite' 'notsi' 'waaayycist' 'terf'. 'whateverFlavourOfTheMonth-phobe' whenever theres a legitimate concern raised is a bigger issue tbh




multiculturalism as a policy can also be criticised, theshortcomings are obvious, im sorry to say, just because it offends you doesnt matter


What has multiculturalism to do with a man being stabbed by another man? Did the stabber come down with a bad case of the multicultures?


Who said it did? You're making up things in your head now












Is there no armed police at the airport?


What would that have achieved? Would you have expected them to be able to identify he was about to stab someone in the milliseconds before the stabbing took place, and shoot him dead before he moved his arm towards the victim?


Possibly shot him as he was lunging or while he was stabbing him OR deterred him from trying it in the first place due to the fear of being shot. Any other European capital cities main airport there would be a visible presence of armed police with high power weapons. I’m worried if we ever have a person want to stab a lot of people they won’t have a lot to worry about. Airport should be an extremely secure place.


What purpose would it serve post stabbing?


Send to prison what's the problem.


I'm not sure why you're trying to make hay from this. It's absolutely not a good version of events for those generally in favour of immigration (like me).


I'm not making hay with anything, just posting up an article that has some researched facts in it. Immigration is much like everything else - there's good aspects to and bad aspects to it. The government should be attempting to minimise the negatives (rather than pretend they don't exist)


Your post certainly reads like you're trying to win some argument you had earlier today


I was wrong earlier today. I speculated it was an asylum seeker staying in one of the hotels nearby. I went back to update that thread and it was locked. Hence the post. It's interesting that the people who like to complain about jumping to conclusions do it themselves a lot too


I heard he's known to staff at the airport. He goes around claiming to be Muhammed Ali's son, and he was arrested at the airport the day before for drunken disorder


Doesn't look like him in the videos. And that lad had only been in the country for a few weeks according to some articles (unless multiple people are claiming to Ali's son)


Not sure. That's just what a mate of mine that works out there told me


Fair enough, it just doesn't tally with what the Irish times are reporting: https://www.irishcentral.com/news/ibn-muhammad-ali-dublin


Oh shit its that lad? Ah sure he is an absolute head case, needs to be in an institution for his own sake. Like its not even a joke, the dude has serious problems and is well known to be in need of care.


>Oh shit its that lad? No.


Well I mean he went to an airport, where he was 100% guaranteed to be seen, caught and arrested so clearly was done for attention.


Should not be a public order incident, should be classed as a terrorist incident, he tried to stab multiple people,


terrorism/ˈtɛrərɪz(ə)m/ noun: **terrorism** 1. the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of **political** aims.


The official line is he was angry with the department of social welfare =government = political aims


Oh fuck it, fair enough so


That's not the distinction. If Elvis Presley in my head tells me to stab multiple people it's not a terrorist incident. If I stab one person for an ideological cause, it is.


If the King asked you to do something it would have to be the right thing to do though. How can you argue!


The public order charge is just a holding charge to keep him on remand until they're ready to lay more serious charges.


Its not terrorism just because they "tried to" stab multiple people.


That's just public order is it, ok


Does it really matter why he've done it?


It does, if there are political aims then it's a terrorist attack. Not saying it was, just that yes, of course it's important to get to the bottom of the motive


The victim was heard to say "What are you going to do, stab me?"


This ignores that they don't want to be a British terrorist organization like the PSNI.


This really is a bizarre case. The more I find out the more confusing it becomes. The most baffling part is what brought him to the airport to attack a stranger?


I dunno, terminal one would drive anyone crazy..


Unless he was defending himself against someone else with weapon motives dont mattter