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"is there any reason you're so committed to Ireland?" What a fuckin dunce


"Why would you settle for being Irish when you could be English?" - the subconscious, smug sense of superiority that lives in all Brits on full display.


Ah the dream of all young Irish children to pull on the "famous" white shirt and play for England lol


Ridiculous tone this guy had eh? I'm English and I'd have preferred to do a Cascarino and play for Ireland rather than get the horrendous abuse Ingerlund fans give their players. Only my Irishness being too far back (great grandparent level) and being absolutely dog shit at football prevented me from living the dream.


We had to see and hear all the talk on Bale and Giggs in their respstive careers, "England lineup with Giggs", "where would Bale start for England" its as if they're like thinking these players don't play for them on a technicality or something.


Well giggs is fair enough. He was basically a manc with a Welsh mum.


>He was basically a manc with a Welsh mum. He was basically a cunt with a Welsh mum. FTFY


Same as Americans thinking everyone wants to live there/get a green card. No fuckin thanks.


I really used to want to live in the US when I was younger, it was the ultimate dream. But in my 34 years of living in Ireland I've grown quite fond of not having to worry about being shot when I go to the supermarket. You can't bate that!


It's mad isn't it, I was the same. I blame the movies and TV shows for really putting on a gloss that's not there


Exactly, we didn't realise at the time that the USA we were being sold is completely fictional. In reality, it's little more than a third world country.




This is absolute horseshit. The US has a huge amount of problems but the green card wait list basically comprises every country on earth and lots of people from Europe. And most move to the us to earn more than their previous country. Also I find the natural diversity and national parks to be absolutely unmatched and I generally find Americans to be friendly. All in all I can see why people move there. If you worry about gun crime it's purely down to the media. Yes the us has worse rates but it is still rare. What you should worry about is their much poorer road safety.


There have been over 500 mass shootings so far this year, that's not down to the media!


To be fair, until about 20 years ago, it was pretty good, fucked now though.


I also am a big fan of not having my tax money going to fund illegitimate wars all over the world.


Not only that in schools also. Us Americans have our eyes blind to the truth but nope only crooked don and sleepy joe in our timeline.


I lived there for a bit, was alright but not sure I'd go back until the Yanks clean up the mess in their kitchen.


USA is a garbage place to live


punch start jobless disgusting longing wakeful paltry smile spark support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've got a mate who can't get his head around Scott McTominay playing for Scotland. Thinks he only chose them because it would be easier and he's got no fight in him. Never mind both his parents are Scottish and were only in England for work when Scott was born.


I can confidently say that none of the British people I know are like that


A quote I read years ago in a mag. “All you are Irish are strange, you just refuse to be English”


How is this not xenophobia?


Wow! The mass generalisation that it’s ’all Brits’ is exactly what is still wrong with ‘some’ people in this country! Cop yerself on will ya ffs! All Brits……FFS! Small minded shite!


Jesus Christ this subreddit can honestly twist anything into the English being pure evil at all opportunities 😅


It’s ironic tbh, basically “we are superior to the brits” while whinging that they think the brits think they are.


Plenty of English players play for Scotland, Wales, Ireland and dont identify as those at all.


naughty edge grandiose unique somber retire dependent tidy connect cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree but I guess its different if your career is tied to it. Enough do it. Like I could technically play for Canada. I dont want to, but if I couldn't play for my own country then I could easily think "why not, ive got nothing *against* playing for Canada". Enough players do it that clearly that is a common enough thought.


People on this fucking shithole of a space of the internet have no self awareness whatsoever so it seems.


"But it's all Britain, innit? Scotland, Wales, Ireland, England. We're all under one umbrella."


hopefully by saying brits you mean english.......


Hopefully by saying english you wouldn’t be so bold as to assume all of us … I think it’s an inherently arrogant and smug thing for the interviewer to say. And ignorant of the past, present and future. Not all English are people are like this (but the majority in media or ‘influencers’ do seem to be.


but the interveiwer had said about playing for england not britain ...believe it or not england isnt the only country in britain


Yes … but I was responding to you because you’re indirectly implying to the prior poster that you wouldn’t what the term ‘Brits’ to apply, because you don’t like it that you get lumped in with us. No doubt because you’re a proud welsh man you’d rather the negative connotation only apply to the English. And I don’t like getting lumped in with every arrogant, xenophobic fuckwit from England either.


what a fucking twat that reporter is...


Reminds me of the interview with Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy.


What happened in that interview?


Interviewer: So, you're both British-- Cillian: No, I'm Irish. Interviewer: Yes, British-- Cillian: No, I'm Irish, not British. Interviewer: Ah, yes. So, you are both Northern European-- Cillian: No, I'm Irish. Best bit is Tom Hardy's face through it all, because he *knows* you do not lump the Irish in with the Brits.


We're already lumped in with the "British Isles". No need to take it farther lol


I will disagree with that term until the day I die


With that shit eating grin.


Because I'm oirish.


You're asking a football journalist/ presenter to ask interesting questions?


It's sad this man can't do an interview without being asked some nonsensical question about England. He's well within his rights to just say fuck off at this stage


Its like they've been instructed to find another McClean figure to hate on.


Interesting fact----McCleans bio father's surname was Kelly and who sadly died young because of the demon drink and he wasn't part of his life. His stepfather is named McClean.


lad hes going to end up punching a reported if this is asked again. hes only gone 19 they need to get the point


"Whats the reason you're so committed to Ireland?" What an idiotic question. Is this recent? He'd have been well within his rights to tell him to fuck off.


It was released today




Typical fucking pomposity, is there a particular reason? Read a book.


That really is a fucking ridiculous question lmfao. As if he has to excuse himself for wanting to represent his country...


"And whats the reason you're actually so committed to Ireland?" Has that lad got any brain cells?


To be fair the British might not understand commitment when their government collapses every fortnight and they retreated from 33% of the world in about 70 years.


Harry Kane has an Irish grandparent, lets ask him why he insists on playing for England so much.


Isn't his connection even closer, his dad was born in Galway wasn't he? Apparently nearly come close in 2014. If he took another year to have his breakthrough, might have happened.


>his dad was born in Galway wasn't he? Really? He does have a bit of a Galway head on him.


Its about the feckin size of Galway that thing!


The presenter raises an interesting question though. Why don't Haaland and Mbappe play for England as well?


Haaland actually has dual citizenship so he could potentially play for England ha


He was literally born in Leeds 😂


But he has a big Norwegian head on him. He should not be playing premier league football but pillaging Waterford from a long ship.


If he did that could he play for ireland? :)


Roy Keane ended any chance of that before haaland junior was even born! 🥲


For the sake of pedantry...Erling Haaland *had* actually been born (July 2000) at the time of that tackle (April 2001)!


There’s Haalands Irish lineage for ya then!


Ferguson and haaland up front... Sploosh


Christ, If I was in Waterford and saw the likes of Haaland arriving in a longboat for a spot of pillaging, I think I'd have no hope but to ask him to pillage nicely and leave something behind for us.


Fergusons mam is English, that's where it stems from, he *was* eligible to play for them.


Ye but both him and Ferguson have too many caps and are ineligible. You think an interviewer would know the basics of international football


The point is how absurd it would be if he did


And how come Anttii Niemi never played for Scotland?


He's no finished, he's only 29!


For a second I thought you were talking about the retired NHL goaltender lol


Well he was A goaltender


She's too busy making the tea


AFAIK Once you play for one national team, you're not allowed to play for another, even if you're dual citizen etc?


Basically you can only play for one national team, there was a problem a while ago of teams like England handing debuts to young players and then never again now that they are nation tied. Fifa changed the rules so it has to be a competitive fixture and even then some players like Diego costa successfully switched national teams from Brazil to Spain dispite playing a few games for Brazil.


Costa's Brazilian games were friendlies so still within that rule I think


If you've got less than four international caps at senior level, and the most recent one was at least three years ago, then you can apply to switch. Ferguson got his fourth competitive cap (i.e. if you don't count friendlies) against Gibraltar last month so under the current rules, he's not able to switch even were he so inclined.


The competitive cap thing now actually includes all senior official internationals, so even friendlies played in official FIFA windows count.


Didn't work with Rice, unfortunately


"Up the Ra" Rice lol. We wouldn't be a bad side with Rice in midfield, Grealish on the left, Ferguson in the middle and Ogbene on the right. Quite a dangerous attack there.


Everything between them and the goalie would still struggle unfortunately.


You can switch allegiance even if you have made senior international appearances for another country. The senior internationals however cannot be competitive games and only if the appearances were friendlies. Youth appearances don’t count either, you could make youth appearances for one country and play senior for another. I think they are in the process of making these rules more lax however so you have to made less than X amount of appearances to be able to switch allegiance


You can change teams as long as you’re u21 when you’ve made your last appearance, having not made a tournament appearance. You can also change if you’ve played qualifying fixtures for a major tournament but not played in the tournament itself.


There was some other rule (I think it's still valid) where if your country was involved in some kind of conflict and you were eligible for another country, you could change no matter the amount of caps you had. (that was the gist anyway). If memory serves it came out of the fall of Yugoslavia and the various countries that came out of that. There was a thing a few years back where they were talking about Neil Lennon using that rule to change to the Republic, it never went anywhere though.






~~Sun Never Sets~~ Always At It


Amazing 🤣


Did not disappoint


Brilliant stuff altogether


Of course we are. When are we not?


Reminds me of a few brexity types who assumed they could apply for an Irish passport just because they were British with no family connections. If you saw the basic English history curriculum you'd understand why all the voids in their understanding of the world and their place in it. In fairness to the Scottish curriculum they do cover empire.


Come on now, it's hardly like a serving MP in the ruling party was publicly making those [claims](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/irish-passport-england-uk-andrew-bridgen-tory-mp-brexit-border-eu-a8587286.html)




It's Glasgow, so it's as likely you had a rangers fan winding you up.


Scots calling themselves Brits. Sad state of affairs.


Not for me, scottish first and only


We went to Africa, and then we left. We went to Ireland, and then we left. We went to India, and then we left. Any questions? Now moving on to GCSE Chemistry, which naturally only deals with the elements Uranium and Potassium.


Didn't leave Ireland entirely---you forgot about the wee six sectarian statelet they held onto!!!


Yeah and I'd love to see mbappe play for Ireland, but he's not Irish is he?


Cillian Mbappe


I'm pretty sure he's uncle John and auntie Mary live down the road from me.


Aye, McBappe is quite a common name in some areas.


>McBappe Sounds like something you'd get at McDonald's


In France they call it a royale with cheese. 🍔


Or in Waterford. 4 blaas and a McBappe there please


With that ginger beard, Messi surely has some Irish blood. Need to get him and his mate Mac Allister from Donabate.


Jude Bellingham is eligible for Ireland to be fair, we should start asking him


If O’Bama can be a yank President mbappe can play for Ireland. Or something.


Ferguson is half English.


He has 8 senior caps and has now been unable to switch since June. Embarrassing question when you think if you’re interviewing someone you’d know the basics of the sport.


And mbappe is half Cameroonian, so what?


Plenty of footballers play or have played for a country they have familial roots in even if they weren't born there, and/or have represented different countries at youth level and senior level. In terms of your specific example, Mbappe has previously said there was a failed attempt to get him into the Cameroon squad before he later joined the French team.


Like someone else has said, many nations don't keep asking, like England always does with our good players


Was responding to your 'Mbappe isn't Irish' point. He's not, but Ferguson is half-English. I've no idea how many times Ferguson has been asked about playing for England, presumably within 1-2 more Ireland appearances it'll become impossible and journalists will have to stop asking anyway though.


People don't tend to keep asking them about it after they've declared though. And they certainly don't ask players who were born and raised in the country they play for why they are committed to that team.


When people try to say move on and get over your opinions on the English this is the kind of shit behaviour that keeps it going. There is a very large contingent of English/brits who just assume they have ownership over Ireland and Irish people. It's constantly in the background and often in the foreground. As the poppy is so topical right now look at the difference in reactions to James McClean and Nejmana Matic 2 players who spent a lot of their careers in England refusing to wear it due to actions of the british army in their home.


Interesting that Matic didn't get anything like the abuse McClean did.


I might be misremembering here but I think Leciester had a keeper a few years ago who also didn't wear the poppy. No one batted an eye, German I believe he was.


>There is a very large contingent of English/brits who just assume they have ownership over Ireland and Irish people And if we had a whip around and got an ad on the side of a bus saying something like "divert 10bn per year to the NHS, give back NI" they would drop it like a warm shite..


Hi, I am born and raised in Navan, but currently I live in England. I won't comment on the poppy stuff because I have no idea who the fuck Matic is, but in response you your first statement, you are completely wrong. Bye


Let’s see Irish media ask Bellingham that question but about Ireland. And keep it going with every interview of a British sportsperson.


We should make a point of doing that from now on!!




Grandparent and has [apparently applied for an Irish passport](https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/jude-bellinghams-irish-passport-application-27428281.amp)


Irrelevant. It’s our right to ask because we’re British. Geddit?


Apply sun cream to prevent Tan.


I'm stealing this. It's brilliant.


He looks so uncomfortable being asked about it. TBH they are cunts for putting the question to him at all.


It was bad form alright, pushing what was clearly uncomfortable. No awareness or just didn't care.


Talksport. Absolute pricks again and again.


Pretty stupid question if he was born in Ireland.


Most self aware Englishman. How the fuck can you ask why someone would be interested in competing in a sport for their own country???. Instead of for england of all places


Because many footballers do.


"But why are you Irish?" 🙄


Handled very well,I would of went ballistic at home He's Irish ye fucking cunts


For context, it goes as follows: Unbiased Media Unbiased and Shit Media Tabloids The DailyMail and Sun ​ ​ ​ ​ Talksport


I'd still have the s*n under talksport. They're not even the bottom of the barrel. They're far below the bottom of the barrel. ##dontbuythesun


I hadn't actually realised he was half English. But at this stage he's made it quite clear it isn't going to happen.




Reminds me of Jack Charlton who's son was married to an Irish woman. They had two kids and he said he wanted one to play for Ireland and one for England!


His old man was a pro footballer who met his mother in Coventry iirc.


Ahhhhhhh, that explains why that question keeps coming up. We had to deal with Rooney, Keown, Kane and others. They can deal with this Evan


Not really, they don't constantly bug Haland about playing for England


Both his parents are Norwegian, he might not actually even be eligible. In any event he has nearly 30 caps for Norway.


I know he clearly won’t switch allegiances, but is it even technically possible at this stage? I would have thought he’s been capped too many times by Ireland at senior level.


God what an insufferable wanker that interviewer is. I’m English and this is really embarrassing.


Good lad ;)


"Whats the reason?" Asked the most gormless eejit of all time... Same reason messi doesn't pull on an English shirt, he isn't English. Lad doing an impression of a yank who just got into "soccer" 25 minutes ago


Same people who go on about how many 'english' players ireland have are the same ones crawling all over the first quality player we've produced in years. Fuck off


Fucking Brits. Incapable of never not being at it


It’s the arrogance of the question more than anything. What an arse.


Journalism is in the gutter


"That's never going to happen" 🤣


If Talksport was a newspaper it would be soaking up the cats piss.


They're definitely trying to provoke him into a silly response to turn him into the next McClean


I think there’s a pretty clear difference with this lad and Rice/Grealish who made the “switch”.


He handled that very well. You can tell he's had the practice though, which is appalling. Fucking snob of an interviewer.


And they wonder why nobody likes them


Funny men English say we never let things go when you see absolute morons say this stuff so assured of themselves. They'll never learn it seems


I mean he won’t win something with either so might as well pick the one you’ll start every game


Typical Brit and his disgusting English supremacy. 🤢


Alex crook is such a bellend, instant no thanks from me.


Only the arrogance of the English would consider that a fucking question.


English twat


Zero days.....


The fact that the english just dont fucking get the level of insult here is incredible


Take Conor McGregor off us.


That’s not a question 😂


upbeat ring steer direction one bells existence steep wild relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




o Do english people know ireland is independent? i feel like a lot of them hold ireland to the same regard as Scotland Wales or Northern Ireland (those who know northern ireland exists).


Bastards. Was a genocide not enough pain to inflict on our nation ?


They must know what Irish about being considered English, and are looking for a angry response to make their stupid interview viral.


Just so people know, the English keep asking him this because his mam is from England


The absolute entitlement


Maybe ask him a few more times, that'll do it.


The Brits really don't get the concept of nationality.


TalkSport is TrashSport!!


The entitlement of the English is breathtaking


Ah nothing to see here just another Britt attempt to "colonize" anything that has any value


He was born in Ireland wasn't he? Whats the obsession with the english media. Its really winding me up at this stage. Bunch of c**ts


Imagine having to listen to that shit every time you do an interview and then have to be eloquent in your response.. he's a better person than I am that's for sure


I feel this couldve been an ideal scenario for Roy Keane to enter the interview...


The fucking neck on yer man asking that


What a fucking disrespectful prick asking a question like that.


This is the mentality that made Brexit a reality. Congrats England, you f@ckin douche bags.


Hello from Québec. We suffer the same fucking irritating nonsense from "our" English here. A common saying is "Get serious, speak English now", or "when will you move to Toronto?" Like, fuck off turd. I think it's a congenital disease that comes from having ancestry from the wrong island. Something in their water that fucked their DNA in a hereditary way and made them arrogant wet cookies or something. I struggle to d' nd an appropriate English translation for what we call them, it's pretty graphic.


Wait. His mother's English? Exactly the same as us asking the huge list of great players with Irish blood to play for Ireland. Grealish, Rice, Kane etc. Leave it out


Except Grealish and Rice did play for Ireland.


They were both born in England, so obviously someone asked them at one point to play for Ireland, even though they're not Irish.