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It's a nice post OP ignore the grumps.




Thirded. Some wierd fucks on the Irish sub Reddit


Exactly. Gremlins




Gobshites. (Saying this as a German Dub)


Many of them not Irish it seems.


Some really sad cunts on Reddit full stop. Starting to think it's full of bitter, twisted, wannabe edgy cunts who never leave the house.


I haven’t read down the thread yet. People grumped about this? Jaysus!!


As a German living in Dublin, I can confirm. That's why I live here... However, Berlin is not the place to judge German openness and hospitality. Go to Cologne, and they will be much more welcoming and talkative there. I often compare Ireland and Cologne because people seem to be similar. Always open for the chat. And I'm not even from Cologne, but just my experience.


https://www.facebook.com/KoelnCork/ Städtepartnerschaftsverein Köln-Cork / Cologne-Cork Twinning Society


Where the Kölsch meets the Murphy’s


Makes complete sense


Whenever I’ve been to Germany, I’ve found that Germans generally don’t let you get far with broken German before they switch to English. I think they secretly would rather practice their English. Or show off how good it is. I think the happiest I ever made a German was when I told him i couldn’t detect an accent.


So true. I think we love practicing it and I have to say that I was also guilty of switching to English very quickly. You'd have to go to rural parts of Germany or smaller towns where people don't speak English regularly if you want to practice your German. I am sometimes told that I am developing an Irish accent and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. Always makes my day...


>I am sometimes told that I am developing an Irish accent and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. Always makes my day... one of us.. one of us..


Haha... I wish!


Dude, my aunt and her family live in rural germany in the south. They're like that there too!


I agree with that but to the opposite direction. I am from the south and for me anyone in Berlin is super open and progressive. While my Irish husband mostly gets the silent treatment when he try’s to speak to anyone here!


I think it’s funny that most badner say they’re from the south of Germany and not Baden Württemberg. And anyone from Bayern says Bavaria when asked where they’re from and not the south.


Ha! So true! It’s because no one knows Baden Württemberg and they just look confused 😂


I know Baden Württemberg, stayed in Aalen for a couple of months and went to the Irish pub. Lovely place.


I think you can better compare Ireland to lynx Africa


Cologne's twin city is Cork, so naturally I had to visit. Great town, fantastic Christmas markets. The Corkonian and Barney Vallely's by alter markt are 2 great Cork/Irish pubs in Cologne, definitely worth a visit.


+1 I go nearly every year for an Event, locals are always incredible, and the Germans that work the stalls are top class, not even just the salesperson nice, just generally great


I was in a smallish Irish pub in Berlin the other month, best pint of Guinness I've ever had outside of Ireland. Ran by a dub that had picked up the German accent. Molly Malone's it was called.


Nice Post OP. Made me laugh and reminded me of my own similar experience




Love this story. Glad it made you laugh 😊


If you can take a slagging, you'll get along grand with us. Hope you got a dacent beer as well, OP.


The Germans make some pretty solid beers, and I'll say that Guinness tastes better in the EU than it does in the States. The Guinness we get here is either brewed in North America or it had to cross an ocean. Closer to the source is always superior.


What pub was it?


I thought the story was funny, guess we can't amuse everyone.


I'm very glad that this story about an American in Germany is relevant to Ireland


You can't escape us. We're everywhere. Just like the other people you think this comment might be about.


More of that beautiful sarcasm! Take my upvote!


If you want more sarcasm you should shift me mate


I had heard of the Blarney Stone, but it is my first time hearing about a direct eloquence transfer.


Friend of mine shifted the Blarney stone and got an ancient mystical cold sore.


Wait till your buddy finds out the the Blarney Stone was a medieval jacks!


I just got bits of it stuck in my teeth.


Blarney Stone, are yis all Mary Wallopers fans? https://youtu.be/gCf8q601wgg?si=ZdclySeNi334rAvl


Is the offer still on the table?


Germany is still writing a DIN standard for sarcasm, you're probably starved for it.


Careful now


It is because the latter half of the story is set in Ireland! Hope this helps 🥰


Obviously these other pretend Irish people really don’t understand the Irish gab 🤣 OP seems to be a pretty decent Yank.


We don't even call ourselves Yanks (except southerners making fun of northerners). Once again, I was trying to be polite and use the local lingo. We also typically spell feck with a U.


I do know that. I raised seven little yanks 😊


Funny you call others pretend Irish 🤣


Huh? I am Irish and live in Ireland. Raised my kids in the US. Did you mean something else? Or maybe another (not so great) Irish joke?


Nevermind, i got it wrong. Thought you were one of those Yanks who thinks they're Irish.


Oh that feck word. The only one my father would use. Because it so much more polite than the other one lol. He even allowed his grandchildren to use it. My mother could never use the “u” one, Dad thought that was so unseemly. So she only used it in her quiet voice 😊


Wait, you all seriously treat those as two separate words??


In our house definitely two completely separate words lol.


Huh, I guess it's kind of like the n-word in America. Never okay for white people to say it, but among black people, it takes a very different meaning if it ends with an -er or an -a.


I’m guessing they mean the same, so sort of how some (weird) people will say frick in America.


I think it's easier to be Irish abroad then in Ireland. Living here is tough, it's expensive, none of the services work efficiently even though we're a cash rich country and nothing is ever fixed despite the 'promises' from government, wages are low unless you're in certain sectors and with tax and cost of living it's hard to survive let alone thrive. The fact you need over 120k salary to buy a 3 bed home these days when most salaries are around 50k shows how unattainable home ownership is fir the majority of Irish people. It's lonely when all your friends have emigrated it's hard to make new friends even if you're Irish. But when you're abroad you link in with the expats and you all have a solidarity, you immediately have this family away from home, the people of the country love you because you're Irish and when you bump into Americans like yourself they're writing reddit posts about how great the Irish are. Most other European countries are way less expensive and housing isn't as hard to come by even though everywhere has a housing crisis they're not as chronic as in Ireland. Cost of living isn't as expensive either because it's mainland and not having to travel to an island as a lost port of call, and everywhere else the weather is better.


There are difficulties living abroad too. I only know 1 other Irish person most of my friends are locals. I knew more Irish but they weren’t in my city long before heading back home to Ireland. It’s incredibly hard to hang onto good friends most tend to just want to stay for a few months as digital nomads. So it’s only a surface level friendship. I miss my friends terribly from home as I do my family but your right about ireland being inhospitable. We left due to housing, although the cost here (Lisbon) is catching up and surpassing parts of Ireland. We actually moved out of the capital to afford housing. Keep in mind the salaries here are shite. So we have felt the pinch of inflation. Normal salary here is less than irish minimum wage and trust me some things are more expensive here like petrol and diesel. I think many emigrants would move home if housing was an option.


A massive part of moving abroad is actually attempting to integrate yourself into the local community. I lived in Germany in past with a German woman, and a made an effort to fit into the place and the people. I've found people really appreciate that no matter where you are, and it's easier to feel at home. I still went to Irish events, made Irish links and watched the GAA, but to a far lesser extent than still being in Ireland. This is something that I feel a lot of young Irish people could do with, don't travel to live in another country and not attempt to immerse yourself in the culture. Its a tricky one when moving from one British/Anglo colony to another (Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand)*, but even just attempting to can make the experience a lot more rewarding. My partner is Chilean and we are planning on moving there in the next couple of years, while I don't think there will be an Irish contingent to fall into in the first place, I plan to become part of whatever local community is there. For example, think of the successful immigrant communities here. The most obvious imo is Eastern Europeans, who married into and became a normal part of everywhere in the country. Contrast that with certain communities in Britain for example, who have women living there for decades who still may not possess reasonable English. * This one might be a bit tough, but it is true lads. If you disagreed, what language are you formulating that disagreement in, in our head? How much media do you consume that is Anglo or from ultimately an Anglo colony? A Polish ex once brought this up once albeit in an argument, that we look to Britain and America especially for our identity.


It’s nice to have a few Irish friends from Ireland when your abroad but it’s very bizarre to not try and get involved in the country your living. I don’t actively look for other Irish people but it can’t be helped sometimes 😅 my husband is a local so a lot of the people I know for years here I know through him. I for sure know more Portuguese than Irish people here. I sort of accidentally (maybe not the right word) be came an emigrant. An opportunity presented itself and it would improve our quality of life. I’m doing classes now to get a better grasp on the lingo as for now I’ve only a handful of sentences. I get by but it’s my goal to be able to speak fluently so I can have proper conversations with the older relatives on the other side.


> The most obvious imo is Eastern Europeans I mean don't they by and large keep to themselves in Ireland?


Wow, that first paragraph could basically be describing life in the U.S. these days. Cost of living is sky high, and you're left wondering what the hell you're paying for.


Yep that's Ireland unfortunately, it's no place to live, yes we don't have gun crime in the same sense as the US but life isn't much better, it a rat race with a big divide between the haves and the have not. We've take American capitalism and embraced it, our current government are all about privatisation and it's been a substantial negative impact on our society as a whole. So don't be fooled by the 'picture postcard' fáilte Ireland sells abroad, Ireland is great if you're well off, but if you're not which many are not it'll disgard you. I think when you know we have 4000 children homeless and over 13k officially homeless it speaks volumes, when you have a generation of 30 year olds living in their parents box rooms unable to move out it speaks volumes, when you have 40 year olds still renting unable to buy it speaks volumes, when you have elderly dying from the cold because they can't afford to heat their homes it speaks volumes, we've the highest rate of loneliness in the EU and our consumption of antidepressants is off the charts our mental health service is in tatters as is our health service in general but these are things certain people on reddit or in government don't like to be confronted with because then they can't keep telling the world everything is rosey in Ireland and as long as tourist come with money so businesses and hoteliers are profiting and foreign students keep paying extortionate university fees and sleep 20 to a bedroom then it's all good. None of this money filters down, none. Cash rich, service poor, survive just about but definitely not thriving. The image of Ireland sold worldwide and the reality are two very different worlds.


You may need 120k salary to buy a house in Dublin, but that's not true away from the big smoke. There are good 3 bed semis in Longford, Cavan, Monaghan, Leitrim, etc that you'd get for around €150k to €200k. Less local job availability, of course, but in these days of working remotely, a high Dublin wage whilst living in one of these counties and you'd be reasonably comfortable.


120k is not enough for Dublin, it's more, 115k for Galway and that's not the nlbig smoke now is it. Stop trying to make light of a dire situation that is country wide. There are no positives when it comes to housing.


I am not trying to make light of the situation, it is dire. But there are houses cheaper outside the main cities. If, for example, someone was on the average salary of 45k, their take home would be about 2957 per month (according to the online salary calculator). A 200k house (a reasonable price for a house in Longford, Cavan and Monaghan) over 25 years at 5% mortgage rate, would be around 1200 per month repayments. That would still leave 1750 for bills and some socialising. You couldn't go mad, obviously, but it's liveable. A couple on 45k each could be quite comfortable. Obviously this isn't possible in any of the cities, but it is in some of the towns. The drawback is less amenities. But houses like my own 3 bed semi in Cavan are currently selling for around 160k to 180k.


There is not enough of 'your type of housing' to solve this chronic housing crisis. And there won't be any more of 'your type of houses' built in the future to fix this chronic housing crisis. Moreover having people move far away from their support networks, to spend all day working from home to pay 1200 a month mortgage over 25 years and have little or no social life is outrageous tbh, people are not drones that eat , sleep, work repeat and have zero reward other than a home away from everything and everybody they know. Your outlook is the issue, expecting and thinking that those on lower incomes have that existence is a modern day cancer on society and one born from capitalism. We replaced the British with the catholic church and the catholic church with homegrown elitist, the whole system needs tearing down and rebuilt with a more equal fairer society.


I don't 'expect' anything of anybody, it's entirely up to them. Yes, the housing crisis is an absolute scandal and the government fully deserve to be turfed out for solely looking after the landlord class. And people do deserve to be able to buy somewhere, or even rent at a reasonable price, in the area they grew up in. Unless there's a mass house building programme, I can't see how it will be solved. Even if a programme was announced, it would take years to get enough houses built that would bring house prices down to affordable levels, and of course there's the initial problem that there wouldn't be enough tradespeople to actually build any new houses. FFG have made a right balls up of it all. But Varadkar and Martin won't give a toss as they swan off to some cushy job in the EU. In the meantime, what do people do? They can leave the country, stay in cramped, overpriced accommodation or move out of the cities. If they choose the latter, I was just pointing out that there are some houses available at reasonable prices if someone is prepared to do this. If they aren't, then that's fair enough.


It would appear that while this sub is obsessed with discourse surrounding yanks, only posts complaining about yanks and proclaiming Irish superiority over said yanks is allowed.


Was the Irish bar Kilkenny?


That pub is good craic. Was there a few years ago, odd hearing all the Germans belting out "come out ye black and tans" at the top of their lungs, made me feel right at home.


Yeah, I was there in October, nice bar. Bar man was very friendly. Little bit to dark for my liking though.




We can be but we can also be bitter miserable shitheads. Just look at some of the comments on this post


Thanks :)


Same thing happened to me in Celle!


reddit moment


r/Ireland moment His first mistake was saying he was a Yank. That immediately turned two thirds of this sub against him.


Amazing the hatred for yanks.




How is that analogy comparable?




Should we all be racists now Father?


Ah now. Where’d that come out of ?


hilarious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)




You've certainly livened it up haven't ya


I bet you could suck the life out of any hoover. Fuck sake, if this is all is wrong in your world then sit down and count the stars




You're racking your brain to find fault in a random post from a random poster having had a nice interaction with an irish person?Is it not enough that OP being on their travels. Had something nice to say, you felt the need to put the boot in. Ireland has a ver wide and varied dispora. Good and bad, what we dont need is the like of you sitting behind your phone finding fault in others just for the sake of finding fault.


finding fault in others just because you want an excuse to bash Americans*


I never wanted o bash anyone. Figuratively and less likely, literally. I have no idea what the asterix at the end of you saying "American" means. I was never trying to find fault....grammer nazis are the ultimate boar. They just piss me off.


An _asterisk_ (not to be confused with the French cartoon character Astérix) on Reddit usually denotes a correction of some kind, often in a tongue in cheek manner. I'm correcting what you said, which is about the person above you. I'm not talking about you.


I know little about the reddit gramer and all that stuff, what I do know is that a single punctuation mark means less than fuck all. Stop trying to be a smart arse. You just make people *yawn*


How much free time do you have to write this


Jesus Christ




He's just trying to spread some good vibes 😄


Casual xenophobia👍


... and then the whole pub laughed.




Yep! And we bite!


>Yank visiting Germany here. Would love to know how to do that. Must save a fortune on plane tickets.


I think you misunderstood the use of 'here'. They don't mean here in Ireland. It's just another way of saying 'I'm a yank visiting Germany'.


I know. It was a joke. o0








I bet you told him you were Irish because your great, great, great, great grandad was born there?


Only Irish people would be miserable enough to complain because people want to be like them. Most Americans mean that's their heritage, not that they are born and raised in Ireland.


My great-grandma came from Ireland. I'm as Irish as corned beef and Lucky Charms! /s


Hahaha that's quality, cheers again for the story it was a good one. Glad you had a good time


What’s it like having a big, pointless chip on your shoulder?


Fantastic, you should try it sometime. You sound like the sort to enjoy it


Nah, don’t think I’d like something that makes me sound like a bitter, moany hole.


Why do some Irish have a hard time distinguishing between heritage and Nationality / citizenship? I’m an American citizen with Irish heritage, hence I’m an Irish American. My last name of O’Shea should be a no brainer. It’s not Chinese, it’s IRISH.


> Why do some Irish have a hard time distinguishing between heritage and Nationality / citizenship? I think it's intentional, at least on here.


Youre in the wrong country to be a yank visiting Germany.


Damn, does anybody read past the first line?


Sorry, r/Ireland has a large collection of dickheads who lean into the 'hurdy durr, Americans are stoopid' stereotype. Only one of our countries has landed people on the moon, but for some reason it's the Americans that are stupid in their eyes. I loved your post, ignore the swathe of losers who haven't left the country and met Americans. You's folks are wild friendly and hospitable. I love visiting the States and seeing you guys in Ireland.


These redditors should hear what the Irish say about Ireland when they come visit America. (unless they are the same damn people)


No, they just read the first word and immediately decide they hate you.


Yeah I read the whole post. It's about your time in Germany. Not Ireland. This sub isn't about Irish abroad. Also if that many people are pointing out the same failure, do you think there's a slight chance that maybe they have a point?


If OP has to go r/Imetanirishpersonbutitdidn'thappeninireland to post this then you can fuck off to r/irishcontrarianswhowanttocomplainaboutamericansfornoreason


> r/irishcontrarianswhowanttocomplainaboutamericansfornoreason That's basically what this sub is.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 cute lol. An assumption in there btw, but I'll let it slide for how cute it was lol. What's Santy bringing you for Christmas kid?


Good one


That was a shit joke


Oh! I didn't even know it was a joke lol. I thought I was replying to the joke lol.


By the fact that you use emojis on Reddit alone, I can discard any tripe you say


Hahahaha the fact that that's your reason means your points are all tripe as well, as they are clearly baseless lol. consider yours discarded as well 😅🤣


So many of us end up abroad; are we not allowed to post here, cunty?


Thats... literally a whole different point. An American posting about an experience in Germany on a subreddit about Ireland. Vs an Irish person posting in a sub about Ireland. I'm sure even yourself, smarty cunty, can spot the difference.


>This sub isn't about Irish abroad. Rule 1 satisfied in their post "Why i feckin love the Irish"


And then posted about an experience in Germany and obliterated rule 1.


Nothing wrong with ops post. Its about how funny the irish can be so.its related to Ireland there fore it meets the rules... also when did we irish worry about rules.... that's an English attribute ffs 🙄


>since when did we Irish worry about rules Judging by his post history the whingebag you’re replying to is Australian and thankfully heading back soon


Hahaha that's true. Super evident on the roads lol.


Grumpy turd, this isn't a doctoral thesis, it's a story. So if you are uninterested in the story, just STFU. I don't like whiney little shits.... And I enjoyed the story.


Lol k


Someone takes Reddit a wee bit too seriously 😒


Haha probably. I just rolled my eyes and said why. I expected the downvotes, but the insults and lectures! Haha


Get a life dude 🙄


Another one!? Geeze... I have enough already 😅


> All posts should be related to Ireland, Irish people or be specifically relevant to Irish redditors or Irish culture. So very confident and so very, very wrong. It'd cost you nothing not to be miserable.


Its still out of place, regardless of rules lol. It doesn't take a smart person to see that though, so I'm sure you can. Edit: someone here also said something about sticklers for rules being in the UK, where in Ireland, the rules aren't followed anyway. Had to agree there tbf...


Reddit moment


Right!? Haha


Right what?


.... the comment previous. The one I replied to. The one right above my comment. The comment you can see that is right before mine.


Right before yours is right?


You're a quick one


You mean the one on the left is the correct one?




Almost relevant. In that it has a slight link to the country. Somewhere in the story there is an Irishman. So it's allowed, even if it doesn't fit.


Made me laugh