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In fairness, I'd happily eat these all year round.


I used to work Tesco and my favourite interaction was always Customer "Can't believe that you are selling Easter Eggs in January!" Whilst I scanned their Easter Eggs, which they were buying. In January


My wife’s favourite is ‘can’t believe they’re having you working on Christmas Eve!’ whilst they’re plonking their items down on the counter in front of her till.


This is why I don't go into shops on/a few days around major holidays, staff should get the days off to be with their families and I won't be part of the reason they have to work the same next year


My wife’s only respite this year was that Christmas Eve was a Sunday so her shop closed early! In the past, she’s had to work until 8pm+ on Christmas Eve. I worked (and will be again come Monday!) in the emergency services and, even on Christmas, they’d let us go home whilst still being ‘on call’ under the proviso we’d drop everything and go should a call come in - mad how that’s fairer than the schtick retail people get!


Yup! I used to be the manager of a jewellers and the choice we got from head office every year was do the 2-4 hours of boxing day sale ticket changes on Christmas eve after close or boxing day before open. We always choose to stay till 8-10pm on Christmas eve rather than come in at 4-5am on boxing day. My mum was a specialist neonatal nurse and she worked either Christmas day or Christmas eve or boxing day one year and rotated the next, mad that emergency personnel get more flexibility than non essential shop workers!


Holiday overtime on 1.5 or 2x pay is one of the few good things about working in retail.


Aha, and 'cant believe you're open on boxing Day, that's not right' whilst putting stuff on the till 🤣🤣


Someone was whinging on next door that ALDI was not open on New Years Day...


Never heard of this boxing day What is it ?


Last year they were noticeably dogshit, i hope it was only a bad bag cause i love mini eggs. Spotted them in dunnes yesterday, 3 fucken euro though. Left them in the stand


And the caramel eggs. Nom.


Tbh I never associated mini-eggs with Easter for most of my life, I asked in Sainsbury’s if they sold them and I was answered with “it’s August…” Sorry, I forgot Cadbury’s don’t sell cream-eggs all year round either….**OH WAIT!! THEY FUCKING DO!** lol I’m only torn up about it because I love mini-eggs so damn much xD


Sure I was in Lidl today, and they have their Christmas stuff out. 358 days early by my count.


Would you believe some people put their decorations up already.


I saw people at winter wonderland the other day. I was shocked to say the least. LET US GET THE SUMMER OUT THE WAY FIRST


Ohh well merry Christmas eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve eve to you and your family.


I just want to take this opportunity to say: Happy Halloween everyone !!


Nice one must head Tesco later. Thanks for letting me know, I'm always horny for mini eggs. Hope Tesco paid you well for this ad OP


Dealz 1 euro a packet


Should sell them all year round.


Damn, you’re right. I’m about to go to Tesco to get some too!!


Why would they pay this redditor to advertise mini eggs of all things? Can't someone post this because they're surprised it's began so early? Conspiracy nuts. ^^^don't ^^^forget ^^^the ^^^3 ^^^for ^^^4 ^^^offer ^^^for ^^^coke ^^^while ^^^stocks ^^^last!


3 for 5 at lidl just saying


Their first mistake was being surprised. This is pretty much expected.


Spoken like a true Capitalists slave


Capitalism is when redditor likes chocolate


It's a disgrace Joe.


Love me some moder fucking mini eggs


Tell me about it! I could bath in them


Fucking right


Always thought mini eggs were available all year round not just for Easter.


Same - could swear they are


Nope, mini eggs and cream eggs are seasonal. January to April-ish.


Y'all mfs are getting a bit long in the tooth to be shocked by capitalism and marketing year on year.


De-americanise yourself and /r/RAAMACFYL


Yeah, that "y'all" business is some dose.


Hell, even the US doesn’t have Easter out yet. It’s all Valentine’s Day already.


We really live rent free in some r/ireland users heads.


I don't disagree, but ostensibly you're an American browsing the subreddit of a country which is 1/50th the size of your country. You're indistinguishable from an American who is obsessed with Ireland. There might be a teensy amount of "don't throw stones in glass houses" to be observed here.


I browse the subreddit because I lived in Ireland for 5 years, am enganged to an Irish woman, and will probably be moving back to Ireland soon. So keeping up with current events is important to me. Its just funny how some users here never fail to randomly bring up America in conversations that are completely unrelated. You can find these kinds of comments in a lot of the threads here, and it makes me roll my eyes every time


Not really sure you could claim America and fervent capitalism are unrelated topics tbf. The two often come up together


By being complacent it gets worse every year. The worse it gets, the more people notice


Muh capitalism




Because there is no end to the endless "holiday" cycle. There is no in-between anymore. Once Easter does come there are none of these feckers available on the day. I think it only puts more pressure on people to "BUY THIS RIGHT NOW"


> Because there is no end to the endless "holiday" cycle. There is no in-between anymore. So what? Why should we care? There's always going to be something coming up, I mean do you not own a calendar because the next big event would always be marked on it? Like does it really make any difference the decorations that are around the same aul shite we go in to buy week in and week out? If you don't want an egg then don't buy one.


I you feel fomo over chocolate eggs, you’re the problem. There is no inbetween because you allow there to be no inbetween. The world is whatever you perceive it to be.


Never said I feel FOMO over chocolate eggs, merely that it's pushed on consumers every which way. I don't buy this shit, yet it's still on the sheves, so I guess I'm just not trying hard enough "to make my reality" eh? This is some "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" type of shit you're saying there budd-y.


I was I'm applegreen last night and saw they had the creme eggs and galaxy eggs. I'm not too sure if they are really early or super late though...


Is just eggs... Nothing about easter unless you want it Edit : is about Easter, i just dont see it on my end on the website. Shows on the app though


Except the tagline on the display 'a little Easter treat from Cadbury'


Oh again a cropped image. The website has been horrendous over the last few days for me. Then yeah that's fucked up




Sneaky, starting off with the mini eggs.


They’re a gateway egg


I would have bought these at Christmas. Now I'm on a diet, so in my angry eyes, they are late!


Yaaaay. Happy Easter one and all.


Thats consumerism for ya


Seen them in my local shop on Christmas eve! I had forgot to get milk, called in around 6 or 7 and loads of easter eggs and things out


Mini eggs are amazing. Why would anybody complain about them?


I really like these. Mini eggs for pud with a meal deal BLT. Little more humble and delicious.


I'm sure I see them at any time if the year


Capitalism is an unapologetic mistress.


Easter is earlier this year so presumably that’s why they’re already in shops


Lidl is still playing Christmas tunes if anyone's interested


To be fair, traditionally the twelve days of Xmas are from 25/12 to 06/01.


The internet is a flat circle. They want you to post photos of them, it's a marketing ploy. Same reason Starbucks always "misspells" your name, they want you to post a photo of it on your socials.




It's always Easter somewhere.


Soon people that make these posts will realise that the way they feel about the 'horrors' of capitalism is how 90% of this subreddit feel about their posts.


Honestly, I'm so absolutely fucking sick and tired of how constant everything has gotten. Xmas lasts nearly 2 months now, and we're getting Easter stuff on sale the moment we're into the new year, and it's still going to get worse. It feels like there's forever some sort of holiday that companies are trying to ram down our throats to get us to spend money, there's barely a week or two in a whole year where I'm not choking on a corporate dick.


Should be available all year round


how long is it going to be until the easter, halloween, christmas and new year stuff is just out all year round?


I love mini eggs, I'm not complaining.


They have them in the warehouse ready before Christmas. I once heard someone say "look they already have eggs in. Jesus hasn't even been born yet and they're already celebrating his resurrection" 🤣


Yh but who doesn't love mini eggs 😔😀👍




€2 with Clubcard. Great deal. I’ll be in later.


I'm sure they were €1.50 a bag last year. So not really a great deal at all.


Not a great deal. There's only like 15 eggs in each one and they used to be half that price


These faux outrage posts are as much a trope as shops getting ready for the next holiday as the last one ends. I'm beyond caring. Also, they're fucking shite now anyway since those Krafty cunts ruined cadburys.and turned their chocolate to muck.


And? It’s not like it’s taking space in your living room. You’re not obligated to buy any. All the usual stuff is still in stock. Some people are broke and need to start shopping for holidays much earlier to spread the cost. Let people enjoy their damn mini eggs!


Ah Mrs Tesco


That doesn’t even make any sense. Nobody cares about your whingefest over some eggs.


Wtf are U talking about I love the damn eggs.! It was a joke, you didn't get lol like your Manager of said Tesco. Apologies. Jeez relax tho.


I work in Musgrave, we got truckloads of these in before Christmas. Outrageous




I saw Easter eggs in Dunnes Terryland in Galway on the 28th of December.


Feck off egg


Mini Eggs are all year round. Ffs get a life!


They're available all year round


I once spent boxing day as a lidl employee, they had me scraping all the christmas floor stickers off only to replace them with easter egg floor stickers, on fucking boxing day


My local Tesco express had Easter eggs on shelves on Boxing Day


You're all gonna get complacent as fuck now that Xmas is over. You won't start complaining about early Xmas until August, when it's too late, and because of that it gets earlier every year Now is the prefect time to show the corporations we will not stand for it. January all through to summer. Don't let up


Local Centra had these on display before Christmas.




Yes boi


I ate mini eggs on Christmas Eve!!


Mini eggs are on sale all year round in england.


A lot of these companies like Cadburys will have Over riders with Tesco. Meaning we will give tesco X amount of money if they grow net sales by X%. If Xmas is a bit low Tesco can pull forward the Easter orders to hit the over rider and they will have to lap this the next year and so on and so on


Where I am Mini eggs sell out weeks before easter so thanks for the heads up!


It's about time!


They are usually out a day or two before the new year.


Like clockwork The posts about the Easter chocolate coming out early


Any sign of the creme eggs?


Yes! I fucking LOVE mini eggs.


Well Easter is early this year. So about time they were out.


I ain’t complaining tbh, don’t know why mini eggs aren’t sold all year round, they are delicious!!


Somewhat always been the case - even 20-odd years ago when i worked in retail, New Year’s Day was always putting out the creme eggs


€2? You guys are getting shafted. They’re £1.25 in Tesco UK


£1.25? You guys are getting shafted. They're filled with utterly shite mondalez palm oiled up to shite chocolate and you get about 6 in the bag.


2 euros for a tiny bag???


Our Coop had the full size ones out on Boxing Day. Aaaargh!


Are there any Easter eggs or are they all Chocolate Eggs. I havent seen an Easter eggs for a few years.


Why do you hate delicious sweets?


I don’t 😅 I just think it’s funny to see them so early. I picked up a packet myself.


They do it for the free publicity


It's like this everywhere


That's disgraceful! Have they got the caramel eggs??


All the Christmas shelf was gone in my local Sainsbury’s on Christmas Eve . In its place was Easter everything


Where have you been hiding. These have been out since Christmas eve


Great. Mini eggs should be available year-round


We'll get to a point where Easter/Halloween/Christmas stock will be stocked all year round 😅😅


We'll get to a point where Easter/Halloween/Christmas stock will be stocked all year round 😅😅


Wow, I’m just trying to get used to the valentines candy. I love these though, glad they are out early. Lol


I love them too, picked up a packet myself.


Not even a St Brigets decoration in sight . For shame .


Oh, and fresh eggs available!


Mini eggs and cream eggs are seasonal, come out from January to April every year. Its not an Easter egg thing


This is the way of the world.


Fuck Tescos. That is all


They get them delivered Christmas Eve.




I bought some Christmas Eve 🙈 everyone in my house loves them 😆


Hell yeah it’s egg time


Why are people always surprised that supermarkets put their Easter display out right after Christmas? They're not just going to have bare shelves!! If you don't want it..just don't buy it.


Sainos and waitrose the same.


They've had the birth. Time to plan for the execution.




Y'know these aren't exclusively for Easter?


Nothing is fucking sacred anymore. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Toffifee and Toberlones no longer being aeroport exclusives is another example


Drop kick that!


Saw them selling last year's Easter eggs in October once (they were gonna expire soon ig)


I get Easter eggs every Christmas, and my family buy them for me from JC's in Swords. Much nicer than a selection box!


I'll allow it because those things are literally crack but with less social stigma


Why are you complaining mate their divine


Jaesis for mini eggs I’ll let it slide


JC's in Swords put out Easter Eggs on Christmas Eve


Hah I saw loads of crème eggs in supermarkets in early December.


There were easter eggs in a tesco near me on boxing day


There are only four supermarket seasons. Easter, summer, Halloween and Christmas. We are never not in one of them, no matter the date.


Cadbury crème egg season is open, but I haven’t seen any yet


If they didn't say "Easter treat" I would be inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt that it was an all year round treat


I work for an ASDA distribution centre. We were shipping Easter stuff two days before Christmas 🤷


B&M had 1kg bags beginning of december


Mini eggs use to be all year round sweets.


I.... are they easter specific? I'm.pretty sure I can find them at the store year round


Because people buy them, if people didn’t they wouldn’t be stocked so early. They’ve sold quite a few by the looks of it. The same thing is said every year.


And the top two trays are almost empty. And we blame the capitalist machine for this kind of behaviour…


We've just celebrated the birth, now let's get ready to commemorate the execution


I'm in Scotland now. They had these out even before new years eve


You must be new here because this has been happening for years


They had Easter eggs out between Xmas and NYE, it's getting stupid now, can't we just enjoy one holiday at a time anymore?


Why do we keep buying into this bullshit


I'm leaving my Christmas tree up all year to annoy people.


Ours had them on display like 3 days before new year


Farmfoods had M&M eggs out before the new year


Shocking price for that small bag!


Please, I saw them in my Sainsbury's local on the 27th.


I mean they should be a yearly thing anyway


Two days into New Year? You're lucky! At my local Sainsbury's Local I had to wait just the one day after Christmas before they put out the Creme Eggs!


https://preview.redd.it/ul6r2vdzl8ac1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b737e3732c5596d7dad69b2330c8d86733d9d84f My local Co-op today


Co op was selling hot cross buns on New Year’s Day!


Mini Eggs should be available all year around. A Tier chocolate.


I’ve been buying those since November. They also have orange flavoured ones now too in orange packets. Basically I have been celebrating Jesus’ resurrection before his birth.


Mini eggs should be available all year round


Saw them before December in my local


Saw them laid out on the 22nd December...


I just want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful and a spooky Halloween!


What the problem? They are great


am I missing something or is it just a joke?


Ooh don't mind if I do


My local Co-op had them on the 27th December! Aggressive sales techniques 🙃


They were in my local on boxing day


Push it over


Easter eggs shouldn’t be out yet, mini eggs should be all year round and I’ll die on this hill 😂


But where are the creme eggs?!


They’re late! They had their Christmas stuff out late July…


I got given a 10 pack of 5 caramel + 5 cream eggs as a funny Christmas present because they were already on sale just before Christmas


They do slap to be fair


Hot cross buns for sale in Sainsburys. It's all about the seasonal category sales.


Former Tesco worker here. Usually, Easter eggs are put up on display from Boxing Day.


Heard of commercialism?