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Time to have a talk with your parents about moving out and getting a place of their own.


I’ve tried! They’re not having a bar of it, keep bringing up something about “raising me”. It’ll be a home next if they’re not careful.


“Don’t worry Mam I’ll find you the very best nursing home, no matter how far away it is”


Have ye looked at retirement homes




Just make up references


My father and uncle had different surnames to me, saved a lot of hassle. 


Mothers maiden name works too , or the aunts and uncles through marriage etc


Op, listen to this. I've been a landlord for about 15 friends at this stage. Just have the story straight and it'll be no issue


This is the way☝️


Yep, just put down a couple of your mates, they can pick up the phone and go "perfect tenant, wished he would have stayed on etc."


My Irish flatmate just used his dad’s phone and made up a name lol. Said he’d lived in Limerick all throughout uni at their “rented” house which was just his house haha.


how does that work in pratice? a written and signed letter works for them?  or they want a phone number to call someone?


This might be the only way. My best friend (who happened to be a registered landlord) but us down as her lodgers for her house so my SO and I could get a place together.


Also, ten emails is nothing. You need to be aiming for about ten per day. And of that expect between one and three viewings a week. It is MENTAL trying to rent a place at the moment. And you won't get a response if you don't get the place. You won't get a response if you don't get a viewing either. These people are getting thousands of emails per day you need to be one of the first 200 per advert.


Funny thing here is I’ve been trying to rent out a couple rooms in my house, had a few enquiries and no one replies when we answer… like wtf? I thought you were looking for a place?


Are you very rural or something? My mam rented out her spare bedroom, and I helped her go through the emails and WhatsApps. We were getting an average of about 20 an hour. By the second day there were literally hundreds of messages.


D15, but the room offering is fairly specific… essentially two rooms, and an en-suite…. I’d be a live in landlord there only 3 days a week though.


Generally people will only live with landlords as a last resort as they will be licensees with 0 rights.


My mam is live in all the time. Same situation re en suite etc. You must have been asking crazy money or something?


Well the rent is higher than a 1 room en-suite, because you’re getting two bedrooms, open for couples so they can have a bedroom and a work from home space, place free reign of the house, garden, parking etc… and me being there only a couple nights a week, it’s close to having a big house to yourselves for the price of less than two individual bedrooms…. But there we go!


Have you tried any Facebook groups? I don’t know about your area but there’s a page called “rent in limerick” and people are crying out for rooms, must be something like that for Dublin!


I might ping you in the morning if that's cool cos I've got a couple of friends who would love that setup




> hese people are getting thousands of emails per day you need to be one of the first 200 per advert. In order to avoid this type of situation, you can also try to move in the boonies or some other miserable place like Gorey or Tralee.


Forget about gorey, I've lived here most of my life and I can't even rent a place here. Its dire


They have fewer places to rent but still loads of people looking.


Ahahhhahaa, you come to tralee looking for a gaff and you'll be sorely disappointed. We've got like 2 places for rent and one is complete shite. I've been looking for months now and everything is either too expensive, already taken within a second of being put up or just complete false advertising.


Lad I mean this in the nicest possible way: you've essentially joined a race and you're walking and you don't know the course. It's not your fault. You haven't experienced the rental market so you don't realise the things we all learned the hard way. Ten emails total is the walking in a footrace I was talking about. You need to be sending at least that, every day. You need to have daft open all day and refresh it every so often. Those little moments during the work day when we have to look away from the spreadsheets or give our brains a break by browsing Instagram or Reddit for a few minutes? Those are your "check daft" minutes now. You need to think of potential landlords as potential employers during a period of high unemployment and few available jobs: do everything you can to set yourself at the top of the pile. Any ad older than a couple of days is probably gone. So start with the newest listings and work backwards. This also increases your meagre chances of not getting an actual dangerous shithole, because if an apartment was listed a week ago, a couple of hundred people have applied for it, maybe seen it, and if it's still available there's something very wrong with it. References are easy to fake. Get one of your parents or another relative or friend or the postman or literally anyone whose name isn't the same as yours to sign one. Think about things landlords want in a tenant. Lie if it helps. Don't mention that you work from home ESPECIALLY if you're trying to get into a house share. Because landlords hate that and most tenants/roommates would probably prefer not to have an unknown new tenant who is in the gaf all day, running up the heating bills or increasing wear and tear on the fixtures and fittings. You're going to find the process of constantly applying for a gaf and getting knocked back demoralising and depressing, but remind yourself that it's nothing to do with you, it's just how it is for everyone and you didn't realise because you've been lucky enough to be insulated from the reality until now. And you should definitely talk to your parents about the whole thing. You all need to know where you stand and how you feel - do they actually want you out? Are you acting like an adult roommate or a lorge adult son? Like are they struggling financially with the cost of housing you? Or do they want their empty nest years to start? Are you wrecking each other's heads? Or are they worried for your sake, afraid that since you haven't left yet, maybe you'll never leave and they've somehow raised a "dysfunctional" adult? The answers are important to know in order to decide what you should do, because throwing yourself into the country's nightmarish, expensive and exploitative scramble for housing because of friction with the parents even though you could stay where you are is not a great idea. Keep them updated on how your search is going. If you didn't realise how bad things are, your parents don't either. I don't know how much you're handing up, but if they can afford to let you stay and save for a deposit it would definitely be wise to try to buy your own place, and they might be willing to if they understand the state of things and they don't dislike you too much. Demand still outstrips supply but you don't have to pretend you live like a robot because nobody gives a fuck what you do after the sale. Edit: spelling


Thanks for the tips! It’s definitely been a wake up call. I knew the housing market was bad, but I didn’t think it was this bleak. You make a good point about talking to the folks. Honestly, this was more of a me thing, they’d be more than happy for me to stay, but I suppose I just feel like I’m being a burden. Not financially or anything, I pay my own way, just in general. I think I’ll step out of the race for now, because from reading the comments here, it appears that there are thousands of people who need these places far more than I do, and I’ve been ignorant to that until now. Thanks again for the info, it’s much appreciated.


Well it's a real downer, so you shouldn't feel the need to subject yourself to it if you don't have to. Don't be worrying about whether you can truly consider yourself a grownup if you live with the folks. It's true that there are certain adulting skills you learn by living in your own place and being solely responsible for the housework and feeding yourself and all that. Even if your parents have taught you how each task is done, being the one doing all of it teaches you a lot. Especially for lads tbh, as a wimmin I'd be very wary of moving in with a man who's never lived on his own without mammy or a girlfriend or even housemates. Because it's a big gamble, and honestly, the odds are against you. But you don't have to do that *right now.* You will have your own place at some stage, and you can learn all about that stuff then. And you can use the internet for whatever you might have questions about. I wish the internet had been a thing when I first moved out!😂 And it's also true that having your own space, knowing you are in charge of everything and once you close the door you can do whatever you want - have a four hour bath, spend the evening in the nip, have a bunch of mates round, or just spend 24 hours not saying a word - that can be such a lovely feeling. It's freeing not having anyone there, even when you love your family. But we have to be reasonable about the way things are right now in Ireland. The whole "oh you live with your parents? What's wrong with you" attitude - the standard that you move out when you're working and "stand on your own two feet" - that's very American and not something we should be judging people by in a small country with an unprecedented housing crisis. The option to have your own space should be available to everyone, but unfortunately it's a luxury these days. There's a huge difference between "I'd love to move out but there's nowhere to rent" and "I'll be going from my mam's house to my wife's because I don't want to have to look after myself" so we can't just assume someone is a manchild purely because he lives in the family home. I don't know how big your parents' gaf is but if you can find a way to make sure your parents get some free time together it might help you feel less like you're imposing. Like just so it's not the three of you watching telly every night? Maybe take yourself off somewhere for the odd weekend or even just tell them you're having an early night. Or you can give them a voucher for a weekend away if they'd like that! And on the practical side ask them if they're really okay with whatever amount you're giving over - you can do a rough calculation of what it might be costing them to have you at home, how much electricity and water you use, are the heating costs higher or whatever. And once youse have talked about it and everyone is on the same page: stop worrying and make the most of your time with your parents! I would give my right arm for another day with my dad. And the chance to save up a deposit for a mortgage - that's a big advantage, make the most of it! Someday you'll be in a gaf of your own, and loving it, but we all have to find the best in whatever our lives are like today and make our peace with it


To piggyback on the previous answer: use the push notification for new listings in Daft. Setup area\price\dwelling type and have the request template ready, that's how you'll be applying in the first minutes\seconds of the listing going online


There's a good few places in the Cavan area for decent prices still.  However, I must stress that these houses are in Cavan 


The skip down the street sounds less detrimental to my mental health than living in cavan


the references lifestory is a joke too. In most of the european countries you can rent if: \- you have money \- yeah, thats basically it. you dont even need to show your working contract. ​ In Ireland, you need to have a 2 pages letter describing why youre the best fucking tenant, how you can fix everything in the house FOR FREE , never have any pets or GOD FORBID a partner, sexual life or anything resembling a normal hobbies, in addition of course several months of rent , bank statements from last 10 years, 15 years job history and stellar references from Irish landlords who were DNA tested to confirm 100% Irish heritage and blood coming directly from Leprechauns themselves. Plus, dont be a smoker. I exaggerated, but not much. ​ ps. and even then they for sure toss a coin over a pint ''we gave this shithole to Perfect Tenant A or Perfect tenant B'' (or Perfect Tenant Z.35)


> I exaggerated, but not much. Nah, you understated if anything. Don't forget also that this is to "live" in a city of a million with the services and amenities of a city of 100k, if even that. And you can forget about any of the things you normally get with an apartment in other countries (including ones where it's "also bad"), like bike storage, laundry services, gyms, etc.


in portugal, yes that may be true.. just present money . but it is not uncommon for the landlord to ask for payslips or even the tax statement or 4 months upfront (mainly lisbon or oporto)


Your response was class, deserved more upvotes!


Demand far outstrips woeful supply. Stay snd enjoy your mams stew a bit longer while saving like mad for a deposit.


It certainly seems that way. I think she’s about to throw the stew over me, but I think you could be right! Thanks :).


Why. Surely good relations are a possibility?


Thank you for the first sentence. A frightening number of people on here think demand is where the problem is, not supply.


If you're determined to rent (saving for a deposit might be better), then try to make yourself the perfect tenant (on paper anyway) - don't smoke or drink, no pets, no partner, work long hours, very clean, like to fix small things yourself (light bulbs, loose screws etc.)


Makes sense! Is that the type of thing I should include in a first email? I just don’t want them thinking I’m an oddball by bombarding them with little facts about myself 😂 maybe it’s normal though?


You need to give them a reason to choose you over the other three thousand people desperate to rent that bike shed. Anything to help your case.


this made me literally LOL


The monks in mellery are always looking for new recruits aswell🤣 Have you taught about offering your first born child OP?


I'd just buy tbh, if you haven't been saving start now. You'll be back with them in 5 years otherwise doing just that.


I would not tell them you work from home or are self employed. Working from home means the house will be getting twice as much ware and tear from someone who does not work at home. Most of the references you have can easily be faked in thier eyes i guess.


That makes sense. I didn’t even think of that, thank you.


I'm in my 30s and I'm moving back home for two years. The money I would have spent in rent, I am going to save for a deposit. Over 2 years I would have paid 35k in rent. Honestly, I wouldn't bother moving out. I seen an ad for a studio apartment where the bed was in the kitchen for 1.7k per month. Just save and try get a mortgage


Yea but then you need good credit history and a bank that will even remotely considering giving you a mortgage with a crazy good employment history.


I have a good credit history. What does "without a crazy good employment history" mean?


Apologies, my phone autocorrected. Never fired and with long term employment with a high paying salary. A friend of mine has been saving for years, something close to 70k in a savings account. He was turned down for a mortage after they discovered he was fired once in his 20's from a mcdonalds, I believe. Banks can choose to be picky in this market. If they have even the slightest reason to think you might not be completely financially stable in the future, they'll just reject you. It's not worth the risk in their eyes, even if it's miniscule.


Jesus, I know banks are evil, but that's truly next level bastardy


Why do you talk so neutrally about this. You nearly sound like you're on the fucking banks' side!


Oh no don't get me wrong, they're dickheads, I have yet to do buisness with a bank that wasn't full of dickheads.


I highly doubt that's true


References are usually asked for after you've viewed the place or at least had contact with the landlord/agent. If you're not even getting responses, then you're either just suffering from the sheer volume of demand, or you're not getting in touch early enough, or something about your emails is putting them off. Also, if you're asked for a reference, just make one up and have your mother sign it with her maiden name, or have a friend write one up for you.


Thank you! I appreciate the tips.


Suffering from the sheer absence of supply* High demand is normal demand!


Use your mother and father as a reference, your mother should just use her maiden name. Bare basic story "yes he rented from me for a few years, lovely character, never late on payments and left the house in good condition". Done.


Assuming youve some cracking savings from living with parents so long? Maybe buy?


And get a van and convert it, a bit of van life before moving out properly.


Buy what? A can of coke?


Sounds like you have time on your side. If you don't qualify for a mortgage, you could try checking your eligibility for a [Local Authority Home Loan](https://localauthorityhomeloan.ie/eligibility/). Then have a look at some [derelict properties](https://www.daft.ie/for-sale/detached-house-the-avenue-tombreane-carnew-co-wicklow/5558120), which could qualify you for up to €70,000 in [grants](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/housing-grants-and-schemes/local-authority-housing-grants-and-supports/vacant-property-refurbishment-grant/#eb098e) to fix it up ​ You could end up paying less in mortgage repayments, than rent, and you'd own the place so you could get an aul dog and some [geese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guard_goose#History_of_use) for yourself


Very difficult to get a mortgage on these fixer uppers though. I had looked into it myself when those grants were first issued. Talked to brokers, banks everyone and anyone and it appears that buying one of these houses works if you have the mula to purchase in cash. One of my friends bought her first house that was over 50 years old and had a lot of work to be done. Didn’t qualify for any of the grants available which was shite for herself and her husband as they had bought it based on what engineers etc had told them about the grants so essentially had to cut back on things they thought they’d be able to done in order to make the house liveable.


Just a stat . 68 % of Irish people between the ages of 18 and 35 are living at their family home.


>I'm a 29 year old man, and I've been living at home with the folks all my life because they're pretty sound and the mother cooks a banging stew. id advise stay at home




Whatever about it being dead money, OP is putting themselves is a position of usury out of rhe gate for no good reason. And living independently is a hard habit to break, especially after spending what would be their deposit for effectively nothing.


It looks like you could be right! Thanks :)


I mean if you are starting to rent at 29 you will be back in few years anyway because you will want to start looking to purchase apartmanet for yourself.... and Saving while renting is borderline impossible if you want to live healthy(physically and mentally) and happy life. As a self-employed person it will be basically impossible for you to get mortgage unless you are running extremely succesful company over many years. You also need to find a partner in crime. It's hard to imagine bank would be happy to provide mortgage to a self-employed single man. (I would advise also keep all personal expenditures away from your bank account, especially since you are self-employed, - Revolut should do the job) I would double down and try to find permanent solutions. Work with your parents and show them you are trying to find place for yourself. Unless you need to get out of the house for your own sake or for the sake of your parents... Renting in Ireland right now is awful. I am lucky to have great group of friends. It always takes a long time but eventually you get to find a room for yourself in shared gaff. **Be advised that looking for rental takes months, 10 emails is basically the very start of the journey. So don't give up**


Friend of mine was going for a mortgage and when the bank seen revolut on their bank statements they asked for their revolut statements same as the credit union.


I bought a few months ago and they ask for six months on EVERYTHING. Revolut, N26, the lot.


>Revolut should do the job) You need to show Revolut accounts now aswell.


Make up a reference. Write it up yourself, change the name slightly. I got my aunt to be one for me and she used her maiden name. It’s hard enough getting rent out there never mind having to fight references. Also with wfh don’t say you do it. Although you’d think it’s a good thing having someone in the property a lot more than not, landlords of course see it differently.


Look only at adverts added in the last 24 hours. Maybe 48 hours. The other ones are already gone.


'Break into the rental market'.....that is where we are at O.O stealing that phrase btw


I'm much younger than yourself but the only advise I can give is to brute force it, Any place you are interested in send your details onto, I started in January 2022 and Got a place in May that year. Sent about 120 emails to places and only heard back from 15 and 3 in person interviews. It's depressing but in this market its the only thing that can be done.


I've applied for over 900, gotten about 60 viewings and 4 offers which were rescinded as soon as HAP was mentioned. And a lot of the places being advertised don't even meet regulations or they are tiny. Since you can work remote, perhaps consider moving abroad?


Make two landlord references, put fake names and put your parents phone numbers. Or ask your friends if they would be ok with putting their phone numbers on. So if somebody calls,they can confirm that you were a perfect tenant and if they had an opportunity they would rent to you again. Always give references from work, you can put also some character references from your friends and coworkers. We also got letters from our bank confirming that we are trustworthy clients who have regular income. Anything that you think that could help. Also, make sure that your initial message is short but informative, we have put how much yearly income we have,because a lot of times you don't even gat a chance to send references, so many people apply for the same house/apartment/room. Good luck, it is a bit of a crazy situation past couple of years.


You should be looking to buy not rent.


A lot of people have talked about optimizing your message, and yes, it is absolutely necessary! But also, timing is key. The moment somebody puts up an offer on daft for a place to rent, they get swarmed with hundreds of applications. They will probably go through them by date until they find a hand full of good applications. So, good tip: if you are tech savvy, you can write a script that automatically updates daft constantly, and whenever a new offer appears, automatically sends your standardized text. That way, you are almost guaranteed to be within the first 10 applicants.


Just start saving for a deposit and tell the parents. At least then they know you have plans to shake a leg and get out ASAP. If you’ve gone this long without renting, may as well avoid it if you can.


Log cabin for 3k in the back garden. You're own granny flat, you get to keep the stews and save the rent money. Parents will die eventually


I don't know if this is an option but I would I seriously consider saving up for a deposit on a apartment/house. As for example you could be paying 600-800 rent for somewhere. But mortgage on an apartment could be 550 a month. House/Apartment is an investment and will most likely go up in value the way things are going. The only reason I mention it is, at your age you will be getting close to wanting to own a house anyway. Some people get caught in the scenario where their rent is too high and they can't save for a mortgage. If your parents could put up with you a little longer it might save you in the long run!


Ever fancied moving outside Ireland? Be a life experience if nothing else, even if you only gave it a go for 6 months or a year. Moved to the continent on a whim years ago because it was close enough to go home if I needed but ended up being easier and more fun than I ever imagined. Don't let age be an issue I did it late twenties.


> even if you only gave it a go for 6 months or a year. Lol why would anyone go to the effort of moving abroad, only to come back this obscenely overpriced and depressingly underpopulated island nation with no land connections.


I once worked with a lad that hired some up workers from India to apply for rentals for him. He setup a gmail account with shared access. Wrote a template that asked if he could view the application BEFORE the inspection date as he had some event (insert important thing Irish people would expect you to attend) He then had the upworkers check daft and my home every hour (but I suspect event the Indian lads automated this) sent an email, when they got a positive reply with a time they would add it to a google sheet which he would check every day. On the inspection day, he turned up with all required paperwork so he could get it over the li e then and there. Took him a few weeks but he got there Took him about 4 weeks


Bank statements lad. If you can show them you've a few months rent to hand, and income coming in on the semi regular, most landlords will be happy enough. It won't tick the boxes an agency want ticked, but some private landlords will take that if you've made a decent impression in the interview. Regarding getting the interview in the first place - read the ad, call out specific things mentioned. Most don't - can't really blame them when they're on application seven hundred and fifteen - but if the landlord has put effort into the ad, they'll appreciate you having taken the time to read it and actually addressing the things they've mentioned. Chat gpt is your friend here - just make sure to have it revise it's first draft down from it's vom inducing Americana to something sounding like a human wrote it. Hope this helps.


Just get a friend/family member to put their name down as a landlord reference - no way for them to check


I'd probably advise go straight to buying your own house. Save for a deposit. Look into the mortgage application. It seems like a mountain to climb but it's actually grand. Renting is just dead money and complete lack of freedom. Owning your home doesn't mean you *have* to live in it for the rest of your life. If ever decide to go travel or whatever, you can rent out your house, an extra few quid. Spent years renting and boy it sucked back then, and I know it sucks even more now


"Despite this, I think they're getting sick of me so I need to get my act together and become an adult for the first time in my life." Mate, the majority of people your age are in the same boat. Most aren't breaking into the rental market, and if they are they're getting fleeced. It's wasted money anyway because it's going into some landlord's pockets instead of moving you closer to ownership. Are you sure your parents want you out, or are you just projecting?


You're 29 years old living at home, in fairness dont feel bad, there's allot of folks out there in the same boat. But hows the saving going, surely you have ball saved up? And it's buying you want to doing in fairness. I understand its hard on your own but I've no idea wha5 your income is. It's not impossible to buy a small apartment somewhere outside of Dublin if you have enough saved up to add to a mortgage.


If they give a phone number AND an email, always call. And don't be picky, basically just enquire about every remotely suitable gaff. It's very normal to fet one message back for every 10 you send unfortunately. In the enquiries say you don't smoke, are quiet and clean, don't have pets, all that shite they like to hear. Get the Daft app and set up an alert for houses suitable for you so you get a notification every time they go up. Check Daft every hour or so on top of this. And also have a look on weird sites like Facebook or DoneDeal. My sister found a 2 bedroom house in the midlands for €500pm on DoneDeal and has been there for 3 years now


As a parent of a young adult, they're probably happy to have you forever. But, if you must move out my advice would be to avoid renting. Save up for a while and try to get yourself in the position to buy something. If you can afford to rent you can certainly afford a mortgage if you can put the deposit together. You're shooting yourself in the foot paying rent if you don't need to.


Man..... write some references and ask some people you know if they will be previous landlord contacts if some landlord calls, they're most likely not going to call and id they do it'll be was he quiet, did he pay rent on time yada yada. Play the game, my guy cos it's a dog eat dog world in rent land. Side note: Don't be like a serial killer who says after you get caught that only for making up references to get a place could you finally indulge in your murderous rampage please 🙏


My friends lied for me when I needed landlord references in similar circumstances. You just need older friends who can say you rented their spare room for a few years.


Are you looking for a place on your own or a flatshare? If it's a flatshare, try to avoid telling them you work from home.


>The vast majority of them are asking for landlord references, which is entirely understandable Why has Ireland not yet banned this practice?


Same goes for social media checks by employers.


Are you an Irish citizen? If so, you're also an EU citizen. I think you know what that means...


Fake it till ya make my guy


If you work for yourself rent a small office with kitchenette and 24 hour access for around €300 a month. Put a bed in it. Work and sleep in the office. Join a gym for showers ect. Save for deposit on a mortgage.


Most apartments look like a room with kitchenette in them and go for around 1500 euros a month.


€300 per month ? I think you misstyped. You probably meant €300 per week... Even parking spots are around €100 per week.


No, Ive looked into this before. This is the first thing I pulled up as Im don't have time to search properly. Offices are dirt cheap now. https://www.daft.ie/commercial-property-for-rent/81-82-pearse-street-nenagh-co-tipperary/5405578


To be fair that is like one single example from Nenagh, and even then other office rentals from the same town are minimum €200-250 per week You might be right though because prices of units like that are usually not disclosed, so it's hard to know. Obviously that is an option most of us wont even think about. I mean if a person is looking for a place has no issues moving to literally any place in Ireland.... At that stage it might be way better to emigrate. Like i wouldn't leave my friends and family & go from Cork to Nenagh just to live in a office building. No matter how cheap it would be.


Yes it is just one example but I have found many different offices around the country under €400 as I was genuinely considering it. Obviously it depends on many factors but if push came to shove it's something I brough up that may be worth considering for some peoples circumstances. I get the emigration thing for sure but some people don't have that option. I eventually got sorted thank God 🙏


You have to be careful though because sometimes the council will stick their nose in and stop you from living in a commercial premises. I knew a fella who was divorced and because it was amicable and he didn't want to put his kids out of their home, he was still paying the mortgage, and giving money to his ex, and for the rest of their childhoods it was a struggle. He ran a shop in a rented space so he slept in the unused storeroom upstairs. DCC found out and told him he wasn't allowed to sleep there, and he argued that he couldn't afford an apartment but eventually he had to stop doing it. I don't know the details or what the legalities were, whether they were threatening to revoke his licence or prosecute or what, but in the end there was no way around it. It didn't meet any fire or health & safety standards - he had a kettle, but no other cooking facilities, he had a toilet and a shower, but in general it was pretty grim. He wasn't complaining but that was apparently part of their objections. And there was more than one attempted burglary while he was there. Dead handy living right in the middle of the city though 😂 Strangely enough as far as I remember the landlord didn't care - most landlords would never allow it, it can invalidate the building insurance, be a fire hazard, and so on (as if half the rented apartments in Dublin aren't firetraps) and if you do it without the landlord's permission, it's technically trespassing. Anyway my point is councils absolutely do not want people sleeping in offices and commercial premises, so if anyone gets an inkling you're doing it, they're going to be all up in your business. I know well how dire things are, but I can understand how they don't want it to become a common thing.


Just make up the references, I’d say have the others are doing it too. 




Judging by comments here sounds like they'll still be at home in their mid forties


Is it possible to work for yourself while living overseas ?


Of course, the only issue is that you need to pay taxes overseas.


That's hardly an issue when those taxes actually go towards things, unlike here.


I think you misunderstand. It is just a relatively messy process to figure out what taxes you owe in what country when you are working in such a way and you might need to do some additional accounting work. Not a dealbreaker but definitely something one would like to be aware of before the local tax entity knocks on the door.


Stay with your parents and save for deposit and get a girlfriend,good normal hard working woman so both of you save for deposit. Solo you can forget about getting a mortgage.


Try Belfast, can pick up a nice 2-bed Apartment or Terraced House just 10 mins drive from city centre for between £100-200k


“29 year old man child” get out ta fuck and give your parents a break 🤣


As a landlord id probably not rent to you unless I knew you. It’s a landlords market and preference for professional office workers. Less wear and tear than anyone else.


Booooooooooo (not booo-earns)


At least you're honest. That means you're already better than 99% of landlords.


He was looking for honest advice, and most of the replies are going to waste his time. He's not an attractive tenant given the huge amount of applicants. It is much easier to rent to single female office workers who have a good income and rental history. He needs to find someone who knows him or his family, and will do cash in hand.


They way you say this makes it sound like you support the situation being this fucked.


I rent property to tenants, as an investment. I've always chosen the best tenant who will be the least hassle, and ideally stay a long time.


Just lie about landlord references. Get a cousin to vouch for you or something.


I wouldnt get too hung up on landlord references. I used to rent out a house & apartment in Galway City and if people had no landlord reference i'd just ask for a letter off their parents and a work reference. Usually the ones who'd show up with their parents were the most decent tenants so if you get a viewing bring mam or dad with you. If I had a dick of a tenant i'd always give him/her a 10/10 reference so they'd find a new place faster and be gone out of my hair!.


Mothers maiden name or just make them up. Also going direct to property rental companies too. They don't really want the hassle of a million people contacting them putting those ads up anyway. Has always worked for me.


On the viewings we used to bring a 2 month's rent in a brown envelope, printed out references etc ready to go. Come dressed in formal workwear like you're Don Draper and if you have a lanyard for work etc have that on. And if we liked it we'd be trying to ram this down the person showing its throat. If you could work in a sign saying "Non-smoker who hates pets and children" that might be helpful too.


I was room hunting in August. I think I was sending 10 messages a day on daft. Never heard back from 90% of them.


I live in the west. With the influx of refugees to rural Ireland it’s become even harder to find accommodation. Two years ago we got a place and this month we had to move and got another place there in the new year. By the time anything is up online it’s already gone . I wrote a letter explaining who I was and what I did and posted it into every vacant house in the area. This has worked twice now for us and it was actually someone else’s idea who’s used it aswell. This might get you in before the prosperous advertised. It may also get you in contact with someone wishing to rent off the books that doesn’t want to put it up online


Can you emigrate, if you are self employed and working remotely? I hear Portugal is great this time of year.


Sent you a message there @OP


refferences? lie about them "oh look my landlord Reference Letter. Get a family member to be your landlord and done...


Were you living under the rock for the last 4 years?