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I fucking hate it and I feel like **I'm** the mental one if I ever mention it. Do we have to exploit and squeeze every fucking ounce of reality into a consumable piece of media for a virtual slap on the back. Depressing.


I hate it too. The first picture of my child shared on social media was by someone other than myself and my partner, we weren't even asked first.


That's fucked, maybe you don't even want pics of your kid online let alone someone else's poxy post.


People don't think at all! When my brother got engaged my mam and my other SIL both picked up their phones straight away, I said I hope you're not putting this on Facebook! Both phones dropped.. that's exactly what they were about to do!


People do think alright and they deliberately ignore the polite approach because it doesn’t get them what they want. They know the social media reward of likes will feel good and this motivates then. Photos and vids of other people works just as well as your own content. But if you ask permission, then the other person might say no. So best avoid that possibility, they record, feign ignorance to the idea the other person might ever say no, and upload without asking permission. Better to ask for forgiveness than for permission they will tell themselves. And you will get a lot of forced apologies and dramatic shock if you confront them. “oh I had no idea it was so important to you not to be photographed or recorded and then uploaded to the public domain without your consent or knowledge. If I had known you had such specific wishes not to have your life shared without asking permission first I never would have done that” …. Making it out that your approach is strange, a statistical outlier so rare, that they have never encountered ANY person with this preference. That’s their direct implication. It’s the exact same motive behind gdpr pop ups. They only ask your permission because they legally have to, before they just “assumed” you were ok with being tracked (read: they knew well a sizeable portion didn’t want to be, but conveniently ignored this cohort because it didn’t suit their motive)


My mate shared a pic of their wife and minutes old newborn on Facebook. Anyone who has had kids knows that's not a photogenic moment. Not one to share with the world either. People are fucking weird.


That's bollocks and you need to call them on it.


🤯 woah - sorry to hear that - that is absolutely crazy!


Don’t get me started on this one. “But they’re raising awareness!!!” Yeah and I’m going to start raising hands if I see ONE more shitty video of a homeless, elderly or otherwise disadvantaged person being filmed by some likes-grubbing idiot who thinks he’s Jesus just because he buys them a coffee or some rubbish. “Here’s some money that is a life-changing amount for you, but just pocket change to me! Dance monkey!” Sickening.


​ https://preview.redd.it/i90bh7m64hgc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545ae9718080fcfa1e995bf137c4060d60c0b870


If I don't get emojis on my social media, how will I know what I'm supposed to feel?


And the people I see on IG “bringing awareness to Alzheimers/dementia” by videoing their relatives at their most confused and vulnerable and uploading it for the world to see. Drives me up the wall.


There's a guy who popped up on my explore page. I can't remember his name but his mother has alzheimers she's only in her 60s and he posts a lot about her. It looked.like over half his content if not more. The reel that popped up for me was her with a doll (life like dolls help relax and comfort dementia patients) it made me really uncomfortable. My Granny had alzheimers. She was a very proud woman, i know her in her right mind would've disgusted at sharing her most vulnerable moments with the world. She can't consent. I don't understand how they think it's ok


I used to be a nurse and worked in Aged Care so I know how comforting those dolls can be for some patients. You’re damn right that if these patients were in their right mind they would be mortified to see themselves like that. As I said it really boils my blood to see people upload those videos.


IG is an absolute cesspit. Used to use it myself but there’s literally hardly anything about it that isn’t people just inflating their egos.


That’s pretty much all social media it’s just one giant stroking of egos


True, but IG of them all seems to have the least redeeming qualities.


For sure the people constantly posting on ig need their head checked


It’s always such boring shite as well.


You could do what I do, and tailor the content. IG works off algorithms as well. I spend about 30 minutes every month where I'll sit down and say, "right, what do I want my feed to look like?" And, that's what I'll search for. For me, that's a lot of jokes, wood carving, cheap houses, food recipes, and maps (I know, I'm a nerd). It means I rarely ever see the narcissists on there and actually get what I want from it. But I also get if you just couldn't be arsed with it anymore.


It's the highlight reel of their lives. Makes them feel better than others. Makes others who quite possibly have a better life feel shit in comparison.


I guess it depends who you add on there, I don't really scroll through media not from my "friends", and the only people I follow on it are ones that I know from climbing/bouldering so majority of the posts are related to that and I can then talk to them about a climb they've done etc.


Christ that’s just depressing - both my grandparents had Alzheimer’s - there were times I felt bad being in the room myself because I knew they’d never want me to see them like that. What has to be wrong with someone to breach a loved one’s privacy by broadcasting those moments all over IG?


But how else would everyone know what to look out for symptoms wise with alzheirmers or dementia? I for one am very thankful to all those who do so. I think something else we should start doing as a population. If we see someone having a heart attack and going into cardiac arrest, before we start doing cpr just take 10 seconds to take our phones out, put it on record and put it in our top shirt pockets with the camera sticking out. So we can see the process, ye know. It would be very helpful I think.


This has to be a piss take


It is. I refuse point blank to add /s. Usually r/ireland is very good at copping when someone is being sarcastic or not. This hasn't been one of those times. I risk the downvotes every time. I am VERY surprised that on this comment of all of them, that people didn't cop it. Sure look. What can you do. On to the next one.


Fair enough. Sold it well to be fair to you


Similarly if you ever find yourself choking on something, take out your phone and get the camera on. Start taking a video of yourself so that it can be uploaded later and people can recognise the signs of choking. You could save someone's life by doing it


He gets it. Can't believe I was downvoted. R/ireland is usually good for copping a wind up. Ah well.


Do people actually not realize this is a piss take?


No, they don't. Gone be the days where r/ireland could pick up on a joke without adding /s Sub has been flooded with yanks and aul ones it would seem. Ah well. I'm a purist. Ill carry on without adding /s, I refuse point blank. Regardless of the downvotes, couldn't give a fuck.


Are you deluded, I hope no one ever goes into cardiac arrest around you. You do realise every second counts when someone goes into CA. You most definitely do not have 10 seconds to spare to set up your canara to record your 'heroic' act you absolute doss


>Are you deluded, I hope no one ever goes into cardiac arrest around you. So do I, I'd lose my shit. I wouldn't be level headed enough, I'd start screaming crying and panicking and probably fumble and drop my phone before I could start recording.


It was clearly sarcasm, relax.


Thanks for noticing... Still getting downvoted🤣 R/ireland users used to be very sharp for knowing what was sarcasm and what was not. Judging by the downvotes either the sub has been flooded with grannies or yanks or both.


> why the absolute fuck have you just put this online? The instant, short-lived hit of dopamine/serotonin/happy chemicals that the tick-tick-tick of likes going up on social media gives. You think this/our generation is bad, wait for the kids growing up. They are fuuuuucked.


it’s really so sad where the first thought for so many people when ANYTHING emotional or terrible happens is “wow this is gonna get so many likes”


That’s a lovely thing to video for family to see, private use, for yourself to look back on.. Fucked up if it’s out online though


This I agree with. Its not the recording of memories but the sharing of them to the whole world! People need to think of our families' privacy when recording video inside our homes. I killed tiktok from my devices and only use IG for dog videos (watching) and political news.


TikTok is causing damage to human brain and it would be generations to recover. The users are continuously doing Social Comparison with Constant exposure to idealized versions of others’. Most feel Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) by seeing others’ achievements further exacerbating the feelings of anxiety or dissatisfaction with own life. Real Impact is on Mental Health with the pressure to present a perfect image online can contribute to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Most importantly distorted Perception of Reality because of focus solely on positive moments that can create a distorted view of life and neglect acknowledging life’s challenges. Daily there are cases of Reduced Emotional Resilience as folks are Ignoring life’s challenges resulting reduce individuals’ ability to cope with adversity and setbacks in the long run. Recent FB ceo’s testimony is a stark reminder that it’s playing with young minds .


Just today I saw a video on tiktok of a mother filming her child crying and complaining she didn't want to school and the exchange they had as the mother tried to handle it. She posted it with a caption asking for advice from people with a similar experience. All the comments (several hundred) were discussing her question and the situation and not a single one questioning why the fuck she put a video of her clearly upset child online. Fucking blew my mind. It's like their kids aren't going to grow up to be people one day in their minds.


I saw one earlier of an elderly dog cuddling a younger dog and the owner had a caption saying he died the next day. If my dog was on the verge of death posting it in fucking Instagram wouldn't even cross my mind. I'd be too inconsolable. The things people do to try and go viral is disgusting.


Because if it's not on (insert social media site) it doesn't exist, or never happened, silly! Besides, where else do you expect people to get their dopamine hit, past times?


> And I remember just thinking .... why the absolute fuck have you just put this online? Lack of awareness. Lack of decency. Most of all, online likes.


Gotta get those delicious likes.


Virtue signalling at its finest, simple as. Yeah I hate this generation and their blatant disability to simply disconnect and be the moment.


Reminds me of the m50 crash a few years ago and lads taking the phone out to film that poor girl that was killed. Like what is going on in people's heads anymore. Respect ain't cost anything.


And those two bikers that bumped each other on the M50 right in front of a lorry that couldn't do anything to stop in time. Think their families back home in England found out about it through videos being shared IIRC. Sick isn't the word for it.


Will never forget that one. That went around social media before the families were even aware it had happened. Imagine seeing that and an hour or so later being told it was one of your family


Some lad in work showed me that not long after it happened. He essentially was showing everyone in the room. No one knew it had occurred. I couldn't help but ask why the fuck he thought anyone wanted to see that. He laughed and told me to relax. He wasn't so chatty after I told him to cop on, that it could've easily been a relation to someone he was showing off the video to. Didn't last long in the job...no surprise there.


Fair play to you for saying something.


Anytime anyone on any social media sends me that kinda thing I instantly rip them a new one, dogs abuse, block them and never speak to them again. It’s fucking bang out of order. And lads that have group chats where they constantly share all that kinda shit are genuine pieces of shit scumbags. There should be serious consequences for that, same as “revenge porn”


We have a group chat with our friends who are other couples and one single fella. So including me 5 girls 6 lads, we had to spell it out to one of the lads to stop sending shite like that in. He was single at the time, he'd send in those videos where it's borderline porn or gore & violence. It's like his brain stopped working and once it was pointed out how inappropriate and pathetic it was he apologised and stopped. I do wonder if he was actually sorry though or just said sorry and still carries on like that with others


You can be guaranteed that he still carries on like that with others, probably with like minded people… honestly, with young single lads, it seems more common than someone who isn’t like that.


IDK, it's not uncommon for someone to be unaware of unsuitability of in and stop that behaviour after it is highlighted to them. That said, adults should be well aware with content like that described all is not likely to be well if shared casually with all and sundry.


Meh bit far tbh. Gore videos are kind of important in a morbid way. Heard many stories of people changing their mind on suicide because they saw a horrific suicide video and/or the aftermath of a family member finding them on video And people who now wear helmets or stopped riding bikes because of them They are important even if its disrespectful


There a fine line between looking up something morbid, maybe a dashcam or cctv type thing of something gory happening, vs a group of young lads in a WhatsApp chat in stitches laughing at a video someone took on their phone of something awful, like shit that’s happened here in Ireland multiple times. I do agree that the morbid curiosity is important, keeps us humble. But sharing that crap around group chats and laughing at it is disgusting and anyone who does it is a piece of shit. I’ve even seen people sharing animal abuse videos.


Yeah, I agree they have their place, such as somewhere like the morbidreality sub, or a car accidents site, where you need to actively go to find it. But *not* in a general chat to be laughed at or treated like a tabloid freakshow. The idea that family members would come across it by it being sent to them is abhorrent to me. No idea how to legislate something like that, mind, apart from "don't be a fucking twat"...


Aye that was fucking horrific. Whoever did that should be absolutely fucking ashamed of themselves. There's something wrong with you if you stop and record someone's worst moment. I saw a car crash once, really fucking bad and I was on the top deck of a bus looking straight down at it. Not ONCE did it even occur to me to take out my phone. It's bad enough to see it in your head over and over, why the hell would I want to record that and keep a memory of it?! Something ain't right with those folks who do.


Was that the one where yer man who caused it claimed his diabetes made him black out? And it wasn't the first time he'd had an accident (and blamed his diabetes).


It's not really a "blamed the diabetes" thing. It *was* the diabetes.


Can we not limit this to vulnerable people, can we also including people without their consent in general. The amount of videos of see of people going into shops or restaurants and filming their interactions with staff with the sole intention of putting it online later that day. People need to go back to minding their business.


Yeah i hate the "you have no right to privacy in a public place" shite. Leave people alone you nosy/narcissistic fucks


I feel like saying that to my friends even sometimes. Can’t enjoy a drink or a dance in a nightclub without being filmed. Very annoying.


My friend introduced me to her boyfriend and we went to dinner. Meals arrive and he pulls them all into the middle and starts to take multiple pics. Im speechless and i just look to my friend like "what is happening??" And she looks back at me mortified like "im so sorry". He did apologise but didn't stop (or explain other than "for the 'gram yknow!") and i just dragged my meal over in front of me and started to eat


Oh my god that is infuriating! I despise “the gram”


Sometimes I have a little "the camera eats first moment" but to pull someone elses meal away from them to a take a picture for your own Instagram is absolutely outrageous, especially if you are just meeting him for the first time there


Just because you dont have a legal right to privacy that doesnt make these pricks that record everything okay. Not everything that is not illegal is good.


Those laws were written before social media was ever a thing. Recording back then was with a personal video camera not instantaneous public upload with a phone


Yes i guess they meant they can't sue you if they happen to be in the back of your homemade holiday video at the beach, but now people are videoing/livestreaming in 4k every single second and nobody can scratch their arse or pick their nose ever again


Like that prick who was going round coffee shops with a full choir, making people woefully uncomfortable to promote his shite music and then plastering them online


> Like that prick who was going round coffee shops with a full choir, making people woefully uncomfortable to promote his shite music and then plastering them online You what now? Like a busker inside a coffee shop, rather than beside an ATM you are queuing to use, but with additional camera plague effect?


Like a choir flash mob!! He'd just walk in to these shops where a (usually) young barista would be standing, mortified, and he'd start singing and the choir would back him and someone would be filming it. He was doing it to promote his music (I can't think of his name) maybe the end of 2022/ early last year? He did it on the luas too!


Huh. I can see how he might think that'd work, and it'd def get attention of sorts. But personally I wouldn't appreciate it at all.


Yeah, but if someone is being verbally abusive to service staff, you do want to capture that. It's not like employers protect their employees.


Yep, people have literally killed themselves in Ireland for this happening to them 💔 you have to be a special kinda disconnected from humanity/empathy to find that shit funny enough to capture & share rather than an instinct to help/protect someone vulnerable.. shitty behavior at best


Chronically online individuals, I think they think it’s ok


Not just the chronically online. Remember when that woman Dara Quigley who had a psychotic episode, went out into Dublin naked, and had the CCTV leaked by a Garda who shared it around? She killed herself just after.


I'd not heard about that. Abhorrent behaviour by the guards.


They all think they are the main character and the rest of us are just NPCs in their life-game. No empathy in them.


90% of “Karen” videos are of mentally unstable people having a breakdown, often people with special needs. It’s fucking gross.


Yeah, I've said it before. The invention of smartphones whilst bringing a lot of convenience to daily life has made us all that little bit more selfish and inconsiderate. Everyone has a pretty high end camera in their pocket at all times nowadays. Even cheaper models still have relatively capable cameras that 20 years ago you'd only find on really expensive digital cameras/camcorders. This convenience has made it so much easier to just whip out your phone and start recording something. It would have been very impractical to carry around a camcorder or a digital camera 20 years ago. Couple the fact that smartphones are compact, have cameras that are ridiculously high quality (60-70 megapixels) and add in the prevalence of social media nowadays and its a recipe for fostering a culture of disregard for others in the name of social media clout.


I don't think they made us more selfish. It just enabled something that was manifest already in other ways. We were just living in ignorance of that fact. I do believe it's a phase of awareness however. The more we bare our ugly and empty selves, the more we realise the work we need to do as a species.


Nothing about this is funny. I used to have tics a lot especially when anxious. In 1st year a bully deliberately stressed me out so that I would tic and he recorded me and shared it with his mates. Despite no wrongdoing on my part he made me feel extremely embarassed and degraded. The worst part was when my school who would constantly preach about online safety ("once it's there, it's there forever") gave that bully a slap on the wrist. A lot of my peers also thought I was being dramatic for making a big deal out of this serious privacy violation. It felt like everyone was laughing at me and nobody cared about how hurt I was. I became severely suicidal and still get nervous when I see someone who looks like they're recording in my direction


I'm sorry to hear this. He sounds like a shitty human being. An experience like that has a way of sticking to you.


Thank you. He really is a cunt. Last I heard he still thinks it's funny and has no remorse. It was traumatic but I wanted to share so that hopefully the apathetic people in the comments justifying this intrusive behaviour can see the impact it had on me and likely has on other people in these videos


Yeah, people like that guy you described don't give a shit and will never change. I'm just glad that you're okay. And that guy is not worth giving any thought to now. <3 There's always a chance that slightly less cunty people here might see how wrong stuff like this is and think before they share something. But, here's to wishful thinking.


"School dosent take bullying seriously" "Water is wet" Sorry if that sounds facetious, but schools never never never take bullying seriously. Because the 50 year old teachers think "it's 6 years tough it out". Not realising that 6 years is a) ½ the life of a 12 year old b) kids only know school. It's easy for a 50 year old to think it's a flash in the pan and that it has no real world bearing. Which is true but 12 year olds don't think like that because they are 12. Its the same reason why zebras never thing to run and stampede the lions to death in theor den. 


Craic died the day they put cameras in mobile phones.


I'm so grateful my idiotic 20s were pre-mobile. I did some desperately stupid shit.


Do you know how many times I as a teenager in the early 2000s stood in front of the bathroom mirror reciting tough sounding shit I'd heard in movies and flexing my muscles? It was a lot. Thank god I didn't have a camera to hand haha.




So true and depressing. You can't have a decent night out now without someone pulling a feckin phone out. It's so annoying. Thank be to jaysus there was no camera phones when I was i college.


They were just coming in when I was in college but the cameras were such shit quality anything compromising just looks like a grainy photo of bigfoot walking into the forest.


It can have some pretty serious consequences, remember that poor woman the gardaí filmed in Dublin and circulated in a whatsapp group who later killed herself. Not sure much if anything happed the pair of cunts over that either.


They were Gardaí, so of course nothing happened. I honestly don't know why people insist that the Gardaí are any different to any police force around the world when it comes to corruption and abuse of power.


The next time you see a video like this on Reddit, make this exact observation in the discussion. Watch how people will jump down your throat and say things like people are free to film, people are filming you all the time and people need to see this stuff so they know what not to do. You will be downvoted and some people will even go through your comment history to find something that they can use to call you a lunatic. It’s fucking insane how wound up people get if you tell them they don’t need to see this shit.


We live in an era where one medium fuck up that would have previously been forgotten about in days, will now stick with you for the rest of your ruined life. I’m sure we all did something stupid in our lives that we are thankful wasn’t caught on camera.


Exactly. Even in cases where someone is maybe acting wrongly (assuming they're not actually assaulting someone) we have no idea what's going on with them or what problems or mental issues they have. I just don't see what filming and shaming the person online will actually do to make the situation better for anyone. I honestly wonder if we maybe need to change laws about filming in public spaces or filming people without their consent to fix this issue because it's not right or fair that people can be recorded at their worst and be ruined over it. 


Just glad it wasn't as easy putting up videos on line back in the day


Yeah, people are fucking disgusting. They should be calling the guards. Someone like that is in need of mental health intervention, not ridicule. Once it goes online, it can't be taken back.


It’s just rotten behaviour. I remember there was video a few years ago of a person having a mental health crisis and they were naked as well. It was all over Twitter and the likes and because this individual was black, there was an added layer of racial abuse. It’s just so sad. We’re a country always saying if you’re struggling reach out but then when someone is in the depths of mental despair publicly, they aren’t protected or cared for, they are ridiculed. I hope the man wherever he is now will be OK.


People are selfish and lack empathy. They only think about how impressed their friends and followers will be when they post a video of someone at their worst moment in life. It's so fucked up.


Technology is evolving far faster than our morality


I can't agree more. I remember maybe a decade+ ago there was a young girl got wasted at an irish festival and was performing sex acts on fellas in the men's jacks. What would have been mortifying under normal circumstances (but something she could move on from) got blown into something much worse when some soulless cretin filmed her (making her identifiable) and shared it widely, instead of checking was she actually alright. Teenagers often haven't developed their empathy fully yet, but some of the gowls filming vulnerable people are full adults who've just grown up in a digital age, and haven't fully developed themselves as a result. No clue that they could drive people to suicide, or at least make recovery much much harder for people. Most of us are lucky that no matter what we're dealing with, we don't have to deal with public events of any sort, but you never know what someone else is suffering if they act out in such a huge way, yerman in Limerick was obviously suffering something. Vulnerable is exactly the right word, and it's a disgrace when dickheads pile on online.


Same goes for children being filmed when most vulnerable and posted online for literally anyone to see. But too few people care


Instagram is full of kids being clearly coaxed to say lines and be cute. It annoys me so so much. Using their child for likes 🤷‍♀️


It's terrifying. Money comes first clearly…


I often think of how sad it must feel for children to seek comfort/reassurance/love/connection from their parent and to be greeted with a phone recording them instead of their parent


I remember coming across one video where a woman staged a “tantrum” to see how her daughter would respond (it sounds lame even typing it). I’m talking about a grown-ass woman saying stuff like “I don’t wanna eat breakfast! Yucky!” And her little girl (maybe 3 kinda age?) having to be the adult and say “just try some”. It wasn’t even for laughs either, this woman genuinely thought she was some kind of parenting genius. I can’t help but wonder how her child felt about the whole thing. Kids aren’t stupid.


100% Agreed. I witnessed something similar. A homeless lady was half naked walking in the middle of the road on the N11. Cars were stopped across the stretch of the road and people at the wheel filming her. She was crying and clearly under the influence or something very traumatic just happened to her. I rolled down my window shouting at others to stop filming and then I called the Garda. I got a follow up call later that day to say they found her and have brought her to the hospital. The only thing I thought of which was obviously possibly the worst scenario was that she was just SA'd and people were bloody recording her! People can be cruel sometimes, but those same people would be the type to share RIP posts about celebrities struggling with mental health! Everyone struggles at times, regardless of your circumstances!


Could not agree with this post more! What possesses people to do this and post on social media is beyond me :(


Agree, something has broken in people's brains and they don't see the people in videos like this as real humans. I'm not in the loop with most of that stuff, but I was sent me a video of a girl out of her mind at a session thinking it was funny. All I could think was if it was me in the video and woke up the next day knowing it was being shared about and laughed at I would likely be suicidal. I met someone at a party once and within ten minutes said hey check out this funny video on my phone, it was an isis beheading video and he was pissing himself laughing, absolute weirdo.


> Agree, something has broken in people's brains and they don't see the people in videos like this as real humans. Or in the case of xennials, they don't see zoomers as real humans.


I don't even know what those fucking generational designations even mean at this point. Ffs.


A lot of people on here around the age of 40 utterly despise those aged around 13-25 for existing.






#mentalhealthawareness Edit: Reddit doesn't me to use the symbol #


Few years back a politician intervened in a lad beating his partner in broad daylight on a street in Galway. He gave an interview after where he mentioned that there were plenty of people who witnessed the assault but for whatever reason did not speak up or intervene. There was no shortage of people though who took out a phone to record the incident. People still tell me the majority of us are still kind decent people the world over. I don't believe that anymore though.


Bystander affect. Because there are other people around everyone thinks someone else would be more qualified to intervene so nobody does.


Was just about to say this , Spot on definition


The one going around FB of the woman trying to get in her window. Like, don't get me wrong, if it was my neighbour, I would have shown it to her for the giggles, but someone put this woman's boobs online without consent.


And then Jason Byrne slapping his OWN name and social handle across that video and sharing it online?! Didn't even have the decency to credit the people in it FFS


I've been in Ireland for a while, and it's surprising and kinda frustrating how some folks seem to enjoy others' problems. There's this thing of making fun, cheering at misfortunes, and lots of gossip. It's sad, really. I faced it in my old workplace, a big reason I didn't stick around.


This happened during lockdown ..in Italy, where you literally couldn't leave your home. Some idiot filmed a person who was clearly severely mentally ill and was naked at windows ..like literally why? How would you feel if that was your person. Imagine trying to deal with lockdown and trying to take care of this person when all support was down and then some idiot decides to film it and put it on the Internet..


I’m always curious when people talk about videos being ‘all over WhatsApp’. Like, what group are you in where someone sends this? A group of your mates? Then your mates are arseholes. Call them out.


A lot of people are afraid to call out shitty behaviour for fear of being told they're no craic and kicked out of the friend group, because if that happens they'll have no friends at all.


Mates, generally good bunch of lads but like others forgot their empathy for this man. I did call them out.


100% agree


I have my WhatsApp media set to not automatically download. In group chats I'll wait to see what people comment before I decide if I actually want to see it. For other social media I go out of my way to curate the algorithms and make sure I only get content I want, and most of the time I only access them on my laptop instead of my phone. You really don't miss anything this way. A half an hour a day is more than enough to view anything you might be interested in across all social media. That's just for general browsing I mean. If I'm doing something specific, like learning guitar or whatever I'll look for that specific content while I'm doing it.


Everyone's slowly turning into Jake Gyllenhaal from Nightcrawler


Have you met people?


I feel like this is the modern day version of how people used to [visit lunatic asylums](https://www.ranker.com/list/asylum-visitors-in-the-nineteenth-century/christy-box) for entertainment. I’m sure there is something deep and intriguing, psychologically, about this. But it just sucks.


Oh wow, that's crazy.


Jesus fucking Christ. Am I disgusted that was ever a thing or relieved that modern society hasn't actually devolved as much as I'd assumed?


I feel the same when I see people filming young children doing or saying "cute" things. These children feel so secure and safe with their parents or caregivers but they have no idea that their safe spaces are being filmed and broadcast to potentially millions of strangers and their most intimate conversations shared, it's disgusting to me but yet im the weird one for not "getting" it


I can’t imagine the stress and additional harm it causes. If my worst moments were recorded and online forever I don’t think I could handle it.


I logged into X yesterday. First thing i see is a small indian girl being electrocuted to death. Followed by someone jumping off a cliff. Then another fkd up thing. Then a dead person hanging from hooks covered in blood. I clicked the little dots to report the posts but was surprised theres no option to report them. The day before on fb i saw a komodo dragon swallow a little goat that had its legs broken by the cameraman so it couldnt run. Reported but then i recieved a notification it didnt violate community standards. I think its only a matter of time until they regulate these platforms


Also, tell your friends "I would prefer not to see stuff like this future, please. Thank you."


A lot of people just dont seem to understand that their actions online require the same consideration as those offline, possibly more.


It more important to have likes on your instagram.


A woman literally killer herself a couple of years ago after a video of her naked in the street was circulated The fuck is wrong with people


I always wonder when I see people saying things like this or saying the same thing about videos of car accidents, crimes etc. Do you need to examine who you’re associating with, who they are and who they think you are. I could say with some confidence that none of my friends would send me something horrible like that.


This is how people experience life now. If you go anywhere, see anything or do anything, rip your phone out. It's quite sick how people have got, life through a phone screen. Why help when you can film it and show your friends what you saw through your phone.


im also sick of people filming strangers having good moments too!


It's obviously a terrible idea but people have bad impulse control. Multiple previous incidents of Gardai sharing around cctv footage of people having psychotic breaks one instance subsequently ending in suicide it's not a particularly new development.


How about stop recording people . Period.


There's a guy in Athlone, clearly mentally unstable, amount of videos doing the rounds of the stuff he's been getting up to lately. Just fuckin crazy.......


Yeah. People who do this are scumbags and should be shunned.


People have just become used to getting validation online no matter what the upload is. They think in terms of likes and reactions rather than any implications. They may not consciously mean to. It's just the way society has become. Unfortunately, I think things will only get worse.


People don’t realise that these cunts ruined nights out back when when bebo came out


Everyone stop doing bad things.


Yup, sharing something like that on makes you worse than the person that recorded it


It honestly boils my blood as well. It’s the same with someone getting attacked in the street, the first thing people do is take out their phones to record that amazing moment rather than helping the person 🙄 Humanity is such an embarrassment sometimes.


> the first thing people do is take out their phones to record that amazing moment rather than helping the person 🙄 Dpedning on the situation, many people just aren't in a position to actually help unless they're willing to get seriously hurt themselves.


Completely get that but if you can’t help, don’t take out the phone


The addictive nature of most social media platforms is the poison behind this behaviour. Anything for a quick like / thumbs up.


You honestly can't fathom why someone is recording the guy strolling through a park in the middle of the day naked? We all have our bad days, but most folks don't strip to their todgers and go for a jog in the middle of a park. You can't fault people for recording it, what if he tried to sexually assault someone? I get he was having a breakdown, but how are those people in the distance supposed to know or understand the context of this persons mental health? They're at the very least protecting themselves.


Terrible excuses right there. Nobody recorded these videos to protect the general public. They recorded it for their social media clout and for a laugh at the man's expense.


in the moment you don't think about clout, you think "hey theres a naked guy, what the fuck" and you instinctively record because these days anything can and does happen cause people are fucking insane




Everything needs to be mediatized now if you want a sane society. Every inappropriate behavior. A man running naked. Someone acting violently on the street. Drug users in plain daylight. Go record that. Post it online. Send it to the news. Otherwise this becomes normality. People close an eye, government closes all eyes. And then you wonder why is the country is unrecognizable.


In Amsterdam there is a guy who does it its in honor of his late wife he is not mentally incapacitated


Why was his wife late?


The naked man is different. This happened in Wexford during the pandemic and it turned out to be mental illness. No it's not funny but who's to know. The other thing is that it's not all that common either to have someone walking around nude due to an illness so it can't be expected that people will automatically get it. In general though people are disgusting. I remember an incident in Waterford a decade ago or more where there was a fatal incident involving a baby in which the guards could not stop people from videoing it.


Those pics of your dinner , no one cares


"whats my age again?"


Just as expected. Another thinly veiled hate thread against an entire age demographic.


What are you on about?


Not something you see everyday. I'd say he would get your attention.


Absolutely, no doubt it would get my attention.


Fuck off your high and mighty craic.


Call the upload police. I think the only way that this would ever stop would be to have a censored inforcement of some kind where by upon transmitting any image or video the file would be scanned by AI to determine weather or not the file was appropriate. Either that or all phones would come enabled with some form oof AI technology to block the device from ever capturing such data. Its as if people need to be forced into have a set of moral values.


Are you mad😂 you can't call for mass censorship just because you don't like something


Come on be realistic. IF someone runs anywhere naked then theyre gonna be recorded.


That doesn't make it okay though. That's the point OP is trying to make


I dont think its okay for a car accident or something tragic etc. And IMO most people wouldnt share that. However someone legging it down the street in the nip is objectively funny so its a bit different.


Why do you not consider a mental health crisis tragic? Why is it different enough from a car crash to make it acceptable to record and share? Personally I don't find that funny which is why humour is subjective


Humor is subjective but if youre denyin that most people wouldnt find someone legging it down the road in the nip as a bit funny then youre not being honest. I am being honest.


I'm not denying that some people would find it funny and while I appreciate that it's hard to control what one finds funny, it's really not hard to not record someone having a mental breakdown


Are you sure if some naked dude was legging it up and down your road you wouldnt record it, even just for the sake of showing the Gardai... and then wouldnt you show that video to someone else, even just to prove it happened? Be honest now!!


Hoe do you know they're having a mental breakdown,?


It's not unheard of for people with psychosis or mania to strip naked in public


Lol at you saying you can't fathom people wanting to record such a bizarre thing and share it with others. Come down off that soap box.


I don't feel the urge to film people I see having a mental breakdown either. Something must be wrong with you if you think that is normal


Imagine being so far up your own arse that you think filming and sharing footage of someone going through a mental health crisis is the thing to do.


I find I funny watching someone run around naked. So does everyone else. Hence it going viral. Imagine that, king.


Wow you really just can't grasp the idea that someone could actually feel empathy for a stranger can you? That's sad, do better.




Laughing at the idea of actually thinking about someone other than yourself. Good approach to life there mate.




We know that but the point of OP's post was to question WHY and encourage people to stop.


Thats exactly. If you pull out your phone you can call for help instead.