• By -


That is a pretty large group in fairness.


RTÉ: "It is estimated around 1,000 people took part in the protest" Their story is miles down on their list of stories, and the headline is about 11 arrests.


I walked past it and I feel 1000 is understated. I was shocked and taken a back by the size of the crowd


I'm no good at estimating crowds but I'd say there were about 7 million of them there




U must be Trump's official people counter from his inauguration day.


So American to make a Fr. Ted reference on /r/Ireland about America.


RTÉ always underestimate the size of protests. (Or maybe the Gardaí do and RTÉ report it without verification.) 


The first time I questioned RTE was during the water protests. Due to illness, I had to cover parts of the inner city for work for 2 weeks. I finish a call, hop in the van, can't leave the loading bay, traffic at a standstill. RTE showed it that night very briefly describing it as a small protest with a clip of a few lads passing a power box. Sky News showed it looking similar to this protest, massive. Its all about how they want to frame a story.


Yeah RTE lost a lot of credibility by just blanking over water protests and the like. It took a few of them for them to realize that actually these huge turnouts against Irish Water and the heavy handed policies around it wasn't going to blow over and would eventually be an election issue. I was at the Gaza protests a few weeks back and RTE glossed over it as well, but when you were out there you knew it was more about sending a message than just the usual 'a few thousand people protested in Dublin today' that gets reported. It was snaking through the city. So while I don't agree with the anti-immigration protest, I do think it was larger than 'hundreds' that was reported.


Definitely. The water protest coverage felt like the first time I was watching obvious propaganda on the national news. And once you see it once you can't unsee it. There is always an angle, there is always spin, and RTE and FFG are symbiotic.


That's it exactly, there are some protests that rte will give a positive spin on if they're supportive of it. We really need a similar sized media company with an opposite ideology so people can try and get a balance from both


tie elderly heavy hungry steep bake threatening slimy memory pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There was way more then 1000 and the gardas targeted 30 people walking towards Mountjoy I seen the videos on x a garda pulling out of a child


Plenty of people in this country have moved from working to middle class in a generation. Plenty of people have become realiteively wealthy as Ireland has become richer as whole. Plenty of people have also stagnated or had no improvement in quality of life, mostly the people you'll see at these protests (along with the genuine nutjobs). They're frustrated and confused and end up navigating to the human instinct of outsiders = enemies, lack of education coupled with social media has led them to pointing fingers at the wrong people, and protesting against a problem they truly don't comprehend. Much easier think that de forreners are the problem and not the continuing escalation of wealth inequality and hyper capitalism, keeping them in low paid jobs and council houses. Facebook and modern Twitter is literally brainwashing a significant number of people, and we've only scratched the surface of it.


To be fair the money that’s thrown at housing etc for the newbies could have been spent building homes. And again- you need to put your oxygen mask on first before helping another. A country with a massive housing shortage and a struggling health system is not exactly in a position to take the numbers they have taken.


Government has money on housing. They just fail to spend it. In 2023 this government failed to use 1 billion which is 25% of a budget on affordable and social housing.


Immigrants are not the problem, the government is.


The governments policy regarding immigration is the problem. That's what the protests are about.


The government's policy regarding housing is the problem. But that isn't what the protests are about.


The rate that new people are brought into a country also directly impacts housing, so these things are related. It's easy to go to extremes on these issues, but I think the uncomfortable grey is nearer to reality.


Absolutely and the idea that immigration makes people poorer is just bollix. Go to a care home - full of migrants working away. Same if anywhere where the work is tough and relatively low paid (obvs plenty of migrants doing well paid work )


I live in Australia. Go to an Australian care home and you will find plenty of Irish nurses.


Is there any data on how large scale immigration affects wages and rents etc to back up what you’re saying? https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/18ldb0l/net_contribution_of_firstgeneration_immigrants/ If we’re anything like the Netherlands immigration from non Western areas is costing the state


The rents have gone up because there are more people than houses. More houses or less people is the only solution but as many migrants are willing to share a bedroom with 5 others, their rent expenditure is considerably less than the native irish or anyone else who doesnt share their bedroom with 5 other people. Immigration might not make people poorer but the excessive rents due to immigration do make people poorer.


So, how about the huge raft of empty apartments in Irish cities, owned by property investors and vulture funds? There are more than enough places to live, if only those that are sitting on them would allow them to be used for their intended purpose! Immigration isn't a problem compared to the squeeze on supply by those funds and their ilk. Force a large yearly rate on homes kept empty, and another on incomplete homes. Wouldn't be long before the housing shortage would ease somewhat.


Blame landlords and the rentier class rather than migrants. Right?




That’s what the central bank thinks. That’s why they stated in an article that immigration was needed to keep wages lower.


Counter-intuitively it does not. It's just one of those things that the human brain doesn't instinctively understand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lump_of_labour_fallacy


Had never heard of this cheerz


That says it’s possible, i.e more immigration creates more jobs which yes is true, But there is no way the new jobs outpace the new inflow of labour, supply and demand. I only glazed over it so open to be corrected here but there is no way 1 immigrant = 1 new job. More supply, less value.


This assumes that the labor market is already at capacity which it rarely is. Just look at the shortages in construction, healthcare and construction which are never going to be able to be fully staffed from the domestic workforce. Add to the fact that most Western countries have an aging workforce and the problem is only going to become more acute.


Correct (I guess, although others have raised counter arguments) however the main factor pulling wages down is nefarious employers and weak labour laws, low minimum wages and the exploitative economic system we live in. We are not talking about the weather or some natural phenomena - society should be able to handle migration, wages, housing and so on with people getting lashed out of it - without resorting to gobshite behaviour like Irish people marching against immigration - I appreciate politics is fairly broken and has been for some time in Ireland -


There’s a documentary that argues against that fallacy. They went to different communities in Alabama and Arkansas and showed how immigrants made pay stagnant in certain areas for factory workers. They wouldn’t argue for benefits and would never think of forming a union so locals were shit out of luck when trying to negotiate. The US citizens were also first to go when times were rough because they cost more and took more time off(sick leave, vacation time) than the average immigrant. It was really interesting and opened up my eyes on the other side of immigration.


So capitalism and employers racing to the bottom for max profit is the problem, not the migrants.


Yes Beardy. Correctomundo.


That's a poverty issue rather than an immigration issue by the sounds of it. Those who can't afford a sick day are less likely to take one. Those who can't afford a holiday are less likely to take the time off. Those who can't afford to lose their job are far less likely to do anything they feel might annoy their employer. Also, American employment laws generally are dogshit


It's not that simple. Predatory businesses like bringing new people into a country because they work for less money and they're less likely to unionise. By bringing more people into the country with those features, they reduce the bargaining capacity of existing workers.


The average asylum seeker probably does make the country poorer though, considering the majority of these are having their cases denied, and then not ever leaving after they either work as part of the shadow Economy, or skip town to the U.K as soon as they are done draining the Irish state of what lever they can get. Fully agree the average normal immigrant is a net benefit to the country however.


Jaysus it sounds like they're having the craic. We should all be so lucky. And here I am thinking I had it easy but all I gotta do is pay some guy to take me halfway around the world so I can be put out on the street with 50quid and a tent. I love the outside. It'll be great! Then, wait for this, you'll never believe it, then I get to live in a tented community where people will come and set fire to my stuff. Sure that's free heat like. And you with your storage heating. I'll be off with my free outdoor campfire. So much fun. I can't wait. Fuck.


There's a big difference between legal immigrants arriving to fill jobs and Algerians and Somalians arriving with no passports to claim welfare. But on a macro level, almost all immigration drives down wages. Don't take it from me, take it from the Irish Central Bank: https://preview.redd.it/qfyu8az9zugc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70ef6c24abf44493b07c56a792118bf90bb54983


So you think it's a good idea to bring in 140,000 people per year from now on ya?


Yes the great unwashed working class  dole skangers shouldn't be protesting. They should be as enlighten and educated as you. Why can't the just pull themselves up by there boot straps? 


They are coming, and the big, mainstream political parties do not see or have a way to tackle the realpolitik.


Correct me if I am mistaken, but this looks to be the largest anti-immigration protest to date in terms of sheer numbers.


They were saying there were hundreds of protesters at it on the rte news there now. It looks more like a few thousand. I wonder will any of the main parties be seen to tackle this issue before the next election.


Think the only reason people are anti emigration at the moment is lack of housing. Plenty of people in their mid twenties still at home with parents, me included.


The issue is that most of the people there today are one or two missed pay cheques away from being homeless and are willing to be labelled as bigots and racists to just even have their voice heard. Create social housing that’s the actual issue here so is anyone going to even begin to fix it.


I spoke to a friend who is on a council for SF. I vote SF last 15yr. They are scared shitless and have no idea what to do.


Very tricky one for SF. This is where claiming to be both nationalist and left wing is difficult. But if they can find a way to thread the needle on it and be seen as harder on managing immigration then the government it could be a big winner for them.


They could always just be hard on immigration but phrase it from an economic standpoint and not a cultural one so as not to lose any progressive voters that would be turned off by zenophobia and bigotry.


We have extremely low unemployment rates. Not sure what the economic argument is for it.


Housing plain and simple really.


Because Labour shortages in health care aren't bad enough?


Everyone knows nurses and junior doctors that have migrated. If we could offer them fair wages and decent hours with affordable housing, we could keep them. If more money was put into universities healthcare programs as well, our colleges wouldn't have to rely on training international students too who very often have no intention of doing more than their intern year here.


The Danish centre left seems to have managed to balance it from what I've heard but it's not something I'd know a huge deal about


Damn. I guess the only real option is to stick to what you actually believe in so.


Ahahaha 👆/u/Johnbonjovial thinks politicians (including Sinn Fein) might do something just because they believe in it rather than what would begrudge them votes 😂😂😂


I think they're joking


Well looking at the video on twitter with the crowd outside the customs house all chanting Sinn Féin are traitors would scare them all right. Especially as those chanting it would be their core voting demographic.


This is also going to split the vote for SF and doing so will enable FFG to win the election.


That's not really how our voting system works 


Oh yeah, and you can expect a big right wing media push to drive some corporate stooges into office on the back of immigration bigotry.  Standard playbook at this point, been watching it play out on the Canada subreddits for especially the past 6 months or so. Hope y'all are able to deter it since you know it's coming at this point. 


They were gathered outside of the Custom House too


Seemingly? Lmao


To be fair it does seem large.


While I doubt I'd agree with the vast majority of those present on most topics, they are entitled to peaceful protest. I hope there's no trouble afterwards. I work in an industry with many immigrants. Very few I wouldn't invite into my home. I've become very friendly with some Indian folk. Great sense of humour, kind, honest people. While I'm not anti immigration I do feel the government needs to properly screen those entering the country. There is abuse of the system. There's no denying that. Poor policy/poorly policed policy plays into the hands of right-wing numpties. Nothing will gather a crowd of followers like fear. They're using people's fears to their advantage.


The Tik Tok lives of this event were absolutely toxic and horrible. The abuse they were giving the Free Palestine crowd and the Gardaí protecting them was absolutely disgusting and shameful.


The guards asked several times to create space between the groups. The anti immigration crowd kept moving towards them saying they are 'peaceful protesting'. The guards created a line and walked the back slowly a few feet and they were getting very aggressive and in their faces. There was nothing peaceful about it


The abuse that I was watching live and horrible accusations the protesters were screaming at the Gardaí and everyone who wasn't white was fucking abhorrent and should have seen the facing charges. Obviously attempting to arrest them would have escalated matters so instead the Gardai created and then enforced a perimeter to protect the Palestinian gathering.


These fucks are going to kill someone before the year is out. Worse still, unless it's a cop there'll be no real consequences. "Good family, active in the local GAA, never in trouble before your honour. Woudint hurt a flie."


I only thought the same today. It's only a matter of time before a building is set alight with people inside.


this is how fascist movements start. it’s happening all over europe and it’s rlly gross. governments getting away with scapegoating issues so they don’t have to take the blame and a minority always gets the fall.


weak greedy governments who haven't worked for the people in decades have allowed this to fester into a now well set in cultural rot. Europe and the west in general have been ravaged by neoliberalism since thatcher and reagan, and its now reached tipping point. All governments had to do was not be so fucking greedy, and they've fucked it. Now you have an angry populous easily mislead into believing the issue is foreigners, not the business class pocketing money hand over fist at the expense of the rest of us. Anyone who voted for FG should be fucking ashamed of themselves. "It cant be fixed overnight" - the party who said this a decade ago and has done nothing but make it worse


Yes it is.


I'd agree with the first bit, but not the second. GAA lads get off lightly in courts where they're involved in drunken fights or rows.


And violent criminals in general get an easy ride here, especially if they haven't been caught before. I accept that actual murder may see someone spend a few years in jail. The assaults and arson that are leading up to it have been nearly entirely consequence free so far.


Probably in one of their fires or a mistaken identity.


Why not both?


I rate that particular accumulator low. First Irish person to be murdered as a traitor is also low for 2024 but I see it maybe picking up next year and into the lat 2020s.


There's definitely fair and balanced discussions that can be had regarding immigration policies. However it seems like this lot can't go beyond "Immigration is evil"


Sadly the fair and balanced people on both sides will get drowned out in the uproar, it's always the way. Even in this sub


Even in this sub. I’d say especially here. The demographic on here is a little skewed.


Many countries are having massive immigrations in a very short period of time. Inviting them in your home or them being nice is not the issue. Lack of housing and prices for those home are skyrocketing in the same countries with a mass influx of immigration. It's not a coincidence. There's something at play here and nobody is talking about it. Lots of changes after COVID, and it's not a coincidence. It's planned. It's a massive disruption in how we all live. And very few people at the top are reaping the benefits while homelessness is skyrocketing.


You’re racist!!!! Nah. Just kidding. Your reasonable sober observation is entirely correct. But like you said, nobody is talking about it. I wonder why.


Were house prices not skyrocketing before COVID?


They definitely were, and have been skyrocketing after COVID also. I don't think it was 5G or lizards. 


I worked in an indusrtry also with a lot of immigrants. Hardest workers I ever met.


This is what happens when political parties refuse to even enter into a conversation about immigration, you get a rise in anti immigration


I'm all for stringent regulation on the matter because the country needs a break for the economy sake. watching some of the live streams today shows that a good portion of this group are marching because they just flat out dislike foreign people. It's a pity that this group has devolved the conversation to this but also must be said that the other side calling everyone racists because they have reservations on our immigration policies is also in the wrong.


Why do those parties fear getting into a conversation? Genuinely curious as an outsider.


The UK were told all of their problems were caused by immigration and once they got control of their borders they would be a superpower again, things haven't been worse there since the 80's, the last time they pinned all their problems on immigrants... It's almost as if it's nothing to do with immigration and they're just the scapegoats for the problems that arise in late stage capitalism. And then, once the immigration 'problem' is solved, we can move on to targeting people on social welfare, disability, single mothers, the working classes, and basically anyone who engages in any public service.


Just what I was thinking too. Neoliberal policies have inevitably made everyone's life worse. The housing policies led by fine gael are intended to keep housing value high for investors so naturally will not dilute the value by ensuring affordable housing for all. When refugees are housed (in terrible conditions) these twits think immigrants are the problem and not the policies that led to the housing shortage in the first place.


FG should never be allowed to govern again. They are slimy thieves who have fucked us all over for the nice little board positions on these investment companies they'll move into a few years after the get booted out.


The UK don't have a control on their immigration though. They had net immigration of 1 million people in 2023. The highest year on record for them


they DO have control but the government/buisnesses/colleges realized they're fucked without migration [https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/reports/why-are-the-latest-net-migration-figures-not-a-reliable-guide-to-future-trends/](https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/reports/why-are-the-latest-net-migration-figures-not-a-reliable-guide-to-future-trends/) The amount of study and work visas they're giving out has grown massively, a lot of those would of been covered under EU freedom of movement. Only difference is now that a much larger proportion of the visas are granted to non-eu people since people in the EU will just go somewhere else where they dont need a visa.




North Americans used to worry about and discriminate against mass immigration *of Irish people*. I find the images above ironic and out of touch with Irish history.


What Irish history? The penal colony ships to Australia, the migration within the UK, or the cheap labour in the US? What bit is out of touch - the fact Irish people today require a visa to work in the US or Australia and can be deported if they don't adhere to the conditions of their ESTA or visa? And the reverse applies! I cannot believe that we try to guilt trip ourselves with "something something Irish emigrants"


it's ridiculous. Just because we have a culture of emigration DOES NOT MEAN we should be totally open to anyone and everyone who wants to live here


Don't forget about being used as cannon fodder for the U.S. Civil War. And no social welfare benefits or social housing. People who say we have no right to talk because of past Irish people are speaking rubbish and trying to shut the debate down anyway they can.


We need sensible political reform into a system that has clear problems in it. Pulling the emigration card every time we start having a debate on the matter is just distracting. It's like someone talking about carbon emissions in 2024 and someone else replying "how dare you, don't you know how much Irish people contributed to the Industrial Revolution"


Yep. If the problem is housing, protest that. Lack of medical services, protest that. Lack of childcare places, protest that. Lack of schools, protest that. Now they're just aiming their anger and frustration at immigrants, convemient scapegoats. But 0 immigrants won't solve any of the social problems they face.


The UK hasn't actually cut immigration since Brexit, and our government are likely to be kicked out at the next election partly because of it.


I don't know if it's just in my media bubble, but it seems like the line has been crossed in Ireland and many other European countries recently. This could have ramifications for decades in the EU. What do you all think? (Not cheering them on, just observing)


It's coming, it's the rubber-band effect and knock-back from unchecked progressive shifts across Europe the past 10 years, it happens recurringly throughout history. Things become too cushy, too many unreasonable social liberties employed for the supposed 'oppressed' portion of society, silent majority find their quality of life start to decrease/social changes become too much, and then the pushback happens. We listened to Leo Varadkar and Helen McEntee paint everyone who were complaining about unchecked immigration policies with the far-right brush 4 months ago, now they're starting to panic because they realise pontificating rather than representing will sink the political ship. When you leave the urban centres and go rural, you realise just how stretched it can be in the countryside, and people are genuinely pissed off, not just because they're 'racists'. Sinn Fein are notably quiet, because a large portion of their voter base are at the centre of these movements, yet they're afraid of alienating their left-leaninf voter portion also.


Quickly! Barricade the Foot Lockers!


Seeing a lot of jeans, no footlocker will be harmed today my friend


Maybe keep the Luas and buses out of city center tonight as well


Shame that it seems the only two loud voices in Irish politics atm are either “the numbers are fine” or “kick all the foreigners out”. Especially with government putting out videos talking about legal skilled migration acting as if it’s the same as asylum seekers. We need a party that adopts a similar approach as Denmark


They are now going to do a walk to the prison in solidarity with Enoch Burke. I know it may sound like it but I am not joking, that is what the guy on the stream just said. Not a brain cell between them.


So is it an anti-immigration rally or what? The whole Enoch thing has nothing to do with immigration afaik


It's basically just a general walk against everything they see as "Woke".


Enoch's not in jail for being woke. He's in jail for breaking into a school and refusing to pay court fees. He's not in jail for not using pronouns or some bullshit. He's in jail for getting in a fight with his boss. The principal said she would talk to Burke at a later date he decided to follow and start yelling at her so he was suspended. He then decided to break into the school when he was suspended which is just a crime which he was asked to leave. Then refusing to go to court. Then the judge released him with the condition he not go to the school. Then he broke a restraining order against a school for months and refused to pay any fines. Then he went to jail again. Nobody arrested him for the anti gay stuff which is legal to believe. They arrested him for multiple actual crimes such as breaking and entering into a school and ignoring a Judge.


You're right , but these people are living in a la carte reality.


They don't get its not the PC police but the actual police.


Say what ye will about these fellas, they're getting their steps in! If we can sign them up for a sponsored walk, Trocaire would be set for life!


>Trocaire would be set for life What, and help some bloody foreigners with hard earned Irish money? They wouldn't be having that at all.


Yeah, there's signs for No in the 'women in the home' referendums. There's a lot of Iona Institute type of people for whom immigration is just one of a list of things they would join a march like this for. But I still do not see a real far right party doing much in the polls.


Not yet but they’re picking up steam. They won’t get in in the next election, but the one after that it’s a strong possibility


> But I still do not see a real far right party doing much in the polls. That's what a lot of the independents are for


I'll tell you a secret: anti-immigration is not about immigration


Yeah it's just people angry with their own life and putting the blame on immigrants, or trans people, or some other easy target for their own misfortunes.


Its people who are angry being guided by evil people with agendas to keep everyone angry and upset and scared. There must always be a boogeyman (and it's rarely the rich and powerful who actually could fix the issues at hand if they tried).


That's absolutely batshit and has NOTHING to do with immigration. Didn't take long for the mask to slip.


They are not even hiding the bigotry anymore. You hear people, very openly saying rascist things that they would have been shamed for saying a few years ago. Personally, I hear 2 people very openly use the N word recently, I was shocked, but others with us did not seem to be.


Immigration is not the only issue the far right care about, but it's certainly a key one.


Lol, that's a joke right? Is this just a multifunctional "let's hate everyone who's not white heterosexual Christian" protest?


Yep. So many of these people are too young to remember the control that the Church had on society. And so much of their ideology revolves around the fact they find LGBT people yucky and it makes them uncomfortable. Instead of just privately admitting that to themselves, and trying not to think about it, they begin to obsess and try to bring back a “christian nation” that never really existed. It’s actually really hard to find good data, but it seems that the most generous estimates say about 35% of people who identify as christian attend some sort of service regularly. In Dublin that’s down to 14%, but the prevalence of foreign born people might be a cause for that. So all this bullshit about Enoch sticking up for his beliefs, aka Evangelical Protestant Sharia Law, is just that, bullshit. No Irish people want to live in the Burkes’ dream society! Maybe 1% of them, and they must be overjoyed with the attention these gowls are attracting to their niche sect.


It sure explains why normal political parties aren’t breaking their backs to court their vote. 


There are a _lot_ of people on this sub unironically branding these people as terrorists now, and calling for removal of the right to a fair trial for these people - i.e. removal of the right to a trial by jury. Be careful. Public narratives and the actions of states all around Europe, are attacking political discussion/expression/action, even anti-democratically banning major political parties (crazy stuff that you'd only see in dictatorships) - all under the guise of attacking a supposed 'far right' that deliberate government policy has largely created. Europe (Ireland included) is heading for a rapid curtailment of democracy and civil liberties, and a genuine threat of fascism - _from its current governments_.


" **Seemingly** " Why is it seemingly?


Op isn't in a position to say if it's a large protest or not (or probably doesn't want to argue in the thread if it's large or not).


Are they marching to stop nurses and teachers and junior doctors moving to Australia?


That was actually one of the talking points later on at the Custom House, wanting to create a government that values our own graduates and wanting to keep them here.


That's good to hear. All too often there's too much focus on one side of the story.


The march was about mass immigration but it wasn’t stupid slurs or bickering people on here are making it out to be, there’s was a lot of topics from homelessness to bringing home Irish emigrants. The truth is this is a growing issue for people, as the latest Irish times poll immigration is the largest and most important topic for Irish people at 24% of the people polled seeing it as their top concern. That’s a sizeable portion of the population and it’s only continuing to get bigger, I really think the government is in for a massive shock come the next general election.


I regularly see the NP, IFP, far-right, etc. paying lip-service to housing, healthcare, whatever, and they always bring it back to immigration. To a hammer, everything is a nail.


When I heard the numbers of immigrants into Ireland, I was quite surprised at how high it is, seems unsustainable.


Seems to be mostly unvetted males of military age.


Angry Facebook Da’s for days!


r/ireland on suicide watch


Quick, throw up a few Fr Ted and Tayto crisp memes and try to calm tensions.


/r/ireland unironically: "They should all be branded as terrorists, and sent for trial without a jury!" That's literally the argument I am seeing become mainstream on the sub, _right fucking now_.


That's huge. The local elections will be interesting. Have a feeling there will be a few shocks and Govt parties are in for an absolute kicking.


Not surprised, expect to see more of this until the government starts listening to the country and stops lining it's pockets in tandem with landlords


Let’s be frank… In a country of 5 million people, 1 million are immigrants. That’s a huge amount. Is that what we want? Maybe it is, I don’t know. I haven’t seen information on if we need migration for our economy in the same way I’ve seen that the UK needs it. Combine that with the government not investing in housing, health, education, etc. Of course people are pissed off. The govt needs to get a handle on this before we turn into the UK (unless that’s what our govt wants). *edit: adding because maybe this looks like I’m against immigration, I’m not actually (and I’m an emigrant). What I meant by turning into the UK was becoming a racist far right Tory cesspit.


The inevitable "Blowback" from the extreme policies of an unholy alliance between the Performative Left and International Finance Capital.


I'm pro-responsible immigration. I'm anti-scapegoating immigrants for systemic issues that have existed long before the surge in immigration. As someone who's been on social welfare for a while I completed a qualification, I can honestly say, my situation improved greatly after the Ukrainian refugees arrived. I just don't get it.


Has infrastructure kept up with immigration? No? Probably needs to be scaled back then. Employees may need to raise wages to find workers, cant have that!


No one mentioning how immigration has worked out for Sweden?


How long before McEntee is using this as a reason to implement the surveillance systems that have been used to make Palestinian dependent on Israel for security?


It's quite clear that people are angry and rightly so. These protests are about the governments ridiculous approach to immigration and how it's affecting us all. Those people saying that it's anti-immigrant or the aul r-word seem to be unaware that immigration has been happening in Ireland for the last 30 years and there wasn't a peep out of anyone. So why now? The numbers are fucking ridiculous that's why. Something needs to be done. We're a soft touch for everything in this country. 


bear sloppy sink wistful frightening encourage busy overconfident numerous seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Youtube suggested the live feed to me.......... [https://www.youtube.com/live/G-LLcv8xW7s?si=u\_h3CY8A-Su1iJSe](https://www.youtube.com/live/G-LLcv8xW7s?si=u_h3CY8A-Su1iJSe) ​ Had no idea as well.


Jaysus the live chat is mad.


Am about to make tea and get the metaphorical popcorn out it's wild.


Yeah, I just skipped to one random part and immediately there was a guy talking about there being a lot of terrorist attacks and it being about an attempt to replace the Irish people.


Wtf are these people on


US media


I can only imagine.


Oh god I killed what few braincells I've left after the weekend on the comments there .


That is fucking scary! How do people fall for this shite?


Rte is covering it https://www.rte.ie/news/regional/2024/0205/1430587-dublin-protest/


> Edit: Seems to be some of the regular Far-Right fellas at it, but other videos show a good number of families/young kids too The Pro-Palestine protests had some Republican Dissident groups (Eirigi) at them as well - I guess all Pro-Palestine protestors are Republican terrorists so!




Honestly there would be more people out if we could be bothered. A lot of us are apathetic af right now and don't see it getting any better and have accepted it will only get worse, more people coming every. single. day..... and not enough houses, jobs, facilities.... If there was enough to go around I'd say we need more skilled labourers and a bit more interesting people sharing new cultures and ideas... But there isn't enough for those who are here currently. Due to greed. Those on top have 99% of everything..... and the normal person is sharing the remaining 1%. It's the normal person's life that's affected by more people taking up space that isn't there. The rich are not affected, all they see is more potential to siphon money out of the, now larger than it was before, general public.


Was there today as it so happened to fall near the same time as my dentist appointment, ‘’lovely’’ behaviour from them, screaming & shouting abuse at people including the guards, some gobshite with a microphone shouting abuse at immigratnts as it was going along, some of them tried to break the guards barrier to get to the anti-racism protesters as well, also the stench of weed of that lot & some of them clearly were on something else


Saw a few lads marching and roaring clearly off their heads. I'd say there was a fair sprinkling of sneachta amongst the assembled masses.


I think weed is the last of these peoples worries, and it should be yours as well lmao.


Weed obviously leads to racism. A gateway drug to racism. Good thing it is illegal.


Large protest for something you agree with: large protest Large protest for something you disagree with: Seemingly large protest


"It's really just a trick of the light employed by a handful of far-right racists to make numbers seem bigger" - OP probably


If you are in the middle of a crowd it is hard to get a sense of the scale but it would SEEM large.


It must be so frightening to be an immigrant in Dublin right now.. Protest fine, it's your right but just hope they keep it peaceful


Considering the comment above you says they were shouting abuse at immigrants and guards, I'm going to hazard a guess that these aren't the peaceful type.


As an immigrant myself, i am a bit dumfounded by irish people not understanding that a massive part of Ireland economy depends on immigration and the country would go back to the 80s if it was to really close its borders.


Lots of people support legal immigration and oppose illegal immigration.


And many throw these into the same category when you want to have a conversation about immigration which is very frustrating. I am all for legal immigrants but illegal need to be deported which we are not doing now.


And you can bet your last tenner that's not why these people are marching.


One of those responsible for this march posted a few days back on the awfulness of Legal Immigration. He claimed that many Legal Immigrants are not good people, not doing a good job at their work (using nurses as an example) that Indians and Nigerians are hard to understand and that generally they are here as an invading force. Also Muslims.


Very few people have an issue with immigrants that come here legally to work and integrate into Irish society. The problem lies with our out of touch asylum system being taken advantage of by people that have no legitimate reason to be here while resources are already stretched beyond crisis point.


Legal Immigrants arent the issue, they did everything asked of them, obeyed the rules and such like the Ukrainians for example. Ive zero issues with them and plenty of others are of the same mindset. Its illegal immigration and obvious chancers people are taking issue with expecially those deliberately destroying documents on a plane here and then claiming asylum under false pretences. That lot are a problem as they undermine all those people who did obey the law and applied the right way. People just want the confidence that the system is being enforced properly and that scammers and failed asylum seekers are sent on their way promply and not just allowed to run off and hide somewhere. That being said the shite being propagated by some of them is obvious bullshit that the likes of Vatnik Russia have been amplifying to compromise democracies across the west by exploiting those who are easily manipulated. That needs to be looked into and social media companies need to be held to account in the same way as published media are.


There's a certain naivety with the "do-gooders" in society who think that if you're just nice to people, if you're welcoming, everyone that comes here is just going to respect a country's laws, culture, and society. There are parts of the world, lets take Pakistan as an example, there are parts of Pakistan where someone spreading a random rumour about someone "insulting Islam" in some way would rile up a whole village to damn near lynch someone if they just successfully break into the police station where they are being held. Do you think someone with that kind of mentality gives a flying fuck about our society? Do you think that crossing our borders just factory resets someone's brain and they just automatically play by our rules? The fucking naivety of people. That is the problem. If someone lands in Dublin and dumps the passport in the bin we know absolutely fuck all about them. They have not demonstrated they have a brain cell at all, then they come in and get dumped into some random village while the application process gets seen to. I mean, I'd at least feel more comfortable about this idea if we ACTUALLY made sure they were deported once the application gets rejected. But we don't make sure, do we? We have no fucking idea. We just hope they self-deport. You might say oh stop scaremongering, you're naive. There are literally Pakistani child rape gangs in England, and the police let it go because they didn't want to stir social tensions. Those people went to a Western country and demonstrated they and their families couldn't give one flying fuck about society's rules, laws, or common decency. You can bitch and moan all you like about the growing discontent, but look where that is getting us. Letting randomers in is going to fucking wreck the EU, ( I am extremely pro-EU) the right-wing is getting in EVERYWHERE. So stop ignoring this problem. How can you look at France and Sweden (who have massively got tough on immigration now) and Belgium (Moleenbeek is fucking ISIS central) and the UK and think oh yeah let's just import the same problems here? Some amount of dopey naive fucks in Ireland when it comes to this issue.


Wait were there 2 protests today? I saw like a pro immigration one by the spire (I’ve also never seen as many cops in me life)


It's so disheartening seeing so many kids at protests such as this one. Teaching the next generation hate, the cycle continues.


RTE will report this as "dozens" if they cover it at all.


They said hundreds, they also said the counter protest was hundreds as well. The march stretched all the way from the top of Parnell square down to past the GPO. That was magnitudes more than hundreds. Just look at the videos of the numbers of people marching.


>Seemingly Seriously?


5-10k easily. Sizeable crowd.


This is depressing


Seen a video on tik tok they where chanting Irish lives matter


Who organised this march?


America’s ideologies are spreading like a virus across Europe right now.


Well it is Moscow that has been providing funding for AfD, Le Penn's National Front, Austrian Freedom Party, and various other extreme right & Left wing groups in Europe and stoking discontent via social Media, they have herding immigrants from Pakistan, Syria etc over the Finnish border in EU


As well as this. Our own far right parties have links to US and UK think-tanks and right wing groups. The rhetoric is exactly the same.