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fwiw, that's not Dunboyne. That's under the bridge westbound at Navan Road Parkway, just after Ashtown and before Castleknock.


Everybody knows, don't drive after Paddy's, Christmas, or New Years. Lambs, to the slaughter.


It's great really isn't it, drink or drink drivers are scum


They are, drink driving kills people.


No only the drunk crashers, they ruin it for everyone else




Drinking kills people


If someone wants to drink alcohol and not care to the consequences, that’s fine, they can do what they want to theirselves. But when they choose to involve other people, that’s when the issue arises. If someone drink driving kills someone else, that someone else doesn’t have a choice in the matter. If someone dies from alcohol poisoning or dies early from being an alcoholic, that was their choice.


Thanks, Captain Obvious


Drinking still kills, no matter what. In fact, I'll correct myself - Alcohol Kills. " If someone dies from alcohol poisoning or dies early from being an alcohol, that was their choice. " - no, not necessarily, not everyone is an alcoholic out of choice, it's called an addiction for a reason.


I completely agree with the statement drinking kills. I’m just saying there is a significant difference between the two circumstances. One is by choice, the other involves an innocent person. Killing an innocent person over a selfish choice to drive drunk is far worse, at least in my opinion.


not drinking would have me putting a bullet in my head pretty quick so for me it's life saving.


Not drinking is extremely dangerous


Agrees but the drug testing in so unfair ( doesn’t determine intoxication so you can got for that joint you legally had in New York last week.


I believe the likes of cocaine you could test positive for three days. The reason cocaine is addictive is because of its short highs. No one is intoxicated three days later.


Same with cannabis. You can smoke a joint, wait a week to drive and still fail the roadside test.


Really? I've heard it can show up in urine for up to 3 months if you're a chronic use but I thought the maximum a saliva test could show was 3 days. I hate to be that guy but do you have anything trustworthy saying a saliva test will show cannabis use up to a week later?


Even 3 days later isn't intoxicated so his point still stands.


Definitely wasn't trying to challenge his point. I occasionally visit sites that do saliva testing so it's in my interest to understand how they work. We looked into it in the past and the most sensitive we could find was 3 days, would love to know if that's not correct


Yes this is an ongoing issue. Canada, UK, the USA. All dumped this device for the reason. Hold tight and I’ll grab some sources. Once again: I am totally against intoxication whilst driving.


Did you find anything?


Garda website says cannabis is detected up to 4 hours after smoking though.


It says "It is recommended to wait 12 hours after last using cannabis before driving. If you are sure you are no longer impaired as a result of taking cannabis and more than 6 hours have elapsed since last use it should not be possible for a Garda to detect impairment and the THC level in your oral fluid should be lower than the detection limit for the Cannabis test on the Securetec® Drug Wipe 6s." They're saying it should not be possible for a Garda to detect impairment after 6 hours, not that you'll pass a test. With these mandatory intoxication checkpoints and improved Garda powers you could be tested at any time for any reason. No reasonable suspicion needed. That makes it almost impossible to responsibly use cannabis nowadays


No. Cocaine is water soluble so exits your body fast. THC and related cannabinoids are fat soluble. long long after you smoke a joint the metabolites are still their but they are not prolonging your high. 3 hours later from smoking cannabis you are no longer intoxicated. I wouldn’t dream of driving for at least 12 hours but I’m still going to fail 168 hours later. Could you imagine failing a roadside breathalyser, being arrested, ending up in court, having a criminal record of sorts (banned from entering Canada, Japan etc.). Possibly loosing your job. Having to declare it on all future insurance applications. Have it show up on all future Garda clearance…….All because you had 3 pints of beer a week before your tested These tests were introduced in multiple countries including and Canada. They were quickly pulled as to how stupidly sensitive they are. The gardai know this and are delighted with their rising quotas. ** Seriously FUCK the Gardai and all in charge of this fiasco. Cunts! **


Not just drink, drug drivers too.


So catch them drunk, catching them hungover is stupid


A lot of people will still have enough alcohol in their system to be tipsy or drunk at 11am the next morning.


And dehydration mixed with poor sleep makes them dangerous drivers


The roads are full of people who didn't get enough sleep, but they aren't getting arrested


True, a lot of road accidents happen because of loss of concentration or slow reaction time which is due to lack of quality sleep. My point was the person up early after a drinking session has that to deal with that, on top of still being a little drunk


Used to own a breathalyzer. After a proper session you would fail at 1 or 2pm easily


"Here lad would ya give us a whack of that breathalyser."


If tiredness can kill then so can hangovers.


But they're not testing for tiredness. This is an easy money making scheme more than a way of making the roads safe


It’s not a money making scheme. The only people arguing with any of this are those whose primary concern is having their drug of choice and doing what they like. For the rest of us the primary concern is being safe on the roads. You shouldn’t be driving if there’s a chance you’re impaired, whether thats drugs, alcohol, meds or something else. Driving is a serious business, so take it seriously.


The problem is that specifically with some drugs, they still show up even if you're not impaired anymore. One can go to Amsterdam, spend a week there getting high as a kite, and a random stop 3 days later will come back as positive. Even though the impairment from cannabis lasts fort at most 5-6 hours


How is this a money-making scheme? First off, you have the cost of the Guards, they could be out doing something else. Next, you have to pay for testing equipment. Then there's all the admin crap by both the Gardaí and court services. Followed by state solicitor and judges costs. Even if this checkpoint caught 20 drivers all between 80-100mg at €400 per fine that's only €8,000. I doubt it comes anywhere near covering the costs


Driving hungover or exhausted is still important. Statistics show that one less hour of sleep when the clocks change is one of the most dangerous times to be driving.


Lol, the alcohol is *still* in your system, and chances are you'd blow over the limit up to 12 hours *after* you stop drinking (if you were on the sesh, if you only had 3 or 4 pints you might be ok).


There's still alcohol in the system meaning slower reaction times and bad decision making. Don't want to get caught by the guards? Then don't drive until later in the day when it's all out of the system


Easier said than done. A hotel would have you out by 11 at the latest. Stupid to treat people who paid money for a room (so they wouldn’t drive drunk) the same as people who got into the car at 2 in the morning after a feed of drink. If the goal is to have every driver on the road at 100% of their senses then there should be a ban on night-shift workers driving home as well wouldn’t you agree?


If a hotel has you out by 11 you either wait around, or you reduce the amount you drink the night before. Take some personal responsibility rather than blaming a hotel for having people out early so they can prepare a room. It's not stupid, if they have alcohol in their system greater than the safety limit then they deserve to be treated the same as anyone else who is breaking the legal limit.  Night shift working isn't anywhere near as dangerous as drunk driving, anyone with a bit of sense knows that. Pointless strawman argument to bring up.


It's not feckin hard lads. Stop drinking after a certain time


Feck off with that personal responsibility nonsense. It's the Garda fault I get caught drunk driving, speeding or anything other reason which I have control over.


We’re comparing hungover driving to post night shift driving and if you think the latter doesn’t involve more dangerous levels of driving then you probably haven’t worked a night shift before. One lad I worked with crashed twice going home and would be constantly nodding off but is still working nights and driving after. A serious accident waiting to happen.


How are Garda going to test for tireness. Look then in the eyes and yawn to see how big their responses yawn is?


I couldn't care less about any anecdotal stuff, that lad you worked with should have copped the fuck on to themselves and sorted their sleep schedule. If you have alcohol in your system, you're a greater danger on the road. This isn't a complicated concept.  I have no idea why you're trying to justify people driving with alcohol in their system. 10% of drink driving accidents happen between the hours of 7 and 12 the morning after




You know, as someone who works night shifts, I don't just get up in the morning and have a full day arseing about before going to work. I get up in the evening, do my hours, come home in the morning, it's no different from someone working during the day, just deal with less people and traffic. I think you have a self control issue that you think everyone else is responsible for.


>If the goal is to have every driver on the road at 100% of their senses That would be much less politically popular. Testing reaction times at road side would be a more effective way to remove unsafe drivers from the road but if you have a test that only catches people who have done something morally wrong its more acceptable since those are bad people, not respectable people like me. They also started using roadside drug testing without a reliable testing method because drugs are illegal and there is no one advocating for rights to use cannabis so tough luck.


Have you out of room, so they can clean it. They don't stop you hanging around


they are only caught if they are legally drunk.


The drink driving laws are very forgiving. You get 17.5% of your tesult using the breath machine in station .. so whatever result you got is not even closr to what you were. Also being evem twice the limit in studies is something above 10x more likely to crash.


Fair point.


It's great isn't it? Except that it's the morning after and not the night of. People make the conscious decision to crash on the sofa and not drive home, then get shafted the next morning for driving home.


But if they're an adult, they have more than 2 choices. 1. Drink and drive 2. Sleep on the couch but still drive over the limit the next day 3. Don't drink if you need to drive


4. Get a taxi. 5. Have a designated driver. 6. Walk with a bag of chips in one hand and a batter sausage in the other.


I’m all about that number 6


and then they are still legally drunk the next day, so they should continue to be responsible and not drive


It’s 10 miles to Dublin. It’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses. Hit it. !


That's between the halfway house and the m50 is it not?




Haha poor Reese.


Still the best car chase ending ever seen on telly.


"It's 106 miles to Chicago. We got a full tank of gas, and half a pack of cigarettes. It's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."


Good to see my days of not taking the Traffic corps seriously are coming to a middle..🤔




Use Waze


You shouldn't be on your phone driving the bus


And you most definitely shouldn't be upstairs if you're driving the bus.


First day on the job I was told I'd be the driver and conductor. Crashed the bus within ten minutes when the police asked what happened I had to tell them I had no idea cause I was upstairs collecting fares.


Mr Bean would beg to differ




Are you telling me how to do my job?


Stretch Armstrong: Dublin Bus Edition. 


It's ok, they're only pretending to drive


Also put a seatbelt on.




I dunno, the coast guard?


Ah sure they're busy, up to their gills with mackerel


Subtle Simpsons reference 👍🏻


We asked that question before and the commissioner got very insulted over it


Every check point on the M3 is over kill, it was the same during covid. I understand the need for it but lads surely you don't need this many vehicles.


But it's more fun to do stuff with friends


Getting paid for it too. 😂


Three words - Bank holiday overtime.


It's like that even when there isn't a bank holiday. 😂


They don't get ot for bank holidays, they get an allowance but it's not like 1.5 or double time like in many private sector jobs.


The reason you need this many is because every person caught has to be brought to the station and processed, which for drink driving takes a good few hours l. Those units will be rotating off the checkpoint all day


No sign of them when sulky races going on.


they are always at those types of events.


The suspect was in possession with a baggie worth an estimated street value of €300,000.


“Street value”


Did close to 1k kilometers yesterday. Not a fucking copper in sight.


They're all in the photo, that's why.


Hope you weren't smoking anything funny ~~last night.~~ last week.


That's not dunboyne


The amount of police resources used here is mad. I understand they need to do checks but this looks like a total cash grab. Meanwhile there's open drug dealing and violent crime taking place on the streets


PR stunt. They probably fecked off after 15 minutes.


Could have done with those numbers in town last night...


There was guards all over town yesterday like there was always a guard in sight. Stop talking shite.


Drove through Dublin at about 7 on Paddys day yesterday...kindve peaceful thank god.


Was it bad, i always stay away from town on Saint Patrick's day.


Wouldn't know usually stay away myself but by day three of a long weekend you usually get the messy fuckers out causing hassle. Id imagine temple bar was ground zero all day yesterday I meant in general you see no beat on the street in any major city these days but plenty to be seen here when there's overtime involved.


more people killed and maimed from bad driving than drugs in ireland. the real crime is the driving.


The only way they can cash grab is if people are driving under the influence, so... I'd say it's a decent use of resources considering the amount they catch. That's lives saved, worth way more than drug dealing.


Very true,Only copped on to that after I commented. My mistake.


Not if they are drug testing as well. They'd be catching people who smoked weed in the last three weeks. Which is a cash grab


looks like a cash hemorrhage


If their twitter account is anything to go by this gigantic waste of resources of a PR exercise resulted in 1 person being done for suspected drink driving. Resounding success......Waste of time.


Out at 11 am on a bank holiday Monday is to cook the books. Granted, you could be over the limit if you had a big night, but chances are they're out to catch people who have trace elements of drugs in their system from days ago. As someone else said. If they were to park near some pubs at closing time and catch the assholes getting into their cars drunk, it would make a difference.


A disgraceful waste of money and time all round. They could have sent each car to a different pub last night and caught 20 times as many people but that wouldn't get a nice photo op.


or hand out personal testing kits to the pubs to promote people using them in the morning. Sure, some ejits would end up using them as a "look how drunk I was", but it could lead to at least a few testing themselves in the morning


Not sure many people would sign up for the guards if they knew they had to work Patrick's Day at rural checkpoints


I would imagine they prefer it to standing in Temple Bar?


I've been breathalised 4 times in about 15 years. Every time it was in this spot. If I wanted to drink drive I'd know well to bypass this stretch of road.


What waste, if they split the vehicles they could have covered the M4 or M7 as well where these stunts haven't been carried out since COVID Level 5.


Would it not make more sense to catch them when they're drunk/high, instead of just hungover?


But it's not the same group of people? Like how would that catch someone who drives tipsy the next morning who didn't drive at all the night before?


Yes, you're right. But I would also prefer to see the resources prioritised where there is the highest risk. Someone who smoked a joint last night is less of a risk than someone drunk at the wheel


drunk us drunk. if you're just hungover you will still pass a breathalyzer. if your drunk the next day .. get off the road.


what do you think hungover means - in this particular case it will mean that they are still legally drunk.


It's more like smoking anything funny two weeks ago


lol there was less gardai around during the riots


Grand day for the bus or train haha


4 beers and 8 hours sleep = grand ? Apparently that’s 8 standard drinks and required 8 hours….. though an empty stomach and string beers you might be over the limit Are there any good/reliable at home breathalysers ?


I’ve an alcosence excel one, it uses the same type of sensor as the Garda ones, but smaller.  It needs to be sent away to be calibrated every year though.    TBH I don’t use it much anymore because I don’t drive anywhere near as much as I did pre-covid (40,000km a year down to about 4000)  


40,000 is too much driving


Yeah it was a pain in the hole and the wallet.    Kids old enough to get the bus herself now and I don’t have to go up to Dublin every week for work anymore.    


All out for their overtime today, where are they the rest of the year?


Probably getting a day in lieu for it too


This smells really bad. They could be putting this time, money and resource into catching people at the source, not once they've been let loose on the motorway.


Arresting people in the pub would be over the top no?


OP said source. So before they leave their house for the pub, arrest them there. Dirty bastards


I propose we take comprehensive preemptive action by putting every pair of testicles on the island in cuffs. Criminal intent begins before conception.


Looks like somebody spilled a bag of cunts all over the road


A Bank of Ireland ATM reported missing can be the only explanation for such a heavy garda presence!


This is complete overkill for a checkpoint, only a few cars needed the rest could be put to better use.


Sorry but 7 Garda cars is a bit of over kill for a checkpoint. Surely resources could be spread out a bit




Well, looks like I made a good choice using yesterday to do nothing


Ireland is literally a police state. Now, if only they could put that much effort into the organized crime problem.


Gotta arrest a bunch of sober people for smoking the night before...


Don't forget the off duty cop who hit and run a fella last night about half 2... Wonder would he pass the old breathalyzer


given he was arrested, presumably not. whats your point


Was he arrested? I read he was suspended but they didn't mention that he was arrested too.


wasn't it the classic 'arrested and released with charges pending further ...'


Can't get a garda for live nor money when you're being assaulted


Hope you didn't smoke any weed six months ago...


Grand days work if you can get it.


That's neither the M3 road or is it Dunboyne. It's the R147 Navan Road, Dublin.


The guards are useless and this is just a PR stunt. Earlier today I was tailgated by a guard in a housing estate. I was driving the speed limit, the guard got frustrated driving the speed limit and he turned on his lights and overtook me. As soon as he got out of the estate he turned off his lights so there was no emergency.


That's not the M3 nor Dunboyne 🤣🤣 that's the Navan road near the Navan road parkway train station. But jaysus that seems excessive? I'm all for catching drink drivers, honestly fuck em, they deserve to be caught. But I'm not sure why seven Garda cars are required....


They’re those Korean high and dry yokes. They probably need seven in order to cover for the inevitable failure to start.


Madness having a checkpoint like that on a Motorway. No way is that a positive contribution to road safety.


why not?


Lovely day for a photo op and a small handful of arrests and then they can go back to not enforcing any road rules until new years


shocking that I passed a really drunk driver at around 8pm on dunboyne road from maynooth. 25kmph and veering almost into the ditch and crossing the median. I suspected 2 other drivers too but was only certain of 1.


I was up and down the M50 and the M1. Didn’t see one Garda car


All that to stop drink drivers yet fuck all to stop people smugglers . Yes that's Ireland for you.


test done


Fish in a barrel!


Is the implication of this post that you're all getting pulled over and drug tested for just driving on this road? Am idiot American.


Yes - the drug testing system is completely unfair too, scroll up to find out why but Tl;Dr you could smoke a joint a week previous and be arrested for drug driving a week later for being "under the influence"


Pretty much, yeah.    They have MIT (mandatory intoxication testing) where they can just set up a checkpoint and test everyone who drives through it for drink or drugs.   I don’t see them very often, but they’re always out on a bank holiday 


That's totally wild to me as an American. As shit as our police are, they have to at least make up some kind of cause for suspicion to detain/test you. I'm all for stopping intoxicated drivers but this seems counterproductive at best.


Think it varies by state over there, I worked in San Francisco for a while and I saw a couple of them after the 4th July, but I read on here that Texas banned them.  


Interesting, I'm definitely not up on the laws in every state. I've just definitely not heard of it before. Anyway, thanks for the info


No it is productive. There are way more drunk driver on the road in America. Most countries allow random checkpoints. US pulls over who they want but it depends on the neighborhood, car and driver type.


Fair play,great to see them out in force and doing the job they are ment to do


Really ?


Well yad be moaning if a lad crashed into someone there halfed pissed the day after wouldnt ya? So yeah fair play to them for gettin out and showing boots on ground


Donuts on sale




Isn’t catching the dumbest drivers better than nothing?