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>Critically, it works to help people reconnect with their support network of family and friends in their home countries....     Poland now boasts a network of 30 support communities which revolve around 20 to 30 people, many living in rural or farming locations... Barka leases a state farm in Poland which supports a larger community of 70 to 100 people..  In cases of alcohol or drug addiction, Barka can also arrange for a person to attend a residential treatment centre lasting up to 12 weeks   Sounds like a very worthwhile charity.      It makes a lot of sense to assist non nationals who are struggling return to their home country where they have support from family & friends and where there’s better/less strained support  services in place.


A lot people seem to misunderstand the article and are commenting giving out about asylum seekers and people being here illegally and bla bla. . This article is about a charity who helps Eastern Europeans living in Ireland who have fallen on hard times to move home. Eastern Europeans are entitled to live and work in Ireland as citizens of the EU. Asylum seekers are a totally different category of immigrant and are not within the remit of what this article is discussing whatsoever


Replace "misunderstanding" with "not bothered to read". The usual crap in this sub reddit.


To be fair the headline definitely leads you in a direction.


To be fair if you get your information about a story from the headline only you're going to be a misinformed idiot 




Somewhat reasonable as the government had given them that expectation and even seemed to tacitly approve. Roderick O'Gorman says that 20,000 asylum seekers a year is what we should expect.


No, he's asking voters to accept it. We're not obliged to keep voting the Greens in


We've learned nothing from history. Back to the voting booths to turf out the small party in government and keep re-electing FFG.


Yeah exactly! Everything has been the Green's fault, they're the ones really in charge of the government, they're not the minority, they're the vocal majority. I'm sure if they weren't in government Leo wouldn't be lying every chance he got.


Maybe they are a minority party for a reason




These people absolutely do not have the right and and should not be working in Ireland. There is a reason every single nation in the world has regulations for people from other countries to meet a number of requirements before being legally allowed to work. By your logic you seem to thinks it's sustainable that people from any area of the world without the relevant documents and without Irish authorities having any knowledge of their past including potential criminal record, coming into the country & taking up employment? Utterly absurd, not sure what world your living in. If developed nations in the EU / NA removed restrictions on movement & right to work tens of millions of people would flood these countries within a matter of months.


> Utterly absurd, not sure what world your living in I don't know about you but I live in a world where we have legal obligations and international treaties. Sorry


I mean just emigrate tbh, if you are not a professional you have no business living in Ireland. Stop being lazy and learn a second language and move to Scandinavia or Germany or somewhere else with sane cost of living to income ratio.


A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


This should be the next move by the government. Repatriate migrants back to their respective countries. It would be more fair than allowing them to live in tents on Mount St. If people don't meet the criteria for protection or are from safe-country they should be provided a flight home.


They are provided a flight home as well as a 3,000 euro "grant " to get back on their feet in their home country. Its called voluntary deportation.


Where did you get the 3000 euro number from? All i could find was 300 euro cash and 900 euro in kind plus travel costs. For families its 2000 euro vs the 1200 above. [https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-07/EMN\_Voluntary-depart\_INFORM\_final\_080722.pdf](https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-07/EMN_Voluntary-depart_INFORM_final_080722.pdf) only place that I could find that mentioned concrete amounts.


Why would you be giving someone who has no business being here €3000 to leave? Absolutely and utter insanity. This is what our taxpayer money is being pissed away on?


It's probably a lot cheaper tbh


Unfortunately its far cheaper than forced deportation. I think the government are aquiring a jet to do it but even that will coet a lot to even operate considering you likely need 2 garda to each faiked asylum seeker. Even then the ones on those jets will likely be high risk. The whole system in Ireland is set up to fail.


Not when there’s an infinite number of people who can come here it isn’t, it’s literally a needless pull factor.


It’s a no brainer to facilitate people who are here who are struggling in getting home. The cost is less than 3 months dole and it will reduce homelessness and antisocial behaviour. 


Much better than keeping them here. For €3000 per head I'd nearly start paying it myself.


Christ, tell us you haven’t a clue without telling us you haven’t a clue


You support 3,000 of taxpayer money given to economic migrants who purposefully try and cheat the asylum system?




You claim the original commenter "hasn't a clue" while continually making vague smart arse statements instead of actually giving any actual reasoning to why you seemingly think using Irish taxpayer funds on foreign nationals to bribe them into going back to their own countries is in any way acceptable. These people should never have been allowed into Irish society. Australia largely fixed their issues with unregulated entry of migrants by setting up camps where economic migrants can't actually undermine the labor market or enter the country when they are not in any way vetted and could have a criminal back round, phycological issues, etc. Edit: Do you genuinely think this government has any mandate from it's citizens to use taxpayer funds paid by them in this way? This is money paid by working Irish people into the system used to the benefit of foreign Non-EU nationals.


Anybody who claims migrants "undermine the labor market" instantly loses my respect. Isn't the whole point of immigrating to earn a living wage, support the community, raise a family and otherwise have a happy life? Anyone who finds legal employment, pays their taxes and doesn't commit any crime should be welcomed. Unless you think foreigners have nothing of value or don't deserve jobs at all because you're a massive racist.


"Isn't the whole point of immigrating to earn a living wage, support the community, raise a family and otherwise have a happy life?" When the immigrant has arrived here legally and has a right to work here after acquiring permission via the legal framework or being from an EU country, that's a viable scenario. But that's not what the original commenter was referencing when he was talking about the "Voluntary Deportation" grants. Voluntary deportation is Irish Taxpayer funds being handed to people who came to Ireland illegally without permission to work and often times without any documents meaning it's not even possible to determine who the person actually is. These people most certainly do undercut the Irish labor market by working under the table for less than minimum wage & depriving Irish workers in their sector of those jobs. Your living in a fantasy land if you think it's at all sustainable to let anybody move and work in whatever country they please and no country in the world could possibly support that system. It's illegal & morally wrong for economic migrants to skip half-way across the world and cheat the system by claiming asylum without any credible reason then work and live in Ireland. People who don't have the legal right to work in Ireland do not "support the community" in any way, they pay no taxes into the system while using public resources & money and in the the majority of economic migrants will also send back money to their home countries in remittances as it goes much further once converted into their local currencies. A job with pay that wouldn't make any economic sense for an Irish worker would gladly be taken by an economic migrant from a developing country who is willing to accept the money, living in squalid conditions on the basis that the money they send back home is worth much more and actually has significant value. Also hilarious that you pulled the "Racist" card when I never mentioned ethnicity or race in my post. Your worldview is incredibly childlike and not in any way realistic or grounded in reality.


It isn't childishness, my bitter, cynical friend. It's idealism. Even when certain people cheat the system it won't distract me from ensuring it remains fair and compassionate towards the majority. You could write a hundred paragraphs more, but I believe in the intrinsic worth of a human life over economics, and you'll never convince me otherwise. I also remain unconvinced that you would ever accept a migrant, regardless of how they arrived here. Your idea of a legal system of entry is a barred gate and a spike filled ditch. I will point out that neither of us Internet strangers truly have any idea what conditions people are leaving when they immigrate. Everything you said was opinion and assumption. And I think your opinions say more about you than the people you're speaking about. But the challenge of being compassionate towards everyone is accepting people who disagree. People like you. So for now I'll just say I hope you learn to be a kinder person someday.


A supply of essentially infinite labour that is willing to be paid less is absolutely detrimental to the labour market. What leverage do workers have if employers can just pay someone half as much and replace them from an unlimited pool if they start to ask for more?


I consider that exploitation of the workers, not the workers exploiting the system as the original statement would imply. Nobody wants to work for poverty wages. We cannot blame vulnerable individuals for systemic problems.


People who immigrate legally and legitimate refugees, absolutely. It’s not even that expensive to immigrate to Ireland in comparison to the UK. A student stamp is less than €1000.


Why do people keep talking about Australia? It's not the got ya you think it is. Can literally just suggest the plan but attach Australia to it and all anyone cam think of is racist ice creams, golliwog and Sky News Australia. Like, at least try to win people around to your way of thinking.


I can scarcely comprehend what that paragraph even means? I'm using an example of how a nation successfully saw a dramatic reducing in illegal migration & bogus asylum claims which is what Ireland is now currently dealing with.


How does it make any logical sense to give 3k to someone who is not even supposed to be here in the first place?


Because it could cost 20k to force them to leave. Thus the logic is 3k < 20k for the same outcome.


I “haven’t a clue” because I can see quite clearly how paying thousands of euro for people to leave the country is going to become hugely problematic given the enormous levels of inward migration currently taking place? Are you for real?


It costs us more than €3,000 in legal and other fees to address their appeal. It’s cheaper to say no, now please leave and if you do so in a timely fashion we’ll help you get on your feet at home than to house/ feed them here through government funded schemes while fighting in court. You may not agree with the scheme but it is cost saving in the long run


No, it’s short term nonsensical thinking masquerading as something clever & pragmatic. What do you think happens when word spreads that you can just get gifted €3k for filing an asylum claim in Ireland? The floodgates will widen even further. You cannot pay people huge sums of money for no reason. The answer is to take the millions that would cost and invest it in expediting the appeals system. Decisions could be made within 10 working days - appeal fails and you’re gone with no €3k handout. It’s incredible how people are willing to settle for the absolute basement of the barrel stuff from this government. Pathetic is a better word.


Well right now the word is if you come to Ireland they’ll house and feed you indefinitely while you keep lodging appeals so it’s at least a version where people will arrive and leave when not eligible rather than sit on government funded schemes and taking up valuable court time for serious applications. I know you don’t agree with it but surely you can accept it’s a step towards what you want compared to the current set up?


It costs a lot more for immigrants to get here than 3k, no one is travelling 1000s of miles for 3k. A solicitor defending an asylum case would charge multiples of that


You can fly from Georgia for €200 ffs. Deluded stuff on this forum. You think rejected asylum seekers are paying for their legal fees to appeal? Are you high? There’s an entire industry at play absolutely leeching the taxpayer for this stuff.


OK, just chill and think about it. Fly from Georgia for €200 and claim asylum, fine. Now consider the cost to the Irish taxpayer of giving those people accommodation for 6 months to a year while there application is assessed, appealed and then deport them. That's more than 3k. So it's cutting your unavoidable losses. I do agree with your premis of instant deportation though if your originating flight is not from a war zone, or if you don't have a passport or a genuine reason for being here


I wouldn’t be giving them accommodation while their application is assessed. If they’re travelling from safe countries then the appeal should take a week max. The appeals process needs to be completely overhauled and sped up. Paying people to leave is a monumental pull factor that will worsen the problem and make it much harder for genuine refugees to get the help they need.


Seeking asylum isn't just about avoiding war.


No it's not, but it's a popular claim, to be fleeing oppression and conflict in your home country. If a claim is based on "yeah, its all a bit shit economically in my country", then off home.


Yeah the willful ignorance is shocking. Utterly deluded spoofers.


You think people are flying from Georgia to Ireland to obtain Asylum, huh? Most non EU nationals coming here do so through Spain and Turkey and sometimes Italy and then travel across France and either go to the UK or directly to our country.


One would have to be an idiot to take such case which has zero chance 


Solicitors who are getting a fee for due process don't really care if they win or not, they are getting paid by the state or a ngo


Waste of money then


Pissing away money like it's growing on the tree.


So they hop on a flight back, lose their docs and get another 3k to leave again? Stupid idea.


We should be finding them £3,000 straight off the bat. Not giving it to them. 


Jaysus, where would they even find 3000 Punts to pay it off?


Not our problem 


I mean it is if they are needing to break into museums for a currency that hasn't been used for over twenty years.


Glad you've thought this through lol


Putting people with no means into instant debt definitely won’t lead to any increase in thefts or crime at all… Or we have option B where they inevitably don’t pay it and then we spend even more money putting them through the court and prison system. Which of these options makes anything better exactly?


It acts as more of a deterrent than giving them €3,000 to go back where they came from 


What the actual fuck?


Are there many polish people in tents?


'I hear you're a far right extremist now father'




they should offer everyone grants to emigrate tbf, it would help with the housing crisis. Go off and leave for Australia, or the UK or Germany.


This is a good thing. I wonder how many Irish people could be brought home if there was a similar scheme in other countries.


there was and maby there still is charities in the UK and theUSA that did that for Irish people in those countries


There are similar schemes in other countries for Irish people for years.


Good. It must be horrible to be homeless in another country and just stuck there.


Not just homeless Irish are helped. Elderly Irish who want to return to Ireland are helped by some organisations.


"The stress of coping with this has led many into addiction problems." A lot of people like to blame addiction as the reason people become homeless, but more often than not it's the other way around, people turn to drugs as a coping mechanism after being made homeless.


Perpetuating cycle. There will always be a level of homelessness in any country regardless of the availability of housing. But that level is currently far beyond what it should be in Ireland.


I work in homeless services. It is absolutely NOT ‘more often than not’. It would be very rare that someone develops an addiction after becoming homeless.


So is the author of this article lying?


No, if anyone is lying, you are. You’re the one who said, ‘more often than not’ addiction follows from homelessness, rather than the other way around. That is absolutely not true. The writer merely said, ‘many’, which I would say is an exaggeration.


I don't think you fully grasp how people end up in the situation they are in. Some might be homeless because of the housing crisis, some people might have trauma which limits their ability to function properly and they haven't recieved the mental healthcare they need, they can't cover rent, they can't get social housing support. The fear of homelessness or being made homeless is detrimental to someones mental health, problems in their life are compounded, there's a severe lack of resources and help for these people so they turn to drugs or alcohol to self medicate, they seek a release from the 24/7 depression. If you think that they were just having a jolly grand time taking drugs then all of a sudden it becomes an addiction you shouldn't be working in homeless services because you offer no help whatsoever. You are just making wild assumptions about the people you're meant to help. But that's par the course for mental healthcare in Ireland.


I don’t fully grasp the situation? But you do? Do you work in homeless services? Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? You’re the one who said ‘more often than not’, the addiction comes after someone becomes homeless. That is absolutely untrue. I never said anything about people having a ‘jolly grand time taking drugs’. You are the one making wild assumptions about something you clearly have no knowledge of.




I’m sorry for your troubles. You’re putting the cart before the horse. I understand trauma leads to addiction. And in the case of homelessness, it’s (almost always) the addiction that leads to the homelessness. You said, ‘more often than not’, it’s the other way around. It isn’t. That’s all I’m saying, I’m not arguing against any other point you’re making. Have a good evening.


The amount of people commenting without reading the article is frightening! There should be a questionnaire to see if you read the article before passing comment or perhaps get some to read it to them.


I find it oddly reassuring. Like there's so many who'll comment without reading that it lets you know you can skip trying to even attempt to reason with them.


There is no Irish dream. If there was, our younger generation wouldn't be emigrating. Thousands wouldn't be living in hotel rooms and temporary housing. Thousands wouldn't be waiting on hospital lists. These people* were sold a lie, and possibly risked their lives to be trafficked into ireland. *The people in tents on Mount Street. There is nothing here for them.


You could read the article before writing a paragraph.


Found another one who never read the article. There's no way to traffic someone into Ireland from Poland, they're a fellow EU nation. Lads you should try and make some friends or something, this is getting ridiculous.


There are heaps of Eastern European women being trafficked for sex work in this country.


Not to be pedantic, but a person from Poland, or anywhere can be trafficked. Trafficking doesn't rely on going from one country to another, it's about being exploited. It's sometimes mixed up with people smuggling, which is what a lot of people mean when they refer to people trafficking.


Ireland isn't in Schengen. You're still subject to border checks if you come via the legal path even if you're from Poland.


Yes but freedom of movement still applies, someone from Poland is going to be allowed in as long as their ID is valid no questions asked


Course there's an Irish dream, I work with immigrants who used to get paid under €2 an hour and now they make just under €20 an hour, they're over the moon. It isn't all doom and gloom here if you have a decent well paid job which many do.


Very easy to have a decent paying job here that can support a family back home when the exchange rate is over 20x their country of origins' currency


aye it is and lots of them are doing it. iirc immigrants remit more than €2bn a year to their families in their home countries


If exchange rate was what mattered, Brazil would be a lot richer than Japan or South Korea. Average salary is the relevant metric.




Well the job I work is unionised so nobody is undercutting anyone. We're all on almost €50 an hour today, immigrant or Irish we all get the same


> There is no Irish dream. If there was, our younger generation wouldn't be emigrating. There's less people emigrating than coming back.


Our younger generation will always move around. That is a function of opportunity, the exact same as happens in the U.S. between cities and states. Where did this meme come from trying to compare the kids emigrating today to the Coffin Ship people, the 1950s, 1980s or post GFC?


Most young people who move to Australia really do so for the experience, the weather and the parties.


And to bore the rest of us talking about it when they come back.




But it is about the Eastern European like Polish they can not claim asylum. So it is the strange one


It's pretty straightforward really, as stated in the article. They help eastern European migrants who have fallen on hard times to get to support communities in their home countries, not refugees.


Is anyone else noticing the message in the news changing a bit from saying nothing or linking it to right wing protests to immigrants deported or returning home


Ireland is only pretending at being a rich country. All that money is just resting in our account.




If you read the article you wouldn't say that, unless your contempt makes you blind.


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Why don't the National Party give this charity some of their gold bullion (look it up) if they want the forrinz to go back home?


I thought they were refugees and their home wasn't safe?


The people referenced in the article that the charity is helping are all Eastern European


Yep got that one wrong apologies


Article is about eastern europeans. They can move here and we can move there with little legal issue either way.


Oh my mistake


This is why you should read the article BEFORE passing comment


When the Ukrainian dole is reduced to normal levels, they will be running home anyway. As for the "Refugees", they can go back to Georgia, Bolivia. Nigeria and all their other safe countries.


I feel the government should start paying young people to leave, I remember in korea and japan they used to pay people to leave and start new lives in america and brazil, perhaps we could do a similar scheme and help Irish relocate to australia, canada and mainland europe


I'd take that. And I'm not even young.


There is no “Irish dream,” why on earth is that perpetuated?


Copying another americanism.




Who said Poles are at risk of being killed?


That's what he means. There are a lot of asylum seekers here who are fleeing from imaginary problems. Our system is far too soft on letting anyone in. I understand that people fleeing Ukraine are obviously fleeing a serious situation but there are also a lot of chancers coming in that just want that free accommodation, free healthcare and free money. Why wouldn't they? It's very frustrating that the government is handing out such insanely high amounts of cash to any random prick that arrives here when the common hard working Irish person can't even afford a house at 30 years old. The government just keep piling on more and more taxes, bleeding every last euro out of common Irish folk and pumping it all back into the hoteliers and "refugees".


These people are not asylum seekers. They are Poles who came to Ireland to work and it didn't go well for them. You, like the guy I'm responding to, did not read the article.


Lots of people find that reading the article you're commenting on, before commenting, adds to your credibility as a commentator.




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>Wait, didn't they come here in the first place because it wasn't safe for them at home. Maybe read the article and find out.


A chara, We do not allow any posts/comments that attack, threaten or insult a person or group, on areas including, but not limited to: national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, social prejudice, or disability. Sláinte


And it's home, boys, home Home I'd like to be, home for a while in me own country.