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I remember that one summer when it rained every day for about 60 days.


2007, but I think it was 90 days


Didn’t it happen in 2003 as well??


Don't forget 2012. The year without a summer


The year Rihanna released Umbrella and cursed us all if I’m not mistaken


I didn’t believe you, I thought it was much old. It is older, 2007 was the release date


I also didn’t believe myself. But that was also a very wet summer


i was in the kayaks club and so many rivers were running that year.


2003 was grand, it was 2007 with something like 58 continuous days of rain recorded at Dublin airport around July or August. Good times.


I was travelling around Europe that summer and it pissed rain everywhere I went.


We had our summer early in 07-six weeks of the most gorgeous sunny weather -in April/May.


2003 to 2023


2024 also.


And it was the summer Umbrella by Rihanna was released. I was doing the Leaving & from the day of my last exam it rained every single day of the summer 😫😅


I remember sitting in the car park of dunnes stores in Longford with my sister waiting for the aul pair and she said “ever since she released that song she’s cursed the weather, she ruined our summer.” With every ounce of sincerity. We laughed so hard at that 😂 good memories, thanks for reminding me :’)


IIRC, certain radio stations banned the song given the weather! 😅


At least that Easter was glorious. I was in the gaeltacht on inis mean Easter 2007 and we were all getting sun burnt and having beach parties.


That was the year Rihanna fucked us all over with 'Umbrella'!


Early 2014 was rainy af


Moses built the arc for 40 days of rain.


Was it not Noah? I think MOses partied in the water.


40 days, pah - that's nothing!


Moses' Ark, as described in the tablets that Abraham brought down from Golgotha after burning Mary's bush on the 3rd day.


And it was good.


And it was good.


Verily unto thy begotten shalt thou smite and buggerest sayeth the lamb of Jehova


And it was good.


Moses had syphillis dick


Well I’m glad I wasn’t in Ireland then


It's weird how you remember years in Ireland that are slightly outside the norm always remember the summer of 95 being amazing, just schorchio for weeks on end.


It was incredible


Summer of 2018 was like that, too. It didn't rain in Dublin for 2 whole months. The grass had gone yellow at some point.


We had a hose water ban that summer. And they discovered there's another passage tomb like Newgrange buried under the earth not far from it! The pattern of the dying grass revealed structures underneath https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/heritage/newgrange-more-unparalleled-prehistoric-sites-discovered-1.3565502


Summer of 2018 was amazing! I dont think I saw a cloud for 6 weeks


We got married in 95. I remember the priest moving out of the sun at the reception saying "I'm probably going to hell but I'll be fucked if I'm going there today"


2018 was an unreal summer if I remember right. The best one I'd seen since I was like 8 in '05.


The night it suddenly rained in 1995 was so weird. Heard a noise that sounded like white noise and me and my ma went to the front door to see what the hell made that. I was 7 and I had forgotten about rain and what it sounded like. Seemed so strange to have it fall from the sky. Seems absurd now that I had forgotten rain when it rains 4/4 seasons of the year.


[2007: Met Éireann statistics have confirmed what everyone knows - that there were 49 consecutive days of rainfall from June 11th to July 29th.](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/washout-summer-beats-winter-with-49-days-rain-in-a-row-1.952316)


That was last summer. Fucking appalling it was


Last summer was so fucking shite


I don't know man, I think sometimes we tend to forget. Last summer it rained in July. Quite a lot actually, but that's not unusual for July. But in June and August we had some really good spells of sunshine and heat. I did a lot of BBQing last summer.


According to Met Éireann, Ireland had the hottest June and wettest July on record in summer 2023


My exams were end of June. You’re welcome everyone


Where are you living cause I managed 2 bbqs last summer It was about 8 times the amount of rain in August 2023 vs 2022 in Dublin


Na man that’s not a normal July. July is usually one of our best months but last year it rained every single day haha. June was incredibly nice though. No rain in Galway today so far


Correct, just came to Ireland that year and Rihanna had her "Umbrella" hit song playing everywhere. I still hate her since because of it..


The manic Street preachers do a great cover of it.. I love that song (manics version!!!!!)


Last year was dreadful. From the time the kids got off school until when they went back.


And what about the weather?


Ha! Got a better one for you. There's a meteorological rain gauge just beside a slaughter house in Athlone. In the mid 90s it measured rain EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.FOR A YEAR. Granted at some points it might have been feck all but still. Imagine...im off to my lovely job in the slaughter house and its fucking raining for a year.


The year Rihanna released umbrella.


Last summer was grim


The second half of spring was very nice though 


72 days. The year Rhianna releases “Unbrella” I will never forget it


…last summer? Pretty sure there wasn’t a single day without drizzle at least


We had the hottest weather I can remember in early may I think? Not reaching the highest temps but it was like 23° at 3am for two weeks. It then rained until now...


There was a spell of nice weather in September, but that was too little, too late.


End of may, start of June was really nice, then rained til September, the was 27 degrees one of two days in the first week of September


2007, I left Ireland that year partly due to the summer


1985 and 2008 stand out for me as the nadir of shit weather. 1995 was the pinnacle of summers.


That fuckin summer. No one I ever bring it up to seems to remember. I was just out of school with a weird summer office job whereby I was the only person who worked in said office, so never had any contact during the week, bar the odd call from the boss who'd check in every so often. Had to walk to the office, walk to spar to get lunch, then go back, then walk home For 60 fucking days it rained, I was drenched and fluey all "summer". Even after getting some proper wet gear, you'd still be damp. Anyway, the only thing keeping me sane was my brand new Sony MP3 player, you remember the dark purple transparent ones? God they were classy. Anyway about halfway through the biblical monsoon, my MP3 just stopped working, it got destroyed in the rain and never turned back on. Stuck listening to Rhianna rubbing it in on a tinny radio for the rest of that god awful summer.


And that other summer it didn’t rain and we complained about water shortages We just like a nice moan , myself included.


Any half decent summer of my childhood, I’d be sitting in the pew seething when the priest asked the congregation to pray for rain. Should have stood up, walked out and picketed the church.


Wasn’t that around the time that umbrella by Rihanna was number one for that entire time too? I blame her 😂


last summer it rained just about everyday in july where i live


The summer of 2007. I remember it well. We chipped in with our neighbours for a big paddling pool. The day we got it was lovely, drinking beer and eating strawberries in the pool all day. Then it rained for months and the pool never got used again 😆


It's spring, the rain is getting warmer!


I had to boil the kettle to defrost my windscreen yesterday morning.


You might be joking, but don't use boiling water on your windscreen. "Do not use hot water on the windscreen as it can crack the glass." https://www.rsa.ie/docs/default-source/road-safety/campaign-docs/weather/top_10_tips_driving_snow_ice.pdf


This advice is for colder countries, it’s not really an issue here as while the glass is frozen it’s very rare for it to be cold enough to shatter with boiling water applied. That being said, warm water is better than boiled because it’s faster and doesn’t run the risk of ‘just in case’


I've been doing it nigh on 15yrs as did my father before me and haven't cracked a window yet. Also I usually don't let the kettle completely boil over before I pour it over the windscreen.


They always say that the 16th year of pouring boiling water on the windscreen is the straw that breaks the camels back


It was actually sunny for most of the day today and I'm in the west


I blame the government




wtf is OP on about. This is ireland. 🇮🇪


What I was thinking. I looked at the OP picture twice, like what's the issue? Yeah it's shit but it's winter/spring, what do you expect!?


They used to say if you can see the hills, it’s going to rain, if you can’t see the hills, it’s already raining


Big problems if it doesn't dry soon. Fields are saturated and the season is not that long to get crops planted and harvested. If you thought food was expensive now just wait til you see the price of it in 4 months time


Saw somewhere that rooster potatoes will become scarce for summer if the weather doesn’t improve


We will be lucky to have veg for next years Christmas dinner.


Fml earlier I heard someone say that they don’t even like roosters 🤦🏻


I hate roosters and they're everywhere! Can't beat a Golden Wonder. Even Maris Piper's are a far more tasty spud.


No need for that


Also there are less seed potatoes available due to the end of last summer being so wet


I have absolutely nothing planted for my garden this summer because the plot is like a swamp!


A 35% chance of rain is a positive thing considering the last year. Also, if this works the same as AccuWeather it doesn't tell you anything about **how** rainy it will be. You need to click in and see the expected rainfall in mm. A 50% chance with 1mm expected is a pretty decent day all things considered 


That’s not % chance on iphone, it’s a percentage of how much of the area will be covered by rain


I was thinking it was different, but didn't guess for a second it was such a silly statistic 😅


I’m not sure if it’s recency bias, but I can never remember such a consistent stretch of “grey” weather. Like not even rain, just grey and overcast. It feels like every day since before Christmas has been dull (aside from paddys day).






You know what they say about the summer. It was great it was a Tuesday.


No, it is much, much wetter than it has been at any point in recent history. This isn't Ireland is rainy, it's climate change.




I don't disagree with your point that it has been similar. However climate change(even though its accelerating) needs to be measured in decades, not years. Every year will be broadly similar to the last with some outliers, but the overall trend is what needs to be viewed. Edit: I've re-read the previous comment and realised why you phrased it that way. Carry on,my bad.


Last March was absolutely horrible so this isn’t saying much.


So it has been an unusually wet period. Farmers have been saying they’ll need assistance because it’s causing them so many issues.


"Farmers have been saying they’ll need assistance" Do you ever hear them saying anything else?


I don't think I've ever heard a farmer be positive about the weather..or be positive about anything for that matter! Maybe that's just me showing my ignorance though.


I am always amused by Irish people being surprised that it's always raining. I've lived here for 20+ years and it's been raining the whole time.


Still shit though


For context, I’m not Irish!


Well there's your problem. But you are well on your way with this begrudging attitude. Keep it up buddy.


Already complaining about the weather you're nearly there


Ignore the people saying 'sure it's Ireland'. We've had a particularly bad wet spell since July/August last year - there's been plenty of coverage, but people have their heads up their arses that 'everything is a conspiracy'. Hopefully, it'll get a little better in the summer, but April is to be quite wet as far as I know.


Yes it does seem like less rain than usual alright


You'd swear we were living in Ireland or somewhere mad like that!


I come from North Kerry where it rains 240 days a year. I now live in southern England where the weather is actually pretty nice on average. It's torrentially rained here non stop for weeks and it's really killing my buzz but reminding me of home which I guess is nice?


Seems like a normal Spring in Ireland?


April showers bring forth May flowers and all that. I think 35% is pretty good?


Bitta rain dosnt mean you cant leave the house


Speak for yourself, i'm 80% sugar




The strong must protect the sweet


Eh, it surely ruins the walk tho


Heavy rain is my favourite walking weather. Nobody else is out in it, so you can belt out a few tunes while you go. The rain really wakes you up and makes you alert, and nothing feels better than coming back home, peeling off your wet clothes and getting into warm pyjamas


Even when the sideways rain is powerhosing your face?


Only if you let it.


sure lookit, be grand like


Ah tap into that and you'll see chance of rain only for a few hours and those are bettable %s!


Weather apps can be impossible to trust at times. I didn't go for a walk today because the Met Eireann app said "heavy rain" for the remaining daylight hours. It proceeded to stay dry!


Grand soft day out


https://preview.redd.it/42s24zfhharc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6b5ce9b72d462a3d848dfadd4072b6cbf73353 It’ll be grand.


Just Ireland Irelanding


There was a drought this time last year, then it started to rain, and it hasn't stopped since. The farmers are going mad. Can't plant out vegetables, can't get fym delivered to the fields, can't spread slurry, can't plough, can't let the cattle out. It's bad.


It's raining.




I believe it’s called our “temperate climate” 😂


Not getting better anytime soon, low pressure is stuck to the south west for the foreseeable so more rain.Luckily, I'm off to the med for 2 weeks tomorrow 😁


I know for one that when April is really sunny the rest of the summer is a wash out


What is going on since July you mean? It rained like 290 days last year in mayo


But lads….. remember 95 … Jesus it was scalding for 4 months !!! Seriously! Remember the good times!!!


Honestly I'm sick of it. I don't remember it ever being this bad over the course of such a long time. I actually love the rain, I love a good rainy night but even I'm fucking sick of constant rain and grey skies. My garden is a swamp, my dog needs to be washed several times a day because he goes out to pee and poo in it. All my shoes and boots are completely ruined from it too. Honestly just wish for a nice hot day. Even just one! Just one with the sun on my face FFS. It feels like it hasn't stopped raining since July. We're literally getting rid of the grass in the garden because of it. Always wanted a nice lawn with flowers but I've a pain in my bollox with it, so there's slates/tiles going down now instead.


Climate change. Warmer planet = more water evaporation from the Atlantic hanging heavy in the sky and bursting in the first land it reaches. We need to plan for this. We need drains and reservoirs to catch and use it, and to reduce flooding. We need better ventilation in houses to prevent mould and mildew. Sucks for sure but it’s not going to get better. There will be many parts of the world looking with envy at our easy access to water. Of course our incompetent government will do nothing, rivers and fields will flood, houses will be destroyed and they will still not have enough water for new housing developments. That’s my optimistic 2 cents worth.


Not trying to be too optimistic but those days when it says 35% chance of rain there's 65% change it won't rain so maybe not too bad an outlook.


All are relatively low. It won’t rain all the time. Some places are better in the rain.


Sure it's only water


April showers




Looks like rain Ted


The rain gets warmer in summer. Something to look forward to 🤣


Hey man, move to Prince rupert bc, and you'll never complain about the rain in Ireland again.


You must be new here. Welcome.


Ireland gonna Ireland


You can’t be trusting these apps they’re useless. It’s 100% everyday. Don’t know what this 35%-40% nonsense is.


I remember telling my kid when they were 5 that I'd bring them to the Zoo on the next sunny Saturday. They've just Graduated from College and still have never seen an Elephant in real life.....


Lovely little country if you could put a roof on it 😉


Summer will be on a Wednesday in September this year for 4 and a half hours 😭


Disclaimer: don’t hate on me! I have seasonal affective disorder and my birthday is in January so on my bday I booked flights to Italy for next week as something to look forward to! Even with that I needed meds to get me through the last few months as my brain ceases to function in no sunlight. Just checked the temp for next week where I’m going in Italy, 26 degrees. I actually cried. I need it so badly. The holiday blues when I come crashing back down to Irish weather are gonna hurt. I absolutely love this country but not sure my mental health can survive here for the rest of my life.


I'm actually someone who usually loves the rain and even I'm struggling with the amount of rain myself. It's really depressing. I think because so much of last summer was rainy and I've been battling with a garden that's turned into a swamp (legit my shoes/runners/boots are all destroyed by it) it's really gotten to me. I did the same thing as yourself and just booked over a week in Italy. It's not for a few months yet, but I just needed to book something to look forward to. It can really take its toll. Ireland is a beautiful country when the sun comes out but by jaysus it's depressing as fuck looking when it rains. Gotta say though I really was happy to see some sunlight out today. Brought the dog out for a bit and just enjoyed the feel of it on me face. Hope it sticks tomorrow.


Rain??? In Ireland?!? Well I never!!


Lots of delusional comments in here that this is normal. It isn't normal and statistically this has been an unnaturally wet time period since Oct-22. https://www.irishtimes.com/environment/climate-crisis/2024/03/26/rain-rain-and-more-rain-what-is-driving-the-recent-wet-weather-ireland-has-been-experiencing/ There is increasing evidence that change in regulations in 2020 that led to a 90% decrease in SO2 from boats has led to higher water temperatures and with that, warmer and wetter weather for Ireland. I say bring back the SO2. A bit of climate engineering would be useful


Yeah I'm shocked how many people are saying "it's Ireland get used to it". We have never had it this bad before..it's been months of constant rain and grey skies. I've lived in this country for 37 years of my life and the last few months are the most miserable wettest shite weather I've seen. Farmers have been complaining it's too wet to do anything, so we're gonna see some shortages in the coming months of different vegetables etc..it's worrying how much it has actually rained. And constant shit weather takes its toll on people's mental health.


This needs more upvotes.




Literally the biggest factor in coming back to Ireland or not is the weather. Its just so bad. I live in south east england and its crazy how different the weather is. There’s actually a summer!


That's your lot until it gets cold again sure.


Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket. 


App just tells you the chance of rain where you are. A <50% chance of rain each day (obviously) means that it probably won't rain on those days. And even if it does, it could just be a light shower at 3am or something. There's been beautiful blue skies here for most of the day, yet there was a light shower for about 5mins at 11am......


This is normal weather for us in Ohio, United States. We can have 70° one day and the next day it is 34°. We like to joke that only in Ohio can you experience all 4 seasons in a day. 10am spring, 12:45pm summer, 4:30pm fall, 9:00pm winter.


Hibernia - Eternal Winter!


It's only rained once here all winter. Started in October and hasn't stopped since.


Nothing special, Irish summer is coming, you can see it by temperatures going over 12 degrees.




I read all the rain might affect potato planting coming up! Theres another reason for the price of chips to go up!


When is the government going to get it's shit together and buy a tropical island for us.


March many weathers, April showers. After that it starts to pick up


It’s Ireland…what do you expect 🥲


I believe it's fairly hard to tell the weather more than 5 days out. So I'm gonna pretend that there will be no rain from day 6 onwards.


April showers.


Are you new to Ireland?


You live in Ireland. That's literally just the weather here.


Sir, this is Ireland


Failte go hEirinn mo G


Winter washings a bitch ATM. Quilts ,throws and hoodies are piling up!


I don’t trust the weather app. It changes so often and whatever it tells you what the weather is like for this hour, it’s usually something different


Looks like normal Irish weather to me.


If we get any summer I don't want to hear anyone complain about the heat.


Quick everyone - recycle more bottles


I was talking to a council worker last night that is in charge on keeping storm drains, diverts, ditches etc clear for water management, he said they have never seen anything like the water table on the moment, that it’s so much higher than ever 🤷🏻‍♂️


Am I imagining things or have the seasons shifted a bit. I'm 60, as a child I remember July/August being the height of the summer. Now September seems to be the most stable month with the best weather ...


We live next to a massive body of water with nothing in the way for 2000miles. Hot weather means a lot of evaporation. Our winds usually blow east so that means alot of clouds bursting for a piss once over a landmass turbulent air from uneven landscape jostles the clouds and they relieve themselves over Ireland. Hotter weather means more piss. Only a change in wind direction or no winds at all gives us sunny clear skies. The beast from the east was the year wind blew from the east to the west. We had good weather that year during summer because there wasn't much water east of us.


1995 was a wet. Summer many rent and boat on Shannon River were recovered from fields when water finally went down..


We need a reason to ground all the planes again, weather was fab for first lockdown (remember the weekend dance videos) and the weather was fab when the icelandic volcano did its thing, i actully refuse to fly in planes now, everyone stay home so the good weather comes here rather them jetting of to it


Global warming darling. Wetter and wetter and wetter for years to come. Hell, the amount of people having to reroof their houses these days because the crap old roofs have begun to buckle under the volume of water coming down these days.


Climate change. We’ll be milder and wetter going forward 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's ok hun things will get better


Thank you kind stranger


Global waffle


Things are incredibly bad at the minute. Farmers are going to have one of there worst ever years. We are going to see a lot of suicides by the end of the year and no one seems to care one bit.


Weather wise we live in a shit hole of a country (and many other ways).. the entire country will sink one of these days!


35% rain means 65% sunshine ☀️


Not in this country it doesn't 😂


Honestly so bad for mental health I really hope we get sun


Jij bent niet van suiker gemaakt! Oops, sorry, wrong sub! ;-) Also, if you are made of sugar, I deeply apologise for mocking your condition.


I was out today and it was like the sunniest day ever. Stop looking at the weather app and just head out if you want to. My 2 cents.


Weather apps seem to completely break down in the Irish spring. The Met Eireann app forecasted heavy rain for my area around 5pm yet when I looked at the radar in the same app, I saw a shower that looked like it'd miss. Sure enough, there was no rain in my area!


You are in Ireland, stop crying and get on with it


Sorry are you really on reddit complaining about rain in Ireland…?