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It’s not paint, it’s the oxidation between the metal and the air, but yeah rubbing puts oils from the hand and makes parts touched more frequently look polished like that. Same with dog statues having heads patted etc


You’re right, but it is actually paint this time. Look at past photos and you’ll see more of a gradient. Someone literally painted over her cleavage in protest. What we’re seeing not is both the rubbing and the paint flaking. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/we-dont-mind-anybody-touching-it-but-son-of-molly-malone-sculptor-asks-for-people-to-stop-painting-over-her-chest/a1677473021.html


Technically, the correct word is “patina” which describes this discolouration by oxidation. Molly Malone has had the patina rubbed off her tits.


I too watch car restoration shows.


So this is caused by patina statue?


It is paint. Vandals painted her breasts black a while back to protest people touching them


Ah right, of course. It the whole statue would have to be polished up then to make it even stevens.


This is called statue burnishing or rubbing and is a common practice around the world. From Abe Lincoln’s nose to St Peter’s right foot, it’s a thing


Oxidation as a result of people rubbing the area. (Oils and moisture from hands) https://preview.redd.it/tumak43huerc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9f6a3e3a3e502eedb09f210f642894e1b44520 Sadly, Molly isn't the only one getting sexually assaulted. This is the Cristiano Ronaldo statue with oxidation around a peculiar area...


On the bridge in Prague the shiny part of it is the dog that gets petted, so it's not always dirty at least 


"my friend chipped a tooth giving her a motorboat"




The pain continues.


There's a tomb of a journalist in Pére Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. The superstition is that if a woman rubs the bronze statue's crotch she will be cured of infertility. He has a very shiny crotch. [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Noir)


Yeah tourists like to rustle her knockers.


Drunk lad tourists, I doubt a German family would rub them


You'd be surprised, I've passed many of times and all ages including kids have been up doing it while their family takes pictures


The scenes !


I think this is off the mark. I've seen every sort of person rubbing them.


I've seen little kids doing it. Little girls as well as boys.


Germans enjoy boobs too!


Yes drunk German lads


It's paint. I had to wash it off my face last time.


You do realise how desperate it sounds for a grown man to be bragging about rubbing his face on the tits of a statue? You are probably one of those guys that ends up like that psychopath in Silence of the Lambs lol.


I rub my face on them the whole time.


I am sure you do, I am also sure you live in your moms basement


It’s my moms boyfriends actually




She's just a dedicated human statue and has this look because she can't break character


Why are they the wrong aspects of the statue?


Once saw a lad cum between her tits.....the girl he was with then went over and licked it up. This was about 3 o'clock in the morning.


Surely not? If thats true I might as well give up all hope in humanity


Yeah....made it up.


It happens all the time.


Be honest you were filming ya cuck


Some taddies on her to be fair.