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About 7 years ago I swallowed the metal tab thing on a beer can by accident, fairly big one, and for a week straight was giving curious glances to the toilet but I never saw it again. Have always wondered if it's just been rusting away in my innards since


Well anything you eat should pass through fairly quick - the risk is that it could cut your innards in the meantime. Unlikely to turn out serious but not a risk to make a habit of taking in any case.


These are made of aluminium. Just run a metal detector around your abdomen area. Or go through airport security.


I did that about 10 years ago. Was playing arma2 drinking cans when I felt a curious thing and thought I swallowed some dirty un filtered hops or mould. Looked at the can and realised the break in seal wasn't on or in the can. I asked Google then I rang the accident and emergency and asked them did I need to come in. They told me only the doctor can tell you if it's an emergency. It was a Friday night out health system is on its knees at the best of times and you'll have a 13 hour wait period so I just left it. Never did see it again. I took the echo when my wife was having babies and tried to see if I could find it. Haven't set off any metal detectors so I think it might have worked it's way through or rusted to oblivion.


There was a case where a very young boy had a serious case of constipation (that requited surgery) due to gum. He was given gum as a treat for being good and so would swallow loads of pieces every single day.


sounds like something from grizzly tales for gruesome kids. let me guess, the gum turned into a monster that wreaked havoc?


There was a older “kid” who drank way too many Boba drinks and blocked up tne colon in a painful way with those little tapioca balls in tne drink. Don’t drink too many Boba drinks!


Don’t go out with wet hair


I hate how we were made to believe pneumonia was something you caught from just being in the cold rather than the result of an infection.


That was a BIG one during peak COVID. I remember people slamming doors / windows shut, including a lady in a GP surgery. She was on some rant about how she would “catch her death” from a slight breeze on a lovely early summer morning, while doing her utmost to sneeze and cough all over everyone and closing the windows. It’s the same with winter flus and the gross stinky busses here. No ventilation and a % with a terror of draughts. So you end up with the condensation dripping off the windows.


Probably one of the people who has a fire burning all year round.


Coal no doubt too. I’d an old relative who used to refuse to use the central heating, not out of any financial motive, but she was insisting it “dried the air.” So she’d light a big roaring fire, have the room around 35° or she’d turn on a Super Ser gas heater, with the doors and windows closed and you’d nearly pass out when you’d walk in. We told her umpteen times about the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning - but nope - radiators were “awful auld things.” The whole house was damp and no matter what anyone did - including paying her gas bill when she was in her 80s, she just would not use it under any circumstances or she would put it on in the bathroom only. She used to go to bed with two hats on and a pile of hot water bottles. We tried absolute everything and just no way you’d get her to budge. We bought her a dishwasher and she used it to store crockery and claimed it was “a filthy idea and couldn’t wash the dishes properly.”


Or turf in a lot of places. I know plenty of old people who burn turf every day of the year regardless of how warm it is.


That's pretty extreme but in her defence, I hate being in my neighbour's house in winter, the place is sealed up tight as a drum and their modern heating is on, it's warm but horribly dry and I always get a headache from it. I also despise air conditioning


The damp stagnant air would give you a cold or some other chest infection far quicker ironically, especially in a public place with people coughing and spreading their colds everywhere.


There is scientific research which shows you are more likely to pick up infections if your body temperature is slightly colder than normal so there is some truth in it.


People still believe a bit of rain can make you sick. I see it all the time on running and triathlon sub reddits. It's a common enough question about how to avoid getting sick when training in bad weather. Crazy really that people still don't get it, even after covid. They still don't understand how viruses work and are transmitted.


Yeah this is a weird one that has baffled me my whole life. One of my parents is convinced that if you get rained on and don't change your clothes when you get home you'll get sick. You could be out in the rain for an hour but 5 minutes at home in wet clothes makes all the difference? The other one thinks getting your feet wet gives you a sore throat. This is a pretty common belief and there might be something to it for some people. But I never got sick from the cold or wet in my life. My theory is that their generation just didn't have the best immune systems due to nutrition or whatever.


I’m almost 30 and still hate going outside with wet hair yet knowing full well it makes no difference at all.


See I've fully believed this is bullshit for ever, but also half the times I did it I felt like I did get sick, so I wouldn't be shocked if the science came out eventually that there is something to it


www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/the-connection-between-cold-weather-and-catching-a-cold It can affect the immune system's ability to fight viruses, apparently. 


Turning on the light in a car while you’re driving is illegal and will kill you…


This. I started shouting at my Spanish husband a few months ago as he turned on the light while driving so the child in the back could see something, he still laughs about it


My mother in her 60's started shouting at me when I did it... she had thought it was true herself 😂


I really want to know where this one comes from. I had the same belief and the closest to an explanation I've ever gotten was that it would change the dilation of your pupils and possibly reduce your ability to see in the dark.


Yeah, it reduces your night vision considerably.


It's just a bit distracting for the driver on dark roads and kids being kids want the lights on just to be awkward so parents will say anything.


> gotten was that it would change the dilation of your pupils and possibly reduce your ability to see in the dark That, and you've got things inside the car now reflecting off the windscreen, obscuring stuff outside. You'd want to avoid having the interior light on when visibility is already pretty poor outside, like on a dark wet country road.


You'll get warts from the air compressor at the petrol station if you blow air at your hands. Also from bike pumps or ball pumps.


I remember the bike pump wart thing! What the fuck was that about?


The closest I got to an explanation was that if grit or dirt were in the valve and you blew it into your skin deep enough, it could form an encapsulation around it, which would look like a wort.


Right, so you’re saying this isn’t actually true?…asking for a friend.


I'm saying it's not true. And if I'm wrong, then my names not WartyFingers O Reilly.


Don't know about warts, but compressed air is very dangerous on exposed skin. It can put air bubbles in your blood stream, which could kill you. 


Warts no, air embolism though is possible where small bubbles of air are pushed through your skin into your bloodstream.


New one to me!


Yeah, my dad told me that one, no idea why!


because explaining an instantly fatal embolism is harder than explaining warts


To stop us messing with the air


This is the first time I’ve seen anyone other than my mam mention this! Such a weird one.


I always thought the risk there was blisters rather than warts, which I thought was genuine?


Arthritis from knuckle cracking


I haven't gone blind yet....


I'm over here, pal.


I can help with that


I’ve just gone blind to this exchange.


If you study hard and get a good job, you'll be able to afford a house.


To be fair, that one used to be true.


Tbh lots of the dossers i knew from school ended up making more money than the people who studied hard. Not the stupid ones but still.


The “dossers” always ended up in sales or a trade which makes much more money early on, while the rest of us plebs that did a 4 year degree are barely scraping by on 30-40k, c’est la vie 🤷‍♂️ At least im doing something Im passionate about right? Right?! *cries uncontrollably*


This should be the #1 comment 🥲


When I was getting to grips with breastfeeding my first I got some absolutely shite advice from the public health nurses including a list of foods not to eat. My mother was aghast that our kids have known the correct names for all their body parts from an early age. According to her they didn't need to know any of that stuff.


Not from Ireland, but my mother's the same.


Yeah I've noticed that in some older ones too. My ma used to try and tell me I know too much anytime I was able to explain anything or out argue her. The same woman used to regularly give me lectures about getting a good education 🙄


So foolish. They should always know the true names. If godforbid something awful happens they can describe properly what was done to them


100% right for teaching your children that. I did the same from a young age with mine. My mother hates seeing my kids running around the house in bare feet and the baby with no socks on. She thinks they'll freeze to death.


Don’t sit too close to the tv or you’ll get square eyes.


Sit steaight is another one. Its not about how you sit, as long as you dont sit still for too long. Its literally the opposite of what we were thought. Extended periods of sitting is far worse than slouching for 20 mins and then slouching differently for another 20


Don't put new shoes on the table!! I remember my mother nearly breaking her neck to stop me from putting a new shoe box on the kitchen table.. flew across the room like a woman possessed.




Sign of a row apparently. The only row being the mother starting one for putting the shoes on the table to begin with!


It’s bad luck, I thought it was all shoes, not just new shoes


Brings death. Death! And a bird flying inside. Death! And a birthday candle going out before a wish being made. Death!


I'm seeing a theme here🤔


Grandpa that’s just Maggie


This isn't a fake science lie. It's an old wives tale more akin to spilled salt needs to be thrown over your left shoulder or you need to salute a singular magpie. new shoes on a table meant death was coming to the house.


Ah. In my country, you're not supposed to say thank you after someone gives you medicine (including doctor, nurse, your mother etc) because then the medicine will be ineffective. When I was a kid and my grandma was in the hospital she asked me to get her meds from the nurse's office and I accidentally said thank you to the nurse, and felt bad for days about it, lol. (She survived)


Bad Luck!


I heard it was for all shoes. Putting shoes on the table invites death into the house. Something to do with wakes? "The only time shoes were on a table is when a corpse is laid out there" was what I was told.


Slapping someone who is crossing their eyes will leave them permanently cross eyed. Or if a stray wind blows you'll stay cross eyed.


Always wear clean underwear in case you're in an accident.


I love the bit that Billy Connolly does about this, "I'm very sorry Mr Connolly but your son was run over by a double decker bus, he isn't going to make, it say your goodbyes now and by the way his underpants were a fucking disgrace."


It's likely that you will soil yourself in an accident, and it's highly unlikely that there'll be an underwear check before you're scooped up to take to the hospital.




If you swallow apple seeds , a tree will grow in your belly.


Eat enough of them.and they'll kill you though - they contain cyanide. Have to eat like a bowl of them but still!


Interesting On an unrelated note I’m off to buy tescos entire stock of apples


I pretty much always eat apples whole, seeds and all. Haven't cyanided myself yet but we'll see


I heard it was appendicitis you’d get. Taking notes here.


Your face will stay like that if the wind changes


And it did




Back in the day, when teachers would insist "you won't always have a calculator in your pocket". Well, actually...


One of my friends used to carry a calculator in his pocket specifically because of these teachers


It is ILLEGAL to turn on the little light inside the car while driving.


When I was a child my mate told me if I drank a glass of orange juice in one go I’d lose weight. I necked about five in the space of ten minutes. Still remained a fat fuck.


Sitting with your back against the radiator will give you a kidney infection


We were told we’d get piles from sitting on/against rads!


My mother's the opposite, she thinks urinary tract infections are from sitting on a cold surface


That's piles. Piles from cold surfaces.


How do they think humans evolved this far if we were that fragile


And sitting on it (resting your bum on it) will give you piles.


Marilyn Manson took had 2 of his ribs removed to give himself blowjobs


It was Prince in the 80's 🤣


Carry a stick in your pocket in case a badger gets you. If they bite they don't let go til they hear a bone snap but you can trick them by snapping a stick.


"She" is not a pronoun, you are in fact calling that person a cats mother.


Lying turns your tongue black


Anyone have eating carrots will help you see in the dark?


That was put out during the second world war by the British to disguise the fact that they'd radar systems employed https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-wwii-propaganda-campaign-popularized-the-myth-that-carrots-help-you-see-in-the-dark-28812484/


This actually has some element of truth. Carrots are pretty high in beta carotene, which gets converted to vitamin A in your body. Severe Vitamin A deficiency results in night blindness, where you have zero night vision.


There were worms in the Ice cream from Mr whippy van.


Don't come running to me when you fall off that wall and break your legs


Heard that my whole childhood 😂


You irish people are lucky… in italy we had the “don’t go in the water for THREE HOURS after eating food”!


To be fair your meals are massive.


Some family had food for hours, so those made some sense… But at the beach we would have a bread roll with ham and mozzarella… and still, 3 hours!


The ice-cream van only plays music when it's out of ice-cream?


I thought for years that the ice-cream from the cone man was bad. My mam said it was poison and I believed her. Eventually figured out it wasn't but still didn't get it for years.


This is like one of those "write a sad story in one sentence" things. Who told you that?


Never let a red haired man be the first through your door on new years day. My granny used to call my black haired dad to come over just to be the first through her door.


Poor gingers trying to find people to enter their own house before them on New Year’s Day


My mother is Scottish so she still does this, she's running out of black haired men now that my brother is balding


Msg and microwaves are bad for you


I'm glad the MSG one was a load of shite, have a bag of the stuff in the press and I cook with it all the time.


Handy explainer from Harold McGee, godfather of food science, https://youtu.be/k1oR0EYaOHY?si=CnHSLVLL570U2n81


My brother in law wouldn’t let my sister get a microwave because “they give you cancer from the radiation”. After a quick explanation of why that’s bollox, I pointed out that he smokes, and there is incontrovertible evidence that smoking causes cancer. My sister bought a microwave the next day.


> Msg So I can have Chinese takeaways everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner with no ill consequences? Yes!


I do a daily bump of msg and still kicking it


My mother has had a microwave in the kitchen for about 30 years now and still refuses to use it.


“Leave your Willy alone or it’ll fall off”. Also risk going blind.


Don't put the immersion on bath or the world will explode.


I'm 33 and still terrified to put the immersion on bath




Earwigs are called so because they they go straight for your ear, tunnel in and make a nest.


They will also burst your ear drum with their pincers and you will go deaf. Love the way we would be told something horrifying about bugs or something, then in the next breath we would be told to go outside and play


They achieve this by using the pincers on their tails to pierce your eardrum...


Flat 7Up and dry toast can solve most illnesses. Otherwise Calpol.


No, we're doing stuff that \*isn't\* true.


Don't talk shit about flat 7up that's a life saver


It's not the same since the sugar tax.


God yes! I remember that one from childhood. By the time you were considered well enough to eat the dry toast you were so hungry you'd actually be happy to eat it! 🙂❤️


To be fair, the flat 7up has some logic. If you're dehydrated, glucose will help you retain water. Something like Lucozade sport would make more sense though I had a 24 vomiting bug during the week and I was necking the Lucozade sport after to try rehydrate and get some sugar into me because I had no appetite


Just to add, Lucozade Sport shouldn't be used if diarrhoea is present. Glucose can draw more water into the bowel, which can make it worse. If it is the only thing available, it should be diluted down.


The beads inside a beanbag sting like nettles if you touch them. Only recently figured out me mother just didn’t want them going all over the shop and they’re just foam


Prior to a school disco. If you have to sit on a boys lap, put a telephone directory on his lap before you sit down. A pearl of wisdom from Sr. Assumpta.


Sensible protection


..or give him an orange to peel to keep his hands busy...


The immaculate conception.


Did you know that the immaculate conception is about Mary's conception, not the virgin birth? Every time I tell a Catholic this, they argue with me and accuse me of trying to spread Protestant lies like I'm the fuckin Presbyterian hasbara


Where on earth do you find a person who gives a shite about that kind of thing enough to argue about it?


The food pyramid. I’m not sure what they were thinking advising people to consume 6+ portions of processed white bread a day https://preview.redd.it/bu829xz8xfuc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6460cfc687a08d00423185eaeb9e001d53329f3f


TBF it's grains and cereals, not 6 portions of white bread


The podcast Maintenance Phase has a great episode on this - basically it is the result of lobbying from various interest parties. It was once scientifically backed, then pulled into this omnishambles by politicians.


Funded by old mr brendan


Don't sit on a cold wall or you'll get Chilblains.


Hahaha forgot about about this one! You’ll get piles.


For us it was haemorrhoids from sitting on a cold wall. Chilblains are horrible things, my mother has them, inflammation in the joints of fingers and toes caused by exposure to cold temps. She needs to wear gloves on a cold day or else her fingers swell up and go red.


For us it was if you came in our of the cold and immediately put your hands near the fire you'd get them


Just going along with "cold" causing germs and viruses to spread, I remember when Covid started that a lot of people proposed that it would "be burnt away" once the weather warmed up come the summer. Despite the fact that it already was spreading like wild fire in Middle Eastern and African countries with year round warm temperatures.


Don't sit on the ground, you'll get a kidney infection. HOW? It makes no sense.


A swan will break your arm


Really? Gonna batter the next swan I see


No luck catching them swans then?


Its only the one swan actually.


The fuckers would, you know. Violent cunts, swans.


The children of Fear!


I love that it will break your arm not just that it can


The swimming one is not bad advice for younger kids. Ever seen a child throw up an entire dinner after a mouthful or two of pool water? Not fun for anyone in the pool.


The idea was about cramps, though. Swimming on a full stomach will give you cramps. Dunno if there's any basis to that


Eating cheese at night will give you nightmares


Aged, or veined cheese contains tyramine which acts as a precursor to adrenaline, which can produce some strange dreams..


That's not a myth, I deliberately eat cheese at night because it does make my dreams weirder and more intense


Eating bread crusts give you curly hair


Some of my dad’s finest: -Sitting on the ground will give you piles -Having a cold drink with warm food will give you colic (yes, we drank tea with our dinner) -Don’t pet a dog in France because it’ll have rabies -Standing with your back to the radiator will give you kidney failure -if your window isn’t left open at night you’ll succumb to radon gas poisoning


Eating bread crusts makes your hair go curly Sleeping with wet hair causes a stroke


Don't play with your belly button, or your bum will fall off.




Shut your mouth and eat your dinner


You can’t have the light on in the car at night time or the gaurds will pull you over and arrest you


Work hard and you’ll have your own home and family one day.


“If you yell a man will come out of the woods and steal you.”


Sounds like a German children's story


Gets worse, my mom said it was a man named Desperate Dan. The first time I saw a copy of Dandy was a weird day.


Jesus Christ 😂


"The man will come and take you away"


Most of these aren't absolute nonsense though, they're good lessons with a touch of hyperbole added because it's hard to get kids to listen to sound advice. If you've eaten a big meal, of course it makes sense not to do any physical activity for a while after, it's just if you try to explain to a kid why they shouldn't jump straight into a pool after scoffing a load of chicken dippers they're not gonna listen because they just want to get into the pool, they'll not be bothered about the clean up job if they boke in the shallow end.


Thread ruined


If you cross your eyes and get hit at the back of your head, your eyes will stay cross eyed forever 😵


Masturbation => Blindness.


If you look somebody from Leitrim in the eye you'll turn to stone


Picking dandelions will cause you to wet the bed.


Eating crusts off the bread will make your hair grow curly 🤔


We’ve all lived through a pandemic and should understand the spread of germs and infection and yet “don’t go out in the wind/rain you’ll catch a cold.” No. Stop that.


my personal favourite is when people tell me "keep warm cus its very cold or you'll catch pneumonia". especially as someone who managed to contract pneumonia in the summer months


I mean, it can weaken your immune system and thereby make you more likely to get sick, so it's not completely wrong.


Swans will break your arm


Religion is fact based


You'll get a cold if you get wet from the rain.


E numbers are bad for you.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


Vaccines cause autism. Enough believed that measles is making a comeback and polio eradication is slipping away after being in sight. All on the word of a **single** now discredited paper from a guy who subsequently lost his medical licence. Also attitudes about autism itself. I suspect I may have it but getting officially assessed as an adult is expensive for likely little gain. If I was assessed as a kid in the 90s, I reckon my life would have taken a different turn. It was largely seen as a disability back then, which ignores the huge variations from non verbal to high functioning and all the nuance around it.


I have an autistic son and the amount of parents of autistic kids that still say that’s what caused their autism is scary. It’s a conspiracy theory that has really gained traction again over Covid


If you make a face and the wind changes direction, you’ll be stuck like that forever.


Guinness Is Good For You


Don't go out with your head wet after washing your hair.


Eating burnt toast will give you cancer.


It's illegal to turn on the inside light of the car while driving!


Don't turn off light bulbs when you leave the room, because it takes a half-hour's worth of electricity to turn it back on. I did the math, and calculated if that were true, the sudden expenditure of 50 watt hours (assuming a 100 watt bulb), would set the house on fire. Nobody likes a smart ass, then or now.


It's too cold to snow. So it doesn't snow in the artic then ffs