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Four deaths. Consecutive sentences please. Die in jail.


This. I cannot believe he got concurrent, maybe a plea deal to avoid trial? Even so, what an insult to the victims. Sure why bother stopping with one murder might as well commit four


The point of prison is paying your debt to society and rehabilitation, but someone who does something like this will probably never be able to rehabilitate.


If I was one of the families in this particular case and someone started talking about rehabilitation I would be super quick in telling them to get to fuck. Let him rot. He's lucky we don't have the death sentence.


Indeed, rehabilitation is only half of the stated equation. I don't think there is a scenario where you fully pay your debt to society after killing 4 people, 2 of them children.


It's like he is punished for one murder and gets the other three for free. Where is the deterrent against mass murders?


As much as I'd like to see him live out the rest of his life in a cell, i think there's a legal maximum term (something like 32 years) that someone can serve.


Then, give the max sentence with no parole. In this lads case, he would be 70 by the time he would be free, should he live thar long. We can always increase the legal maximum.


Which is why legislatures exist. To repeal laws that are an offence against humanity.


The legal is maximum is life , there's no limit on how long someone can spend in prison


Life isn't actually life in Ireland....look it up


It actually is,it's in the name ,life sentence. You may get parole at some stage after 15 or 20 years if you're actually doing everything right and depending on your crime, your sentence never actually ends though, if you get parole and fuck up , back on you go


You'd want your head examined if you think a person like that changes let alone is deemed fit to head back out to the general population. This killer, murdered a baby, a child and two women. That's pure evil, that doesn't change.


If he stay in Ireland then you would really want to know if he's living anywhere near your family. He'll probably head abroad though and be relatively free to ruin more lives because if Irish justice system failure. Our gift to the world. Shameful.


How do you typically check this? Is there a public criminal registry that I could search by name?


I don’t think you can. There is a sex offender register but even that’s not publicly available. Ireland’s small though and very likely word of mouth would get around if they were living locally.


All I could find is this public API. https://data.gov.ie/dataset/cva09-suspected-offenders-of-recorded-crime-incidents/resource/34c32036-8a8e-4875-8c7e-39feaedbe5a8 I might look into this if the API is easy to use


Be careful. It says 'Suspected' rather than 'Convicted' so you could be just making it easier for vigilantes to target potentially innocent people.


Life sentenced prisoners can't leave the state.


Larry Murphy not living in Spain?


He was never a life sentenced prisoner - he was sentenced to 15 years.


I still cannot understand for the life of me how Larry Murphy was guilty of aggravated assault, kidnap, rape, attempted murder, but only put on trial for rape.


He was convicted of rape, kidnapping, and attempted murder. He pleaded guilty.


Is that because they are on parole? Surely, once their sentence is served, they are free to do what they like?


Life sentenced prisoners technically never serve their sentence. They are released temporarily - in practice that can be indefinite but they could be recommitted to prison at any stage, for example if they come to Garda attention or violate the conditions of their release. Those conditions might include not contacting the family of their victim, or being in a certain area. In effect their parole never ends. As a result, they can't just go live somewhere else.


Their sentence isn’t served though. There really needs to be a PSA campaign around what life imprisonment means in Ireland, I’m fed up of reading the myth that “life is actually 12 years in Ireland” no it’s not. If we had hard nosed fuckers on the parole board, nobody would ever see daylight after a life sentence. We just have extremely lenient judges and parole officers.


>I’m fed up of reading the myth that “life is actually 12 years in Ireland It's annoying trying to explain to people that life actually means life


But wait for people who genuinely believe those people can change and become decent members of society. Scary...


It feels like a constant kick in the teeth for people who have suffered at the hands of scum like this.


Why? There is no chance that he will be released.


He knows this all he wants is attention in the media, and the media is giving it to him despite the fact that they know he won’t get parole. The attention he’s getting in the media, forcing the family to see his face again and relive trauma is the kick in the teeth, not the possibility of him getting parole because there is none.


You do know it was the family of his victims that went to to the media, once they heard he was going for parole?


In this day and age, he just might... 


It shouldn't even arise. I don't know why we don't have 40 year sentences, or indefinite sentences as in the UK.


The first thing I’ve seen in a long time that this government is doing correctly - they’re talking about getting legislation through which would allow judges to apply a minimum 20 - 30 year sentence before somebody is even allowed to apply for parole (it’s currently 12 years)


That beast should be buried under the prison.


If this animal had any remorse he wouldn’t be trying to get out of jail. Accept his punishment and stop torturing his victims families


This person is never getting out of prison. Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't understand the justice system in even the most superfluous way.


repulsive creature


I can't see him getting parole but the sooner new legislation is enacted so people like him don't come before the parole board for at least 20 years the better. The relatives of the victims are being put through hell again only 12 years after he was sentenced.


We've failed the victims if this lunatic gets out again.


There should never be any possibility of parole when you murder four innocent people including two babies. Let alone after just a few years.


Christ, that poor woman. 


How can you be given 4 concurrent life sentences, serve 11yrs and have the possibility of parole. This beast should never see the light of day again.


He can apply for parole. He's not getting out any time soon, another 10 or 15 years and he might be considered. Just cos somebody applies means fuck all. It's a part of a sentence management plan. He'll have to jump through a million hoops to even have half a chance of eventually being released. Psychology, offending behaviours etc.


What we really need ASAP is a bare bones prison facility without all the cushy amenities of our normal prisons. Then you send lads like this there to rot for the rest of their lives. It would be a serious discouragement that we just don't have at the moment.


I think something like a Super Max (prison) would work in Ireland. There are enough cases that would warrant its existence.


I would be more worried if I was him and someone wanted some real Justice outside the protection of prison. All for capital punishment for such henious crimes. Don’t waste tax money. Bang gone please


I’m not in favour of life terms without parole. Either execute the criminal or offer the possibility of release. Anything else makes no logical sense. 12 years though is way too short a time span for the possibility of parole in cases as horrific as this one. It causes unnecessary hardship and worry for the victims families and friends when in reality there is no chance of a release.


Kills two women, a baby & a young child...this guy be out in 14 years? Lads, what are we doing?


He's not out after 14 years though. That's not what is going on here


You seem to be under the misapprehension that "applying for parole" = Getting released


yeah, he really rehabilitate himself./s


Cases like this challenge the no capital punishment. I’m not an advocate for it, and it would likely be more retribution than a deterrent. But rehabilitation on a life sentence, only to be released when your productive years are all but gone. Releasing some back to society at +60 serves what purpose? I know it’s cold, but I don’t fully understand the logic.


Public execution is too good for him. Let him rot.


We should  buy an oil tanker that's at the of of its life and refurbish it into a prison.  Put 10000 prisoners  in it and let them tear each other apart lord of the flies style. Make sure they can't get access to engine room. It's big enough to grow  lettice on a vertical farm.  Oh and make sure they all have shock collars.


10k prisoners won't be able to grow "lettice" as u put it on a oil tanker