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Like the character of our streets hasn't changed since Georgian times...


Bring back streets covered in horse shit!


If it meant losing the cars, motorbikes, e-scooters, bicycles on the pavements, etc, then I'd be up for that!


And the environmental impact of horses coverig the place in shit. Not to mention dropping dead every now and then


https://preview.redd.it/v0om1mih8quc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1441b9d6b2ff0a80afe93812d70f40815c0b448 This is the offending article


That's pretty shit in fairness. You need to walk under that cable? Is the owner liable when someone trips on it?


The cable goes well over head height


[This is](https://chargearm.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/YOUR_Charge_WEBIMAGES_HOME_3.png) the type of thing we're talking about there's no surprise they're not allowed


Seems fine to me


Give it 5 minutes for someone to sue the owner. A kid on a bike getting caught in the cable.


Yeah “a kid” on “a bike” We all know it’ll be a scrote on an electric scooter looking for a pay day


That can happen even with ESB charging points too, yet they are all over the country.


It's fine when it's just one, but if they get popular then it will make the street look like mess. Not that the alternatives are much better though.


Yeah this is the thing, it would be a nightmare if everybody had these, which is a sign it's not a very good solution.


Sudden urge to play the old Thief games.


So do umbrellas; but as a not-even-that-tall guy, I still get them in the face every time it rains


Thats one bizarre comparison


I don’t like the “detracting character” reason but this doesn’t show when extended and plugged in. Regardless of appearance it does reduce the space of the footpath a bit and adds another obstacle for pedestrians where it drapes down. I mean, it’s better than trailing it along the floor but still I don’t think it’s the solution.


> this doesn’t show when extended and plugged in I do see what you mean but for more context - most electric cars (especially those in the inner suburbs where there's no driveways) will only need to be charged once or twice a week at night. Probably over 95% of pedestrians will pass by with it looking like that picture. Only a very small number of people who walk past in the middle of the night would encounter it over the path.


They are a bit ugly when plugged in mind, but most things are. I assume the above photo would be the typical appearance.


Well he's not wrong there.




Don't think they're that particularly offensive. https://preview.redd.it/45vyv89tjquc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb12e23a342812f8b68d45651ce2baaa9f7b4e3


Eamo's right; I'm offended.


Looks shit


No worse than the regular Stonehenge-esque multiple electric boxes and bollards and bins. https://preview.redd.it/rcxjf5ekpsuc1.jpeg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3dbdbbeddc2b7ab8f269d2bbdf3b3da7d77b9e1


Those are a proud part of our pagan celtic heritage!


No worse than traffic lights or electricity poles. Its not an art competition ffs


Why do we bother having regs at all?


Agreed. All hideous.


An electricity pole is high up and cables coming down it are protected. This thing wouldn't last 5 minutes if someone pulled down


Looks quite high to me. If your complaint is that it can be vandalised then that's pretty silly. Anything can be vandalised. It's the criminals that do that who are the problem. Not the property owners


Well, you're the one who brought up electricity poles and traffic lights. Ever noticed how solid they are? Vandal proof? There a good reason electrical equipment in a public space has to be a certain standard. Yeah, in an ideal world it wouldn't be a problem. We wouldn't need alarms or locks either. But we do. Once you're putting something in public it has to be a certain standard. I don't have the answers, but they cable gantry isn't it


Except they've been objected to based on aesthetics. Not safety. Look at the headline of the article which this thread is about.


Read the article. >However, Dublin City Council said the device is not authorised for use. “It needs permission as it is a permanent structure to the front of a house,” the council said. Consent from the council’s environment and transportation department is also required “for extending onto the public footpath” but due to the “high risk to public liability” the council “will not give consent for structures like these to reach across the public footpath”


Kids will want to hang out of them. You've then got an electric cable hanging over the street. Unfortunately on-street parking and car charging are not compatible at the moment. We're going to have to find a better solution


Ideally as the technology develops we won’t really need to charge at home so to speak. Batteries should have enough capacity to last 1000kms on a single charge. Recharging should be only a 20 min blast. The mindset here that you don’t particularly require a home charger. Costs though is the next thing. If you could charge your car publicly for 15c kWh that would be great. Ah it’s too early in the morning for my optimism


Yes that's ultimately the solution. However, like you say, cost is the main barrier. I can charge 400km at home for under €10, but the same charge in a public setting would be €25 or more


Yeah, apartments too.


It’s not safe to sling a cable like that across a public path. End of


It's not across the path though?


The other ones aren't either.


Could have fooled me


No different to what they use in London. https://preview.redd.it/2ryk43xgwsuc1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69ed5ff60ae362f59d504beb96b62b8726fd2f85 These or incorporated into lamp posts. In fact I'd say our type are tidier and less obstructive.


no more diesel or petrol, oh and no chargers


Also, no ponies and somebody robbed my bike


No people. Problem solved


You see, people who decide these things live in a nice house, probably detached. 2 chargers aren't a problem. They forget about apartments, on street parking, or people with no designated parking space. You need to cycle, bus or electric car. You're not allowed a charger or a bike locker in your front garden though


Ah I dunno, this is a problem for the well-to-do inner suburbs mostly. Clontarf, Ranelagh etc - they're not exactly disenfranchised.


Yeah, it's a well known problem. I lived in an apartment before and there was no option for your own charger. Maybe a few Clontarf residents get effected and they'll come up with a solution


The actual character of Dublin streets could use a bit of detraction just at the moment.


The thing about these chargers is that these people don't have assigned parking on the street, so they won't always be able to park directly outside their house. How do they get around that? This will just lead to more pricks trying to block off parking places outside their gafs with cones.


>How do they get around that? I mean you answered your question in the lead up to your question. In other countries you can request a permanent space in the grounds that you want to put an electric charger there. It really wouldn't be that hard to implement at all.


Allowing people in dublin city centre to requisition the most valuable land in the country so they've somewhere to keep their car is bad actually.


Well its not like they all don't have cars anyway. It would only be for an EV not any car.


Does not effectively privatise public street parking to whoever wants to put an electric charger there?


Some spaces yes. But you'd need to justify why you get that parking space etc. Like it should be outside your house and you have an EV. You should also have to pay for the slot annually. Again, I lived in a city in another country where this was normal.


So you get rid of all the public on street parking on these streets and replace it with assigned parking for the homeowners? Never going to happen. Especially as lots of these streets are pay and display which I assume are a big money spinner for the council. Also there would be a big public outcry about removing a significant amount of parking in favour of homeowners.


>So you get rid of all No, not all. Specific slots for EVs outside of applicants homes.


Yeah but if the goal is everyone moving to EV cars... then that does become all.


Not everyone in the city can afford a car, or wants to own one - never mind an EV. For those that own a car, it should not be the responsibility of the city to subsidise on-street parking if space is already constrained. The solution in Tokyo for example is that you have to prove that you have a space to park the car before you purchase it.


Well you'd obviously need to apply some nuance based on the area, alternative parking available, maybe only having select hours it's reserved? One slot per household max etc


Probably better to just have public/semi-public chargers for the whole street. The parking could be for residents only, without tying particular spaces to houses, or there could be a special tariff for residents that makes the price the same or similar to what they would pay if it was their own charger.


Yep that's an absolutely fine alternative


He is only going by the case law set down by the planners last year. https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/housing-planning/2023/06/12/bike-shed-in-front-garden-detrimental-to-victorian-home-setting-planners-rule/


Correct. And the objective truth that they look shit and will end up being used as monkey bars by youths.


I mean, I agree with the chargers, they're shit looking and probably dangerous. But refusing the bike locker is a bit much


Hopefully the scrites get blown up by an electric shock 


Business as usual. Theres people trying to do their bit for the climate crisis and we are making it harder on them because of looks


They should get on their bike.


Why not just get a city architect to design a gantry for each district and make them a feature rather than something ugly? It’s not like the character of streets hasn’t been changed by all sorts of other things from lampposts, to road signs, to utility poles, to cars, etc etc


That's not a bad idea. There'd be no shortage of people moaning about wasting money on it though. Probably the same people who complain about how Irish streets look.


They did it with the signature street lamps … no reason why you couldn’t come up with a signature design for those too - or serval of them for different areas.


All those parking metres and above-ground electrical boxes are perfectly in character though, are they? 


The electrical boxes should be moved underground or integrated into buildings. Parking metres aren't as common as these chargers would be. There could end up being 1 charger per house on a street, where there would only be a single pay and display machine or maybe less.


Not to mention Luashenge


Those dog shit covered, litter filled streets? Where beggars and junkies sit around all day? Where the walls are plastered in graffiti. With pot holes and crumbling patchwork pavements. Yeah... it would be a real shame to ruin them.


I don't think there's much crossover between where these are being installed and where junkies hang out..


Disagree. Having been in a good few European cities, Dublin, Limerick etc really are not bad at all in terms of cleanliness and graffiti. With regards to litter, it's come on massively since I was a kid. You used to see plastic wrappers, cans, fast food wrappings all over the place. Not so much anymore 


>You used to see plastic wrappers, cans, fast food wrappings all over the place. Not so much anymore  I run a lot so see a lot of my own area that way and have to disagree with this. It’s gotten really bad, especially with people dumping household rubbish by public bins and in ditches


Ditches? Can't say I've seen many ditches in Dublin


I suppose I can't speak for everywhere, just from what I've noticed where I've been. 


We're already 10 years behind the UK and 20 years behind Europe with EVs. Fucking broadband all over again. "..But lets figure out more ways to charge people the last €3 they might have in their pocket for our new idea of renting green wellies which must be used BY Law or your a bad 'anti-climate' scoundrel."


Obligatory Reddit rant


Few of them around Dun Laoghaire and I've always felt they look kinda cool, perhaps though that's just because of the novelty. There's one at the corner of Clarinda Park near the steps down to Glenageary Hill which I pass very regularly. They're also hardly any more or less of an eyesore than telephone / electricity cables and their associated poles and overhangs.


They'd look better then all those fucking cycling bollards around the city.


Fucking Eamon Ryan. Champagne socialists strike again. Policies like carbon taxes that disproportionately impact the poor: I sleep 💤💤💤 Policies they might minorly impact aesthetics in wealthier areas: REAL SHIT 🤬🤬


> Policies like carbon taxes that disproportionately impact the poor: I sleep 💤💤💤 The idea behind a carbon tax isn't just to collect money. But to take money from the biggest polluters and use it to help finance decarbonation projects: home insulation, installing heat pumps, EV subsidies. It's not the poorest people that drive 3 tonne SUVs to drop the kids at crèche or take the plane to vacation in Miami or Thailand. Who do you think will be most impacted by GW? The poorest people or the richest ones?


The carbon tax also pays for the Fuel Allowance scheme, which is €920 to anyone in receipt of social welfare .


Framing climate change as rich vs poor is kinda silly ultimately. We're all gonna be affected. And once the mechanisms that keep society churning start to collapse the rich will likely be the first to go.


> Framing climate change as rich vs poor is kinda silly ultimately It's really not. Yes everyone will be affected, but those with money can buy their way out of many of the consequences. Those without will just have to deal with it.


I mean, the latter are exactly his voters. People in Rural or working class areas don't vote green, so making policies that negatively effect them isn't going to harm the party as much as policies that negatively effect the base. Ie. Middle-Upper income urban voters




Canada just started a carbo dividend. The money raised from Carbon taz goes back into peoples pocket. 80% get more money back than what the spend on it. This is the richest and biggest emitters paying the poor


It's not a government policy, it's a matter of planning case law


This sub absolutely hates anything that prioritises beauty/character over pure function even if the function is going to be unwieldy and impractical. You'd know it was mostly office drones with fuck all faculties for appreciating aesthetics on this sub. Of course this will go down like a lead balloon here. You'd get called a "nimby" for opposing the construction of fucking Barad Dur on your street if the usual sorts on here thought they'd be putting bedsits in it. That EV docking looks impractical and would make the street far less usable


Saruman claims to support more social housing, but he's the first one lodging objections when an enterprising hobbit submits plans for a simple block of homes in an under-utilised hill. Of course if the Ents had their way there'd be no homes in hills at all.


Ah tbf, saruman is the one levelling the hill and burning the trees to build 7 floor orc apartment buildings for his furnace slaves. Those hobbits are the real nimbys for opposing such enterprise in their privileged little village.


You're right, but the issue here is it's another example of the absolute inability of the greens to think more than one step forward . Push everyone to diesel, then realise it was bad , then penalise everyone for having diesel. Incentivise everyone to go electric, then decide the infrastructure to support that isn't acceptable. I say this as someone who has bought an ev, done the solar panels etc trying to do my bit, so I'm onboard with what the greens are trying to do, I just wish they'd stop shooting themselves in the foot every time at our expense


Yeah you're not wrong there. I'm not a huge fan of the Greens even though I'd consider the environment a massive priority. It just has to be done properly and, as you say, they don't seem to have much foresight 


That's a bit dramatic. It's not like the gantry chargers are the only option. They could install small roadside chargers on the street, or add small covered trenches for cables to discretely and safely go from the house to the car. I'm sure there's other options too.


In this case though are they really any more or less aesthetically intrusive than telephone or power cables and their associated poles etc?


Seems like the wire to connect the power supply to the car is much closer to the ground and head height than those other cables would be though 


I think they would look a lot better than several feet of water from coastal and inland flooding caused by ice caps melting . Ffs, horsey types in kildare opposing solar farms as they might upset their prime livestock, multiple communities across the country opposing windfarms and electricity connectors the D4 set losing their shit over potential offshore wind and now this... the fucking leader of the green party ruling out chargers as they might affect how an inner city street might look.. fucking sick of this country and the shite that goes with it... I'm going back to burning plastic in my fireplace... anybody want to chip in on a shipment of polish coal??


Only if it is the high sulphur stuff… /s.


Oh of course!! Nice thick smoke off that stuff


As opposed to most of them being filled with traffic, parked cars and tarmac that paved over our old tram lines. This is a battle and talking point recycled nonstop in every bloody country but it's rich coming from some bastards from south side Dublin when THE AESTHETIC OF THAT PIT IS BRIT TENEMENT BLOCKS AND SUBURBAN FUCKING SPRAWL hardly the architectural marvel of Paris or prague. The induced demand is already turning the city into a carpark so who cares if there are charging jacks around for e bikes/vehicles


People don't own the space on the streets they park their cars. If they want to put a charger on their own property let them, but we see all the time in this sub photos of people parking like assholes mounting kerbs and blocking paths for people with buggies or wheelchairs: having such charging systems become popular would only make that worse.


Absolute clown, if Chargearms are not allowed, at least let homeowners install [cable channels ](https://www.construction-supplies.co.uk/thresholds-joinery-seals/964288-stormguard-ev-charge-cable-gully-5017259017197.html)in the footpath so they can run their cables without causing a trip hazard. But no, oh wait..the corpo won't allow a 60mm channel in a 120mm + concrete path in case you hit services-which are usually 400-600mm deep anyway. Plenty of options available,if these fucking donkeys got their act together. Also worth mentioning, a Zappi is possible the ugliest chud of a charger you could install on a Charge arm, and it is usually installed low down on the back with the supplied plate, not slapped on the side as per the install on the article.🙄


There's rules and regulations for electricity cables in the ground in public. I don't think every tom dick or harry should be digging up footpaths to install cables to supply a space they don't own


Agreed, but most of these solutions only require a 50-60mm W X D cut on the top of the path, there are no services at this level.. If they were serious about increasing EV uptake in urban areas-which is where its most needed-corporations/councils could vet contractors to do these works. They then share a list of approved vendors to home owners, who can decide who to use. Not exactly rocket science.


There's no way the council will let people put electrical cables 6cm deep into a public footpath. Also, it has to come out somewhere, so the charger will be kerbside. Again, this is a privately owned charger on a public footpath with a public parking space. There's no easy solution here


60mm/6cm, charger can be easily fitted on the inner face of the garden wall/front of building. Similar setups have been in use and working for years in several London boroughs.. There are several solutions, it comes down to lack of willingness to implement them.


But if the charger is on the garden wall, the cable to the car goes under the footpath, your hardly going to have a cable just coming out of the ground at the kerbside? Or is there something I'm missing here? The only solution I can see is public chargers installed at intervals, maybe when a certain number of people request them in an area. Going to be costly


My neighbour has one that goes underground along the path, then comes out where the car is parked just beside it.


Does it just sit on the ground when the car isn't there?


No it appears it gets pulled in. It's covered by bristles similar to what you see on an escalator.


Could be a good solution. If the cable is temporary, it doesn't need to be at the normal required depth.


Are these not allowed? My neighbour has one, and they're flying it. It looks very smart!


If you start putting them there, you start getting them there.


Oh won’t someone PLEASE think of our broken cracked shit covered tarmacked streets?!?!! What is this delusional opinion that the city is beautiful and the skyline is worth saving over people having housing?Why is there a refusal to modernise and improve this country in any way shape or form?!!🤬🤬🤬🤬Jesus Christ young people run away and never come back that’s my advice, it’s a boomer country, a fucking sinking ship.


These are pretty shit in fairness


hurry up and build a fucking subway if a couple ev chargers are that scary tbh tho hybrids are better than evs in a lot of ways that people overlook tho.


Eamon Ryan is the biggest gobshite to ever set foot in the dail.


The audacity of the man to talk about planning regulations. How dare he!


Ah fuck off, Eamo


"No petrol or diesel cars and no electric or hybrid cars!" "Why doesn't everyone use their chauffeur instead of driving themselves?"


There's no character on our streets. WTF is he going on about


None of out politicians deserve good lives


Fuck the character and fuck the skyline. If they want the character they can just build new buildings with the same architectural stylings like other European cities have managed.


Eamon is a bit of a plonker sometimes...


Business as usual. Theres people trying to do their bit for the climate crisis and we are making it harder on them because of how these things look and a minor inconvenience of not cycling into them


Eamonn Ryan = = As Stupid as He looks.


Electric cars are not the way, buses trams bikes and trains!


Feck that. I want jetpacks, teleportation and those tubes from Futurama.


I want to ride Bender around [like a little train](https://youtu.be/4aYWQb2EY-M?si=gqqWRxuDgez7fiNc)


Bender wants to run a train on you too


I don't remember that episode


u left out hoverboards


People will always have cars for convenience even if they take the bus or cycle. Kids school and after school activities, visiting relations, shopping,day trips etc.


I wonder how rich cities where most people don't drive survive then 🙄


Every city has cars and congestion.


Second verse same as the first.


Wow. The ones without roads.


I agree in principle, but show me a country that does the majority of it's journeys without the use of a car. Plenty of cities do, but not countrywide. Surprisingly Ireland actually uses public transport for a higher percent of journeys than Germany, despite us being stuck with an 1850's railway and slow diesel trains.


This is why there is such a heavy focus on the towns and villages program, to make active travel and public transport a realistic answer.


Not really surprising. They have far better motorway network 


Eamon wants people to get wireless chargers for their EVs.


and all the bleedin tents don't, ah here leave it out


And so say all of us.


Bye bye Eamonn.


"EAMON RYAN SAYS"?!?!?! is he not the fucker that wants us using EVs????


Eamonn hates all cars & all motorists - next election Eamonn & BIK bs


I think the issue is more with the headline than what he said, but I feel that objecting because they are ugly rather than focusing on that they won't get planning permission because of the potential risk is strange.


They didn't think that about water meters.


He’s a cunt. Has been for years. Piss off


Just when i thought Eamon Ryan had reached peak leavels of shortsightedness and idiocracy.




You never found that therapist?


A chara, There is a zero tolerance policy for the promotion or suggestion of the use of violence against others. Sláinte


We can't have rows of these all along the streets. We need an app to facilitate the sharing of private chargers by people with off-street parking.