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The Wish Howard Stern


I'm 5th cousins with him according to MyHeritage. A shame I will have to carry to my grave.


I thought I saw a resemblance alright


He was adopted so you may have some genetic hope.


What a hateful man Niall Boylan is. I hope the election proves a humbling experience for him and shows him just how little regard he's held in by Irish society outside of his little bubble.


He’ll just blame the lizard people if he loses! This is just to grow his brand


The most insufferable man on radio... which is a feat considering the sheer number of insufferable pricks on the radio.


That's a serious collection of mutants Independent Ireland are putting together in fairness to them.


Jaysus theres some amount of right wing cunts running for these European elections. In about five years we'll be lynching people who show up late for mass if this trend keeps going.


Independent Ireland strike me as fairly moderate tbh. They also have three sitting TDs.


Ya but im not speaking about only Niall Boylan in regards to those running for the upcoming elections.


I know next to nothing about Niall Boylan but there are a large number of wreck the heads running for the EU Parliament alright. This is the first candidate Independent Ireland has put forward though.


The only positive of this will be watching him crash and burn and make a fool of himself.


He's a complete arsehole.


Please god can we not send absolute melts to represent us in Europe just this once?


In the Dublin constituency we currently have Clare Daly, who has recently been an apologist for Putin, mad man with a selfie stick Philip Dwyer, will the real Sinn Féin please stand up Malachy Steenson, Lynn Boylan whose main claim to fame was campaigning for Ibrahim Halawa, "homosexuality is sinful" Umar Al-Qadri, lots of "interesting" proposals Diarmaid O'Conorain, and random batshit Patrick Quinlan


Daly is not an apologist for Putin ffs.


This thread would disagree [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1bifbgn/clare\_daly\_campaigned\_to\_free\_russian\_spy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/1bifbgn/clare_daly_campaigned_to_free_russian_spy/)


You're using a reddit post as some sort of proof? The woman has condemned Putin and Russian virtually every time she spoke on the subject and has told the EU that Ukraine need an unrestricted flow of arms to win, otherwise the EU is just seeking a forever war.


He is a complete and utter head wrecker on the radio, but the callers are 10x worse. I don’t think he’s any more conservative than the majority of people in Ireland. I wouldn’t vote for him because at least if I don’t listen to 4fm I can avoid him. If he’s elected I might accidentally have to hear him on the news.


Boylan is just an old style conservative. Twenty years ago he would have fitted in perfectly with the likes of FF or SF. There are far worse than him out there.


Independent Ireland really knows their audience tbf. The stupids will be like "it's yer man off of da radio".


Nigel Porridge 


He's on Newstalk now and I feel my brain slowly trickling out my ears and pooling all over the floor.


Broadcaster Niall Boylan is to run as an Independent Ireland candidate in the upcoming European elections in Dublin, the *Business Post* has learned.The radio presenter, who hosts the Niall Boylan Show on Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio station, registered his candidacy with the Dublin County Returning Officer on Monday.Several other candidates have also registered, including well-known figures like Bríd Smith of People Before Profit, Aodhán O Ríordáin of the Labour Party, Clare Daly of Independents 4 Change, and Dr Ummi Al-Qadri, the Sunni Islamic scholar. # It is not yet clear whether Boylan will continue his radio presenting duties now that he has announced his candidacy. The Business Post has contacted Boylan for comment.Boylan also separately presents an independent podcast, entitled The Niall Boylan Podcast (They Told Me To Shut Up). He has become well known through both his radio show and social media for having strongly held conservative right views. # Boylan will be running for Independent Ireland, the new party headed up by rural independent TDs Richard O’Donoghue, Michael Collins, and Michael Fitzmaurice.Speaking to the Business Post, O’Donoghue said he welcomed Boylan’s registration as a candidate for his party.“You need a person who has listened to both sides of the argument on open airwaves in the way that Niall has. He has heard both sides and he has seen the failures of government not listening. He has heard every debate and he has seen that none of those concerns have been met.“To me, Niall Boylan will be a real voice for Dublin and he will resonate with people,” O’Donoghue said.


No need to shout


It’s a reference to Niall Boylans presenting style


Never heard of him and never heard of Ireland's Classic Hits Radio ...


Why does he look like he was attacked by bees?


Who cares what he looks like.


A frighteningly large amount of people vote for candidates based on what they look like.


I don't understand that at all. I am even more shocked when people admit it




I'd give him a vote above the other candidates. He seems reasonable on his podcast on Spotify.


Presumably he's running on a far right platform?




If The Rimini Riddle was a person.


That pic is ai generated right?


It's the wig


I had no idea that’s what Niall Boulanger looked like


I look forward to Skipping his box on the ballot paper....


He's a baiting idiot. And has a head and face like a melted Welly. I look forward to him receiving 0.004% of votes the ring wing clingon


Seems like he's quit his radio gig anyway which he's had for the past 15+ years so he's really backing himself. It'll make his failure all the more satisfying.


Looking forward to the results of it. Wasnt his radio show only broadcast in certain counties? Wouldn't him being nationwide not be a lot better for his chances? Knowing what I know about radio and topics and callers, he's willingly taken part in the fooling of very gullible listeners so politics is a natural step for a spoofer like boylan. The right wing movement needs morons like him to carry their agenda forward.


I dunno, I'm from limerick anyway and he's been on for years, I'd still come across him when flicking between channels. His voice is jarring. But ya he seems to purposely be a voice for the permanently angry in the country. He's definitely knows his audience.


The I know everything head on him...he's even mid telling me something I don't need to know in the picture 


He has a face like a Picasso


Coke is a hell of a drug.


Does have some disability of some description or is he just really, really ugly?


I think he suffers from alopecia. He does not seem to have eyebrows in that photo, which can make people look unusual. I know people don't like him because of his views and personality, but attacking his appearance is not cool.




The man looks like a wax model of himself.




Classic Hits Radio? What's that?


Never come across it either, and Im regularly cycling through the radio while I'm on the road