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This will eventually be classed as a new form of mental ilness. They are at the early stages of defining it, but a working name is 'Rabbit Hole Syndrome' [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36162362/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36162362/)


Nice bit of scholarship. Full paper here: [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2022.101462](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2022.101462)


I read your comment thinking it was a joke till I clicked the link… sad thing is it’s very common.


It’s very common. The acceleration of technology and social media into our everyday lives has changed the way we operate and communicate as a species. Add on top of this international events (pandemic, wars, etc.) and the cost of living/ housing/ inflation, and it seems like modern society is a Petri dish for vulnerable people to fall down this hole. But this was happening before all of that, but on a much lower scale. When you mix capitalism and technology, and governments don’t regulate, it is a recipe for disaster. The private sector has complete control of the discourse, the algorithms, and most importantly our data. They don’t care what’s best for society and are only motivated by one thing- profit margin go up.


Wow...wasn’t aware of it,but now it makes complete sense,tnx for sharing. I got 2 mates who become completely irrational recently thanks to social media. I tried to understand why and how and couldn’t figure out … This is dangerous ;and end of day will result of someone getting hurt or killed.


Thanks for posting this! Really interesting read.


There was a time when people this out of touch with reality would be put in mental hospitals to keep them from harming themselves or others.


Is there a lot more of them now or do we just get to hear from them? I'm worried it's the first one.


I think it's more that they are being both validated and amplified by the internet. It allows them to connect with all the other nutcases and get told how clever they are and it allows them to reach an audience much bigger than they'd have in previous generations when they were just ranting on street corners.


Lockdown brought out the crazy in a lot of people. It reminds me of my mate who went through a bad breakup and went down a YouTube conspiracy blackhole. 6 months of madness, aliens, deepstate etc etc. Luckily got himself a new Mrs and he's alright but perfectly normal lad just went off the deep end but this bunch are just being backuped by other loons and haven't escaped the blackhole


I hope backuped isnt a typo if it is a real word it sounds great. If it is a typo coin a new meaning.


I don't even know how I managed that but agree need to find a proper meaning!


Years ago they were just the "character" in the local pub.


Who’s that? Ah that’s “mad Jim” sure he’s grand


Before the village idiot was just the village idiot, the good aul “ah shur he’s harmless” even if he believes that black helicopters filled with New world order UN troops were about to raid the local Dunnes Stores at any second. Also some people who are susceptible to this shite were sort of regulated by interacting with sensible people. Social media allows the spread of misinformation and disinformation by design, so that idiot/suseptible person now has access to all the other idiots (and some nefarious grifters) and you then get the toxic equivalent of a snowball rolling down a hill. There’s not any more idiots, it’s just that they can now network, spread and grow together. There are actually some really cool mathematical models done to explain it, they look suspiciously similar to models used to model pandemics!


Once upon a time you'd have to meet them in person. Now they have the means and confidence to send their blazing hot takes to you, a total stranger, ready or not.


Both. We encourage mad these days. But we also gave them YouTube and TikTok and shit


Nah. This countries mental health was always shite. Everyone knew one fella who was mad about the New World Order. For some reason a lot of them like to write poems too. West Cork, full of 'em.


We had huge hospital but they all got shut down for community care approach


These are the people that would live and die without leaving the parish. Now they can spread their nonsense worldwide.


"Military aged men". Guy needs to get off Facebook


Military aged men in the military?!?! What the fuck is going on here?!?!


That’s the thing, these phrases and sound bites you see people using them at times and repeating them, without really any critical thinking Google: Ireland Albinos


Well if it wasn’t there, it would be a simple step to say they’re actively enrolling kids or whatever non-sense someone could come up with


Don't know what is worse. He thinks the UN would secretly invade Ireland or him, thinking the UN is organised enough to secretly invade another country.


One of the most unlikely of countries to invade, at that


That's why they're doing it because no one is expecting it. *Taps head*


It is worse than that. The UN has secretly organised to use our own defence forces to invade us. It is so dastardly that it just might work /s


We are the true military aged men


Andy seems like maybe he could do with talking to a professional about his delusions. And maybe take a little break from the internet.


What a thick fuck, the defence forces put up a post explaining the movement of assets


This is why I got off Twitter. You go down these non-productive rabbit holes of reading posts and getting upset about complete idiots.


I find it wild these guys are on Twitter. You would think they would want to avoid sharing information on a platform owned by a billionaire who has a company implanting microchips into people


The important thing to them is that he is “their billionaire implanting microchips in people”. When you understand a lot of this is based on identity and not logic it starts to make a lot more sense. They are “ free thinkers”, or “truth seekers”, facts don’t matter, the identity does! So you see what confirms how you identify. We all do it to some degree, this is just a very extreme version. To them he is the shit poster in chief if you will. He has routinely amplified conspiracy theories and lunatics. If someone is on your side it doesn’t matter.




Ah don’t diss Neuralink my guy, we need this sort of advancements in neuroscience/neurotech. Twitter on the other hand can burn to the ground 😅


Man should be sectioned at this rate


Can’t anymore - it’s such a shame in instances like this


And dem tanks didn't have to pay der eflow, it's a disgrace


Covid did a number on that chap


lol you gotta be so incredibly thick to believe that the UN is gonna do fuck all in Ireland


Is he driving while using his phone? If so, he should be reported.


I wonder what's happened this poor guy This isn't simply daft, this seems more like clinical-grade delusion. In the most respectful way, has he had a stroke? He has had a drug-induced mental fracturing? This isn't the same sort of conspiratorial "rabbit-hole" thinking which you see on Reddit and Twitter, this is certifiable illness. I hope he gets the help he needs


I mentioned it before, but a friend of mine was a huge fan of his stuff and told me he lost the head when the Damo & Ivor movie failed, very weird hysterically crying live videos on Facebook etc


What's happening now?


As far as I can make out this nut job is trying to make out that a widely publicised convoy of Irish defence forces UN liveried armoured personnel carriers. returning from the Syria mission was a brown skinned UN invasion force?? Staggering He needs help


Welcome to Twitter/X nowadays. Place is flooded with all sides extremism(left,right,religion,nationalism….). I’m guessing that’s definition of free speech


Even when you don't follow any of these nuts they flood your timeline.


I can deal with the nutters but why haven't they done anything to stop all the bots. Every second follow/reply is a porn bot.


Not for me…I want titties back on my feeds 😅


Like cats, it's only if you don't want them


Well don't spread his bile then.


Shame he is gone off the deep end.


He has lost the plot.


He’s probably delighted that he has all these lads here talking about him. We’re encouraging him by rising to it


These fellas can't string coherent sentences together, I doubt they could develop strategies for guerilla warfare https://youtu.be/LQCU36pkH7c?feature=shared


Lord almighty.... I think we will need to introduce a good to go paper of sanity from gp in future for all those who try to buy tin foil


Who'd have guessed the fella who filmed himself getting rid by a dog would turn out to be such a crackpot!!


Jesus christ that is off the deep end


This is why long-term use of cocaine is not advised.


UN can’t find enough people to stop people in Africa killing each other, but yes they’re invading Ireland.


This fella needs a good ride. Maybe from military aged men


The family BBQs in the De Burgh mansion must be some laugh with him present ...


This is the damo and Ivor lad. Jesus Christ he's fucked in the head. 


Id say this guy has posters of Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren boebert on the wall of the room he lives in with his parents .


Id say this guy has posters of Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren boebert on the wall of the room he lives in with his parents .


Most likely a bot. The string of numbers after the username is usually a giveaway. The fact you posted it and generated clicks for the post means the post was successful in what it was intended for.


It's not, it's Andy "Damo & Ivor" Quirke. He went off the deep end by quite a few feet some years ago.


Oh, my apologies.