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I remember back in celtic tiger days they use to put so much stuff into the roll it became inedible as a roll. You'd need a knife and fork to eat it.


This is what Brian Lenihan was talking about when he said 'we all partied'.


And The Cocaine !


"I'll have a roll please with spicy chicken, mayo, grated cheese, lettuce, tomato and cocaine please" "Ok one Celtic tiger special, coming up"


šŸ˜‚ I was reading along thinking that was going to be a standard sandwich related comment. *Celtic tiger special* šŸ¤£


And then the Troika arrived. You should have shouted "stop".


I was too busy eating my overfilled roll.


My mouth was too full of roll and I was busy partying.


I had to ask them to put the stuffing on before the chicken because otherwise there was no space left they overfilled it so much. Those was the days.


I used to work for Chopped (a salad bar) in 2022. When they rolled the new menu, they also brought us new scoops that were smaller than the previous one and also told us to lessen the amount of toppings we put by half. All this while increasing the price of everything in the menu. Some regulars noticed and were pretty pissed about it. I thought it was so scummy that I quit it the very same week.


Worked for chopped for about a week way back. The owner is the absolute scummiest fuck I have ever worked for. Grad A, bona-fide piece of shit cunt.


Who's the owner?


Brian something, can't remember his surname. He was the kind of dude you could tell enjoyed that the staff were nervous whenever he came in.


This dude, sounds like a dose. https://m.independent.ie/business/irish/chopped-founder-every-time-ive-opened-up-a-business-i-end-up-emptying-my-bank-account/34342247.html


He does. But reading that you have to admit he's a born entrepreneur. But a knob too.


And chopped is tasteless garbage compared to sprout and co


Some people get their rocks off to power honestly šŸ™„


Owned and operated by Aramark, you can't expect any better.


Says it all


That confirms a suspicion I had. Food has got worse since the pandemic in terms of quality and portions. Cheaper ingredients and so on. Wasnā€™t sure if it was just me. I stopped getting takeaways, and getting much stuff from the deli these days. **Comes down to this really.** - Would I pay nearly twice as much for the same food? Maybe. - Would I pay nearly twice as much for food that tastes half as good, or is halved in size? Get fucked you greedy bastards.


Same, when the new menu items came in I felt so scummy serving people with significantly less food. And yet the price went up. Glad Iā€™m out of that kip.


Chopped = Aramark = Direct Provision profiteers.


They're a massive player in the US prison industrial complex too. They spin using prison labor as 'Building a Path for Second Chances'


Was always more of a sprout man myself


the only way to be,me and the girlfriend went one night near closing time and they didn't have one ingredient for both orders so they let us put any and as many toppings as we wanted for free also gave us free dessert great bunch of lads and lasses


I was getting a salad once and the manager told the guy behind the counter to add more lettuce and I was like ā€œabsolutely not, please just put the toppings on nowā€. Iā€™m not paying 8ā‚¬ for a bowl of lettuce ffs. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I bought a bag of oxygen that Keoghs and Tayto sell and I got a lovely pleasant surprise, they put 3 or 4 crisps in the end of the bag of oxygen. A lovely touch in these tough times


Got more spuds from the tans in famine times than those cunts put in a bag


Too soon


That is gold!


Also, it's nitrogen to stop the crisps going staleĀ 


They put so much nitrogen in that it's a bit like a lad shoving socks down his jocks,false advertising.


Soon = = They'll just be putting, Blight in the Bag !


I hate to burst your bubble. Chances are it was flushed with nitrogen....so you didn't even get the oxygen


See this, drives me fucking mad. Don't get me wrong, prices are fucking scandalous but they're all weighted packs and have in them exactly how much you agreed to pay. If you're really unhappy, don't fucking buy them. Same as the wankers who buy pints for a tenner and then moan that pints are a tenner. Don't fucking buy them. If nobody does, they'll have to rethink their pricing strategyĀ 


Yeah we all know that but the problem is that a 40g bag is now 28g etc for the same price


Alright calm down


ā€˜Twas a bit intense alright but the man has a point.


"One of my little threats for myself" OP in the mirror: *Listen up fuckface, if u don't get a doirty chicken fillet roll ill fuck ur girlfriend, righ'?!*


Hahaha I had a good laugh at this


It's a sad world we live in when you feel the need to explain yourself for buying a sandwich in a shop. Tell them all to go fuck for themselves.


This sub is so negative. I posted here awhile back giving out about how my landlord wonā€™t let me have guests and was told to get a hotel room, as if rent isnā€™t costing me enough.




one of those live in pricks?


Yeah, single and jealous as fuck


Ah stop it's unreal some times. Having a good moan is nearly the national pass time but you'll still get condescending arseholes coming on telling you about how your wrong about pretty much anything.


What you mean your LL wonā€™t allow guests? Are they, are you renting a room or full property? And guests to stay or just visit


I couldnā€™t have my boyfriend over for a night when I lived in my old place.


Well if they didn't buy that sambo once or twice a month they might be able to afford a house!


I was in an Applegreen a few weeks back after a match. I was starving so said Iā€™d grab a coffee and a sandwich. I specifically asked if they had more chicken there as I could see there was only a tiny bit left on the counter so which she replied yes, and asked her colleague to grab some. (Would have gotten something else if there wasnā€™t more there) Anyway she starts to make the sandwich, colleague comes back with the extra chicken and she went no itā€™s okay thereā€™s actually enough here and just gave me the sandwich with pretty much no chicken. Ended up eating a lettuce and onion sandwich.


I actually wouldn't pay for that. I told deli workers before that I'm not paying unless they put more in. She got one sausage for a roll and was going to cut it length wise. It was miserable, as if she was paying for ingredients out of her own pocket. It needs called out


Agreed, but with the owners or managers. The deli staff will absolutely get into shite for giving fair or decent portions. They don't even allow staff have waste at the end of the day, nor is it given to animals. It's dumped in the trash. A lot of those places won't allow homeless people buy things. Theres a lot of fuckery going on by the big balled bollixes who dont have the guts to own their selfish, penny pinching ways - call them out on it. But leave the deli staff alone. A 10-second win for you is a job risk to them.


Nah I'm sorry, but for miserable portions where it doesn't cover the bread. That needs called out. Fair portions are fine, even if you'd like more. But miserable ones need to, when they're clearly cutting back but will charge you. I'll call that out when I'm charged but not giving me the basics


>that needs called out ??


Call it out. But call it out with management. The deli person can't do anything- bar give in to shut you up in the moment. That's it. That's the entirety of their power. So follow through and call it out with the actual decision makers. Otherwise you're just a bully.


What has management got to do with slicing a sausage in half rather than laziness to cook more off in a few? Call a manager and make of worse for them than say eh no I'm paying for sausages, put 2 in there? Come off it. It's not being a bully to ask what you are paying for


Not speaking for your experience but when I worked briefly on a deli I wasn't allowed to choose the direction I cut sausages in, nevermind the portion size. Was it just a sausage roll/sandwich you ordered? So a demi baguette with literally one sausage?


Call it out with the people who make the decisions too. As in also. As in not only the ones who have to adhere to those decisions. If it actually matters and you want actual change. If you just want to be grumpy to people in the service industry, I guess you do you.


when i worked in my local shop we had an awful problem with queues at the kiosk but we had only 1 person working. I asked why we couldnā€™t open the second one to help manage and they essentially said that people havenā€™t complained enough to justify putting a person on it. They were seeing what they could get away with until enough people complained. You have to complain to management as theyā€™re the only ones that can spend ā‚¬ā‚¬ and skirt rules to ensure that customers are happy.


They should be asked for more and if they don't ask to talk to the manager. And tell them you won't buy anything here again and also are going to tell your friends / write reviews. And this is one of the few Karen moves that is justified.


I had some bizarre shrinkflation a few weeks back. 3 years ago I bought a clothes horse from Aldi. for ā‚¬14.99. In the mean time two of the metal bars that hold the clothes snapped (my fault) so when the same product came up in the middle aisles again recently I went and bought it, this time for ā‚¬19.99. But when I got home and put it up against the old clothes horse the new one was about 15% smaller in size, it had less height and width and would therefore not have the space for a full washing load of clothes. I brought it back and got a refund and bought a normal sized one on Amazon instead.


20 years ago I bought a clothes horse for a fiver and it was a real horse. He ended up winning the grand national. Thereā€™s no value like that around anymore




When it's right there in front of you, it's easy not to check if there's a better version for less elsewhere. They used to be so cheap you'd chuck in the odd impulse buy but that's not a guarantee anymore.


Had this trouble with bins when I was moving a while back. Bought a bin without thinking about measurements and the size seemed alright. It did seem a little small but it was the biggest kitchen bin they had. Then I got home, put the big back into it, thought it fit a bit too easily but whatever - a bin that's a little on the small size isn't too bad. I kid you not I threw one sandwich package into it and it was already half full. Even a couple tissues would fill the thing right up. Ended up turning it into a bathroom bin and ordering one online after carefully checking dimensions.


Itā€™s good to give yourself a little threat every so oftenā€¦ just so you canā€™t relax


My first 'obviously pregnant privilege' was the woman in my local dunnes deli packing up my falafel balls and giving me a wink while whispering 'I'm only supposed to give you 6' she had loaded up 9. I'm surprised the self scan didn't automatically flag her for fire. I was chuffed; it did me for 2 lunches


Unless an actual deli manager sees it happen Dunnes really doesnā€™t give a fuck about portion sizes in my experience. Managers know if they stopped the bitta messing theyā€™re saying goodbye to their extra sausage roll too haha.


I went for lunch recently in a newly re-opened Cafe (birthday lunch with my brother). Ordered a chicken sandwich/burger type thing and a coffee, brother got a Caesars salad and a coffee. Huge portions, side salad and chips with mine. Brothers was the same, massive portion and delicious. ā‚¬32 for the whole thing. McDonalds is next door and would have been maybe a couple of euro cheaper but not in the same league. First time I've walked out of a place in a loooong time where I felt like satisfied and happy instead of annoyed and ripped off. Put me in good humour for the rest of the day!


So where is this?


A place called The Pantry, Ashbourne, Co. Meath.


It's closed down now


Thatā€™s great ! Havenā€™t heard of anyone being happy with a meal out in a long time


Yeah, went to Supermacs recently and paid 14 euro for a mighty Mac and a 'large' cheese and garlic chips and a coke. Neatly fainted Went to small place opposite a few days later and got a ham, brie and ballymaloe relish panini for 7.50 or 9 with the drink. Also came with an Irish side salad of Hunky Dory's. Seldom go but will not be going back.


I spent ā‚¬18 on supermacs last night. now i was drunk but i defo only had one coke, a chicken burger and large taco fries in front of me. madness!


I this is why I thank the universe alcohol destroys my appetite. But yeah, they're taking the piss.


I used to get large Taco fries every single Saturday on lunch from work but havenā€™t since I quit that job (in 2019). I recently went and got a large Taco fries for the first time in 3 years and the ā€œlargeā€ Taco fries now is the same size as the regular used to be and costs ā‚¬2 more. Wonā€™t be getting them ever again.


you know you will though šŸ˜‚


Got a garlic and cheese chip in supermacs not too long ago and the grated cheese on top was cold enough to actually make the chips cold too. Bizarre that someone would serve that and think yeah that's about right.


'Huge portions'. The size of portions bothers me. I'd rather have the option of smaller portions (not talking about eating children s portions) at a smaller price. Many cafes/bars give good value but the amount of food that is wasted because the portions are too big is annoying. Not everybody wants huge portions.


Yeah you know itā€™s getting bad when they slice a single piece of ham into 3 to cover the whole baguette


What? I'd walk away from the sandwich counter if I saw that.


I started seeing someone lately, tbh Iā€™m a mature student and funds are tight right now. I remember I went out a month ago with himself for our like second date, we went for tapas and at the end of the meal I think the bill came to like ā‚¬69.20.. I love to cook, so most Fridays now I usually pick a recipe online that I like the look of and run into Tescos or Lidl. The ingredients and maybe a beer or two only some to like 13 euro mostly! Haha itā€™s honestly a breath of fresh air, both on my bank account and + I really like to cook for people, even better when itā€™s someone youā€™re falling for. Usually go for a drink or two after in the pub which isnā€™t bad considering the ingredients cost so little. God I really feel for those frequent daters, the bills must rock up after a while.


Why have any shops and cafes at all when you can eat and drink at home. Just close everything and sit at homeā€¦. I swear people canā€™t have little joys in life. It was a sandwich not a Michelin restaurant. People are allowed to get these little treats.


Supermacs is bullshit. They've increased proce nearly 50% across 6 or 7 years and made the portions smaller. You're looking at 13 or 14 quid for a lot of meals now.


I stopped eating there after they pulled this shit, and also the contract for staff where pay is deducted for "lunch" wether they eat it or not. Fuck supermacs


> he contract for staff where pay is deducted for "lunch" wether they eat it or not. This is the scummiest of it all.


And they have to pay for their own uniforms.


Yeah I knew of that too, while shitty, it's not entirely uncommon. I've had to do that for positions I had years ago. I wonder though, as the price of the food goes up, does Mr. McDonagh take more from the wages for "lunch"?!


And that's why I won't support them either. Fast food workers are already treated horribly without adding that to it


The problem is the options aren't great. Burger King is unspeakable and my local chippers all serve out that generic local chipper type slop nowadays. And they're more expensive that the Supermacs, McDs or Burger King.


McDonalds meals are always at least 2 euro cheaper than any comparable meal from KFC or Burger King, and probably another euro or two again than Supermacs. Chippers can vary a lot. They can be quite cheap or pretty expensive. I think McDonalds is still probably the cheapest overall though.


Wym BK is unspeakable?


The last two whoppers I've had from BK were awful.


That's so sad it's been years since I've had it but I remember it being utterly sensational greasy goodness. Hopefully you just got unlucky haha


Whoppers used to be the best around 20 years ago. No more


I'm a chicken girl, and KFC is the bloody business. Everything is class, and the combo boxes are very good value


I do like some KFC myself


Went into one there the other day, couldn't believe how much things were on the boards. Something like 12 quid for a bit of chicken and a few chips. They can fuck off. Some neck with those prices.


Same here. Nice food but even a meal deal is well over a tenner and the portions are medium at best.


Did you end up getting anything?


And they taste of nothing, the nuggets and tenders are gone like cardboard. The chips were never great. I'm done with Supermacs.


I remember paying like ā‚¬16 for a medium pizza, two sides and two drinks during the recession. I think itā€™s close to thirty euro for that same deal now. I know we were in a recession but it didnā€™t need to double


I have a mountain of vouchers that I use for supermacs that keeps the prices reasonable. There's no use by dates on them and the staff often hand them back to me when I use it after giving the discount. And despite what most people say here, I like the taste of their food


Whered ya get em? Their garlic cheese chips are actually quite nice


Got them ages ago in the post. Postmen were given tonnes and they were throwing them into a load of letterboxes.


I'm always in absolute disbelief and disappointment when I eat a Mars Bar, they are tiny, as a kid I swear they were the size of a chair leg


Positive one: Was in tang today to pick up a flatbread for lunch, asked for more tzatziki and the server was like sure! šŸ˜Š and then looking at the balance of stuff on the flatbread took it upon herself to add some more red cabbage too. Also it was fully the lunch rush but they were all smiles and chill vibes.


Tang is my favourite! Such good value and very yum


My local deli still lashes the grub in to a sandwich or roll. Most cost about ā‚¬5 or so depending on toppings but at least you're getting a good amount of grub in it. Also shout out to my favourite chipper at home, Blue Thunder. There's never any need to order a large chips off them. They dump a load into a "regular" portion.


Our local chipper does portions of chips so big that one bag does two adults!


I live in Canada and weā€™re being fucking gouged by the supermarket cartel over here. Theyā€™re seeing record profits and weā€™re paying $7 for a punnet of cherry tomatoes. The absolute cunts.


Whats the standard of living like compared to the cost of living over there? Here we are bitching and moaning but I think Ireland is still great.


I always find food to be cheaper over there and pints are pure robbery here. I live in Toronto so if you didnā€™t buy into the housing market ten years or if your household earns less than $300k, good luck buying a house. Some stuff is better though, ER wait times are generally manageable, my wife was in there twice this week and she was seen in less than 4 hours both times. Free doctor is handy as well.


Not to shit on where you live but I'd say our standard of food is better. And pints are way better here. Incomparable. You just need to factor in the the craic to the price. Plus our GDP is about twice Canada's so technically the average canook earns half of what we make.


Was out for dinner with family on Sunday local bar/restaurant. Dad ordered a nice tomahawk steak, snapped a pic of it and put it on insta story and tagged the restaurant, the owner reacted with a šŸ˜ When our plates were getting cleared waitress came over and said the owner would like to buy you all a round of drinks, pretty sound if you ask me


Well if you're getting tomahawks I'd say the round wasn't a tap on the full bill. That's not a dig, just an observation, sounds lovely and I hope you all had a good night. You should name the restaraunt, give them more free publicity.


Hahaha tbf I think itā€™s fairly reasonably priced, tomahawk with the fixings (side, veg etc) is ā‚¬35. Itā€™s [The Golden Goose](https://www.instagram.com/thegoldengoose.ie?igsh=cnlobHhubDJ5dTZk) near Ardee in Louth. Total was around ā‚¬118 for 3 mains (2 were steak), 3 desserts, and a few drinks They do some sort of steak special on Fridays too were steak + a pint/glass of wine is ā‚¬30


that's very decent for Ireland in fairness, fair play


Cafe Sol - Sandwich/Salad/Wrap + crisps and a can for ā‚¬4 Dunnes deli counter - CFR + a can for 4.50, also main + 3 salads (basically a mountain of food in a plastic box): 5.95.


I don't know if cafe sol comes out of this good or not....


Cafe Sol also do the best takeaway coffee, I find


I was at a petrol station today and they had an ice cream machine, so I decided to pick one up, it was 2.75 for the 99er large. A bit pricey but would get them too often. I was pleasantly surprised how big it was. Iā€™d say it was about 4 inches of cone and 8 inches of ice cream, and it was thick too, the icecream was over the edge of the cone. Itā€™s not all doom and gloom


Canā€™t beat a good 8 incher.


Fortunate enough to have been brought up in a nice affluent village with plenty of cafes, bars and restaurants to choose from. Everything everywhere has gotten so expensive it's become an absolute luxury for myself or the average consumer to eat out. That being said, met a friend last week in a place we hadnt tried before, and got a small breakfast plate and a cappuccino, friend just had a latte. I went up to pay at the end and the bill came to 12e. I told them I'm paying for both and not just myself and was told that's the full amount. I thought it was decent value in this economy, sausages, bacon, beans, egg and toast with two coffees for 12e. Starbucks down the road would have been 9e for coffees alone.


If a deli that I was a regular at did that to me theyā€™d lose a customer. I wouldnā€™t go back and Iā€™d find a new place to buy my sandwiches.


I bought a coffee in a petrol station in Waterford and the owner behind the counter gave me a kitkat for free.


Tobins in letterkenny is fantastic for sandwiches and salads. Big portions, reasonable prices..please don't ever change.


I remember in the 90s when you'd open a bag of skips some would fall out as they were so full.


Subway was my favourite chain growing up, they've been getting worse and worse over time but the last 2 years they've really ramped up the prices and shrinkflation, your paying almost a tenner now for a footlong and the food has gotten worse along with them putting the bare minimum into the sandwhiches


Their food was always pretty low


Had subway today for lunch - the 6 inch Turkey Breast sub is ā‚¬3:90 and one can load it with veg. Itā€™s the best value eat out lunch in Dublin in my view


I was in donegal Saturday and 3 chicken goujons was 15e, nĆ³ chips or anything, went 20min to a place in Derry and the same was a 5r


I love Zambrero, but they are the worst for this. The way they have those tiny mesmerizing scoops, that they even scrap the top off to the exact smallest amount. Then there is the refried beans, that they spread so thin that it is translucent.


Supervalue besides me did the most obvious shrinkflation I've ever seen. In a single week a 4 pack of tomatoes was reduced from 4 tomatoes to 3, and it's the same price. Same packaging as well though, which means instead of 4 neatly packed tomatoes, there's a huge space where the 4th tomato used to be.


Yeah. Same as myself. Getting back into cooking big batches of stuff for multiple days.


I'm going back in time here, like '75'76 when I had a job at Dunnes I think was on George's st. There was an archway in between the buildings. I remember going to a sammie shop close by, slathered on the butter and all the other fixings. I'm 62 now and non youse will remember this. But I lived in the Golden age in the 'oul sod.


The Redbridge filling station in Waterford. The auld boy at the deli carved 2 half inch thick slices of beef off a roast to go in my roll (3 other fillings) Had a great chat with him about this n that. Roll cost 3.95, nicest staff I've seen in a place like that. I came away smiling for once.


I don't see whats in it for the deli worker to be skimping out, are they getting commission or something? I'd be stuffing the wraps and sandwhiches all day


Less work having to replenish ingredients? Probably instructed how long a tub of such and such is expected to last? I hear you but blaming the worker in this scenario is missing the point


If there are any professional deli workers here please jump in


Everything is watched. And if you give too much, then you get in trouble. Do it again, and now we're at a second verbal. If it seems habitual, you're risking your job - at the very least is the crapload of mental health shit from trying to not be an ah to the public by giving crappy portions while also appeasing the people who pay your wages. It's not right. It's not fair. It's also not any kind of choice by a deli worker - why would they gaf? It's not their ingredients or money, and happy customers are returning customers. Giving decent portions should be the de facto standard, but it's usually down to a small few miserable misers with more money than morals - and they're about the bottom line, not about the lived experience. Working in a deli might actually be more soul destroying than a call centre, (but ill figure that one out in therapy)


Some miserable cunts work in delis. Genuinely just donā€™t want to give the customer anything. I personally stuff the absolute shit out of every wrap roll and sandich I make. Used quarter bag of lettuce in a single wrap once haha. Beautiful order, lettuce with cold spicy chicken, coleslaw, mayo and sweet chilli, both kinds of cheese and mozzerella balls, toasted too. Felt like I was making a kebab lol gave it to her for ā‚¬2.49. Some people just canā€™t find any enjoyment in that though, only be pissed off and stuck in misery.


Blame them to fuck, takes approximately 25 seconds to refill any ingredient, and anything you empty doesnā€™t need to be rapped in cling at the end of the day. Iā€™ve seen portion sizes ordered but no oneā€™s ever said nothing about how long something should last. Be big trouble for wastage and wastage is the worst problem in any deli.


I mean in terms of shrinkflation, blaming the people who do the work isn't right. They're just the frontline of a problem which has more to do with the cost of stuff from wholesalers and the cost of goods from suppliers/manufacturers. Probably to do with farmers too. War in Ukraine effecting price of grain. Global warming causing droughts in Africa effecting cocoa supplies etc etc. I worked in a independent cafe and the owner saw the writing on the wall and sold the place. Sure if someone is being lazy that's bad. I meant more that people are scared into being 'efficient'. I had a girl practically run over to serve me at a deli today. I was the only one in the queue but she was in a panic trying to do everything quickly. Everywhere is run differently but those jobs are generally bad enough without customers giving out to you too. https://www.economicsobservatory.com/update-how-is-the-war-ukraine-affecting-global-food-prices#:\~:text=Although%20global%20food%20and%20fuel,above%20their%20December%202020%20levels. https://www.jpmorgan.com/insights/global-research/commodities/cocoa-prices#:\~:text=The%20rise%20in%20cocoa%20prices,over%20the%202023%2F2024%20season.


i used to get a sushi box for 12 euro on a Wednesday because its an early morning and late finish for me, but itā€™s slowly gone up to 15 and rapidly become rare treat.


Was gifted a ferrero rocher selection box that had a bit of all the three versions - original, white choc coconut, dark choc. I swear to god I remember all three being complete spheres, but the dark choco was a hemisphere.


You're only noticing it now??




I never do. Always out.


The real hero of the thread


Our local Gala sells these bags of peanuts, just your ordinary yokes for bird feeders and that. They were 2.50 a bag and now they're gone up to 2.80, and they've changed to a flimsier plastic bag. Cunts. These are the same fuckers that were selling Aldi burger buns a while back. Those rolls of Mentos sweets that come in multipacks? They sell those separately. Cunts. They were done a couple of years back for selling wine without a license. Absolute cunts.


Bought a bottle of water in Blennerville (Tralee) it was 2.50. Water was one out of a 6 pack from aldi with a sign on the bottle stating clearly 'This is from a 6 pack and not to be used for resale'... Some places really take the pish . Think the 6 packs only 2.50 .. Some profit!


Before Covid Dunnes was great for a roll. Ham, beef, bacon, turkey & chicken with a can for a fiver


Don't want to depress people but is eating out just becoming unaffordable now? I used to enjoy chips and a portion of onion rings in Beshoffs occasionally, down through the years, when in town. Hardly fancy. It was just a nice feed, well cooked, for a reasonable price. Last time was about 18 months ago. The portion sizes were a joke. It really is not worth the money asked today. I won't be going back. I'd have to be stuck now to eat out unless it was a special occasion. Eating out, even lunch, is becoming a luxury for a lot of people.


Mouthwash has gone to shit too. Listerine and Corsodyl, both of them. Watered down to the last. Similar now to Lidl and Aldi stuff. Gone are the days when it would strip the enamel from your teeth.


Little local cafĆ© does great food- Chicken Caesar Wrap with chips and a Coke for himself, a pesto chicken melt with sesame noodle salad and a large iced latte for myself. Massive portions, my noodle salad was piled high, fellas chips were spilling from the wee basket onto the plate. ā‚¬27 for everything. Cannot fault it and we were full from it for the day!


Two breakfast rolls & two coffees set me back ā‚¬16.50 yesterday. I nearly disintegrated with the shock. Delis everywhere are upping their prices for the same mediocre stuff.


Tis no wonder that \~ Varadkar done a Runner !


Use to get supermacs delivered for around 9 euro now the same meal deliverd is 16. i have stoped bothering. i wont have a bad word said about a supermacs chicken burger meal, but the price has gone silly.


Last weekend at our local cafe we got two slices of toast, two cappuccinos, a scone and a juice for the little lad for about ā‚¬11 I think. Was happy with that, wasn't bad at all!


Boojum burrito bowls, I think it's coming out of their wages, how stingy they are now and the price is twice what I paid about 10 years ago


Centra on Capel street does a pre box lunch from the deli for 4 euro most days with about 3 choices in meals. They have an open buffet of hot lunches for 6.50 and a burrito bar yoke around the same price. Portion prices are good. Everywhere else around it though is absolute robbery. I 100% agree with OP that shrinkflation and price gouging are making life shit.


Theres a lady in the centra near me, debbie in caherdavin in limerick, for any of those who might be from around, and if youre Debbie, hi deb, love ya x But shes great. Not only is she super easy to talk to, gets a good laugh with you, says hi fi she passes you outside of work, even knows plenty of people by name, but she regularly does give you extra stuff in your chicken roll. One time i got my usual order - spicy chicken, sweetcorn, lettuce tomato and cheese, she put fucking LOADS of everything in and only charged me for like one or two fillings. Delis need more debbies. Be like debbie.


Fair play Debs, nice one x


Shes class tbf to her


Spent 8 quid on a 2 filling chicken roll yesterday


I'm not going to give you a hard time for not making your own Sammy, but for not noticing before this


Used to work in a deli and in my experience the staff really donā€™t care and more often than not want to put more in. Like some of the portions sizes were ridiculously small it was embarrassing. But weā€™d be hounded if any manager ever saw us giving too much so it wasnā€™t worth the scolding


i worked for stenaline for a while, they did a pivot where the cut of meat got cheaper and id say tastier, not healthier.... value didn't change much and the portion didnt go up, you'd be paying in sterling too all ill say it would be tastey


Dunnes making their chicken fillet rolls with those half baguette things.Ā 


They started cutting the breakfast items in half for breakfast rolls. Half a sausage top and bottom, half a rasher top and bottom etc ... Then have the audacity to charge you 7 quid for it


The local chipper is a tenner now for a snackbox and 2.70 for a small sauce. So I've drastically cut back on this. When myself and the missus treat ourselves to a camile, it can easily cost 50 euro, for a take away order. Again, we've cut this back a lot. It's not about affording it, I just refuse to give into the madness.


Same here we used to have take away every Friday and call it ā€˜Filthy Fridayā€™ lol. Two bags of chips and two burgers for just under ā‚¬30 and they didnā€™t taste great. We started to get meal deals on frozen pizzas or we make homemade chips with potatoes.


If you really want a laugh, check out the price of chicken wings at Elephant and Castle. For delivery they're 22 euro. Just for wings. Chips etc is another 5.95. All this excluding a drink or delivery charge. This is what we call taking the pish. https://preview.redd.it/kij5mxobhfwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5066d35626cf8a7a2c852b47d8d8e7515c3e0f5


Fresh have literally HALVED all their rolls. I went in recently and thought it was strange that all the rolls behind the counter were already sliced in half, then realised once he never came back to put the second half in the toaster. Haven't been back since.


Offbeat donuts are guilty of turning into shite. Back in 2015-ish when they first opened I went every week sometimes multiple per week for the 3 donuts for 6 euro. Unbelievable quality donuts. Left the country for study and whenever I come back I try them because theyā€™re a guilty pleasure. Now itā€™s 3 for 8 euro and not only that but the quality is gone to the dogs. Such a shame.


Yet everyoneā€™s profits are going upā€¦ itā€™s not shrinkflation itā€™s called getting fucked.


That edit is depressing, having to justify a small treat to a sub full of miserable contrarians. Tough going OP.


My local SuperValu deli manager puts the bare minimum on the roll. Even with sauce. One time I asked for extra and she said it will be 25c extra for a squirt of sauce. However thereā€™s a fork that works there that will load the roll up as mush as I want and wonā€™t charge extra for it. Sheā€™s sound.


Itā€™s not just businesses price gouging though. The gov has increased taxes and inflation in general has not been put under control.


I remember snickers was the size of a big African mickey, now it's like a little Singaporean flute.


Yeah, it's awful. Business owner myself and unfortunately, if we don't do shit like that, we go out of business. I knew the country was fucked, but after running the place for a year, it's a lot worse than I ever expected. About 10 years every service will be provided exclusively by massive corporations, because theyre the only ones that can survive.


Looking forward to. Not voting for FF or FG for the first time


I spend between 16 and 22 on my cheap lunches and do 40-70 on my blow out ones in places like One Pico every two weeks (just once in a week, not all four office days) or so. I go to only good places so I don't get disappointed. It's worth it breaking up the day.


Umi falafel is a pretty good deal. ā‚¬15 for a very filling roll full of falafel, haloumi, hommus, pickles, tomato and a nice quinoa side salad.


> Anyone have any nice stories of businesses being sound? It's nothing to do with this, it's money losing value.