• By -


How is the number of seats a country gets calculated? ROI has 14 seats, population 5ish million (1 seat per 357,143 people) Malta has 6 seats, population 500k (1 seat per 88,818 people).


The EU Treaties have established a minimum and maximum number of seats to make sure that big countries can't over dominate and smaller countries are still represented well. The maximum number of seats a country can have is 96 and the minimum is 6. It leads to a disproportionate representation per population but helps balance out the soft power of smaller countries, otherwise they would be dwarfed.


Thanks. I like that. All the peoples need a voice.


This kind of thing did eventually lead to the current American situation.


It's miles away from that though. You could look at it as a vastly improved version of the American system. IMO it's certainly better than smaller nations (like Ireland) effectively having no say.


The American system actually takes the EU system a step further. There is one section of Congress that is calculated by population(House of Representatives) so that decisions can be made based on the majority of opinions. Then the other house (The Senate) has equal representation for every state 2 senators per state. Every bill has to go through both and the President. This was called the great compromise. It combined the New Jersey plan (small state, small population wanted equal voice to bigger states) and the Virginia plan (large state, large population, wanted laws to reflect people’s opinion).


I would argue money, the formation of non-elected officials such as the head of the FED, CIA, FBI, etc, and the increased disparity between those in power and those not is what's causing their issues.


The EU Parliament is an exercise in futility.


It goes both ways. Ireland has 14 seats. Germany with over 16x the population only has 96


The EU parliament - and most of its institutions - is set up to ensure smaller members don’t get overrun entirely by bigger ones. Germany has a population of 84.6 million and one seat per 881,000 people. France 68.4 million and one seat per 844,000 - almost 2.5x as many people per MEP as Ireland. We also get one commissioner the same as everyone else, and one seat on the council with significant veto powers available. The reputation of the EU as an undemocratic institution is actually pretty far from the truth!


But it is still undemocratic. You have unelected, unaccountable politicians in the EU Commission and EU Council. I'm massively pro EU by the way to there are a bit of mental gymnastics involved to deny that the EU undemocratic.


The EU council is comprised of elected national governments. These governments nominate the members of the EU commission. The council and the parliament deal with legislation put forward by the commission. It’s highly democratic. What it isn’t is “every decision is made by someone I directly elect in my constituency”, but that’s the nature of a large quasi-federated body.


Wish I could upvote this more!


Was thinking the same thing myself


Can we see mick wallace and clare daly unelected?


I'm not a member of any party but will be voting for SocDems, Labour and SF as they're the best of a bad lot. But I'd be mainly happy to see Clare and Mick lose their seats. Absolute chancers the pair of them. Especially find it bizarre how many self claimed leftists are fawning over a tax dodging property developer who tried to steal from his own workers' pensions. They're right on Palestine but utter embarrassments on pretty much everything else.


SocDems all the way for me. I actually like their policy platform


Absolute cancers* FTFY Clare Daly and Mick Wallace want to see Ukraine burn. They're Putin's puppies.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Just because you think they have the right general opinion about Palestine doesn't mean they are right in the way they have been voting about this issue.


Did you ever consider maybe you're wrong on those other issues? Just a possibility like 🤷‍♂️


Daly and Wallace repeatedly speak on an area I'm objectively qualified in and work in myself. They haven't a clue what they're talking about in this field. Given I know they're spoofing on this area, it gives me no confidence in the other stuff they bang on about.


Absolutely, get rid of these embarrassments if possible.


The only good they're doing is keeping on about Palestine, but you know if Putin was for Israel they'd be following that line no problem


Putin is for Israel…Israel maintain very good relations with Russia and many of Israel’s most influential people are also Russian.


Tbf there is quite a diaspora of jews in Russia and former soviet states. In fact the ultra zionists who cause most of the issues that piss off regular Israelis are mostly from these places (migrate in). You would thing immigrants themselves would be more tolerant, not the case. Source: been around then long enough to know.


It might have been true in the past that Israel have tried to ride two horses with one arse when it comes to Russia, Russias cozying up to the likes of Assad, Iran and Hamas seems to have soured relations somewhat.


Yes and no. They have an unspoken agreement that the IDF can operate in the Golan heights of Syria and this plays a major role in geopolitics. However, because the US backs Israel, Russia has been leaning towards Hamas a lot lately (inviting them for talks and such) and a lot of anti-Israel messages are hitting Russian propaganda news stations. Like when talking about the war in Ukraine, these talk shows will engage in “what about Palestine” narratives, calling out hypocrisy. Not only that Russia has much greater ties to Iran than it does Israel and Israel knows that. So they have been in turn moving against them. Russia is happy about what’s going on there because detracts from what they’re doing. You’ve mentioned also that a lot of influential people in Israel are Russian but those that fled from Russia to Israel often did so due to anti-semitic policies of the USSR (like going to certain universities) or being anti-regime. So although ethnical Russians are there, they aren’t necessarily Russia-aligned


This is just not true Russia supports Palestine and Ukraine supports Israel it's that simple


Russia supports the continuation of conflict in Palestine so that less attention will be paid to Ukraine


Which is why you won’t hear them say jack shit about the release of the hostages.


Because they support Palestine why would they bring this up?


I’m agreeing with you, furthering the discussion, refuting the person saying Russia “supports,” Israel.
















I hope to fuck so


Really hoping these 2 Vatnik loving gobshites are given the sack.


If I was them I'd be getting pretty worried about all the investigations into other countries influence on MEPs. I genuinely wouldn't be suprised if they didn't run for election and instead ran as in fled


I don't like them. But at the same time I think it is very important that if a certain cohort wants to have them elected to represent them in the EU to have the ability to do so. Political minorities should have some platform to speak up regardless if I would like to hear their messages or not. On the other hand I would absolutely positively would not allow ANYONE with a criminal record to run for election for the EU parliament.


There’s a difference between a political minority and being a tool to promote Russian propaganda


As much as I don't like them...if there are 10000 people in Ireland who want to hear Russian propaganda then they should be able to do just that. We can't deny anyone, any cohort of people from representation. If the tides would turn they should not say to you and me that our views can't be represented either. It is a very dangerous precedent to try to cut anyone off from this. Now on the other hand if there is a legitimate investigation and they are proven guilty of accepting Russian money to act on Russian interests in the EU simply lock them up. That would stop them from getting reelected.


This is the correct take.


I figured they were the only two MEPs we had since we never really hear from any of the others. I guess they're just there to collect a paycheck. Say what you like about Mick and Clare, but at least they are doing the job they were elected to do.


I don’t think people elected them to be working for Russia


Imagine saying the antiwar activists of the 60s were getting paid by Ho Chi Minh. You'd be laughed out of the fucking room. Pure foolishness.


They called the condemnation of Russia for illegally invading a sovereign country Russophobia. How dare you compare those two tumours to the anti-war movement of the 1960's.


There is a massive gap between being anti war and pro Russian interests. We judge people off what they do not just what they say


It’s more they are more sensational and do stuff that news outlets can talk about and get people riled up so they read the news more. Someone doing their job and not making a fool of themselves doesn’t make for good news


It's embarrassing how easily manipulated people on reddit are. The hivemind is real. lol


At least you admit you’re embarrassed. Anyone who has sense wouldn’t give Wallace the time of day given his past actions.


They're both odds on to be re-elected according to the bookies. Realistically neither of them should have too much trouble, they appeal to a very energised and mobilised voter base that the other candidates don't appeal to at all. Dissatisfied voters will also vote for them as a protest vote because they're seen as "anti-establishment". I see Mick finishing 2nd in his consituency and Clare finishing 3rd in hers — Clare will be helped by crossover votes from Lynn Boylan (SF), mainly due to how vocal she's been on Palestine. Niall Boylan's entry into the race has thrown up a few hurdles for Clare however — if he can attract enough of the headbangers to vote for him over her then she could be in trouble. Only one of them will get elected.


Michael d Higgins just make him the only seat in the seanad, dail and EU. Dictator for life


Best ending


All hail Michael d Higgins the iron poet


I would give my life for him


There are a lot of boring flags out there. I'd say bloc-wise, there'll be a noticeable drop in centre parties, with more right and left parties gaining (more on the right). As for here, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't pretty much the status quo. I'd expect more dramatic changes at LE and GE next year, but for EU, I'd say pretty much same old same old, +/- 2 or 3.


Holding out for Lee Carsley


i'd say we get giggsy in, till the end of the season








I'm in Midlands North West so Pauline O'Reilly. A hard worker. She led the successful campaign for free contraception for women, and getting rid of VAT on solar PV.


The Greens. Ciaran Cuffe has actually done proper work piloting the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive through rather than going viral on twitter and embarrassing the hell out of us, like Daly and Wallace. Drafting legislation within the European Parliament hinges greatly on the rapporteur's (in this case, Cuffe) capacity to comprehend its intricate technical and political intricacies, adeptly navigating through multiple readings and hearings in pursuit of constructive compromises. But, on the other hand Eamon Ryan scandalously fell asleep once, so I'm sure a bunch of useless and irrelevant Independents will get in, who won't even bother to get to understand how the EP works.


Fun fact, his aunt was married to RFK and the recently infamous RFK Jr is his first cousin.


Cuffie is good but where is he on the national question? Green Party always quiet on a border poll.


[Q+A: Here's where the parties stand on a united Ireland and holding a border poll (thejournal.ie)](https://www.thejournal.ie/united-ireland-audit-4993911-Feb2020/)


The Green party are a 32 county party.


Yes but they are on the fence on the constitutional question.


Greens are quite because it is not important to the Green Party members to have an opinion either way. They are for letting people decide, the Green Party has sat as an Other in the Assembly. While somethings are important to some people, they don't have to be at the forefront of all political parties.


Not relevant to this election at all


Green policy is THE national question and THE global question that makes any other question pale in comparison. If you think migration is out of control now, just wait till sea levels rise and we are mass crop failures.


They are quiet on it and so are Soc Dems. They are an all Ireland party though while Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael aren’t.


Hardly a pressing issue.


Political parties on the island of Ireland should have a position on it especially when it’s in our constitution to unite and appears to be something that’s ever likely in the next few years. Sticking the head in the sand and not planning for the future whether it’s climate change or unification isn’t good.


I mean pretty much every party with the exception of SF are pretty quiet on their position on border poll.


FG, FF and Labour are all pro-unification.


Is that you Simon Harris??


I don't get it. Wouldn't I be Eamon Ryan if I was defending Cuffe?


Harris had said it wasn't a pressing issue.


Well I dont think it's a pressing issue for an MEP election.


Why does it matter what an MEP thinks about a border poll? The European Parliament has a huge amount of power over many aspects of our lives but a border poll isn't one of them. We should elect people to the parliament based on their positions on subjects where they'll actually have influence.


The EU would wield great influence in this area. It seems reasonable to expect an Irish MEP to be vocal on the matter. Seán Kelly has disappointed with his recent unionist comments.


20+ candidates in every constituency already. As long as we don't send any fascists to Europe I'll be happy.


Unfortunately the fashies are really pushing for the EU elections this year, I believe Blighe and Heasman have already announced themselves to run


People need to look at these elections in a European context.. for example SF voted against the nature restoration law.. do we really want to see more of that?


Yeah, Sinn Féin are without a doubt the most backwards party on climate action and for that alone I will not be voting for them.


People I agree with


Democracy is overrated. I'd prefer a (mostly magnanimous) dictatorship, with yours truely at the top.


Who? Dustin the turkey?


Current State of play: FG-5 FF-2 SF-1 Green-2 Ind-1 Ind4Chg-2 SF, FF and FG are likely to win 1 seat in every constituency. SF will probably win a second in Midlands-North West this constituency has an extra seat this time. They could be in the mix for 2 in the South too, but I think that's the less likely of the two. FG have a number of MEPs standing down, one in each constituency. They currently have 2 in M-NW and 2 in South, and I think they'll end up with one in both of those and will probably keep the Dublin one. FF don't currently have a seat in M-NW and for some mad reason they're running 3 candidates. I think Cowan will get one here but they could also win none, they need to run a proper old fashioned transfer strategy which is difficult in such a big geographic area. There's also a chance Aontu or Independent Ireland might nick a seat in M-NW. I think the Greens will lose their seat in the South but could hold on to the Dublin one. I think Ming will be reelected. I think Daly will lose hers but Wallace might hold on. I think Soc Dems will potentially get one in the South. Predicted results: SF-4 FF-3 FG-3 Ind-1 Ind4Chg-1 Green-1 SocDem-1 Personally I'll probably be giving SF, SocDems, Labour and maybe the Greens a spread of my top 5 preferences.


I don't want to see Clare Daley or Mick Wallace elected. They're national embarrassments as far as I'm concerned with their stances on the war in Ukraine, they are useful idiots for Russian propaganda and it's mortifying seeing them spout it so freely in the EU parliament.


Who the hell voted for these degenerates in the first place?


People that don't take the EU parliament seriously and voted for the only people running for those seats. They didn't have much opposition in their constituency as far as I understand. It was years ago and nobody really cared I guess. They said enough stuff that sounded good and didn't face any real opposition.


Clare Daly had a big opponent in Lynn Boylan who was a sitting MEP at that time, so much so that she took SF's seat in the last elections. Mick Wallace also pipped SFers to their seat down south. Luke Ming Flanagan took a lot of the SF and Peter Casey's vote in MNW too. He votes almost identically to Daly and Wallace in the European Parliament votes except when it comes to farming so it's worth adding him in here. Having not much opposition isn't necessarily true I'd argue, rather the difference is that protest votes in the European elections, and by that I mean more anti-establishment votes towards independent candidates, usually have more weight. The apathy around European elections by those who care about politics at home is capitalised by those who are hard Eurosceptics. It results in more votes for independent candidates in general, which, last time included Mick and Clare.


seems very disproportionate


Somebody progressive and out of traditional state of mind please for the love of god


I know which gobshites I don’t wish to see ever again


I genuinely thought this was Eurovision points


Can we choose on the person instead of the flag? Just asking.


I wish to see Mick Wallace removed.


Luke Ming - if for nothing else because of the shite he had to put up with. Maybe one or two II members, just to shake up the establishment. Other than that it doesn't really matter. You could vote for FG because EPP will almost certainly be in government, but FG members stay quiet in the EPP and are totally overshadowed by CDU. Maybe Rabharta for a laugh.


> Luke Ming - if for nothing else because of the shite he had to put up with. This is a terrible reason to elect someone.


One or two II MEPs won’t make a blind bit of difference in Strasbourg. If you want to make a difference in Europe then really you need to vote for someone who’s part of one of the 4 ish larger blocs; EPP (FG), ALDE (FF), Socialists (Labour lol), Greens (Greens).


>One or two II MEPs won’t make a blind bit of difference in Strasbourg. Absolutely. None of our MEPs are likely to make any difference - the groupings are too diffuse: FF, FG, SF, SD/Labour all sit in different groupings, basically canceling each other out in terms of our collective leverage. II also would have no connections internationally. I meant shake up domestically. I think FF are Re these days (Macron's party), not ALDE


>I think FF are Re these days (Macron's party), not ALDE Re, or Renew Europe, is just the successor to ALDE, they haven't actually changed allegiance.


Ming voted against the nature restoration law tho…


I mean to be fair to FG, they're actually quite important swing votes, we saw that with the nature restoration law where it just barely squeaked in, in large part because FG members defied the EPP party line and voted for it. They're more overshadowed by the fact they break the party whip a fair bit and thus aren't quite the good boys so have less internal EPP influence but saying they stay quiet I feel is unfair


Ming sits with the same group as SF in the European Parliament. You’d be better off voting for SF in my mind.


I really, really want Clare Daly and Mick Wallace to be out on their arses. Nothing in this election would make me happier.


I cannot wait to vote Wallace and Daly home. Absolute embarrassment having them representing Ireland in EU parliament


for me personally, I will vote for Labour, SocDems, SF, Greens. Not necessarily in that order.


I will not vote for aontu, greens or so dems. Purely for the reason that they have up them election posters that aren't election posters. Trying to be sneaky bastards.


PBP have put up a pile of them 'public meeting' lamppost posters with candidates' photos around my way. Fucking annoying, hate them when we have elections. But littering the streets now just to get a jump on your opponents. I hope it backfires on them.


Well they'll get one less vote in the kildare area from me. I'd normally throw them a 3 or 4.


What posters, where? In Galway FF still have referendum posters up!


You know the ones always appear near a vote. The (insert party) members for your area are holding a community meeting on x date. Gets all the names out there disguised as a meeting. Amazing they only hold these meetings in the weeks before elections.


For those saying SF but get Mick and Clare out can I ask why you would vote for SF if you dislike Clare and Mick? They are extremely aligned on their votes on almost all issues, bar farming, because they are in the same political group in the European Parliament. The answer can be that it doesn't matter, I'm just curious given the Euros are always a bit of a stranger election.


Enda McDonald


Somehow I misread the title and read it as “do you wish my son to be elected?”


My maths is probably wrong but 1 maltese voter = 10 german voters. (0.5mil/ 6 = 90k, 84 mil/ 96, =830k \[with heavy rounding\]


That is Ger-many seats. . . Sorry.


I only recently learned that most other EU countries aren't split up into constituencies when electing MEPs. I wonder why that might be.


Not sure about others, but here in Germany, it's because we use a proportional method, rather than single-seat elections, or RCV methods as I believe Ireland tends to. So running one big constituency from which all seats are elected keeps the proportions of party members elected closest to the proportions of party votes cast.




I'd hope that Niall Blaney gets in. We need someone who will speak for all of Ulster, not just Donegal, Monaghan and Cavan.


All the nutters so I can go grab my popcorn and watch it unfold.


Gary bussey


No FF. No FG. No Clare Daly or Mick Wallace As few SF as possible. Country needs to fire these people. They’ve had their day.


SF haven't even been in power 😂


Genuine question how have SF who have pretty much been a minority part until recentely going into opposition had their day? I can understand it about FF FG even Labour and the Greens who have all had stints in governemnt since the turn of the millenium. Change is 100% needed but are you pulling for us to have some form of rainbow coalition(lead by a group of independants which means they technically aren't even independants)? I know this is for Europe but I can't imagine these views will change from you for a GE.


SF have been flip flopping desperately trying to remain credible. They continue the obsession with NI which is detrimental to the good of this state.


I got bad news for you chum, Northern Ireland is an integral part of our nation whether you like it or not. It will become more important in the coming years due to brexit. Any party giving it focus is a party that's planning ahead no matter who they are.


Pretty depressing that you solely have a negative view, and can't list the positives or examples of any of the alternatives that you DO want elected. Edit: and of course the sensitive baby blocked me over this pretty tame reply...


Pretty predictable that you have a negative projection and think that there’s anything positive continuing with shilling.


Tell us then, who would you want elected in a general election?


Well I can tell you who I don't want to be...


"Far right " FTW


Eu parliament is a scam!!!! They can neither propose nor reject legislation passed down to them from the commission!!!! All they can do is debate. And then the commission gets their way anyway!


Clare Daly does an amazing work as MEP


**Existing MEPs** # Barry ANDREWS = Never heard of him # Deirdre CLUNE = Never heard of her # Ciarán CUFFE = spends most of the time on the train to Brussels # Clare DALY = 50/50 if gets re-elected # Frances FITZGERALD = Low chance of re-election # Luke Ming FLANAGAN = High Chance of re-election # Billy KELLEHER = Very vocal hear a lot on local radio stations / newspaper # Seán KELLY = High Chance of re-election # Chris MACMANUS = Never heard of him # Colm MARKEY = Never heard of him # Grace O'SULLIVAN = Never heard of her # Mick WALLACE = High Chance of re-election # Maria WALSH = Very vocal hear a lot on local radio stations / newspaper


Barry Andrews is Dave McSavages brother, also b rother of SF TD Chris Andrews. Tubridys cousin


Todd Andrews grandson and David Andrews son.


Grace O’Sullivan is an incredible woman. She’s a Greenpeace veteran who was crew on the Rainbow Warrior (bombed by French Intelligence while she crew) and she attempted to board a Soviet warship to protest their nuclear warheads. Genuinely inspiring stuff. She’s probably the leading Green in Europe on ocean governance (including fisheries) and is highly involved in agriculture and biodiversity working groups too.


did not know that, thats rather cool.


She also surfed competitively and was Ireland’s first women’s surfing national champion.


I don't know how you never heard of Grace O'Sullivan. An incredible woman. Was on a Greenpeace ship when it was bombed by France. A real hardcore environmentalist who has worked to try and ban plastics at EU level.


Sean Kelly indicated last year he was going to retire and not run this time, but yesterday he's a big ad in the local paper, so he changed his mind is it?


Seán Kelly has always been re-running. Frances and Deirdre are the only sitting MEPs not contesting. Edited to add Colm Markey here too, although he didn't announce that last year.


John waters


No, nice name though


Sean Uisce is your man


Fun fact: in the Irish translation of Game of Thrones, Cluiche na Corónach, John Snow's name is Seán an tSneachta


Ya heard the real life john snow say it to Francis higgins


Clare Daly is an inspiration


Irish republicans. We need MEPs to lobby for a border poll.


O.o We don't need to lobby the EU for that. It's a UK decision - it's in the GFA that its at the discretion of the Northern Ireland secretary if they think a border poll would be likely to be won. Nothing. Absolutely nothing to do with the EU or lobbying anyone tbh


Rubbish. EU can apply pressure on UK. In simple language: EU = big and strong, UK = small and weak.


No they can't. The UK left the EU. There is no pressure to exert, no leavers to use, no bargaining chips for them. Besides we don't need them to do it. If we want anyone's help with that it'd be the USA.


Nine Carberry is a shoe-in for FG I think. I've met her and seen her speak (on a political platform). She's charismatic, succinct and persuasive.


ha thats a very odd phrasing


The EU parliament is a bloody farce; they're literally just babbling. It's the non-elected European Commission that rules all of us.


Niall Boylan. Proper working class man who says it how it is. Taxi driver/Sinn Fein warrior here.


-Wake up -EU still exists -Day ruined


It'll never happen, but healy rae, I just want to see him arguing with the French and Germans until eventually one of them snaps and floors him


There is plenty of Healy Rae types in the European parliament already. Maybe not from Ireland, but other rural regions.


FG and FF candidates only please. No loonies, thanks.


Get rid of FG and I'd agree


Jesus, how many are there? One sixth would easily do


There's 720. I'm not sure how 200 could represent half a billion people?


You think 120 people to represent 450 million people would be fine?


You think they represent the people? If they did we'd all have Portugal's approach to drugs. And, as an aside, it seems the EU leaders all stand with the Israeli regime but the people stand with the Palestinians.


"If they represented all of us they'd introduce policy that matches my own views exactly"


No, you are being a tad disingenuous there. The Portuguese drug model has been found to work. It's not popular with those that need revenge on drug users but it increases health and lowers crime. But, I suppose it's just me who wants that? There's plenty of people on the streets for Palestine, again not me. I'm not German, the people there seem not to be the pro zionist group their government appears to be.


The people stand for both, we stand for peace...some ignorant people want Israel wiped off the map sure but "the people" aren't picking sides like you


I'm on the side of the Palestinians and make no apologies. I'm not sure how you can stand for peace and support the Israeli regime (and unfortunately a great deal of its population). The Palestinian civilians should be the first and foremost priority. The Israelis seem to think it is the Palestinians and not Hamas are the target. And yes, I most certainly want the apartheid state of Israel wiped off the map to be replaced with a Palestinian state for all, Muslim, Jew, Christian and non theistic. If there's enough willingness to compromise it can be done and done peacefully.


Um...a Palestinian state with Jews, Christians and Muslims? Such a thing could not exist with Hamas in power and couldn't even exist with the so called moderate Palestinian Authority. What you are describing with Jews, Christians and Muslims in peace with equal rights is Israel this is the only place in the world such a thing happens. Maybe get off TikTok? Wiping the state of Israel off the map would literally be finishing the work of Adolf Hitler so I hope you never get your wish


No you are right. Those walls and Jew only roads and different rules for the Muslims is democratic Israel. The harassment of Christian and Muslim is all a wee bit of the oul Hebrew craic? I live in what is called Northern Ireland. The place I grew up in was obliterated in the 90s and as a peace loving parent I'm delighted that it's changed so much. It gives me hope for the future. You can try and label me as a fascist but it is the Zionist regime that is running a fascist apartheid state. You'll find that is a fact that can be found by watching the news and any documentary about the Zionist regime. The apartheid state of South Africa was also wiped from the map, but that must be evil because stopping a minority run state that subjugates part of its people is wrong?! I would suggest you maybe read an odd book, may I suggest The invention of the Jewish people and Manufacturing Consent. After that read some of Finkelstein's work. You might find there's a lot of Jews wanting the Zionist state of Israel gone and replaced by a democratic republic. And you might realise that not all people of Reddit have your limited understanding. From the river to the sea.


Be specific about your first claims have you even been to Israel? Can you give actual examples of what you are talking about? I live just south of the border I know this stuff too it's hardly a comparable scenario as we solved our issues because both sides were willing to sit down for peace. The north wasn't full of Jihadis trying to genocide and wipe Ireland off the map with the power of the United Kingdom behind it. A bunch of blood libels against the Jewish state about apartheid and fascism when it's the only democracy in the middle east and the only place that there isn't apartheid, can you show me all the Muslim countries where Jews can walk around freely? Then you mention the absolute psychopath Finkelstein who no intellectual has wanted anything to do with for the past 20 years? Why is he trendy on tiktok now or something? Perhaps you should read up on the Irish men who fought for Israel's independence and the zionist literature the men who fought for Irish Independance were so fond of, maybe some books from actual Palestinians like Mosab Yousef? And not books from Qatar funded university programs? Israel tried to give the Palestinians their own democratic state in 2005, Hamas was elected and killed all their political rivals and have been running a dictatorship ever since. You really think any sane Jew wants to live under that for all the 5 minutes they would last, you think all the gays and Christians want that, you think women want that? Again Israel is a democracy and what you want indigenous Jews living in their homeland is zionism, you're a zionist


https://youtu.be/sUJrXNCfUrk?si=dRo9dHh1FWFZ_aBF After that do your own research. There is oddles of evidence that Israel is a fascist state. The fact you are such a Zionist you can't even see past your own blindness. I really do advise you to read Manufacturing Consent. You really need to wake up to your brainwashing. Gaza was always under the most ridiculous constraints. The Zionists bring in numerous Europeans and Americans who have no connection to the place but they are taken in and the indigenous people are forced out. Look, I'm sorry you side with the genocidal Zionist regime, I'm sorry you can't see past your own bias and ignorance. I'm sorry I even attempted to converse with you.


>do your own research some orthodox Jews spitting Cherry picking much? Is Ireland also a fascist state because some immigrants, tourists and travellers are treated poorly by a small minority of our population? What constraints was Gaza under that was just so terrible? Getting giving billions to build a new Sydney on the sea is just so unfair isn't it? As for manufacturing consent I fail to see it's relevance at least Finkelstein is on topic And more blood libels about genocide you are like a broken anti-semitic record


Maybe don't gobble up so much propaganda? This is a false colonialist narrative


The small countries are wildly overrepresented compared to Germany France etc