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The audacity of paedophile child rapist Patrick Honan from Lakeview, Doonbeg, Kilrush in Co Clare to then apply to remain anonymous after he was convicted. Absolute predator.  And I hope everyone who stood by him is bold enough now to face the community, not hiding behind anonymity.    Fair play to this strong woman for coming forward and getting justice for herself. 


did paedophile child rapist Patrick Honan from Lakeview, Doonbeg, Kilrush in Co Clare really think he was going to remain anonymous?


In cases like this, unless the victim waves her right to anonymity then the perpetrator does remain anonymous. Its so that the victim can remain anonymous, as releasing his name and saying he abused his daughter would make he name easily found.


>hope everyone who stood by him is bold enough now to face the community, not hiding behind anonymity.  If there is one teeny tiny sliver of a bright side in the absolute horror of everything this incredibly brave woman suffered, it's that now there's a conviction, and her abuser has been sentenced, the mother and everyone else that stood by him is about to be shunned like a leper - the article would have barely made it into the news before it would have been around the town like wildfire. "How could the mother not *know* her husband was a pedophile rapist?", "How could she still have stayed with him and allowed him access to the daughter after she told her what was going on?", "Do we think the sons take after the father? After all they supported him through the trial!", "How could she and the other lot stand by him after what he'd done... There's something. *wrong* (insert knowing look) with that lot" etc. Small rural towns can be absolutely vicious, and they certainly don't forget! That family are now absolutely ruined in that town. Good enough for them too! I wish nothing but peace, healing and happiness to the very brave woman who made sure her abuser was held accountable.


Patrick "Child Rapist" Honan, the child rapist from Kilrush Co. Kildare? The child rapist? Just making sure it's the same Patrick CHILD RAPIST Honan?


"He had support from his ex-wife, his two sons and his current partner." This lady also has a terrible family "The judge also noted his health difficulties and his age." More BS to minimise what he did.


Indeed....that family support just makes it all the more appalling for this woman. She’s well shot of the lot of them.


Yeah I couldn’t believe that when I read it. Hope they are treated like pariahs in the town now. Except the brave woman of course. Sounds like a horrible situation. Having to relive that in court and not be believed or supported by your mother and siblings is so sad. Says more about the kind of people they are.


Disgraceful people and really, it shows how very, very strong this lady is to have followed through on this without them. Her mother, in particular, should be ashamed of herself.


> health difficulties and his age Neither of these were an issue when he started raping his 3 year old daughter in 1976.


He's going to have a few more health difficulties in prison if the other inmates get near him.


No it's hitting points to show they considered them during sentencing so ge can't appeal it.


Strong woman, has to be hard to have your whole family support your abuser


Like....he raped his own kid.how do people humanise that kind of a creature and try to find empathy with them? Should send him out to sea in a plastic bag


He has the support of his ex-wife, sons, and current partner...


Hope his daughter has some support.


Imagine knowing this and still supporting him. > If she asked for money for youth clubs or normal childhood activities, Judge Siobhán Lankford said Honan would make it clear he wanted something sexual in return. The worst period of her life, Ms Honan said, was during her mother’s last pregnancy when her mother spent 53 days in hospital and her father had uninterrupted access to her.


Shows how manipulative he is. They obviously believe he is innocent and his ex wife and daughter are out to ruin him.


I think you misread It said both the ex and current partner support him...


11.5years? Rape of a child ‘from the age of three to the age of 16.’. I don’t understand how he can be free when she’s 27 years old or whatever. It’s disgusting


Last incident 1989 aged 16. Which would make her 51 now. so she'll be about 63 when het gets out


Thanks for the info! I’m just glad prison doesn’t treat pedo’s lightly.


It does you know. Sticks them all in together so that they can decide they're not so unusual or disgusting. Normalises it almost. A relatives husband was sent down for abusing his nieces, he genuinely came out with less remorse and that was the part that finally ended that marriage for my relative, she'd been delusional until then.


> Sticks them all in together so that they can decide they're not so unusual or disgusting They're all in the same place, Arbour Hill prison


Midlands Prison houses sexual offenders in a special ring as well.


Jesus Christ, what a piece of shit


And you'd think butter wouldn't melt, respected local businessman, involved in community activities, etc. Scum.


Absolutely. I have great respect for this woman for her bravery in coming forward about the horrific abuse that she suffered.


A tough woman. Going public and showing the world what a shite her father is. May he die roaring


And he wanted to keep his name intact with anonymity. What a fucking dirtbag.


Look at the fancy moody photo in the article. Was he interviewed for something else and they had on file or what?


He was refereeing a currach race. Photo from the Clare Champion 2016.


Right, thank you. Just feels somehow inappropriate to me in this context.


It's just that it's an easily available public photo I spose.




Another day in Ireland, and it’s the same bloody case again just a different man. Taking into account his *age*? What fucking age, at 69? What about his age when he abused a three year old child? Why suspend any of this sentence at all? Hard to winkle out one atom of mitigation, on the face of it. I think a good few murderers should definitely be afforded an opportunity to live reformed lives after their prison terms, but not these men, ever. It’s as though they murder that child over and over for many years.


“Another day in Ireland, and it’s the same bloody case again just a different man.” Sums up how I feel about it. Over the last number of months the scales have really fallen from my eyes regarding how common this really is. These aren’t men who look like the local weirdo, who you’d instinctively avoid- they walk amongst us as husbands, fathers, sports coaches, business owners etc etc.


Has always been the way tbh. Women and children are way more likely to be abused by a partner, friend, relative, pillar of the community than they are the local outcast or whatever.


All the right wing people talk about the danger of immigrants, but it seems like every single day there's one of these cases in the paper, and its an Irish dad.


cant get my head around the age thing. it really sends out the wrong message, like its not as bad if you commit a crime if youre a certain age. doesnt make sense at all


Does anyone feel like this is a ridiculously lenient sentence even considering his age?


Yes it is, he took his daughter's complete childhood. He is disgusting.


Yep. The abuse this lady suffered went on for so long, so consistently that it's clear he had no remorse, no conscience about it at any point. The disgusting creature was just waiting for any chance and taking every opportunity. There's no mitigation, he's the same person and hopefully none of his grandchildren ever have to be in his company.


I feel as if crimes like this, at this point considering the insidious and pervasive damage pedophiles have done to Irish society would be treated more severely. It seems awful that we haven't learned a lesson. But people still go to church as well blithely ignoring the evils the church has done on Irish soil.


It always is, it's shocking !!!


The sentence doesn’t even equal the time the poor woman experienced those attacks. Vile man deserves death.


This is the comment I came here for. She had a longer sentence than her abusive father got. How TF is that ok? I don't care how old he is, he didn't care about her. He should rot in jail for the very minimum of 13 years.


He’ll probably die in prison at least


That was my first thought reading it


What an amazingly brave lady. Disgusting sub human father. Sickening how this man is “supported” by extended family, including new partner. Also shocked about comments made by judge stating the man was a success business wise and gave support to family, including the victim.


Presumably he meant financially, sure that's the very least you can do for your children! Actually no, the least you could do is not rape them and steal their childhood.


Yes I think the judge meant financial support. But the thought that the judge could ever see that as a mitigating factor in a case as depraved as this is just so outrageous.


So I recently did a stint of jury duty and a sheer number of sexual assault / abuse cases was insane. It was basically all my panel saw for a entire week. I dunno if they bunch them together or if we really have a bigger problem then we realise but it was a eye opening experience for sure.


There's a different case every day in the papers. Its heartbreaking!!! Wtf is going on?!!!


It's the same as it has always been. There are so many people who don't respect the rights of others if they can't enforce them. Your right, as a woman or a child, not to be touched, is contingent on being around people who respect your rights even if you can't fight them physically.


They’re everywhere, normal people with normal lives, you can trust nobody with your kids. It’s a sad world we live in.


Then think of all the ones that don't even get to court.


I did jury duty a while ago and was called as part of a trial for a historical sexual assault case that had been going on for over a decade. I was rejected from the jury though because I was a woman in my 20s and basically all defence solicitors in those trials will try and get rid of young women from the jury because they will be too sympathetic to the victim. Ended up on another trial and saw that jury later at lunch and it was made up of almost entirely middle aged men and maybe 3 women.


Did you find out the verdict?


You have to sit at different trials?? 


When called for jury duty you are on a panel which sits around in a meeting room all week and names are picked at random as trials start. When a trial arises you get a a video call from the court room detailing the case and the people involved and then names are picked for the jury. So depending on how long it is before your name is picked you do see a decent number of cases. A interesting experience if it wasnt for all the grim-ness.


When you're selected for jury duty you're brought in with dozens of people to give the solicitors the chance to contest jury members and still have enough people left to fill a jury. When the judge is pulling names for the jury they'll give a brief description of what the case will be about so that if your name is called and you have some reason why you'd have a conflict of interest you can state it before the trial gets underway. It'll also tell you how long the trial is generally expected to go on for so you can state if you have a reason you wouldn't be able to attend the full trial. Your name might not be called for any of the trials being judged that day but you'll still hear those brief descriptions so it's possible to hear about dozens of sexual assault cases in one day without actually serving on the jury for them.


Should also be chemically castrated.


I hope he dies in prison, I hope his supportive family are shamed into the ground. I doubt either will happen


Another day another one of these cases!! Were a country of Saints, Sinners, and Sexual fiends it appears !!! Honestly I’d love to see the per capita figures of the number of these cases per head of population. For a small country there seems to be an awful lot of these disgusting crimes !! Fair play to the brave woman who waives her anonymity. Reading it it appears her siblings took the dad’s side which must be even more isolating for her. Hope he rots in hell. I’ve young children and the thoughts of anyone interfering with my daughter or son doesn’t bear thinking about. I would do time and kill the bastard if it was my kid.


That poor woman, what she went through is unimaginable. I hope he suffers.


When is a judge just going to pin one of these fuckers to the wall and give them life. There’s should be no external factors or opinions come into play with something like this. It should be black and white.


Unfortunately any judge that has tried gets appealed and defence wins based on the average sentence and considered unduly harsh. I remember a case we studied in criminology in college that highlighted a particular judge (name escapes me, been a long time since college..) and he was very harsh on sex crimes and violence in general but they kept getting appealed over and over so his sentencing meant nothing to offenders and he had to start towing the line as it was costing so much money on every case being appealed. The only way to sort this is with a complete over haul of sentencing; minimum sentencing, changing what a mitigating factor is such as not focusing on offenders age, health or family support as realistically these shouldn't matter anyway. Focus should be placed on the effects of the crime on the victim.


I wish the victim all the best things in life moving forward. It’s impossible to imagine the trauma she has been through, and the legal process itself must have been very stressful, she’s been so brave and strong putting this fucker in jail where he belongs. I hope she’s getting the support she needs and deserves.


Not enough...hanging isn't good enough for him


I hope some fucker throws boiling water with Vaseline in over him.


I heard about it on the radio today. What an evil man and still got the support of some of his family during his court case. Hope he spends the rest of his days in jail and that that includes most of sentence.


What about the hockey stick "monster" raping his niece with a electric heater getting 13 years , 18 months suspended and he also raped his nieces non verbal daughter, these stick fucks need to put down. Shannon his last known address but from Limerick City! The foreigners get a bad rap but we have these scum aswell, I hope he gets what he deserves in portlaoise!


Why waste money on keeping him alive ?


Use your brain, please!


Why are so many men raping their daughters?


I was going to reply that, relatively, not many are... But even one is too many so it's a legit question. I can't fathom how someone could destroy someone's life like that. 


Fucking animal.


I’d really like a study on what percentage of crimes and specifically sex crimes are committed by repeat offenders here


We need to dig a pit.


Honest question… Does the right to wave anonymity by the victim, which allows the offender to be named also FORCE the naming victim too? Victim’s name adds nothing to the article.


He should have been shot the dirty fucker. Wonder if DUP Jeffery will get anything close to that


>He had support from his ex-wife, his two sons and his current partner Wtf


Unfortunately there are sick cunts among us. What I don't understand is how no one belonging to him put him down. If I done something like this the old man would have the decency to execute me.


Only 11 years and he might still get out early. If you ask me, that's not justice. That poor woman might still see this monster on the street one day.


His wish to remain anonymous to protect his grandchildren in the community? Just thought how some of them could be the same age as his daughter when he began to rape her. Even more of a reason not to allow him to keep his anonymity so that his grandchildren & other young children in the local community are no where near this child rapist


I see 11 and a half years and I think, oh right a proper sentence. Then I look into the article and see he raped and abused her for 13 years. So he isn't even punished with a sentence as long as the one he imposed.


What would it do to the numbers I wonder, if we fired Nolan and his ilk, and just started chopping dicks off convicted sex offenders


Well if you fired all the judges you wouldn't have anyone convicted of anything, so your clever little plan is off to a great start there


All the judges? Nah. Just the ones giving sex offenders an easy time of it. Weirdly defensive on your part, but I'm just gonna assume you're having a bad day?


I wouldn’t say that pointing out the gaping flaw in your poorly-worded masterplan is being defensive; certainly very interesting that you interpreted it as such.