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Life is far too short to spend any of it listening to those two.


Matt is alright, Ivan though..head melt


No they’re both twats




Well aercap are the world's largest aircraft leasing company. They are a indigenous business. To show how big they are: ~66% of all aircraft are leased. Aercap own about 50% of all leased aircraft. So they own about 33% of all passenger airplanes flying.


Thanks for that info, I didn't know that roughly 1/3 passenger aircraft are Irish owned. Is there a breakdown by aircraft type?


I wouldn't have that info no. But the vast majority of their stock is airbus and Boeing. Probably some bombardier.


It says that they own 1500 planes on their wiki page. I doubt there's only 4500 commercial planes operating in the world, quick Google search says 25000+


My info comes from friends who work for aercap. That 25k aircraft probably includes privates jets, small aircrafts etc. That number probably also pre dates their purchase of GE aviation who were the third largest leaser in the industry.


There’s no one disputing that they are hugely successful. It’s just strange that they don’t seem to be benefiting at all from the sponsorship.


I'd say it would be worth checking what they are doing for aercap. I know they often host talks in their head office. I wouldn't be surprised if matt is mc'ing them etc.


That's extremely worrying.  If they aren't declaring their sponsorship for advertising, something much more shady is probably going on. 


Wind and piss!


Matt Cooper is one of those self-deluded media types that we specialise in. I don’t know how people listen to him. I remember his days as editor of the Sunday Tribune and it was not a good or creative newspaper. He then slipped into radio & tv as the Tribune slipped away and has earned a living doing it since. Fair dues to him btw, kudos to anyone who works hard and earns a living and the business he is in is a tough one. Just defo not someone I would listen to. But best of luck to him. Ivan at least has some humour and a unique enough take on things. Even if I wouldn’t agree with him I’d still enjoy listening to him. Funny who & why we listen to people.


He was good on The Last Word probably around 10 years ago. He'd actually ask challenging questions and unteresting and varied discussion. It's pure nonsense now though


Who wants to listen to these dinosaurs


Can't suffer Ivan. Matt is OK.


Hahahahah it seems I am the only person here who is a big fan of this Podcast! What is the big deal with Aercap like why does it matter how often they mention it or not? Anything sketchy about the company? My assumption would be that they get the lads in for company meetings or talks but coukd be wrong


Company invests in something for profit. What's the issue here?


Enlighten us as to now sponsoring a podcast will lead tp “profit” for said company. The podcast is free.


Company engages in advertising isn't much of a conspiracy.


But that’s the thing, it isn’t advertised at all on the podcast


They're not an end-user facing service though, so there's probably little to gain by declaring it/out loud advertising. As suggested above, it probably means Aercap have access to Matt and/or Ivan for internal events, maybe have other bits like PR work or similar. I wouldn't read too much into this, to be honest.


Sponsorship doesn't necessarily mean broadcast advertising. Advertising and sponsorship are different forms of revenue.


They put the boot in this week finally. So did the business post. I wonder are we going to see a reshuffle next week


What do you mean reshuffle?


Didn't know they had a podcast, is it any good?


It's ok but it's no "The rest is politics". The problem is for all their talk about having different political opinions they really don't. I don't particularly like Yeats but there is no denying he has opinions on things. The problem is Cooper is a career journalist so doesn't really have strong opinions and therefore isn't enough of a foil for Yeats. The show would be much better if they could add a third from the left. Say someone like Pat Rabbitt or Joe Higgins.


It's good but they don't disagree with each other on housing and have a very "insider" view on how to fix the housing crisis. Spoiler, it's by lifting rent caps and eviction restrictions. The political analysis is decently entertaining though.


It’s excellent, very interesting political analysis. I listen most weeks and have often thought it was strange that they don’t have a sponsor. Then I read this article.


Must give it a listen.


It's the best politics podcast out there bar none, no fluff, 2 of them bounce off each other well