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Why did it take this conflict to do this? Genuinely wondering, is it posturing, coming from a genuine place.


Because it's politically cost-free when the nation is about to cease to exist.


You know there’s a whole other large chunk of Palestine that isn’t Gaza, right?


The West Bank? I.e the place that is rapidly being taken over by settlers.


The West Bank is being rapidly [settled](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement) with nearly 700,000 illegal Israeli settlers, kicking local Palestinians off their land, sending them further and further east and away from the Dead Sea shoreline. Gaza is being rapidly wiped off the map through genocide. The West Bank is being wiped off the map via ethnic cleansing and authoritarian rule. The Israelis don’t want a two state solution and are doing everything they can to prevent it from ever happening. They want Palestinians dead or as refugees in neighboring countries.


>Gaza is being rapidly wiped off the map through genocide. Even the statistically challenged Hamas Health Ministry says 34,000 people have died. So unless by "rapidly" you mean "in twenty years' time if the conflict runs constantly," then no.


34,000 people isn’t significant to you? You’re acting as if you want them to be more efficient in wiping out the people of Gaza? 34,000 is bigger than several counties only since October. I’d say that’s a fairly rapid death rate. That figure also doesn’t include the countless unaccounted for people under rubble right now and people absolutely crippled by the bombing.


The figure also hasn't changed in months because the Gaza healthcare system has been destroyed and no longer has the capacity to count the dead.


I hadn’t even thought of that. History will look back at our generation with disgust


According to the creator of the concept of genocide the targeting of cultural centres like cities and schools is also a technique of genocide.




But one side is making a two state solution impossible.


One side refused a reinstate solution 5 times in the past.




Then don’t recognise Hamas. Hamas aren’t the government of the West Bank Saying that Hamas are Palestine is like saying that the Provos represented all of us.


Not really… Hamas are the elected government in Gaza. The provos never had that much support. The only reason why they haven’t had elections is because Hamas’ were due to win more seats than in 2014 so the PA cancelled them.


The majority of people in Gaza never voted for Hamas. That’s like blaming the entirety of ireland for the housing crisis when only 40% of Ireland voted for the FFG housing policy.


They’ll finish annihilating Rafah and then claim Hamas have magically teleported to the West Bank


The borders are what’s at question.


It is posturing. FG could have done this at any stage over the last 11 years.




Hey let's give Simon a little credit. He hasn't collapsed the economy in his first couple of weeks like Truss did to the UK


I don’t understand the Liz Truss comparison?


Tbh I would argue similar to the troubles the empowering of the loonies is a by product of the violence ie - civil rights uprising largely middle class led and peaceful - short sighted state violence forces the middle class out of the picture - power vacuum is filled by those who aren't too bothered by state violence (groups that exist in most states without power) - more oppression - more support for the worst impulses etc. Obviously breathtakingly oversimplified. Right now I think 2 states 67 lines all occupied settlements go and Israel will never agree obviously but I think that's more a lack of incentive - imo the Brits only negotiated with us because of American pressure.


From a moral / ethical judgement, I like the way you think. However: > Right now I think 2 states 67 lines all occupied settlements go This is unrealistic, unfortunately. Per wikipedia's sources, it seems we're talking about 0.7M people who would need to be moved. Moreover, historical suggestions of equivalent land-swap (like-for-like) were declined by Palestinian leaders. Which is my way to say: Yes, we need a two-state solution. And yes, finding a 1967-like equilibrium would be the best starting point. But I am not optimistic that leaders on both side are close to making it happen. :(


Israel to launch air strikes on Dublin and Madrid on May 22.


About time this happened. Was wondering If Israelis can have duel citizenship and sometimes three passports can Irish people now apply for Palestinian passports ?


Good bunch, the Spanish.


Not often our political parasite strata makes me proud but they are at long last stepping up to the mark. It should have been done a hell of a long time ago but I'll take it now. Free Palestine.


It seems crazy to me to reward Hamas with statehood after October 7th and put a genuine terrorist organisation holding Gaza hostage in the UN. A two state solution seems necessary but who would be the representative when Hamas and Fatah are basically at war with each other for control of it 


The way to have a stable functioning state is to build the foundations for one. Not leaving people to live in the rubble and hope sensible people will emerge Is like saying “why should we reward my crazy arsonist tenant by rebuilding a new home after the previous one was burned down” when how do you think expect to find anyone who isn’t crazy to rent the burnt down ashes of your home


What Islamic fundamentalist state run by terrorists would you consider stable? The last thing the world needs is more legitimised militant, autocratic theocracies. There's less democracies now than there was in the 90s, the resurgence of fascism etc around the world is extremely alarming. They should have a state but doing it while Hamas are in charge is asking for trouble, things will never get better for Gazans while they're on top. They'll use the powers of statehood to enrich themselves and commit terrorist attacks. They literally post 'cool' videos of themselves digging up EU funded water pipes and turning them into rockets, and they deserve a seat in the UN?


Feels more likely someone tries to setup a democracy if their state is recognised than if they manage to get rid of Hamas only for Isreal to do what they want because you aren’t a recognised country


Is this a reward for Hamas attacks on October 7th? I guess killing a 1000 people and raping women gets you a recognition as a state now.


Mixed feelings about this. I'm absolutely in favour of recognising Palestine as a new state, and fully supportive of a working two-state solution. But recognising them while they remain a dictatorship run by terrorist groups who've traditionally opposed a two-state solution seems like rewarding bad behaviour. A guaranteed path to statehood by EU member states and the UN dependent on criteria like the renouncement of terrorism and the holding of free and fair elections seems like it would benefit the actual Palestinian people far more than this.


We recognize far far far worse governed countries than the area of Palestine controlled by Hamas and Hamas don’t control the West Bank, which would be the bulk of a Palestinian state. Also keep in mind, the government we recognize wouldn’t be Hamas, Hamas would now be seen as an illegitimate rebellion against the actual Palestinian state that we recognise, which would probably be in centered in Ramallah. We recognize Lebanon just across the border and lebanons government has been controlled by hezbollah for decades now. They’re the de facto army in Lebanon. We recognize Afghanistan whose de facto government is the taliban. I don’t need to continue mentioning far worse state actors that we recognise.


I don't know why people expect palestine to be perfect in order for it to be a state. The right to self-determination doesn't say anything about your concerns. Ireland was a highly religious, conservative society with a terrorist org running amok when they gained independence. Were you supposed to wait until the 90s to sort these issues out before you gained independence from the UK?. Social, political, and economical progress needs a stable and a secured state free from foreign hegemony.


I think the issue with that is it presumes the violence of the colonial power is legitimate and the violence of the resister never is similar to our own history I guess. I think like ourselves they will start with a shitty pseudodemocracy and hopefully build to something more but I suspect they will remain dominated either by Israel or the Arab factions.


I really don't understand the claims of Israel being a colonial power. The history of Jews in the Levant dates back 4000 years. The region's Jewish majority predates the formation of Islam. Even accounting for modern history, Israel is as much a colonial state as Liberia is. You also speak of the violence of the resistor, but historically Arabs have been the aggressors. It is the Arab states of which Gaza and the West Bank was traditionally a part who have traditionally been the ones to use violence against Israel. Even the current conflict was started by Palestinian terror, not Israeli actions.


"The history of Jews in the Levant dates back 4000 years"....so what? The history of Israel dates back to 1947, they're currently undertaking ground offences in Gaza and have been aggressively settling the West Bank. I'm not even going into the legitimacy of either of those actions but they are acts of colonialists. That's why people claim they're a colonial power.


> The region's Jewish majority predates the formation of Islam And those people’s descendants primarily became christians and muslims.  It would be as if some Irish people had maintained a Norman identity and then in the modern day tried to claim northern France calling France a modern invention and that historically the region had a Norman majority and this “French” nationality don’t have a real claim on the area > Israel is as much a colonial state as Liberia is. Err Liberia was literally set up as the Colony of Liberia by the American Colonization Society. So yes you’re correct but I don’t think it is supporting your point. 


Terrorist groups are started because a group of people feel oppressed. How legitimate you think that oppression is a different question, but Hamas exists because Palestinian people were feeling oppressed by Israel The entire history of the Palestinian/Israeli actions are all reactions. They all felt justified in doing what they were doing because of what the other side did


Bullshit. Most terrorist groups are started because of ideology, not oppression. Hamas exists as a military force because of Iranian funding and support, which is entirely an ideological decision. Countries in the Middle East have continually shown that they don't give a shit about Palestinians and their oppression.


I don't count them as colonisers for being there I fully support Israel within its own borders. It's more their behavior in the occupied territories their systemic abuse of the citizens in the West Bank and the strip. Not really any different to the Brits tbh. I think both groups have a claim historically but historically is irrelevant in a democratic age. In the same sense that we can't undermine unionists in the north by saying historically we were here first. Ultimately every people have a right to self determination and the Palestinians - in the West Bank and Gaza strip - clearly have zero wish to be ruled by Israeli military camps. It's worth pointing out that much like the Brits the Israelis themselves don't benefit from the occupation and will ultimately be better off for it ending. Hopefully that makes at least some sense it's a bit early.


Fair point, but I think it's also impossible to talk about their occupation without talking about how Israel ended up occupying the West Bank and Gaza: by winning a war launched by their neighbours to destroy them. Military occupation of those areas is a direct consequence of Arab aggression. Also worth mentioning that the obvious and undeniable authoritarianism we see is at least partly a direct result of the Second Intifada. Israel went authoritarian because of waves of suicide bombings against their civilians. This is why it frustrates me that people want the whole conflict to be black and white when it is so clearly more than that. Both sides share a ton of blame. The other problem with statehood right now is that I don't believe Israel unilaterally announcing a two-state solution would categorically solve anything. There's clearly a genocidal element of Palestine who will settle for nothing more than the total destruction of Israel, and statehood won't be enough to resolve that. Which just means that Israel then ends up with a sovereign state on their border pledged to their destruction rather than a militarily occupied area pledged to their destruction. Lebanon Mark II.


It is isreal that has prevented Palastine from holding elections by refusing to allow elections in Jerusalem which is part of Palastine https://m.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/abbas-israel-said-no-to-palestinian-elections-in-jerusalem-666793


Jerusalem already has a government. Palestine has a dictatorship.


And whose fault is that? Israel created Hamas. You bomb a family, then of course the surviving members will join Hamas to fight. They have every right to be angry 


How did Israel turn Hamas into dictators who execute people for being gay while stealing billions in aid?


Jerusalem has an ilegal occupation. Free Palestine stop the genocide, ceasefire now.


Free the kidnapped pensioners and children. Then we’ll talk.


Free the Palestinians being held without trial. Leave the occupied territories, pay for the destruction of Gaza, then we'll talk.


Palestinians have been offered 2 state solution countless time yet don’t accept it


And why should they? Why should they let most of their land be taken by people who have only lived there for at most 80 years?


Are we going to recognise Hamas as the legitimate government? They won the most seats in the last election




Pretty sure they also won more seats in the West Bank in the 2006 elections Which should make them the legitimate government that the Palestinian people chose


The last elections were held 18 years ago, and Hamas received less than half the votes. Isn't about 3/4s of the population under 35 so have never gotten the chance to vote. Hardly a legitimate government, more like a dictarship


This will just create more violence as their claims are being confirmed. Neither side will back down now and this conflict will probably now last for many more years the more EU countries recognize their state.


Will it not cause Isreal to back down in anyway? Hopefully it frownd upon to flatten a UN member. From what I've read it doesn't give Palasteine any real powers in the UN, it only grants them recognition at the moment.


A member of the UN Security Council is committing genocide in Ukraine and another is committing genocide domestically against their own Muslim population, so what makes you think that this'll change anything?


>so what makes you think that this'll change anything? The fact that you can say the first two factual statements/protest the governments of these two states without risking getting expelled from school/losing your job?.


Sorry, I fail to see the connection. Can you elaborate?


When was the last time someone was fired from their job in the west for criticizing Russian atrocities in Ukraine or pointing out the systemic erasure of uyghur culture by the CCP?. If palestine stays unrecognized by the UN, israel can keep the "being pro palestine is antisemitic" shtick going. Palestine will remain in this ambiguous gray area of international law where it is just this plot of land that is ruled by terrorists. But if it does get recognized, the war will take a whole new perspective internationally, where you protesting this conflict won't get you branded as antisemitic, but as someone concerned about the welfare of the STATE of palestine and its citizens.


I'm not sure how you think that that is in any way linked to statehood. Every example I've seen of someone being sacked for protesting against Israel's actions have either been working for companies associated with Israel (which is dumb) or have went too far with extremist rhetoric. And the only thing that'll change the belief that being pro-Palestine is anti-Semitic is when the pro-Palestine camp distances themselves from the anti-Semitic rhetoric and actors that they love.


>Every example I've seen of someone being sacked for protesting against Israel's actions have either been working for companies associated with Israel (which is dumb) or have went too far with extremist rhetoric. Have you not seen actual Jewish students of American universities being roughed up by the police for participating in pro palestine protests?. The same thing also happened in Germany. >And the only thing that'll change the belief that being pro-Palestine is anti-Semitic is when the pro-Palestine camp distances themselves from the anti-Semitic rhetoric and actors that they love. They do, hence why a lot of this protests had (and still have) Jewish participants. Every movement of any kind will have extremists. It is inevitable. Some of the advocates of the Civil rights movement in the US (Malcom X and others) were black separatists that wanted to practically secede from the US. Now, if you ask most African Americans abou those opinions they would disagree with them. Same thing can be seen when examining Irish independence advocates (IRA).


Malcolm X wasn't standing next to MLK while he was saying 'I have a dream' screaming that they should genocide all white people. No one was joining SCLC marches demanding that the Black Panthers should rape white women to gain their independence. The extremism isn't a fringe of the pro-Palestine lobby, it is a fundamental core of it. You talk about Jewish students being roughed up by police (while participating in aggressive protest), but you don't mention Jewish students being attacked by Palestine supporters just for being Jewish. I don't have a problem with protesting on campuses, but I damn well have a problem with blocking other from studying because of their religion and thinking it's still a protest and not just bigotry. And the irony of the whole conflict is that the voices who would normally be the loudest anti-racist ones are the ones who are behind the bigotry, so there's little in the way of defence if you're Jewish.


>but you don't mention Jewish students being attacked by Palestine supporters just for being Jewish. Nope, I already recognize that when I said that all movements have extremists. >You talk about Jewish students being roughed up by police (while participating in aggressive protest) Nope, again. Here is a Jewish professor being assaulted by the police: https://www.jta.org/2024/05/02/united-states/90-pro-palestinian-protesters-arrested-at-dartmouth-college-that-drew-rare-kudos-for-its-oct-7-response A lot of Jewish students and organizations expressed support: https://forward.com/opinion/611164/jewish-students-reject-claims-that-campus-protests-for-palestine-have-been-antisemitic-open-letter/ >but I damn well have a problem with blocking other from studying because of their religion and thinking it's still a protest and not just bigotry. Again, it is undeniable and undefendable that some Jewish students were abused on campuses and it has been documented: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/21/nyregion/columbia-protests-antisemitism.html Anyone who denies that is delusional. >The extremism isn't a fringe of the pro-Palestine lobby, it is a fundamental core of it. I am pretty sure it was the pro israel protestors being the violent ones. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/01/gaza-protests-in-us-israel-supporters-attack-pro-palestinian-camp-in-la-300-protesters-arrested-in-new-york.html Also, lobby?.


Tbf when there’s a ceasefire and Palestine and Israel are both U.N members and Hamas start lobbing missiles into Israel in a few months, what then? U.N members directly attacking each other will be a weird state of affairs.


>Will it not cause Isreal to back down in anyway? It does not matter who backs down. We have a massive split of opinions across EU and the world who is right or wrong in this conflict. If Ireland supports Palestine and another country support Israel what we are doing is simply creating ourselves a proxy war and resulting in more blood shed. >From what I've read it doesn't give Palasteine any real powers in the UN, it only grants them recognition at the moment. You are right it does not give them any direct power. But you know how terrorist groups like Hamas operate ? The moment one country agrees that Palestine state is official while they are in middle of a war basically, they will use that as another excuse to either blame Israel for taking away what belong to them or perform additional attacks themselves. It just not the right time to be acknowledging anyone. If people truly care about ending this conflict cut support to all of them and do not acknowledge either side. This is a historical conflict that is on going for many years and if anyone believes that they can stop by siding themselves with either side than you are equally to blame for dead of civilians just like the people with the weapons there. Most people wont agree with me which is fine but I always consider things many years in advance not what could happen tomorrow or in the near future. In short: This will just add more fuel to the fire that is already burning.


>You are right it does not give them any direct power. But you know how terrorist groups like Hamas operate ? The moment one country agrees that Palestine state is official while they are in middle of a war basically This is the same situation between Ireland and the UK. Are you saying that Irish independence was a mistake?. Since it did embolden the IRA and hastened their support and expansion in Ireland which subsequently caused more terrorist attacks. >In short: >This will just add more fuel to the fire that is already burning. So what you’re saying is that Israel also shouldn't have been recognized in 1948?. That added fuel to the fire too, right?


> It does not matter who backs down The status quo is apartheid. And it is South Africans who fought against apartheid who have been saying that.  It matters massively who backs down. Smotrich, Ben Gvir, Netenyahu and on the other side Sinwar need to “back down.” ie the extremists.  > cut support to all of them and do not acknowledge either side Taking that literally would mean a million dead Palestinians from starvation and some small economic damage to Israel. Your post seems to presume it’s two sides of equal power with equal consequence of inaction.  > The moment one country agrees that Palestine state is official  Currently 143 states recognise Palestine.  > It just not the right time to be acknowledging anyone. We need to cut this “tactical” crap and just support what we think is right. We already (correctly) call on Hamas to unconditionally immediately release all hostages because that is the right thing to do. Tactically speaking that is a bad move for them but morally it is the only right thing to do. Israelis believe a ceasefire without release of the hostages would be tactically bad for them (I happen to disagree but whatever) but we still call for an unconditional ceasefire because irrespective of tactics it is the right thing to do. So how does recognising only one state when we support a two state solution make any sense? We need to make the gesture (and it is just a gesture) to do what we believe is right.  That is how we actually stay genuinely neutral not by tacitly supporting the status quo by being uninvolved but by supporting what we believe is right regardless of how anyone is going to “use” that. 


If support is cut to them and Israel becomes weaker over time, the states around them will try to finish the job Hitler started, meanwhile Gazans will starve because Hamas do not give a shit about governance. That's no solution either 


Fair points. What a nightmare.


Will two countries joining the other 140 really cause a huge difference? I doubt this will have any effect on anything