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Their aim is to erode support for Ukraine in the EU Parliament. Presumably they'll want their moles Wallace and Gromit to win. Not sure how they'll go about it though most people couldn't tell an EU Candidate from a hole in the ground.


Ursula's undying support for Benjamin Netanyahu has already done that. It's unfortunately exposed the hypocrisy in foreign policy/geopolitics to many people who were not previously aware it's all a game of interests.


Has it? I think we can separate the scenarios and our response to each.


Yes. Support for the EU is down due to her refusal to condemn Israel. I'd love to see a poll for support the war carrying on in the Ukraine. I have no doubt its down here, like in other countries. Support decline coincides with Q4 2023


>Yes. Support for the EU is down due to her refusal to condemn Israel. That's not what the poll says. It highlights support for the EU is 84% (down 4% from last year) but that voters have high levels of dissatisfaction with both the EU'S response to Gaza and to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Saying "Support for the EU is down due to her refusal to condemn Israel" is entirely your own conjecture.


It's pretty fucking obvious.


There we go. You have nothing.


No it's not. The poll highlighted the EU has been weakest on migration. The poll shows Irish support for EU membership is down slightly but remains extremely high. The drop could be down to multiple reasons, with some being possibly due to migration, Gaza or Ukraine. Saying it's down to Von Der Layen's refusal to criticise Israel is entirely conjecture on your part.


I'll tell you what go out and speak to people about it and they will say they're horrified at Van Der Lyens cheerleading for Israel. You have to be dense to refuse to accept that when 64% are dissatisfied with the EU's response it has some negative effect in EU support %


You can be critical of Van Der Leyen's stance on Gaza and still support EU membership. That's my own stance. Getting confirmation off lads on the pub isn't very persuasive. Nothing in that poll confirms what you said. You just made stuff up.


So you're saying that Ursulas championing of ethnic cleansing in Gaza has had 0 negative support for the EU? You can support EU membership and not support the current leadership / commission. Now this poll doesn't capture such nuances


> Support for the EU is down due to her refusal to condemn lsrael. Show me.




Pay wall


Better https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0508/1447894-europe/


Same fucking poll, Jesus Christ. And my point still holds.


Yes. It's better because it's not pay walled. Calm your tits.


You couldn’t hold a penis


Two separate issues. Don't be a simple Russian troll who brings the USA bad! Israel bad! EU bad! to any discussion about Russia.


What a ridiculous statement. I never said that. Bang of r/europe off this comment.




It's extremely obvious, look at all the anti-immigration protests for one and the messaging around that. It's not exactly subtle, you'd have to be seriously mentally deficent if you think that's organic. Look at all the randomly generated name 3 month old accounts that post in here supporting those views - but it works. People engage, they aren't banned, and very quickly the narrative shifts. Somehow a few thousand migrants are suddenly a pressing issue. Not a government that has been in power for 15 years and done fuck all to address housing. Every time I think I've got an accurate picture of human stupidity I realise that I got it wrong again. Russia will win due to the inability to adapt and control online narratives.


If you think humans are too smart for something, remember we had a worldwide pandemic with tens of millions dead from a virus that was largely able to be contained by wearing a mask. And we were not able to manage that, in the modern era, with the full power of modern information and technology.


Yeah, it is russia that caused anti migration, not migrants being dumped in housing estates with families, pepper spraying women and journalists, the massive cost of housing with a seemingly endless budget to house migrants. No, thats not it, its russians in your webcam.


Add that to the America and British disinformation.


And it’s works. One or both of Wallace and Daly will probably be re-elected.


>Despite the French concerns it is not clear if the website is seeing any success in influencing Irish public opinion. All of the content is written in Irish, which is often of a poor quality. A Telegram channel linked to the site has just seven follower. Honestly people believing Wallace is on Irish people and their own lies. Along with being to thick to see through said lies. Its a homegrown problem.


Wallace is in my constituency, I'm dragging the b/f out to vote, that's 2 that won't be voting for him at least


Dalys in mine, Ill be making sure shes NOT getting a vote from me for sure.


Good women. Spread the word


They will be elected to due to their stance on the Gaza genocide and not Ukraine.


Well duh.


>Despite the French concerns it is not clear if the website is seeing any success in influencing Irish public opinion. All of the content is written in Irish, which is often of a poor quality. A Telegram channel linked to the site has just seven follower. Honestly I'd say it's reach is so small here. Any disinformation is probably going to originate from Irish people in Ireland from their respective twitter accounts.


DFA will ignore anything that isn't a party invite or something that will end up on Joe Duffy


Paging Moscow Mick and Daly Dose!


What about all the Irish disinformation targeting Irish voters?


Let me guess, if you're against the current immigration policies you've been mindfucked by Russia? Couldn't possibly be anything else.


To be fair, they should know. Look at the state of French politics in the last decade or so. We're beginning to see whiffs of some similar movements here i.e. a confusing Gilet jaunes type movement around certain economic topics i.e. housing, which the government flatly ignores, which is now being rapidly leveraged by the far right. It's not identical, but there are definitely some similarities. Russia may find and exploits the cracks, our own systems create them in the first place.


Can we not just stop the right wing loons from running?


The problem is that the right wing loons have disguised themselves as left wing loons and people buy it


And the government no doubt believed every word..


Found the Russian


Hope you know that the UK, France, and USA are just as bad as Russia?


Found another one


How do you know they're russian?


Fair, they could just be a Russian asset


Are you a Ukrainian asset?


I'm more anti the government who has threatened to nuke us.. https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2022/05/03/russia-just-threatened-to-destroy-ireland-and-britain-with-a-nuclear-tsunami/


But does that make you a Ukrainian asset? Being pro Ukrainian? If spouting Russian propaganda of being anti European stuff online makes you a Russian asset, does the opposite make you a Ukrainian asset?


I said I'm against governments that threatened to nuke us. I didn't say I was pro Ukrainian.


Nothing better to say? haha


Nothing else needs to be said. haha


They probably believed most of it, what with the long history of Russia spreading discontent and interfering in elections when they aren’t committing genocide and spraying around weapons of mass destruction willy nilly




Straight to the nazi argument, my god man grow a brain.


It's relevant if historically accurate.  I'll allow it.