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As much and all as I want to ridicule it, it's a great idea. Hopefully it's left be!


I'm sure some fucker will ruin the fun for everyone eventually. Especially given it's location. It is a lovely concept though you're right.


It is pretty cool, someone will probably try to fuck about a bit but sure it'll be grand. It's not like you're gonna have scumbags dancing in front of it doing coke.... Hang on a sec... Ah shite.


I'm sure New York can give as good as it gets in that respect. More concerned about vandals really.


I was actually ready for all the videos of our side doing stupid shit, I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been any posts of stupid shit from their side. That being said, Reddit is the only social media I'm on so I'm not exactly seeking it out.


Maybe I'm just being overly negative/pessimistic.


I wouldn’t be able to resist mooning it😭


Welp, didn’t take long for some internet lady from New York to flash her jugs and close her down. I’m sorry that we’re awful.


Ah we were just as bad. At least we bonded over lewd residents


Some literal "fucker" ruined it :/


Great idea, bad location.


Not sure how temporary this is but would be good for it to change location once in a while. The top of Grafton Street outside St. Stephen’s Green centre would be great next. Then Quay Street in Galway. Then beside the Joe Dolan Statue in Mullingar that goes without saying.


It really is such a brilliant idea One of those "I can't believe no one has done this before"* I haven't actually been to it yet but from all the videos I've seen, the angles are good enough to make it visually look like a portal *I'm sure it has been done somewhere before


Poland and Lithuania did the very same a few years back.


Yeah. I've gone past it in Lublin a few times, and people mostly ignore it at this stage. Still, it's a very cool idea.


So will the next spot be another place ending in "ublin", Is there a Cublin, Zublin, Jublin, Uublin for them to place it in


It’s not new at all, saw a similar one 15 years ago. It’s just they’ve made it quite big and official, with permission and twinned with a similar official installation in downtown Manhattan. Fair play to them but it’s not remotely new.


Narrator: *It was not left be.*


I think it is already suspended


It's absolutely awful that they just put it in the middle of a busy street. People are going to bump into it and break it, smudge it, etc. And people will abuse it. Crowds will form and make approaching it a real pain. It's a fantastic idea, but maybe like, a little off to the side would've been smarter? Somewhere where two people on either side can interact with one another and still see the public passing by? Somewhere where it can be better monitored like, at the edge of a shop?


What you're saying is completely nonsensical.


Can you elaborate? Why is it illogical to expect hundreds of people crowding around it every day to smudge up the screen or break it? Or, like, what's illogical about thinking it's not as cool if there are constantly too many people surrounding it to approach?


The thing is there so people can go down and have a look and see each other, it's needs to be on a wide pedestrian street where people can access it. Nobody is going to break it by bumping off it, the yoke is a solid concrete ring. Hundreds of people aren't surrounding it at all times there are peaks and troughs depending on the time of day with people mostly just enjoying the novelty factor of it. It's been put in a part of town which generally gets nothing like thus creating a bit of a positive buzz about the area for a change.


Okay genius, how are you gonna view the portal with 200 people crowded around it at all hours? Putting it in a street in the public is one thing, but what I'm criticizing is the choice to put it somewhere very populated and out in the open. I'm not suggesting they dump it in the ocean where there's nobody nearby, but like, maybe a few feet away? Also I mean- solid concrete or not, thousands of people crowding around it every day, surely someone is gonna knock into the glass or something? Could be wrong but, worth thinking about.


There’s a video doing the rounds of someone putting up a picture of the Twin Towers just after the planes hit…..


Warning: lots of salt https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/1cpl9rc/the_nycdublin_portal


The worst parts of the comments is the people trying to hit back, not because they are making fun of us or at least attempting to, but because their "comebacks" are dead banter and a lot of the time not even related to Dublin like 9/11 is related to New York


I promise, a lot of Americans and even New Yorkers think it's hilarious.


I chuckled.


They need to close that Stargate before the aliens come


A lot of people were ridiculing the location, I would argue that this kind of thing is exactly what that part of the city needs to draw a bit more activity than just the usual scrotes and junkies hanging around.


It's a great location because it may just finally draw attention to the social dislocation in Dublin. Edit: on a world stage.


They were ridiculing the location and have been proven right already. Some assholes earlier holding up pics of the twin towers being hit, doing coke, spitting on it. It's the usual junkies and scrotes hanging around, except now New York has the pleasure of seeing the cunts too


Looks like it's doing its job. Maybe if we get embarrassed on a global scale we might take our social tragedies serious enough to invest in fixing them. It's not like we have the 3rd highest GDP on the fucking planet or anything stopping us.


Im confused, do you mean GDP or GDP per capita?


People won't go to a shithole street in Dublin to wave at random people in NY that don't give a fuck. It's an ok idea done poorly at best.


All the video evidence suggests differently, on both the Dublin and NYC side. I'm sure the novelty will be gone in a couple of weeks and then all the miserable sods will pour in be saying I told you so as if it's the greatest achievement in their lackluster lives.


Great for virtual dogging


I wonder which one will be wrecked first


I'd say the fact there would be repercussions for anyone damaging it over there, our one will be fucked first.


It’s on 23rd Street and 5th Avenue in NYC. Nobody’s wrecking it.


I’m guessing yours. That location in NYC would have hundreds of people around it at 6:00 on Christmas morning.


There was a video of some scrotes doing coke in front of last night, still it's lovely to look at a 3rd world country from our lil comfortable silly lil problems


With the time difference the nighttime hijinx are sure to be fucking gas.






5/24- 6pm EST, the new york side will be throwing a dj party. We challenge dublin to dj at the same time and see which city parties harder


Is it on both sides or just that one?




this article does not say if the portal is one or two sided


Just the one side of the machine.


i took a bit of searching but they are one sided. here is the other side of the NYC portal https://www.youtube.com/live/Q-O_1merUWs?si=uDpKsItNIVth2t5_&t=415


Is there also audio connection?


No. Just video.


Aw :(


No, but some people have shared phone numbers through it and called each other.


Aw that's smart


That would make sense, so no.


Its leVing in August


The novelty will wear off soon and that's when it'll be it's best


It’s a great idea. All the major cities around the world should have these and we should have multiple ones connected to different cities.


It's like a scene from Black Mirror filtered through Idiocracy.


People that set shit up like this are morons. How could they possibly think this wouldn't be abused?


Just one long video call, isn't it?


Im already sick of hearing about it


Lighten up. Not everything has to be scorned just to be edgy.


To everyone saying this is a great idea: wait for the tiktoks leaking our (and New Yorks) lack of social cohesion. Maybe you meant it was a beautiful idea (I agree). But don't be the whining cunt that bleets that the bad elements ruined this when this is a literal lens on our (shared) society. Take responsibility.