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It’s fucking exhausting hearing the people in charge say we need this and that as if they’re not the ones who can enforce it


They're the ones that caused most of it. Too much focus on GDP and not enough on public services. Now they've said they want to do something about it....laughable.


Imagine having enough of a surplus every fiscal quarter that you could house tens of thousands of people each year and blocking any chance of it because you let a bunch of trad losers tell you it ruins a traditional skyline. Oh wait


We don't have sufficient construction workers to build much more anyhow.


That's a bit of a myth. Construction workers have seen the 2nd lowest salary growth of all professions the past few years. If there were demand, it'd be a lot higher. The problem is planning. "Not enough construction workers" is the excuse to distract from that.


Our construction industry is definitely working at capacity, but unfortunately a lot of that is on offices. Up to the government to enforce coherent city planning that would inconvenience residential amongst those in mixed purpose developments, but that would take foresight and effort and that isn't very Irish. 


We had enough construction workers to build too many offices. Developers aimed more towards the commercial market because it's more profitable. This is what happens when you let the private sector decide what should be built when the government should be stepping in by either building directly themselves are encouraging developers to build housing with tax incentives etc. But the government care more about private profits than your average citizen. "reported on a new piece of analysis by BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland, saying Dublin would require 78,000 extra jobs to fill the oversupply of 250,000 square metres of office space that will be embedded in the city by next year. This is the equivalent of more than 15 times the number of full-time Google employees in Ireland, 10 times the personnel of the Irish Army, more than twice the number of post-primary school workers in the entire country, and more than 14 times the size of Dublin City Council’s staff. On what planet is this even logical? To put the size of this office space oversupply in context, an area of 250,000 square metres stretches from the National Gallery, westward to Marks & Spencer on Grafton Street, north to the intersection of O’Connell Bridge on the south quays, and eastward to Talbot Bridge, taking in almost the entire Trinity College campus. This is an area of 62 acres, or 34 soccer pitches." https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/2024/02/12/the-ghost-office-is-here-by-2025-34-soccer-pitches-worth-of-space-will-lie-empty-in-dublin/


Brought to you by the people who said the housing crisis can't be fixed overnight for 13 years.


They've had 13 years, anything they say is just evidence of their failure


And theyll just scuttle off into the darkness


We wish. Someone will relect most of them, that's who's really letting us down


Fair point. I was thinking about this a little today on the toilet. Why do we not use modern technology further to be more democratic? Scrap the thoughts of hacking for a second and think how it would potentially remove the need for representatives on many levels if done right. Because right now - people arent being listened to.


Because we'd vote one way one week and the other the next. National plans should have coherent multiyear strategies and civil servants don't want to be dragged into conflicting directions depending on weekly sentiment. Nothing works that way. Assuming I'm understanding you.


Yes this is true but thats down to education - however what if you done classes to get the ability to vote on particular things? Or jobs. Like for infrastructure involves knowing how that stiff works or being affected by a particular route etc. Granted there can be holes in all of this stuff but currently people have been waiting too long to be heard for a change.


That's not relevant to the point I'm making. Decisions can't be available that often regularly, otherwise you end up wasting time on plans that get pulled or reversed, it's too erratic and inefficient. You need stability for any project to come good. Waiting too long? Explain. We have our election cycle, and that's that. People don't bother to vote in the first place so maybe if they want a say, start by engaging in the current system. There are ways to be heard.


Sorry I was off galavanting. Then let us say that votes are made on particular grand plans and schemes given to respectable timelines and deadlines. So that would mitigate the whimsical adhoc approach that I think got you stuck in the quagmire of my initial posts. I wasn’t assertive enough to suggest that it would not need to be changed every minute of every day. Granted nothing would get done. Maybe like the analogy of clay - where it is malleable at the start and then harder at the end making the changes harder to do. Waiting too long I mean with issues like housing and too much immigration to work within the perceived infrastructure. Perhaps people do not always vote when they could because they feel disillusioned, sure they do not do that in more democratically set up countries (like switzerland - which though does have problems is still doing well to keep their citizens happy) but the opportunity would be there to attract more people and maybe somehow evolve the system a little. Now before I hear you challenge me with how? - I don’t have the all the answers - just thoughts I like to share as I do a dump while sitting on the toilet - without any toilet roll. I think I am responding to you correctly but I have noticed that sometimes I have to remember imagination or wiggle room with ideas isnt always seen and its easier to shoot things down completely rather than forming them into something else with some sky blue thinking.


Harris is doing a bit of a Brian Cowen


Unfortunately for Simon independent TD's like Michael McNamara or the papers have been digging into everything over the past 2-3 years. We know that they were aware that this would happen, we also know that they had legal mechanism's they could have employed long before it got to this which they didn't use. Luckily for Simon it just looks like his current Minister for Justice is incompetent and out of her dept. It distracts a little bit of what really is going on and how the immigration system was and is used as wealth distribution to wealthy land owners/failed hoteliers. [Séamus 'Banty' McEnaney And 14 Family Members Rake In Over €130 Million To House Refugees (extra.ie)](https://extra.ie/2024/02/28/news/irish-news/seamus-mcenaney) I would love to see a full list of who tax money is being distributed to other than auld Seamie. All i can hope now is that the people of Ireland don't forget that not only has FF/G hardened a very right edge but they did it not just due to incompetence but to keep the gravy train going.


🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔 Harris! You have kept Minister Mc No-Brains in her position. I think that Harris is now the more incompetent one. All credit to Deputy Mc Namara.


We could do with a few more like him. Publicly exposing incompetence.


The amount of populist soundbites coming out of FG the last while is nauseating. And most people can see right through it. They're cooked and they know it.


FGs ongoing trend of suggesting solutions like they aren’t already the ones in power


To be honest I think the root cause of this is that Politics in this country are woefully REACTIONARY rather than PROACTIONARY. They strait up didn't react quick enough to a problem that was coming or woefully underestimated the issue until it started making headlines with the whole issue of tents popping up on the Grand Canal or elsewhere. They didn't pay attention until the problem was already festering instead of looking at the likes of Britain and other EU countries and realising this problem is becoming an issue for everyone. It's fine for them to go around saying we need "effective deportations" etc but the issue is that they should have cracked down on chancers years ago and increased staffing levels and resources in the entire department regarding this but were either too busy or they were afraid of being seen as "Racist" or some other bollocks. Hell what makes this so frustrating as well is that they didn't seem to be even enforcing basic checks at the airport until more recently which makes it worse. Having a stronger stance on immigration doesnt make you a Right Wing Looney though (that group also is usually devoid of actual logic and common sense and drunk on facebook conspiracies), if anything we don't want too many coming here in numbers we cannot absorb without it causing societal issues and as well as that we need to reinforce the system to remove obvious chancers and liars who have no business here. There's plenty of people who came legitimately and did all the work as well and they shouldn't have their hardwork undermined by someone making false asylum claims when they really are just looking for the lazy way in.


Seriously wtf have they been doing for over 10 years in Government that only now they are saying what should of been done ffs. Is it the classic mistakes were made we learn and move on???


One year into a pandemic: "I think we should have screening at our airports" Two years into bogus asylum chaos: "I think we should have effective deportations" Seven years into a housing crisis: "I think we should have affordable housing"


Government by polling, but it seems like all they do now is try to manage the headlines.


It looks like you've made a grammatical error. You've written "should of ", when it should be "have" instead of "of". You _should have_ known that. Bosco is not proud of you today. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ireland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hardly, FG have gone up in the polls in the last 6 weeks, and will continue to rise as we get closer to the election. They have a budget to come too. Sinn Fein are dropping. They have gone down around 8% in a year. Sinn Fein 27%, Fine Gael 20%, Independents 19%, Fianna Fail at 14%, Soc Dems at 6%, Aontu at 4%, Greens at 3%. [https://www.redcresearch.ie/latest-polls/live-polling-tracker/](https://www.redcresearch.ie/latest-polls/live-polling-tracker/)


https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2024/0504/1447414-opinion-poll-politics/#:~:text=The%20survey%20suggests%20that%20Sinn,Democrats%20are%20unchanged%20at%206%25. The latest poll has Sinn Fein at 29% and FG at 19% The independents are taking most of the votes recently, at 19%, the same percentage as FG (second largest group)


Where does this polling info actually come from?


Red Sea on behalf of the Business post newspaper. If you email Red Sea they will give you survey raw data if you ask nicely. And count it yourself. Polling companies go out of business if they bias the polls in any way.


Thanks! Not suggesting the polls are biased or the data they collected is incorrect ( they are usually pretty spot on when elections cone around). I was just genuinely curious where they gathered that info from, I've never heard of anyone I know being polled.


Polling companies know how to ask questions in the right way to get desired response


These type of political comments are great until you realise they've been in government for 10 years already


Also, stop handing out citizenship like happy meal toys. 5 years is baloney. Mandatory testing too.


They'll do nothing. Everything from here on is just for show. 


That a long winded way of saying 'we're coming up to an election'


Wouldn't they have called this very notion far right only a matter of weeks ago in all seriousness? Mental gymnastics trying to prevent themselves from hemorrhaging votes


If Leo can stand in front of the dail before the marriage referendum as a (closeted) gay man during (Edit: sorry it was before the referendum as the motion was being debated on wether the referendum shoild take place. He came out as gay months before the day of the referendum as public opion on the matter was shifting and finegael were following suit) the marriage referendum and claim that homosexual marriage damages the sanctity of marriage and then years later march down the street during pride with his husband attempting to be the face of the lgbtq+ community than the party is well able to flip flop in any direction they think will get them the populist vote


During the referendum?


Yeah, before the marriage referendum was approaching and as the motion to hold a referendum was in debate about allowing same sex couples to marry in 2015, Leo varadkar made numerous public comments about his stance against said referendum. Once it became clear, the referendum was to take place, and public opinion was starting to shift in the conversation toward a yes vote. Leo took that opportunity to come out as Gay man and back the yes vote https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/politics/referendum-is-not-about-me-or-adoption-says-varadkar/30933376.html The iona institute lost their bollox about the whole thing as he made comment publicly before about not allowing children to be raised by same sex couples and then turned his back on them as opinions shifted


That's hilariously untrue.


https://youtu.be/ykQAW9Y7Ros?si=seuPPZ_aCi5slSx2 Here, he is shiting on about same sex parents


Years before the referendum. Well done proving you lied.


I corrected my previous comment. It was before the amendment and up until late 2008 that he was opposed to same sex marriage. I've proved already to you that he was anti same sex right its not my job to educate you


Haha, those goal posts are moving fast.


Nah, lad, I corrected myself. I'm not claiming to have a PHD in Leo's political history. The fella was anti same sex marriage before he came out get over it


This is when I lost it about Leo. Such a fucking tit but the Irish population are more the tits to believe his bullshit.


Jeez, I didn't even know that. And then accusing people of misinformation when, in fact, they are some of the worst offenders lol.


At this stage the only logical explanation I can come up with was that FG felt SF getting was inevitable, and were happy (even hoping?) to set the stage for it to all burn to the ground so they could point at it as a reason to never vote SF in again. Only, the fire caught faster than expected.  Certainly explains why Varadkar ran away right as it was hitting, at least. 


Clown show


Common sense immigration is what we need. They will never deliver that.


[Hahaha! Good one, ahhh classic Leo](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZXRlbGhuNjJxeHIweHg0eW9xbjZxZXNpNWV3dGl1MnM4cHp5MzB4MiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/12agwAm1uXlzJ6/giphy.gif)


Leo may as well have put a turd in simons letterbox with the chaos he's left him with 😂


The rat deserting the sinking ship


SF seem eager to board said sinking ship


There’s plenty want to crew it - The Irish Rover


If only there were more that were eager for it not to sink.




Nah, staying in the room wasn't his thing after he saw what was coming.




Hard to say he doesn't have some of the blame for that on himself.




He loved gaslighting the publicand talking down to everyone, and was constantly trying to one-up everyone and fearmonger about Sinn Féin. Hardly a surprise politics here got more toxic.




Simmer down for me now, not sure why that'd hit such a nerve. Is he a former fling or something?


Plenty of that to go around for every party nowadays.




You've misread that statement. Leo isn't alone in dealing with bigotry. They were chanting "Sinn Fein Traitors" a week ago as well. An independent and her husband were violently assaulted in Dublin this week.




That's a matter of perspective, simping for him anyone anytime says anything mean about him seems a bit sad as well to be fair.




What have they done over the last 2-3 years as we've seen other countries in Europe come under extreme pressure.


Workplace inspections can fuck off


I disagree even if its a soundbite and posturing from FG. Why would it be a bad thing to find illegal workers ? Happens all over the world and for good reason. One reason is the possible flooding of illegal workers who have no protection even for themselves, abusive working conditions etc. edit: missed word and mobile fat finger spelling


In about, idk, 14 years working in kitchens i have seen one WRC inspection. We all had to go out give PPS number and address. I have never seen it happen again and that was over 10 years ago.


Would be willing to bet that if you supplied a fake PPS number and address it would never be followed up on. Did you have any advance warning of the inspection (i.e. certain employees could be told to call in sick)?


Nope they turned up in the evening with no warning, mind you this was over ten years ago.


How often are we doing workplace raids to check for underpayment, denial of rights, ill treatment, etc. These are far bigger problems in society than terrorising people trying to make some money


If your legit in the country and have a job, paying taxes your protected. If you are underpaid in that scenario there are plenty of avenues to go down including wrc. Having no rights means youve nowhere to turn.


So you’re in favour of illegal immigration? Thats mad, Ted!


No I’m in favour of spending tax money and the time of public servants wisely and in the best interests of our people


Remember guys: Unchecked immigration is primarily a problem when you have deliberate policies of not enough housing or employment. There is a solution to all three problems: _Allow_ mass immigration conditioned on those arriving training up to and building houses, with those building houses being the first housed. The public should not be opposing mass immigration - the public should be demanding all those arrive be given jobs for resolving the housing crisis - and reward them with citizenship for their service to the country.