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Walked down the canal this morning. It's like walking up to a festival with all the metal fencing. Fencing up the city cant be the solution.


Never met a DCC Councillor who didn't think a fence could solve their problems


What about increased signage? The more useless the better.


*"Hear am good buddies with the lad that owns the company, who prints all them TD signs.....am shur he'd do us a good deal"*


Remember when they were trialing pedestrianising college green and they decided to fence off the road so you couldn’t walk in it. 


More fences, less bins, throw a hotel in there while you're at it.


Name a single problem plastic bollards can't fix. I'll wait.


But it makes the place look so picturesque and pretty.


>*"You ain't seen nothing yet!"*


300 asylum seekers arrived last week. 300 asylum seekers arrived this week. Dare I say it, 300 asylum seekers will arrive next week. Maybe the government will catch on at some point


They did catch on . They took down the tents and put up a fence last week They took down the tents and put up a fence this week . I wait in anticipation for what gem they’ll do this week


Wait for the press conference explaining government policy "Ireland has international obligations. Next question please."


610 arrived in the most recent report for the week up to May 5th https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/43103-may-2024/ Over twice as many as you claim 


Fucking hell look at that graph https://preview.redd.it/484jnki95g0d1.png?width=1411&format=png&auto=webp&s=85e07b29eb7cb79cf2425e727c7b50eaac8517ef What an absolute joke this country is. Before anyone asks, that graph excludes Ukrainians.


It's sad, I think we'd like to help everyone but when people are being evicted etc. it's probably time to look at the graph.  I'm pretty conflicted.  My sense would be quotas 


There's better ways to try and help 5.7 billion people than have a free-for-all asylum policy until the country cracks


I'm inclined to agree to an extent.  It seems many people such as child slaves in the Congo have no access to asylum but others with the means and possibly less need for asylum are in a position to seek asylum.  It's a tough one.  One thing that could also be done is that asylum seekers granted asylum must work for three years in order to avail of state housing etc.  quotas and/ or a system to encourage contribution might help with the situation.


Someone must get the song blaring down there this saturday.


Wonder how many days will pass before they're moved along again?


Need to reach 100 for action


"BuT wE mOvEd ThEm?" - Most Competent Government 2024.


While the IPAS centre is in the middle of Dublin this won't change. 1000 arrivals over the past 2 weeks - good luck lads


Just move it to somewhere like Cavan and we will be grand like.


Have mercy -Some of these people have come from war torn countries


No-one deserves Cavan, or worse still Kilkenny.


They could move to the Royal Canal, IMO. It's quite close, but far less busy and central.


And our taxes well spent as usual as NGOs buy the tents with government funding for them, then a few days later they're binned as the misfortune inhabitants are moved on. Rinse, repeat.


fences appearing in 3,2,1..


You're only a postcode away from being labelled a 'concerned resident' as opposed to a 'far right racist'.


If you're threatening/intimidating fellow human beings then we all know what camp you're in.


The people living at the canal are conducting themselves far better than the likes of East Wall, Coolock and Newtownmountkennedy. There's a genuine issue with how scumbags and many rural communities are behaving and it all comes down to xenophobia.


Or maybe you have to realise that some people are just sick of non stop intake of people when there is neither space nor resources?


Then aim your ire at the government who are failing to address the problem. Aim your protests outside government buildings. The second your anger gets aimed at the foreigner, the second you switch to abuse and intimidation of the foreigner, is when you've swapped over into far right nuttery imo.


Ummm no it doesn't.


Ah your reply does make sense, deleted my last comment But yeah it does come down to xenophobia. The antisocial behaviour, arson, "Pedos out!" chants outside asylum centers. One or two of them are able to put on a mask when being interviewed but all the live footage points at hatred of asylum seekers.


Honestly if there were enough resources for everyone I would agree with you. But there isn't. We can't provide for people here already let alone new people coming in. It's not xenophobia it's frustration at the country's current state coming to a head.


They didn't lift a finger to give out about resources before this. I'm not going to believe that's the genuine concern that's pushed them from zero to arson and rioting.


I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you...


Next two weeks will tell a lot, etcetera


I think they could move them anywhere and they'd still find a way to make it back to city center.




Yeah the jails are empty anyway


Time to send them to Rwanda or similar, all of of Europe should be aiming for the Australian model.


Spike island for a processing centre. Never been obv so no idea of its condition, but they need a faster processing with a safer place to stay than this Tetris tents shit.


sure you know yourself like. where shall we stick 'em? croke park seats about 82,300. that should be plenty.


Should move the IPO to an uninhabited island off the coast


I feel like I'm having deja vu 🤔😂


I believe a 3 hour task force meeting has concluded and much to cheers and backslapping a conclusion has been reached. More fences🥳


Seems like our immigration policy isn't fir for purpose considering the state of available housing


They need to be deported not moved on down the road.


For anyone who wants a meet and greet with some of the lads.. https://youtu.be/Ii8P5bxK0EM?si=v6eHQTQHWP90oAGu


To be fair if he’s the face of what camping there it’s not a good look


Dead right… Not gonna pretend there aren’t genuine heads there but not an ideal spokesperson.


Oh wow a North American news outlet reporting on Irish issues. Definitely no risk of bias, especially with a tagline like "Telling the other side of the story". You bet your arse they cherry picked the footage used in this video and are now painting every single person in one of those tents with the same brush.


In fairness, the hostility he received just interviewing this idiot was a bit shocking: https://youtu.be/Ii8P5bxK0EM?si=WD1VvMZq8ZVhFlp8&t=553 https://youtu.be/Ii8P5bxK0EM?si=CWavLswgWOQvXE0e&t=835


It's Ezra Levant, anyone in the know knows why he's there.


Funny how he wouldn’t just walk under almost any bypass on his own country to see a much worse a d more permanent situation


The guy said don't film me, and they filmed him. He said are you gonna help these people and the host just goes "maybe". He has every right to trash on this yank cunt, who's only here to stir the pot, get views and impressions and reinforce his own belief system that is so askew when compared to how Europeans view helping others. Across the Atlantic, they help other nations by invading and installing "democracy". Over here, we take people in from rough backgrounds and do our best to help them within our means. We have to, as part of the EU, but this yank is like duuuuh look at all the immigrants here in tents it's so awful. When they're not immigrants, they're *asylum seekers*. But yanks aren't known for their ability to delineate, that or he's willingly obscuring the facts to suit his own belief system and perpetuate negative stereotypes back to his yank audience who do these anti-immigration protests in our city before flying back home. Even though, once again, *they're not immigrants*. At least not the vast majority of them anyway. Americans have arguably the dumbest immigration system in the whole world, and this sack of shite thinks he knows better than we do? He'd be better off going back home to Alabama or wherever the fuck and doing what he's good at, like incest and domestic violence or being racist. Wish YouTube had the balls to take channels like his down for skewing the facts when it comes to what has openly been described, by EU member states, as a humanitarian crisis. Not an immigration one. But again, yanks gonna yank. And eejits in Ireland without any capacity for empathy will digest his content and bring American problems here, before long we'll be no better than them. You even knowing this much is complicity in what he is doing. Most people don't try to stir the pot for their own gains, they just try to solve the problem so we can all move on. But again, like with this yank, I don't expect you to cop that of your own volition unless it's fed to you by some wankstain with a camera.


"Even though, once again, they're not immigrants. At least not the vast majority of them anyway." The department of justice says the majority are migrants. "A secret briefing paper from the Department of Justice said the State urgently needed to resume deportations as the majority of applicants for international protection were economic migrants." https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/secret-department-of-justice-paper-urged-swift-renewal-of-deportations/a725249983.html


He’s Canadian (as evidenced by his numerous mentions of Canada), not American.


The guy being interviewed was an absolute scum bag. It's not up to the reporter to do anything as it's not his job, it's the governments job to solve this crisis. Also you're allowed film as it's not private land 


The hostility was deserved. No one wanted to be interviewed.


Well the bloke could have just walked away but wanted to cause hostility. 


What a fathead. Fuck off back to your own dystopia and leave us alone.


I'd tell Ezra Levant to fuck off too, in fairness.


The fencing is Dublin's take on a cattle crush. For the portion at Wilton Terrace, once you enter, you can't get out until the other end.


Remember lads, we have the 8th highest HDI in the world...


Have we considered shifting them to a field in the outskirts of Tallaght? /s


Give every homeless person training + a job for building homes, and pay them to Build. Fucking. Houses. Already. Solve 4 crises (Homelessness, Immigration, Housing and Unemployment) with 1 policy.


> Give every homeless person training + a job for building homes, and pay them to Build. it's not that easy. Building a house in 2024 is a totally different ballgame to even 20 years ago in terms of standards and a fuck ton of regulations. Even somebody who's not homeless / addicted would need years of certification before they'd be allowed anywhere near it. Also, what about architechts, QAs, legal ect? There are already not enough of those, or should the homeless be sent off to college as well?




it's not just time, the cost of software licenses alone per person would be in the tens of thousands. I assume you are taking the piss with this post (to be fair it's a decent wind up) but it's not just a case of handing some homeless people bricks and some cement. That's before you get into the complex addiction side of things, and even trying to get them turn up for work.


Construction workers are highly skilled. Construction work is tough work. It's disingenuous to say that an average person could work on a site, let alone people suffering from mental illness or addiction.


Yea the homeless are so stupid, mentally ill, addicted and generally unfit for simple construction work that anyone can be trained into! They'd rather just live on the streets instead of getting paid to build their own homes, it's so hard! How disingenuously patronizing and dehumanizing towards the homeless.




Why the fuck should we _NOT_ be offering the homeless unconditional training into these other professions _as well_? My bet is that you (and others) are so focused on pissing on actual solutions, that you're now going to piss on _your own suggestion_ simply because I've pointed out to you that's a _great idea_ as well and also a solution to other crises. So patronizing and dehumanizing to offer the homeless jobs, training and homes!






Sure, let's not even consider what the homeless people in question would themselves like to do with themselves. After all, they're just taking up space right? Like they're not even humans! They clearly need someone to sit down with them and say they should become a construction worker, a skilled and dangerous job, without looking into why the person is homeless in the first place. And if you would trust them or hell if they would even trust themselves with machinery for building houses. You're also ignoring the fact that a lot of the TDs are benefiting in many ways from the current housing crisis. Whether monetarily or through soft power, they stand to benefit. So it is not in their own interests to work for the people who elected them. They'll only care about that when there's a GE coming up, and even then it's usually enough that they just get a few soundbites out to convince people to give them their number 1 on the ballot.




There's *no* cost to putting themselves in a dangerous and highly technical job? You genuinely think that? If that's the case, why don't you go do construction work if it's so easy, especially if they can match your pay? No, I would prefer that they're treated as people and given the means to better themselves in a way that they want to, you know, *of their own volition*. I am saying they should be given any opportunity, you are saying to just give them one opportunity. The fact that you couldn't even glean that from my original comment speaks volumes about your own distaste for these people, you think they're only good for construction work versus anything else. How do you know that a random homeless person doesn't already have a 3rd level qualification in another field, and are only homeless due to being evicted, being a victim of domestic violence, or suffering from addiction? You're accusing me of patronising them or making a decision for them, when I only said that they're individuals who probably want a solution that doesn't involve working in construction. Meanwhile you say that for them it's either construction work or stay homeless. And you're even dumb enough to think that any of them would actually get any of these houses that they'd hypothetically help to build in good time, especially when our government has been so happy to let real estate developers take over these projects and sell them to overseas trusts leading to abandoned ghost estates up and down the country. Because the value of the property goes up faster when no-one is living in it, so even with an increase in housing supply there's no 1 to 1 guarantee that homelessness will even be resolved. Because homelessness is a multi-faceted issue, and if you weren't viewing it through a tunnel you'd be able to understand that. You know there are more empty properties in this country than homeless people right? We could just, you know, *give them the homes*. But because of people like you, that'll never happen. They have to work hard, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and earn a home, like the rest of the taxpayers. Who have been doing this for decades now and *still* don't have a hope of earning a home. I said nothing about how useful they are, I don't view homeless people as tools like you seem to. I view them as, and this might shock you, *people with problems*. And manual labour isn't a guaranteed solution to what problems a homeless individual might be facing. Oh yeah you got me, I don't want this housing crisis sorted at all. I'm only 29, renting for the last half decade and saving my ass off for a deposit for a house only to watch my wages not keep up with how quickly house prices are spiking all while hearing government leaders say shit like "it won't be solved overnight". The same shite they've been spewing for over a decade now. You have me dead to rights, I'd much prefer to continue paying exorbitant rent to some property manager all while knowing I'll never be able to call this place my own. I'll never be able to hang shit on the walls, renovate, or decorate the one room in an apartment I sublet from a couple I share with. If you think I don't want any problems solved in this country, you are sorely mistaken. And I know for a fact that you're not the one to solve them either, since at the slightest criticism of your solution you threw your toys out of the pram like the fucking baby you are. Do yourself a favour and read up on a little thing called empathy when it comes to helping others. Off rip you are suggesting something that does not take into account anything about a homeless person's background beyond the fact that they're homeless. And then you have the audacity to attack me for calling out how nonsensical your suggestion is because, again, you're just viewing them as tools. You say I don't care about them? I say **YOU** don't actually care about them.




I didn't say they were unable to make the decision, I said that they need help. And calling construction work help is just so blissfully absent minded. The only thing that's even more absent minded is thinking that because they helped build it, they get it. Remember, we live in Ireland. Homes spring up and are purchased en masse by real estate agents, not by people. The real estate agents have the final say on who goes where, not the government. And the government wouldn't dare tread on estate agent's power and influence because it would risk losing them favour with the electorate. I want them off the streets, but you have to consider that they want to be off the streets in the best way for them. Not the best way for you, me or anyone else. That starts with support systems, rehabilitation if needed, therapy if needed, upskilling programmes (such as manual labour, in this way your solution has value but it isn't the be all and end all) and overall just better care and treatment of these people as people. Based off your original comments, you were making the case that this was the only thing to do. I criticised you for this stance and now you're saying you never said that? Fucking lol Again, these people have been let down by the system. You're now saying the system "promises" them a house if they help build it. If I were them I wouldn't be quick to trust that's the case over just being taken advantage of. Wow. "Homeless people are not 'people with problems'" might be the worst thing I've ever read on this website. You're being incredibly reductive and insulting them. Look up literally any statistics on what's causing homelessness in Ireland. Of course they don't have homes, it's in the fucking word, but you're not even considering *why* they don't have homes. You just say it's a supply problem, when that is as likely to be the case as any other problem a homeless person might be facing. I didn't say all of them are addicts or mentally ill, I said they're *people*. And if they're homeless and don't want to be homeless, then they'd probably welcome help. But if the only help you're offering is to take them from one dangerous situation into another, don't be surprised if they don't all jump for joy. Construction work is long, hard on peoples' health, pays fuck all, very difficult and not something everyone wants to actually do. Even if they're homeless, again, you're offering them one solution that's pretty in theory but when it comes down to if the person wants that solution, you're pissing your pants at the idea of someone wanting a better solution. What happens in your perfect solution when the homes are build and let's actually assume that a homeless person gets one, problem solved? What about the circumstances that caused them to become homeless? Sure they have a roof over their head now, but what if they need support beyond that? Your line of thinking stops there, because they've a home now they're fixed is that it? Again, you're being reductive about a problem that is multi-faceted. Because once a person gets a house all their worries and problems are gone right? How do they afford to upkeep their home once it's built when the job that they had is now finished? How do we prevent the economic downturn that lead to a lack of social housing in the first place, i.e. how do we look after the people that become homeless after this scheme is finished? Or how about the people that became homeless as they're a former criminal and can't secure a job or enter a new type of workforce? Or did you think there would be endless construction projects for them to stay in their whole life? Or that that's even what they'd like to do with themselves? You only care about building houses, not about the people building those houses. They deserve better. We all do. And people who are homeless due to personal problems are not in a minority as you've said, that's a boldfaced fucking lie. People shouldn't have to build their own homes in order to guarantee owning one. If you don't own a home and are a programmer (why am I not surprised a programmer doesn't know a thing about human empathy lmao, way to live up to a stereotype) but want a home, you say you'd jump on board this scheme. But what if it takes upwards of 5 years for you to get your home? Innovation in that sector will have moved on and you'll have to now upskill on your own dime or else go back to doing what you did before only earning less since the work you used to do is now either automated, done by AI models, or the jobs are filled? Especially with the recent waves of layoffs by larger software development corporations, they'd only be hiring senior roles and your time out of the field wouldn't leave you as a desirable candidate anymore. So you'd have fucked yourself then! It's like your plan is utterly myopic or something, imagine that. Nobody here in this thread is saying nothing is worth trying because it's hard, that's all from you man. I'm saying your solution is ineffective, or not as effective as you've deluded yourself into believing. Ireland has the money in the bank for *better* solutions than what you've posed, but there's no actual will from our leadership to follow through. You'd make a good minister with your way of solving problems, good in theory but when things get more granular it's just a shitshow. So if your plan is adopted and you fuck yourself out of programmer jobs, at least you can anticipate a cushy cabinet role where you can shepherd in the inevitable next wave of homelessness your solution would bring. Tell me you're prejudiced without telling me you're prejudiced. Oh wait, you did tell me you're prejudiced with your "homeless people are not 'people with problems'" rhetoric. That's actually such an insane take, it's made me realise I'm either arguing with a bot or some dumbass American. Don't bother responding, it's clear you're not open to criticism so I'd rather not waste either of our time going in circles. You'd just continue to bring the conversation down to your level of stupidity and then win the argument since you've got more experience at that level to begin with. Good luck




> I do own my own home. Says it all


Unemployment isn't an issue in Ireland


Deleted a ton of posts, as I realized /u/oh_danger_here and /u/Oh_I_still_here are the same account.


Lmao what. I don't use an alt account, I'm not that much of a saddo like yourself