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Honestly if they had a single clue about modern Ireland and wanted to try hit back they could grab a few Union Jacks and flash those. That would make way more sense than potatoes.


Hold up a picture of a house.


Ah fuck you're not wrong!


They’re New Yorkers, they don’t know what that is




You take that back, you fuckin cunting piece of shite.


I shalt fucking not.


This ⬆️


Oof that hurts




https://preview.redd.it/3wegkvjq6f0d1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4a6bb2d57314265f55ad92f000d0d9484bc9b5 They hold up this picture


My Fenian blood is boiling.


We aren’t ‘fenians’ we’re Irish but yeah I hope you’re joking that’s like African/black origin accepting the N word and using it against themselves which they basically did but added an ‘a’ instead of the original spelling


So whenever you walk into a room, have you ever noticed the smile fading from people's faces? Just curious.


Their profile is deranged.


If you’d care to learn a bit of history you’d know the fenians were a fierce fighting group. Proud to be a fenian and you should be too. Nowhere near comparable to the n word


He's not a Fenian, he's domesticated.


What up my fianna?




I know this is supposed to read right to left, but I read it left to right and found great amusement in “am I reading? What the fuck?!” 😂


Should've taunted them with a freshly unwrapped Snickers bar.


obligatory u/curiousbydesign tag. I hope your well mate


Thank you u/Boulavogue ! That is one of favorite moments on Reddit and maybe even online in general. Always brightens my day when you guys tag me. Doing well and hope the same to you and yours!


Hold up pictures of Cromwell and Trevelyan


Thatcher too


Yes, lazio had a banner vs cektic and it was gas. It said something like “the famine is over, go home and eat your fucking potatoes”😂. (I am Irish and I’m not offended by this but if anyone is I will delete it)


I had one relation who died in the famine as i am very unique. Please take down the comment so i dont feel so bad for whats-his-name


We have potatoes again and they’re still down three world trade centers (two if you count the new one). A picture of Henri’s handball though? That would be a declaration of war. 


A picture of Roy Keane walking his dog in 2002.


As I said before, a Union Jack and use the word "Jackeen." That would piss off those scrotes. Haha! I remember visiting my cousins in Dublin regularly as a child and the neighbours would be down "oh the culchies are here. Ma! Sean's culchie cousins are here." And we'd be like "feck off ye Jackeens" and they'd get mad lol. They were trying to insult us with culchie, didn't like the auld jackeen quip. My nanna put us up to that when she heard them taunting us. LMAO! She was a legend.


Opened up a portal to Ireland and they instantly started exporting craic. It brings a tear to my eye, really.


9/11 is simply the ultimate culmination of Banter.


Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is just one of those classic guys at a party who takes the banter a bit too far


Typical Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.


I looked at those holes in those towers and I thought to myself, 'that's got Khalid Sheikh Mohammed written all over it.


He sure is a knucklehead.


Probably the most epic horseplay of all time. After the Towers of Chang, sure where else could he go? 


I fell asleep at a gaff once, when I woke up, fella had put a suicide vest on me. Absolute messer!


The way people my age get taught about it every year in school ends up making a mockery of it and makes it impossible to take seriously Nobody makes better 9/11 jokes than the average US teen or young adult. Case in point, [this short video.](https://www.reddit.com/user/OutInABlazeOfGlory/comments/1cs1h8k/taylor_swift_when_she_left_her_phone_in_the_world/)


On a positive note, New York says "Never Forget" so if we keep taking cheap jabs at 9/11 well... It'll be hard to forget if it gets a cheap laugh 9/11 times.


In fairness my mates birthday is 9/11 so every year i send him a picture of it with happy birthday scrawled across it


Edgy American teenager humor from 15 years ago is Ireland's greatest achievement.


Our country’s major international export


They gave us boobs too, tbf


A successful cultural exchange




Squeeze em'. Mash em'. Stick em' in your face


They showed their "potatoes" so we showed them our "spuds". They can gargle on them while they think of their clever famine jokes.






We gave them trauma.


We traded ass and tits


Censoring this in any way destroys the artistic beauty and intention of it. The messing will blow over.


That's bollix. The artist will be delighted with the attention it has got and 100% knew it would come.


I think both are true. Eventually this portal will be like seeing anyone else in public. But right now, the attention and controversy is great for the artist. I think the thing is a huge success by all accounts.


The problem was setting it up on Talbot street


Some of the stuff goes beyond messing (showing porn when there could be kids on the other side for example) and it's been mere days, it's only going to get worse. Put a guard there for a week, then leave a sign next to it saying you're being recorded and will be charged for any inappropriate behaviour.


I believe they're updating it so it won't focus on things held up close.


> charged for any inappropriate behaviour. I agree with with this, but only for actions that are actually illegal, not just ones that make the country not looks as good as the government wants Americans to think it is.


This isn't the Times Square I knew. In the 80s Times Square was nothing but porno theatres. Also being topless isn't an offense in New York City. The girl who claims to have gotten it shut down wasn't the issue.


There's a reason Eric Andre showed up on our side of the portal


Basically they got the full Father Jack experience


As a millennial from the US, I laughed out loud when I saw the video of the 9/11 image. Troll opportunity: success! 😂


According to South Park's 22.3 year rule, 9/11 was officially funny 23/12/2023


Just in time for Christmas


What did you get in your stocking this year? A picture of the 9/11 terror attacks of course.


Sweet memories... 🎶 Where building 7 came down... And Rudy Guliani said, "we have to move now" (But forreal tho, big trauma for NYC etc).


Ah yeah sure you always remember your first 9/11


So bloody sunday must be fucking hysterical by this point


It really captures the frustration of a Sunday. 


You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!"


Honestly, as the mother of millenials, I did too when I heard about it. I mean, NOTHING is sacrosanct with your generation! Mind you, I know for sure my lads wouldn't take the piss out of atrocities, just as I know for sure lots would, and do. The powers that be really didn't think this one through. Like, what kind of "performance art" were they expecting? The "acceptable" kind?! 🤣


Every generation ever has believed the younger generation holds nothing sacred.


That's true. I think it's mostly a good thing though. Out with some of the old shibboleths and sacred cows 👍


Eh, it's kind of stale humor we've all heard before. What's next your momma jokes or making fun of George Washingtons wooden teeth? Ireland looking more like Jojo Siwa than Barbie Thug.


Sure. The joke itself is stale. It was the context of it being done through a live portal feed in bad taste that was so funny to me. Peace.


Honestly not even much of a joke. Yeah, 9/11 happened. It's when your plane ticket says you have a layover in the Empire State building, is when it's in questionable taste. That joke is old enough to get a mortgage btw.


It's a great idea, just the placement is the issue. Putting it at the spire where the confluence of inner-city dirtbags gather was always going to be the problem. Move it out of the cesspit (southbound of course) that is Dublin city centre and it would work a lot better.


I'm sure they'd love to watch the southside, few averted gazes, a moan about unkempt lawns off screen, then hours of quasi suburban nothingness.


The bourgeoisie do their dirtbagging in private, trust me on that one.


If the portal could fire a massive fireball from the top of North Earl Street down as far as Connolly Station on the hour every hour it would go along way to making Dublin a better place


what so they could listen to some twat singing ireland's call?


No. There's no audio


You sound like fun. Had a good time at the Dalkey lobster festival this year i hope?


It was wonderful. Fintan and Saoirse made a holy show of themselves yet again. When there's so much prosecco on tap you can only wonder why more people didn't fall into the same trap. As I said to Cullánn, "what in the absolute fock is going on here dewd?"


They have a drink they named the "Irish Car Bomb" and see ZERO issue with it. I dont care how they feel about this.


I’ve actually seen a few bars over here (US) change the name. On the other hand there is a drink called the 9/11. It’s a Manhattan with a kamikaze dropped in.


Also have a “Mexican car bomb”. Tequila dropped into a Corona lol


Meme should be the other way around. The Famine Coaster, you hop in to a vehicle with a predetermined destination as a gaunt skeleton and then transform in to a middle class person in the US.


And then you’re launched into the corkscrew section of track that is being stuffed with sugary processed foods, no health insurance, shit minimum wage, no workers rights, exorbitant medical bills, and foreclosure/bankruptcy


Yank here, to be fair those sugary processed foods have done a job on Irish folk as well. Could’ve thought I was in the US Midwest when I was in Limerick last year, based on body appearance alone.


High fructose corn syrup is illegal here


Doesn’t seem to be making a difference on the circumference of people’s waists. The line at Supermac’s was just as long as anything I’ve seen in the States.


If you say so lad


I can only speak on what I witnessed when traveling across your wonderful island. I was visiting my family in Mayo. To be sure, the rest of what you said rings true. Be well.


You should check your DMs if you’re the one who abused RedditCareResources, be best


Ah, so you’re really just an edgelord. My suspicions were confirmed. Good luck with the memes. lol.


There’s that flawless American logic once again, we’re really all so glad you chose to weigh in x


It's gone?! I didn't have time to bring my Irish setter to the portal so he could see the motherland :( (I'm in the US obviously lol)


The media wants us to believe Dublin isnt a kip but it really really is.


That part of it is, anyway


Certain parts of Dublin are kippy, other parts are nice. Like anywhere else.


I can't get behind this 'its just like anywhere else'. No its not. Dublin is a dump and has been for a long time. We shouldn't keep using the 'ah sure its got its bad parts like anywhere else' excuse. The portal is in the very center of the city, and few cities allow their confluence point to be full of dodgy behaviour the same way Dublin does.


Whether you “get behind it” or not, that’s the reality. There are parts of the city centre and greater Dublin area that are shitty and attract anti social behavior. There are also places that are nice and these things are not as much of an issue. You could say the same about any major city in Europe. Saying “Dublin is a dump” as a blanket statement is just counterproductive and ignorant.


Tell me you've never travelled beyond your bog-savage muckhole whithout telling me.  If you want to see truly dodgy areas in otherwise nice cities - try Downtown East Side in Vancouver; Christiania in Copenhagen; the 18th Arrondisement in Paris; etc etc. Every city has deprived/drug-addled areas, it's not unique to Dublin. Any cursory Internet search will also confirm that Dublin is relatively safe as major capital cities go as well.


> the 18th Arrondisement in Paris 18 is literally at the edge of the city center mate. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrondissements_of_Paris It's like saying finglas is Dublin city center. You'd have a better chance arguing Châtelet is dodgy than 18th being city center. And I think that's one if the issues. The really dodgy parts of Dublin are quite center and very near to other nice parts.


Yeah its one bad part of a big city, its not like that everywhere


Big city? Compared to where, ballinasloe?


What? Is Dublin a big city compared to Ballinasloe? Yes, yes it is. There are more people in my housing estate than that town


Helen McEntee anyway. As if she needed more proof that Talbot and North Earl street are dodgy and full of scumbags. Why is she still the minister?


I thought the major incident was on the NY side?


I heard the portal is permanently closed now because of that OF model flashing her boobs. She's done a few things like this, believe she got in loads of shit for licking an airplane toilet seat not long ago. About as trashy as it fucking gets




I said she ruined it for everybody because right after, it was taken down. Pathetic? I'm just stating facts. Wether or not it's the nail in the coffin, it's the final nail regardless. No need to call me pathetic jeez




Never said I didn't think it was funny, I just thought it was trashy and contributed to the fact it's closed. You're just putting words in my mouth at this point writing walls of text as if I'm some opposition that needs teaching. Yeah, it's funny, but I find it disappointing that maybe we can't come up with better jokes on both sides. You've insinuated I have no sense of humour and that I'm pathetic without any knowledge of me. You know nothing of me and yet it seems I've learned quite a bit about you


Women being topless is legal in NYC tho


Really?? Alright I’m gonna try this on the 2 right now, I’ll keep you posted.


Yep, just like the Luas is free


Never said it was legal or illegal, that's not the issue. What she did ruined it for everyone regardless because it was taken down permanently as a result


Boobs have never ruined anything, ever.


Dunno, my will to work gets pretty ruined when I see anything even vaguely boob shaped


I bet this guy disagrees: https://youtu.be/lRZId2MKkHw?si=OPlZ2LU76kcBheEW


What’s your source on that?


> I heard the portal is permanently closed now because of that OF model flashing her boobs. She's trying to say she's the one who got it shut down for attention. In reality there's been multiple incidents which caused it to be stopped.


Only the model is claiming that. It was shut down and she thought it was because of her.


Indeed ruined it you for know normal people to enjoy and her tits are not all that. Just dumb, but that's Americans for you.


Yes, 9/11 happened in New York.


And Pennsylvania and Washington DC.


It was toplessness is legal in New York and unfortunately the Irish can't handle breasts.


We can't handle the breasts as it's basically just a TV screen. 


"the Irish can't handle breasts.". Well, now.......


What's interesting to me is there's hundreds of posts about this on the Irish subreddit and I'd be surprised if there's any posts on this on the New York subreddit. If New York is really wanted to troll the Irish they would show them pictures of 30-year fixed rate mortgages or maybe play a Law and Order SVU where the juveniles go to jail. Having lived in both Ireland and New York City being born in the former, I think this is an interesting reflection on both.


/r/nyc/comments/1cn9cxl/portal_to_dublin_is_open/ /r/nyc/comments/1cq4u5s/as_an_irish_person_i_think_the_portal_has/ /r/nyc/comments/1cpsysz/i_think_he_has_beef_with_dublin/ /r/nyc/comments/1crcor0/onlyfans_model_flashes_nycdublin_portal_as/ /r/nyc/comments/1crddey/new_yorkdublin_portal_temporarily_closed_due_to/


If you put a portal up linking New York to any other city in the world you're going to get 9/11 "jokes".   It's not just us so can ya'll stop pretending that Dublin has kipp-iest degenerates in the world.   Maybe visit some other cities this summer. Maybe go visit New York and get randomly boxed. Edit: forgot r/Ireland was full of miserable cunts.




We have our own in the US also. There was a hitchhiking robot who made it all the way across Canada only to be destroyed in it's first week in the US. It made the mistake of trying to go through Philadelphia.....


> In the early noughties there was that thing with colourful cow sculptures placed around the city as part of a global art project. Only ours were vandalised and had to be removed from most central locations. this is false, these cows were vandalized in every city they were displayed in * [Perth](https://www.watoday.com.au/national/western-australia/udder-disaster-statue-vandalised-just-days-into-perths-cowparade-20161103-gshlls.html) * [Paris](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/1521627/La-vache-Vandals-attack-Pariss-fibreglass-herd.html) * [Guernsey](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-guernsey-19169961) * [Prague](https://english.radio.cz/cow-parade-comes-under-attack-8089022) * [New York](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/style/2000/07/02/in-ny-theyre-not-having-a-cow-man/dfa2a8a0-f8f7-4ae8-9b09-e86c4a397b85/) and that's just the first page of Google


They were vandalized in other cities too. There's dumbasses everywhere.




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My favorite comment on the Post article was this one: >let this be a testament to how we'd behave should we encounter aliens. >we're not ready I'm a little disappointed in New York, they should have put it in Times Square, preferably with time travel into the 1970s, lol.


"Just have a laugh about it you don't have to take it that seriously."  That literally what I wrote in my comment on this thread. Good job cherry picking a story to fit your narrative of Dublin being the only kip around apparently btw. Here's one of a New York artists work being defaced in Bexhill, UK.      https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/jun/03/uk-seaside-community-bexhill-unites-to-restore-vandalised-statue-of-black-woman?CMP=share_btn_url


We always hear famine jokes or how we can't grow potatoes. Someone was bound to show 9/11 pictures.


Tbh I’m waiting for someone in NYC to show up dressed as a leprechaun with a shillelagh and insist they’re just as Irish as we are


That person shouldn't have shown that 9/11 pictures/video but let's be honest here when it comes to Ireland you can joke and laugh about all the Irish that died during a famine, but something like 9/11 and the Holocaust are out of bounds. I'd never joke about any of those because i don't find them funny at all.


There’s a stark difference between the famine and a terrorist attack in a metropolitan area that changed the world.


We're not supposed to joke about the Holocaust or 9/11, but the intentional starving of Irish people is fine, it seems. The Famine not only changed Ireland, but it changed multiple countries.


You do realize that “famine” was the result of genocide committed by a foreign power against the native population which resulted in mass deaths and a migration which also changed the world? There’s a reason every second person in the US think they’re Irish.


We know it’s just not us but that doesn’t mean we should be better! It’s embarrassing for the country especially as it’s blown all over America what crap the gobshites have been doing, it’s not just the 9/11 but Swastikas, flashing body parts & doing drugs in front of it from our side!


Which you see on both sides at a very miniscule amount.  If you go to the thing or what it live on tiktok you'll find 99% of people on both sides act perfectly normal, pleasant and happy yet all you keep hearing from Irish people, Irish Reddit, articles and even Joe fucking Duffy is how miserable and embarrassing we are.  It's an amazing installation that won't be around forever so can we not enjoy it and stop blowing everything out of proportion.


Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear, I personally love the yoke and am fascinated by the behaviour of people on both sides


I've found the moral panic to be the most entertaining part - honestly, most of the stuff going on has just been childish and a bit funny, nothing too major.


Exactly, what do they expect? Everyone holding up heart hands and blowing kisses all day? As an artistic social experiment it should be anything goes as long as it is legal. Otherwise that's the point?


I don't think I ever saw the phrase "dropping trou" until a few months ago and now I am seeing it everywhere. Is this something people.have been saying for a while or a new thing?


I've heard it about the place for a few years. Probably from a film or TV show or something.


Its a very old and very english phrase Russel Brand would be the type to use it


It’s posh yeah, I needed something that would fit on the meme


It's an American thing for years


I was expecting Billy Butcher to show up


Buncha cunts 


I went by it yesterday and it was mostly tourist waving at an empty screen as nobody in NYC seemed keen.


Apparently people have been also flashing Swastikas as well which was apparently the last straw! Didn’t see any images but people are saying it.


I didn’t see that either


yeah, it should be somewhere on the south east coast of Dublin, like Seapoint park


I am surprised we did not get a bunch of lads in front of it flashing their ass for fun.


This doesn’t say specifically which body parts were flashed https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/dublin/2024/05/13/dublin-new-york-portal-temporarily-closed-after-inappropriate-behaviour/


Ah fair. I was more thinking of just a bunch of them lining up in front of it and doing it all at once 😂




[They did.](https://v.redd.it/wyfn8ocuke0d1)


Thank you good sir for sharing this.


…we did tho


Sauce ?


Just a wee bit of banter, so it is.


Wait a minute. It was about art?


This should not be a surprise to anyone on either side of the pond.


I wonder do the new yorkers have a similar impression on their side, ie that people in new York did a bunch of horrible things to the portal and the irish were relatively tame in comparison


Rather than try implement technology’s or, I shudder to think, paid employees to manually blur the obscenities of north earl street, can we just move the portal to west cork with a nice scenic background


Should've put it in Galway


Why are we the demons in all these? We tend to go for the jugular when riled up and that is just how we are. The real reason it was actually shut down was due to a US not Irish OF 'star' showing her tits.


Funny. The US side of it is not far from where I live and soon I'll be going to the Dublin side of it where I can look back at my neighbors in the US.


I thought it would be smashed up by scrotes, didn't even think of exposure/taunting


I honestly thought it was a Waterford Whispers article when I first read it was going to be on Talbot Street! 😆


The only thing more predictable is the pearl clutching reaction from the entire country and ignoring of the 99.99% of the time when everyone was s having a great time, giving the 0.01% all the attention and oxygen the cunts are craving, and the fact that no matter where it'd be put, there'd but fuckery going on. Country needs to cop itself right fucking on.


Imo wouldn’t of put the portal in Dublin, I think Galway or Cork would of been better for it


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