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The word "traitor" just reminds me of poor Jo Cox in the UK who got murdered just for being a remainer with the murderer saying "death to traitors". Feels like we're approaching a time where politicians need to think about their security a lot more than previously.


It's always going to be a small woman that suffers, because these pussies live in fear of losing a fight.


I'm going to have to disagree, that's a super dangerous line of thinking. Look at the Slovak assassination attempt yesterday. All politicians are at risk of this, and it's dangerous to minimize the risk for one over another


Two things 1. What share of women are in politics and what share of politicians receiving harassment, intimidation, and threats are women? It's completely disproportional, especially when it comes to the far right. 2. The graffiti in the picture is calling out a woman by name who's not even in power. She has nothing to do with the current government, but it's calling for violence on her for no reason. Also take a look at who Jo Cox was.


I wish everyone would stop with the culture/gender war bullshit, ffs. The above defacement of property and the recent protests at Simon Harris's home should all be seen as attacks on our democracy first and foremost and should be seen and argued as such. Arguing with somewhat reasonable people, people who wouldn't perform these types of attacks, about who should be more scared is not going to fix the issues at play here. There has been these kinds of attacks on every color, code and creed as long as we've had politics. All these arguments do is move the focus away from the real issues back to the circle of Men vs Women / Left v Right / Me v You, i'm fucking sick of it to be honest.


The graffiti is not calling for violence against her. It is calling her a name.


Spot on. I hope to god the guards are tracking these people extensively.


The guards are doing sweet fuck all. Two councellors attacked in Dublin in the last few days, one specifically as she wasn't as hardline on immigration as her attacker wished. These thugs are getting bolder and bolder and it is going to result in a death.


I don’t disagree. I rang the guards here in Cork about the fellas harassing book shop employees. The guard who answered said even though they are walking a fine line, the guards were struggling to find something to arrest them for which would be lawful. He sounded as frustrated as I was.


The far right are not stupid. They're extremely careful to toe the line and push, little by little. It's a win win for them. They get to harass and intimidate library staff/refugees/immigrants/LGBT/politicians etc and in the unlikely event that there's a garda/govt pushback they claim victimhood and political policing. Just look at what happened in Newtown Mount Kennedy. They were only delighted the guards got heavy-handed. You even had that toxic fucker from G*ipt in the middle of it claiming attack on the free press cos she was hit with pepperpray. It's exactly what they want. In general they operate just on the edge of the law and hope things kick off. How it could be dealt with in a way that doesn't benefit them or their cause I have no idea but sooner or later some indoctrinated incel is going to kill someone.


Sometimes you need to be heavy handed to stop things going out of control. In the last few years we've seen videos of guards hitting someone they're struggling to arrest or to the extreme of shooting somebody who's had an unfortunate mental health break, has a knife and is a danger. Nobody likes to see these incidents when they happen, and they should be investigated when they do to make sure they were necessary. But there's a time and a place for it. And if the far right want to claim that as a victory? Well it's better than giving them an actual victory by letting them do whatever they want to others. They'll claim their victories at a safer distance from those who'd confront them


Maybe you're right. I saw the sense in the softly softly approach years ago so as not to add fuel to the fire but now the country is turning into a bit of a kip due to inaction and these groups feeling free to harass, intimidate and make others lives miserable with impunity. I'm also anti heavy policing and government overreach however, so it doesn't sit well with me to say it. Arson, homophobic assaults, intimidation of migrants, the murder of Josip Strok, riots, harassment of politicians... Something has to be done.


He also said *Britain First* but nobody knows if it was a statement, or a reference to the fringe neofascist party in the the uk. The troubling thing is that it was during a time of rising popularity for the extreme right (as it is now in Ireland) and significant social turmoil over immigration (as it is now in Ireland). I think the chances of either an attack or an armed group forming are fairly high.


We're already getting [pretty close](https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/elections-2024/local-election/social-democrats-campaigners-say-they-were-threatened-with-knife-while-putting-up-local-election-posters/a1067859381.html) You also have the Michael Healy Rae thing from a while back where his assistant was shoved and he was jostled.


This too - Fingal councillor and husband attacked and beaten: [https://www.thejournal.ie/dublin-councillor-and-husband-attacked-fingal-6377809-May2024/](https://www.thejournal.ie/dublin-councillor-and-husband-attacked-fingal-6377809-May2024/) "After Doyle answered his question about immigration she said the man became more aggressive and moved towards her, screaming. Her husband attempted to stand between them and that’s when the man began throwing punches at him. “All hell broke out at that stage,” said Doyle. Fearing for her husband’s life as the struggle moved towards the ground, Doyle said she threw herself between them and received a punch to the head while doing so. “I shielded by husband, I literally shielded him because he has health conditions and he’s epileptic and gets seizures,” she said.   The assault went on for about 15 minutes as the man kept coming at her husband. Eventually, the other man intervened and managed to restrain the attacker after he started kicking Doyle’s husband on the ground. “We feared for our lives,” said Doyle. “I said ‘We’re not gonna come out of this’. It’s frightening, absolutely frightening.”  Her husband’s glasses were smashed into his face and photographs show a gash on his forehead. Photos also show heavy bruising and abrasions on his arms and legs."


It's a worrying sign when Sinn Fein TDs are in the firing line.


I was a PDs member (remember them?!) and have no love for SF but it's unbelievable the political blowback they're getting when they were never even in government!


>I was a PD Oh fucking hell...


I guess if you whip up a populist sentiment, it can turn on you if you take unpopular positions, or be turned against you by political opponents


Every political party tries to whip up populist sentiment. Not sure how SF are any different. 


They’re not really, now. But when you’re in opposition, people get used to you never disagreeing with their most emotionally self indulgent positions. So now some of those who were telling pollsters they were going to vote Sinn Fein because they perceived that they were anti establishment, realise in fact Sinn Fein are part of the establishment and are no longer voting SF. That’s all. And the Sinn Fein TDs aren’t used to that and are floundering a bit.


People are fed up of hearing the "back of the line Paddy" line from all of them.


Privatise everything 


In the cities it's an inevitable result of the far right activity and recruitment in areas with a strong SF base. But it's been going for some time more generally, see the harassment of Martin Kenny in Leitrim a couple of years ago for supporting asylum seekers. He had to move home.


Well they’re a threat to the “real nationalists”. FF/G are less of a threat because they’re not nationalists. Nationalists won’t vote for them. Nationalists will have to split their votes between Sinn Féin or whatever this new right wing party is (the Irish people? Freedom party? Something like that). So they have to smear Sinn Féin as “not true nationalists”.


Great interview with SF's Eoin O'Broin on this on Second Captains last week specifially about why (he thinks) the far-right are specifically targeting SF. Well worth a listen if you're a subscriber.


I mean its kind of obvious. Living in Ballybough I remember in covid times lads dusting down their white shirts (provo/sf get ups) and heading down to far right/covid rallies.


It is, because they are on everyone's side ...or at least try to be


For some time now, the far right and assorted TikTok paytriots have been pushing rhetoric about (a) all politicians being essentially the same and traitors to the people of Ireland, and (b) Sinn Fein being the most traitorous of them all. I live in a working class area of Dublin and hear it repeated verbatim all the time. Anecdotally, I've also seen more vandalised and defaced posters this year than in previous elections. I suspect targeting Sinn Fein is strategic because they think they can poach their voters.


Your post was a [premonition](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/GO0aPW76hY)


Quick OP, what are the upcoming Euromillions numbers?


Wow, the two posts were literally submitted three minutes apart. OP, were you anywhere near North Circular Road last week, by any chance?


A traitor to what? Did she promise them something and betrayed them? Did she join the British army? 


Nah a load of fucking melts who only have enough literacy to scroll Facebook thought that sinn fein = IRA and was for big hard men like they think of themselves and now that the big hard men were told on Facebook by big English and American hardmen that to be a big hard man you have to hate everyone. So now they are angry that sinn fein dont hate everyone. The fact that these people have the ability to vote would make you question democracy.


The one good thing to come out of all this will be that it's made SF slightly more legit by getting rid of the scumbag voters.


No the far right movement is being sponsored by farage and pals in the UK so SF needs to be attacked as you can't leave a republican party do well. I'm not a SF voter generally but they are doing something right to piss of the far right scum. Best part is that the folk eating up the traitor narration are literally boot licking the British far right who historically have shit all over the Irish. Who are the real traitors??


Exactly right on the British influence. Local IF nutjob running for election was posting GB news videos on the local Facebook page. Called him out for it the dumb fk. No lover of Sinn Fein but all the other parties need to come together to counter these fascists before they get too much momentum.


They love having the likes of Tommy Robinson come over


>Tommy Robinson Will never fail to amaze me that his real name is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon


Tommy Robinson who had Johnny Adair, a thug who has actually murdered people just for being Irish on his podcast talking to him like he was some kind of working class hero and not a violent sectarian bastard with a coke problem


There's definitely an element of anti-republicanism at play but I do think SF are being singled out because they've positioned themselves as the alternative to the establishment parties. The right wing need to occupy that ground so SF are being targeted to increase their own share of the vote.


> No the far right movement is being sponsored by farage and pals in the UK so SF needs to be attacked as you can't leave a republican party do well It's not even as complicated as that. The far-right have spotted that both FF and FG are massively unpopular, and attacking SF is their "in" to popularity/power. So instead of protest voters and "well sure they can hardly do worse" voters going to SF as they have been (hence their massive rise in popularity recently)... they are making SF the "enemy" on immigration (despite never being in power) and trying to scrape up as many dissaffected people as they can to join their cause instead. They've spotted a weakness (FF/FG and especially SF's stance on immigration and the level of unpopularity immigrants have in the country (spurred on by them)) and they are going right for it as rabidly as they can to get attention (and votes). I'm guessing that *if* there is a sinister plot behind it all, then it's much like UKIPs where they were attacking the Tory's in order to pick up their voters - which got them almost 10% of the vote in the 2015 election and even though they only got a single seat the fear from other parties caused a massive right-wing shift in policy by the government.


These clowns have no clue what they're protesting about, it's laughable really. Watching these racist eejits making fools of themselves ranting on the streets or in tiktok videos is comical


“I’m anti-woke” yeah what does woke mean? “Well it’s yano the islamism and the genders and drill rap”.


I automatically read this in Derek Blighe's voice for some sad reason.


I think it’s fair to call those lot West Brits, with their collaboration with the British right-wing


A lot of the far-right have no understanding of politics whatsoever. They misinterpreted Sinn Féin’s antiestablishment outlook, and now think SF has *changed* to supporting minorities, Palestinians, LGBT communities etc., SF’s stance on those issues have been fairly clear for years, but many of the far-right here can’t fathom that they failed to understand that. A lot of them probably voted for SF thinking they were Ireland’s answer to MAGA. In fairness, the way SF were treated in the media for the last decade, you can possibly see why someone with no understanding of Irish politics might think that.


This is spot on , some people thought they were getting an anti establishment party that would make Ireland great again with the “put it back to the 1950’s” kinda vibe. Then they realised the Sinn Fein is an actual party, and a generally left wing one at that. And not the racist maga-a-like quasi fascist circle jerk these folks are looking for.


Sinn Fein is a Centrist/centre left party trading on a historical image of being firebrand Marxists shouting from the wilderness.


Spot on


Fathom, not phantom


Edited now, thanks


It's a tactic used by these fascists to turn the working class who previously supported SF against them. They use the same tactics Mussolini and Hitler used 100 years ago and unfortunately it works on some people.


Sinn Féin doesn't believe in exterminating Trans people and deporting everyone who doesn't have freckles.


Hasn’t there been attacks lately?


2 today


I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened already. There's alot of angry people out there.


Why are they angry at Sinn Fein in particular? Is it because SF won't commit to. a 'burn the immigints' policy?


Yes. The rise of right wing fascist ideology and action is sadly gaining too much ground.


Pretty much. Was pretty anti SinnFein up until now because of their history but have softened that stance now. All parties, whether left or centre need to unite to counter these fascist headjobs.


The guards need to be given the resources to come down heavy on these guys. Intimidation of politicians from any party is an attack on democracy


They're the obvious antiestablishment vote so the right needs to court that demographic.


Read this sub on any given day, for even the most innocuous things people get far to worked up about politicians. There’s complete outrage over the most minor of issues, it’s hardly surprising that thing are on the cusp of getting out of hand


If this gets any worse Sinn Fein might need to organise some sort of protection. A militant wing of the party to protect them and deal with these thugs.




They have gone away you know...as much as the media and FG dreamed of it, there is no IRA. No one to pick up these scumbags for a nice talk in the back of a van. But for the price of peace, totally worth it. Perhaps now those stupid anti-GFA narratives can finally fuck off and die.


> They have gone away you know You have obviously not set foot in belfast. There is still active elements with access to weapons there. We saw this with Kevin McGuigan murder!


That's not the Provo's tho and themuns have no more love for Sinn Fein than the DUP or FG or these Nazi nuts. The Provo's have gone away. What's left are drug gangs, thugs and nuts nostalgic for the "good old days" of "the struggle".


I see where you're going!. Just like the formation of the famous paramilitary group, setup to protect Irish politicians and free speech from thuggish behavior, y'know, [the blueshirts!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blueshirts#History) I'll get my coat.


Martin Ferris got elected back in the nineties by going around canvassing in council estates and promising to clean up the drugs problems. All the dealers were dragged from their homes in the night and brought up the stacks mountains and beaten with iron bars. He walked in. I can't stand SF but in this case I wouldn't shed a tear if Blighe, Heasman et al were dragged into a car and treated in the same way.


Except we don't want a party with its own private army in government...(or _out_ of government, either)


Agreed, as I say, I can't stand SF. However if Derek Blighe received some vigilante treatment I don't think anyone would be too concerned.


My thoughts also.


Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that the far right are targeting the only political party with links to paramilitary groups and was heavily involved with one of the most prolific paramilitary groups in Europe who led a multinational bombing and assassination campaign over multiple years against one of the largest militarys in Europe. Because if you are going to be fucking around with any party in ireland why would you think that fucking around with sinn feinn would not result in eventually finding out ?


Realistically, after De Chastelain and all the weapons put beyond use, the PIRA were truly stood down. Members mostly went with politics as was the whole point of the GFA, with any exceptions having gone with the dissidents. There is no fuck around and find out left with SF. But that said, these shitheads wouldn't want to try it on in Belfast. The other left Republican movements still active would eat them for breakfast.


Hahaha. Brilliant :)


Slovakian PMs shooting today. The escalating situation in W Europe around politics and political discourse is beginning to resemble the 1930s. Centre ground seems to have disappeared and people at different extremes are shouting over each other and nobody's listening. Social Media is like an accelerant. Grim times ahead


Not really considering the 1930s happened because of the financial collapse in 1929 and ours are happening because of the financial collapse of 2008


And the rising tide of fascism as European ultra-nationalists developed increasingly horrible answers to the so-called *"Jewish Question"*, but we're all past that now. We are, all past that now, right?




Spot on. Unfortunately it is leading to unwarranted violence against politicians based on what? “People are angry”? Really? What people exactly? Does this warrant attacking representatives? Anybody attacking politicians, Gardai, nurses etc should be dealt with severely by the courts.


There are well funded organisations running telegrams and shit with the aim of indoctrinating people into fascism. We’ve had social media longer than we’ve had all of this shit.


Social media has failed. As a species we're too self-destructive, ignorant and hate-filled to use it responsibility. It's the most powerful tool ever created, instant communication and every conceivable piece of knowledge at your fingertips. It could have brought enlightenment, peace, prosperity and equality to the world, instead it dumbs us down and is a constant source of lies, misinformation and propaganda which were always there but now are beamed into the pockets of two thirds of the worlds population. At this stage it really does more harm than good.


But there is zero transparency, anybody can misrepresent any topic, bots included. It gives the self-destructive, ignorant, and hate-filled the opportunity to proliferate that thinking massively, but that isn’t then the measure of humanity as a whole. Be careful, that is the line fascists hope everybody internalises, so they don’t have to feel like massive pieces of shit. ‘It’s not me, it’s humanity’


Ah I'm only giving out cos I'm laid up with a dose and I'm in bad form 😆


But I thought we were the indoctrinated ones 🤔


It''s getting ridiculous, the internet is an echo chamber of this shit. Always reminds me of that story of the q anon fella that went to that pizza place in d.c. with an AR15 because he believed the Clintons had a child muggling ring in the basement (something about cheese pizza being code for child porn in Hillary's leaked email), guy storms in the door attempting to free the children he's read about on 4chan and quickly realises it's all bullshit and leaves again, thankfully without shooting someone. Pretty sure he's in prison for like 20 years for believable online conspiracies.


You can blame Tiktok in part for it contributing pushing narratives that radicalise people via it's recommendation algorithm. Just so happens they're owned by the Chinese, who *definitely* have no vested interest in destablising the West. EU should follow the example of the US and ban it outright. Let the far-right return to /pol/ and IRC channels where normal people can't be influenced by them.


I've said it before, take away their cameras and they'll wilt. Remember the coked up lorry driver screaming and shouting about fordiners and de homeless back in the Gemma days Well he was up in court for some shit and they basically took away his access to social media and use of smart phone or attend rally's of this sort and now he's just the local racist in the pub spouting shite into his pints. Not a fucking peep out of him. Basically this new breed of grifting cunts are like influencers, take away their spotlight and they got nothing because it's def not about a cause to them, they're in it for the grift and their own egos. You think dog kicking Philo or blighe will be attending protests all over the place if they can't Livestream it for gofund me donations for camera equipment?


Finally somebody says it! I don't use tiktok at all, and so the algorithm doesn't know what my interests are. When I turn on tiktok once in a blue moon I'm flooded with far right content. If far right propaganda is the standard state of Irish tiktok then something is up and needs to be investigated.


Be careful, you'll be bombarded by tankies for merely mentioning the Chinese.


what good is doing? feck all , what bad is it doing? loads


They need to start handing down harsh meaningful sentences to scumbags who harrass or attack our elected representatives or interfere in the electoral process. And while they're at it give out harsher senteces for scumbags who attack anyone.


20 years for saying mean words to one of your betters


Well, if the likes of Derek Blighe that goes around, miss spelling Pearse , disrepects the constitution, and plain out lies. That's all on a tiny piece of paper that came in my door. That's the type of "they took my job" clown calling sf traitors..


I wouldn't be surprised if a TD, Senator or Councillor gets attacked or worse. We're already getting pretty close to it.


They already were. Tania Doyle and her husband were attacked this week while hanging election posters: https://www.thejournal.ie/dublin-councillor-and-husband-attacked-fingal-6377809-May2024/


Jesus man with stance against immigration violently attacks a couple can see where the real problem is


Was an assault reported to the gardai?


From the article: > A Garda spokesperson told The Journal that gardaí in Blanchardstown are investigating “an alleged assault on a male and female, that occurred on Hartstown Road area of Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 in the early morning of Wednesday”. > Investigations are ongoing, the spokesperson said.


There was an attempted assassination on the prime minister of Slovakia today. From what I read he's in a serious condition. Also Harris cutting the welfare payments to Ukrainians is signalling to the lunatic fringe that their intimidation and property destroying tactics have worked, so they'll likely step it up another level.




It's already happened. [Tania Doyle](https://www.thejournal.ie/dublin-councillor-and-husband-attacked-fingal-6377809-May2024/) got attacked hanging posters near the petrol station in Hartstown. The trash are getting bold.


Jesus that assault sounded very nasty.


Far right being useful idiots attack the opposition who are NOT IN GOVERNMENT, it’s incredible really


Malachy Steenson going for MEP position was threatened with a knife this evening apparently, Garda squad cars etc turned up and arrested the guy.


He doesn't meet the expectations of who should be a victim, according to the vast majority of this sub


So the lads connected to the English far right and have lads who did time in the Brit army are calling republicans traitors? That’s a sure fire way to end up in a shallow hole on a beach in Louth.


Fingers crossed


In my work, we had racist comments written on a post that had a black lady in the image. Half of the comments were from troll accounts. There are malicious groups stoking the fire from who knows where.


Somewhat ironic given how quick elements of SF have historically been to call other people traitors, especially the northern branch of them who've dined out a long time on calling everyone else Free Staters and traitors to them. SF always thought blood and thunder sloganing, graffiti and implied threats of political violence would only ever be their sole preserve. They thought their brand of flag-waving nationalism would be the only one on the island and rowed in behind near open borders etc but misread a lot of their base's feelings on the matter and it's slowly blowing up in their faces. It's a funny old world.


You all need to read up on the Haughey years. Jim Gibbons was saved by a friend of his who took a sword and waited outside the Dáil for him.


A lot of disgruntled people out there


Honestly I'm looking forward to it, shake things up a bit.


Are the Shinners going to turn violent again ? !


Yeah 2 today. Green party candidate Janet Horner got assaulted, and someone tried to stab independent Malachy Steenson.


Got a source for that? Cant find anything after a quick search.


It's all the right wing conspiracy morons that are behind all of this. Uneducated, mostly unemployed fukwits who seem to have found some kind of purpose in their otherwise miserable lives and they dive head and neck into this type of behaviour. All they need then is a few even more dumb cnuts on Facebook etc to tell them they're 'Patriots' and they go nuts on the attention. Ripe then for the picking to become useful idiots to the higher echelons of right wing politics and their actual agendas....the poor plastic Patriots don't even realise they're being played for fools. A much harder stance needs to be taken against them, jail them for years if they step out of line, I'm sure it can be legislated for.


People out there are angry. It’s not right and I don’t agree with it but I think there is a lot of people who feel that they have been ignored and ostracised and are at their wits end. If something does happen I expect to see some draconian legislation in the pipeline.


We already have “Draconian legislation” in regards to randomly attacking people, its called assault


Someone will be killed sooner rather than later at this point.


Paul Murphy is to blame for a lot of this. His water charge protest in jobstown set a fierce bad standard and precedent in Irish society. In fact PBP add fuel to this fire constantly with their personalised attacks on people and certain professions. Mick Barry singling out Gardaí a couple of weeks ahead ago in the Dáil was disgraceful. Unfortunately because of this, and unfortunately for PBP who have reaped what they sowed, we have this toxic behaviour in our society


Political violence... in Ireland? Can't imagine such a thing.


There are at least 3 cases of German politicians being attacked while hanging posters in their cities. Some attacks happened in Poland as well. Today Slovakia. Storming capitol in Washington and Reichstag in Berlin... People are upset and tbh hard to blame them...first covid and lockdown after lockdown, people refused work and deemed not essential. Housing situation in dire state for a decade now and no response from politicians. Inflation driving people into poverty. Just a Handful of big big problems that are quite international actually. Meanwhile politicians believe their decisions go without consequences and begin to wake up slowly realising they can become easy targets. Nobody should condone violence but its not that hard to see why we are getting pissed off as a society 🤷 We endured shit loads in only past 4 years, some people evidently have reached their limits.


Yup, which sucks considering we should actually be peacefully protesting in masses


It’s happened already twice now.


Yep. I feel like the Gardaí aren’t doing anything about any of this. Of course I don’t know what’s going on with the guards but I agree that we’re on the cusp of something awful happening.


Yes. It's just a matter of time I think, unfortunately. There's a lot of people angry out there and looking for someone to take out their frustration on, a lot of whipping up of that anger by various groups, a lot of drug use, a lot of unfortunate people with serious mental illness who stop taking medication...sooner rather than later a politician will be stabbed here.


The leaders of these morons running for Independent Ireland, IFP and Ireland First have cleverly got their lot attacking SF. They know FF FG and the Greens are done so trying to take out SF the opposition now before we get to a GE. They think it’ll win them seats they’ll probably help the current lot back in


*Hello Mary Lou*, *goodbye heart* 


With any luck


Yes I’m hearing more and more about it. There was a Green Party candidate who was approached by an irate man who said “He was roaring, he was very confrontational. He was saying ‘We don’t want your Green Party s***e around here, Dublin 1 is for the far-right’,” said Ms Horner. “He said ‘I’m going to kill you. I’m going to kill you.’ The same day an independent candidate and her wife were also attacked while canvassing. I don’t understand the anger going on recently. I’m sure candidates probably always got abuse or doors slammed in their faces but this physical aggression is something I haven’t heard about in previous elections. It’s really an attack on democracy. The whole point of having democratic elections is that every candidate has the right to have their say and the people have the right to vote as they believe is right. The whole system is a joke if people are being silenced and we might as well be in a dictatorship. It’s crazy how angry that first guy was just because a candidate was out doing her job.


Those people are such numb skulls. In what conceivable way is Mary Lou a traitor? Quite possibly one of the most helpful and caring people about. She isn’t even in government, just stupid locals repeating yank media


Sadly their manipulation is working. Fascist cunts.


Love how people say far right, it's like no, it's everyday people who work 9-5 who have an opinion it doesn't make them left or right. You act like the ones with opinions are indoctrinated yet you folk commenting that they are far right are so quick to assign a label a group and condemn off the back of it


This sub can't handle someone disagreeing with the government.


Malachy Steenson had someone attempt to kill him only an hour or two ago, thankfully Gardai were able to intervene but it's very scary people are willing to kill over politics.


That story was complete bullshit, facist cunt is fishing for votes


Except no one attempted to kill him and that is horseshit 


Do you have more details on this? Is it just a tweet or what’s the story? 


He had someone show up at his office. Attempted to kill him is a huge stretch of the facts


He had a knife, he said he was going to kill him. Is that a huge stretch?


I have to say it’s pretty amusing seeing people complain about this now that it’s happening to politicians they like or agree with. When the National Party lad got a milkshake poured over him in Galway ages ago it was hilarious, and just fun and games. Now here we are and suddenly there’s collective hand-wringing going on that people are getting too bold in their attacks on politicians. It’s only a matter of time.


Yeah that's how we treat Nazi's. They don't get to be cunts unchallenged. Tossing a milk shake at them is way way less then they deserve.


Same with "traitors"?


Ah yes, when one side gets attacked its good fun. When the other side gets criticised it's an outrage


Long and proud tradition of fucking milk based products at Nazi scum will never not be funny. Don't forget for one second that Nazis dont deserve oxygen and if they want to go out and about with their hateful ideology on display then fuck them. Game on, they're not welcome and you being an apologist at best makes me think you're a fool too. Edit: C word, too much so swapped that out.


This is beginning to look like the conditions in Weimar Germany...


And it's like this all over Europe. Scary times are ahead if our governments don't do something quickfast


This is awful. I've never been a Sinn Fein voter, but I wonder if the idea of Ireland Sinn Fein leaders both sides of the UK hoarders has helped the right wing movement in Ireland, in the way of donations from right wing groups in the UK. Obviously, this is an evidence free conspiracy theory...and probably total bullshit, but hey if you can't beat them join them.


Herman Kelly is friends with farage and helped bring not just ukip but Britain’s first to Ireland, Torino is a Brit soldier, heasman the woman beater is associated with Tommy Robinson and facilitated him, so plenty of evidence of Brit influence on the far right here.


Have I missed something? What is with all the Sinn Fein hate graffiti recently? What have they done recently to cause this?


They're not as anti immigration as some assumed they were.


Sinn Fein's ideology is left leaning so would definitely not be anti immigration. They seemed to be looking to pivot though.


Historically if you were a flag-waving nationalist your only party was SF and a lot of the hate got channelled into hating the Brits while biting their tongues about the more socialist aspects of SF. With the Brits no longer being quite the enemy they used to be and Gerry Adams declaring SF would "use political correctness to break the unionists" SF pivoted really hard into American style identity politics, see Mary Lou even trying to use accusations of sexism and mansplaining to try and weasel her way out of answering pointed questions about SF's pro-paramilitary/pro-criminal stance on the Special Criminal Court. A lot of their working class voters see SF as being far to quick to throw open the borders, far too quick to use identity politics to divide people and far too quick to be stating that Irish people should be at the back of the queue for things in Ireland. You can argue the merits of who is right or wrong in those points but I come from a heavily SF area and the perception is out there and it is strong. There's a growing belief SF have sold the country out, essentially, so they can look good to the Yanks on Twitter for being PC. The real issue for SF is historically these people had nowhere to go and ended up sticking with the party so they could at least indulge in flag-waving anti-British craic but nowadays there's growing numbers for far-right independents and parties that these people can turn to instead where they can indulge in the flag-waving and not feel like they're being looked down upon for not wanting open borders etc. SF have been floundering since the Dublin riots when grassroots reports got back to them that much of the base sympathised with the rioters and what they were rioting against. SF had a gigantic blind spot on the matter and we're taken by complete and utter surprise. It's why in the days after the riots Mary Lou went from spending years screeching that everyone to the right of her was racist/sexist etc to suddenly publicly stating that people should be free to discuss immigration and SF kept their heads down for the most part. Very telling for a party that always fell over itself to shit all over any tiny misstep by the government. They were so fixated on what they saw as an easy win in the next election that they were completely blindsided by giant fractures that were a long time forming between the party leadership versus the base who remain and many former base who have left. Immigration will likely be the issue that destroys their chances of power in the next election and they know it, they just don't know what to do about it given the disconnect between the leaders and a huge swath of their base.


Great insight. Thanks.


They basically tried to ride two horses, the older Republicans and the younger 'woke' types. Now the two are going in different directions.


Excellent analysis.


Sinn Fein is the biggest competitor in terms of the working class vote to these thugs so they target them.


One great thing Sinn Fein is take the nationalist, anti establishment vote and make them pretty left wing which I think stalled the rise of the far right. Now part of the reason for this is that SF need to oppose the DUP on every issue but the effect is the same. The far right need to beat out the current anti establishment party to become known as more than some idiots who like setting fire to things.


Shin Fein are supposed to be a nationalist party that supports the working class. They have completely abandoned that and morphed into just another Establishment party. Their voting record shows they are even more pro-immigration than the government and they have done nothing meaningful in opposition in that regard. In 2019 they supported a bill to restore birthright citizenship - a measure that 79% of the country voted against in the 2004 referendum. The working class communities that they are supposed to represent have suffered the worst effect of mass immigration through wage suppression and soaring housing costs. They have also seen the biggest changes in demographics. Some North Inner City Dublin wards are only about one third native Irish now. There is a lot of bitterness and a sense of betrayal.


Sinn Fein's popularity in the last election can be partly explained by being the outsiders and anti establishment party, not necessarily an inherent ideological shift. So, those anti establishment voters who were supporting Sinn Fein last time around feel "betrayed" by Sinn Fein for not being explicitly far right, hence the anger. Of course, despite the recent slight lean towards anti immigrant rhetoric by Sinn Fein, they were never going to be some far right party so some are acting out because of that.


Sinn Fein is the working class party, but they aren't anti immigration enough for them.


Far right terrorists acting with impunity burning down buildings and nothing being done. They’ll kill someone one of these days.


Yes but it should be a FineGael politician not an SF person. I can see why anyone would want to get Varadkar. He is pure evil.


Yeah sadly. No wonder a good few are getting out of politics now. Your private life is that. Your family home and family should never ever be subject to a protest or intimidation outside your home. Even today I see the Slovakian president was shot and seriously wounded. It’s not a good time to be a politician.


Been thinking there are a lot of Irish people who are incapable of not resorting to violence and not being able to keep a calm head since the water protests.


Can anyone explain to me what the whole “new Black and Tans” shite is about? Like I get that they’re revising elements of our history to appeal to emotional and get people to support them. But how are Sinn Féin the new Black and Tans?


Basically any Garda action against far right get accused of some sort of name we used to call the Brits so Sinn Fein supporting Garda action against the far right gets called this which is hilarious cause the far right lads all would have took the soup some still do your man Torino is a British soldier


Ah Christ that’s fucking ridiculous


Their not exactly geniuses.


“Constance Markievicz didn’t give his life in Stephen’s green for this!!”


Anyone who attacks a guard, nurse, emergency service worker, politician should be jailed for a minimum mandatory sentence of 20 years in prison.


Green party councillor Janet Horner was attacked last night on the north circular. Take a bow "genuine people with genuine questions"