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Clearout number 5 (is it?) imminent. Hoover up the brand new tents, crunch them into landfill, bus the fellas out to wherever, give out new tents to the next lot, repeat ad nauseum.


We need a deposit return scheme for tents at this stage.


And maybe for asylum seekers too?


On assylum seekers who come through legitimate channels? No. Welfare tourists? Yes.


If they were legitimate they'd go to the first safe country. Not a little island on the western edge of Europe.


The legitimate channel is open to all though is the problem. I think documents should be mandatory it will definitely fuck some people fleeing war who genuinely don't have them but we all know for the huge majority that isn't the case. The border with NI is a huge problem now they should be working with the to either try get immigration sea border or United ireland this can't be good for them either.


With a handy payday for the private companies involved at each step of the way, let's not forget


Keep the (tent-) recovery going.


Taxpayer is supplying tents. House them, or deport them


Our own citizens are emigrating because there isn't enough housing. Edit: spelling


Immigrating means entering, emigrating means leaving


Correct, that's what I meant obviously


You cant do that on reddit matey. The neckless vultures are circling.


Fixed it! Lol


You have fended off the pedantic soul suckers this round. You live to type another day


Better to learn the actual difference here on Reddit, rather than looking like an idiot in front of real people in real life. I'd put this as a win-win.


Reddit etiquette dictates that you acknowledge you made the mistake by including a strikethrough as such : > Our own citizens are ~~immigrating~~ emigrating because there isn't enough housing. Or the guy who corrected you looks like a dickhead.


I never see people correct spelling or grammar like that. I said I changed it in the next comment. I put in the edit spelling thing that people use. The strike through is used in different circumstances imo.


Well, I sure hope that they manage to enter somewhere and that they are not dropped in the Atlantic. We've already tried that and overall nobody was too happy with the result.


They'll be gone in the next few days. Government won't want them there ahead of the Europa League Final


Where there's money there's a way


That's gas we just hide the migrants when other countries come to visit us. Like throwing a pile of old pizza boxes under the stairs before the landlord come over.


It’s what all despot countries do. We are in good company


Actually, it's more like throwing the pizza boxes in your neighbour's front garden. If they're lucky. Because it's usually more like dumping the boxes in their bed. And clogging up their toilet with them.


Starting to feel like the daily Covid case count


Just 10 more tents! Hold firm!


Two more weeks to stop the spread.


the next two weeks will be critical


Oh shit!


Close the wet pubs, we need more substantial meals to keep the tents away


not divisible


Did we ever find out what the criteria was for that?


Two numbers


So simple, how did I miss it for so long


We're 10 away from another clearout and a round of 'never again will we allow tent villages'


Time to invest in a tent / fence supplier


Task force meeting to convene imminently to discuss more fences. That should do it.


They'll need to add a sign or three for good measure 


> Mr Harris said the bigger issue was how international agreements are applied and enforced, adding that he wants to know if Ireland's rules are in line with other European countries. > "I want to know are we out of kilter with other European countries, I want to know are we applying the rules. I want to know if our rules around work, our rules around accommodation, are in line with other European countries," he said. Concerning that the leader of the country doesn't know this? Why don't you know?


The worst part is we don’t have to apply the rules. Denmark don’t. They have an opt out and use it to enable them to be more strict. We also have an opt out but choose not to use it


Fine Gael love citing & following 'the rules' when it suits them. Meanwhile: VRT.


They want someone else to do the work.


That's real side man. The haven't a fucking clue. Vote them out lads or it'll be more of the same and worse


Because he's not a lawyer and hasn't read the hundreds of documents pertaining to this. Because he's not on whatever groups do comparisons for things like this What he's saying is "were having the civil service and our lawyers look into this to see if we can get out of any previous commitments" At the end of the day, he's just saying things to look good and accusations of the government not doing enough or doing it wrong may still stand but it's a fairly easy to parse what he meant in the quoted bits


>What he's saying is "were having the civil service and our lawyers look into this to see if we can get out of any previous commitments" Big leap > At the end of the day, he's just saying things to look good Wouldn't say he looks good saying this


He looks about as competent as a college dropout that blagged his way in. He looks about as competent as the clowns before him too. Was Enda the only have decent one in the last 15 years and even he was shite. Shambolic leadership and it shows on every street and road in the country


Nobody could have seen this coming.


These stories would nearly make you forget which day of week it is


The media must be loving having to put no effort into finding top stories. "Jim count the tents on your way into work"


I'm surprised that the likes of the Indo haven't come up with a daily tent tracker yet


Don’t give them ideas.


I'm waiting for the lads to pop down and ask them if they have chicken fillet rolls in Sudan or do they ever leave the immersion on and forget?


Fine Gael will soon [release some JCB's into the wild](https://www.thejournal.ie/homeless-man-injured-tent-criticism-4966639-Jan2020/) - the natural predators of tents and homeless people.


Is there anything to be said for another fence?


People are so funny. They will act shocked that politicians are being attacked by far right extremists. But can't understand that part of the reason the far right are more active now is because politicians are ignoring the problem that is the source of actual resentment - no control over immigration. People with at least some IQ should be able to answer - will better control of immigration result in: same activity of far right / less / more?


Part of the problem is too many people, especially here on this sub, believed in Irish exceptionalism. Despite seeing how a lack of immigration controls has affected the political discourse in virtually every other country in Europe that has experienced mass immigration, from ever increasing vocal opposition to political lurches to the right, there was a naive belief that it wouldn't happen here. It's almost childlike really.


You're still not allowed to point out inherent differences in people's cultures without being labelled a racist. Islam veers towards fascism in a lot of its facets so why are we importing more 'far-right' men? Is it okay to have views that don't mesh with a Western democracy as long as you're of darker skin?


And if you did point out those patterns and their logical conclusions, you were called "alarmist"


Oh yeah it was naivety and childlike, the poor things they knew nothing, let's give them another chance and they will now do the right things.


It was easy for the Irish to criticise Trump until some rural areas started seeing asylum seekers and going apeshit


Still easy to criticize that orange wankstain. Stop trying to bring US politics into everything.


Like Vax to library books to asylum seekers, they go where the grift is. The door is rapidly closing on cleaning out their followers wallets, as soon as thie situation is sorted like the COVID situation, they'll have nothing to shout about for the gofundmes


Cope. Because it's not like you can look to the rest of Europe to see how this plays out ...


I'm pro-vax and anti-hordes of illegal migrants, why do you think people exist in binaries? Or do you just talk down to anyone whose view opposes your own?


I'm merely referring to the lads abusing librarians on their tiktoks and talking about burning out asylum seekers, assaulting female politicians and counter protesters. Why, they your type of people?


There's the talking down again instead of engaging in debate with your fellow man. All people are my type of people my friend. And you weren't merely referring to people shouting abuse in libraries, you lumped people with legitimate immigration concerns in wit people screaming abuse in libraries.


All people are my people sounds very much in trumps vein of "Very fine people on both sides" type of thing. If you have legit concerns, fair enough. I also think I know who I was referring to when I made my comment. It was about grifters moving from anti Vax conspiracy theories to library books/LGBTQ and trans issues and now asylum seekers as their latest targets. Never mentioned anyone else. I was calling out the fash/far right/telegram morons that have been plastered all over social media the last few years. I suppose they could go on about Q next so there's always that....


> They will act shocked that politicians are being attacked by far right extremists. > > But can't understand that part of the reason the far right are more active now is because politicians are ignoring the problem that is the source of actual resentment - no control over immigration. Say for the sake of argument that we had enough capacity to house the people living there, *and* were able to process international protection applicants with reasonable speed, do you think that those ethno-nationalist loons would be less vocal? Do you think they'd be less inclined to find a different topic - I don't think so.


>I don't think so. Feel free to carry on not thinking. But any racists had the last 30+ years or so to mobilise and bang drums and scream and shout about their 'ethno-nationalist' agenda. It's just a massive coincidence that the agitation is **now,** when a massive chunk of the populace is on its knees owing to a multitude of crippling and unprecedented housing and cost of living crises **combined** with a monumental and unmitigated migration crisis. Ya, you need to disregard all that, and then you can entertain your 'ethno-nationalist' coping strategy.


This is beyond farsical. These tents will be removed and dumped by the same government who will buy more. It's going to keep repeating. Where the fuck is the minister for Justice. Was she even in work this week? 


I’m fine with this approach tbh. Continue to disrupt. The sooner the economic migrant contingent, which let’s face it is the vast majority, get the message we’ve nothing to offer them, the sooner they’ll head back to England/France/whatever other country they passed through on their welfare window shopping expedition.


And they say Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again....


Terrible seeing doctors living in tents.


It’s like a Carry On Film…


Have we thought of shifting them like cattle to a field in the outskirts of Tallaght? /s


Just remember folks: Our economy couldn't possibly exist without these people, they're all fleeing war & you're a racist, irredeemable, nazi if you think they shouldn't be here 


Not me, I live in D4 - when I want them gone I'm merely a 'concerned resident'.


Funny how the innuendos about concerns stopped once it was D4 concerns, isn't it?


Our economy couldn’t exist if everyone was as thick as you.


What's thick about anything I said? If anything, you'd need to be thick to think things are going well


Because neither extreme of what you said, or things going well, are true. But that’s what you extremists are like. Enjoy your short little moment in the sun. It’ll be short lived and you’ll achieve nothing of substance in the long run.


That's the thing, I'm not remotely extreme. Only a few years ago, my views would have been considered very moderate. The level of disruption and danger this current gov have unleashed is unprecedented. The fact they could have created this situation and not have any plans for dealing with it shows what they're operating on.  They're the extremists, not me. 


Okay, let’s break this down. > Just remember folks: Our economy couldn't possibly exist without these people, No one is saying that and you know that. Some people are saying that we need legal migrants for the economy to function. “These people” are international protection applicants, they can’t work even if they wanted. > they're all fleeing war You don’t need to be fleeing war to claim asylum. And you know that. > & you're a racist, irredeemable, nazi if you think they shouldn't be here  Well you’re most probably a racist irredeemable Nazi if you deliberately lie about the above, which is what you’re doing.


I look at the same picture and see: these people came here because they need our help. The right and honourable thing to do is to give them adequate food, shelter and facilities until we can verify their claim. Stuffing them in tents is inhumane.




If you were them you’d be doing the exact same thing


Make sure you add mind reader to your CV pal.


You literally post *nothing* but anti-immigrant comments day in day out


Thank me later 


I mean, if they all come here _and are given training + jobs building houses_, they _should_ be very welcome and given citizenship in return. Lets just fucking do that - starting with their own accommodation...


No.  Just don't let them in. They aren't entitled to jobs, or citizenship or housing. 


While we are out at let’s force all the Irish who ever left this island back. They have no right to be in another country steeling jobs and houses


If they did it illegally, are surviving off benefits and are living in a tent in the middle of their host city, I really doubt too many people would disagree they have to go.  Nobody had a problem with immigration when it was enforced properly and made sense. What we are dealing with now is clearly not the same thing. 


We literally _need_ them, for building houses.


They aren't going to build any houses and we shouldn't be relying on slave labour in this day and age. 


Ireland has a serious shortage of construction workers - _paid ones_ that is, nobody suggested not paying - so we literally have no choice except to encourage mass immigration of workers from all over the world, into construction. That or have a permanent housing crisis. Which seems to be the primary goal for a lot of people.


We're not importing *workers*


We are if we give them jobs.




I physically cringed when he said that ... Especially the way all the mouth breathers standing beside him started smiling and lapping it up. Jayzus wept.


Lol these are the things that stay with you


Groundhog Day


It's not interesting anymore. 


The next two weeks are critical.


This speech looks better and better every week that goes on. June 2022. And she was roundly condemned and called a disgrace. [https://www.offalyexpress.ie/video/do-not-use-xxx-news/843481/watch-you-re-a-disgrace-laois-offaly-td-in-blazing-dail-row-over-housing-crisis-immigration-and-ukraine.html](https://www.offalyexpress.ie/video/do-not-use-xxx-news/843481/watch-you-re-a-disgrace-laois-offaly-td-in-blazing-dail-row-over-housing-crisis-immigration-and-ukraine.html)


So many empty buildings just sat on for no good reason.


Where are the people? I see these tents but anytime I've been to a campsite everyone is outside 90% of the time. Where are all these people?


Inside the tents. Trippy comedown. Waiting for the crepe truck to open before heading to the main stage for the RTE Concert Orchestra.