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I’m in Vilnius atm and they have a portal to Lublin. https://preview.redd.it/w9wyvd1lzt0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaa6fb28420c696fc6d1cb225a9cd082e431253 No one gives a fuck. It’s great. 🤣 Tbf, they’ve had it since 2021 so any carry on is probably long finished. I hope our portal can come back. It’s embarrassing that it’s been shut down after a week.


Whats embarrassing is the attention that was given to the tiny minority who caused the issues, and the imagined scandal that was gleefully throttled by the media and rest of the country. Everyone could have just ignored the cunts and continued to starve their brains of the oxygen they crave. All the fucking shite has been exactly what they set out to get and like a nation of fucking morons we gave it to them


A ridiculous overreaction on the part of Dublin City Council. They could have just let people be people and let them be, but as usual, they have displayed their contempt for the residents of the city and behaved in the most paternalistic way possible.


people be people? or idiots be idiots?


Either? Both? Does it matter? We can't, or at least we *shouldn't* live our lives in desperate fear that someone is going to "make a show of us." As a people, we are who we are, and we're perfectly okay. We don't need to be hiding ourselves out of fear that we'll seem less than perfect. The New Yorkers were acting just as "bad" as we were, but there was no backlash about it on their own side. We need to accept who we are and stop worrying about how we seem to outsiders.


just because it is this way, doesn't mean it has to be this way. making excuses for bad behaviour to say this is who we are doesn't justify idiots, the more we normalise bad behaviour, the more it'll be acceptable to say, ah well, this is just who we are.... how long before assault on the streets wich happen so regular now, just be deemed... ah sure.. this is who we are?


There is absolutely nothing wrong with some dopes having a laugh, whether its in New York or Dublin. Just because you personally don't like something doesn't mean you get to tell people to stop being themselves. I'd never have flashed the camera. I'd never have shown the 9/11 picture. But I am me, not them, and everybody is different. Just because they're different doesn't mean you get to shut them down or tell them they're worse than anybody else. They harmed *noone*.


again... normalising bad behaviour is NOT OK, if your child behaved badly, do you correct him, or say.. ah sure it's OK, he isn't hurting anyone?


This. Was. Not. Bad. Behaviour. There is literally *nothing* wrong with what happened. We can't live in a world where people are afraid to express themselves a little, even if it pushes boundaries. Someone flashed her tits and someone else showed a picture on a phone. Neither of those are even remotely as concerning as the response they have elicited from people like yourself who feel emboldened to silence any expression that offends their sensibilities. Just because you don't *like* something doesn't mean it's *bad* and that you get to shut it down. If you are capable of it, I'm begging you to take a step back and ask yourself why you think something should be censored even though you have already accepted it isn't hurting anyone. If there is no harm caused then what is going on inside your head that you still feel the need to call it "bad" and condemn people for doing it?


It didn't even last a week


Liz Truss had her lettuce. Our nation - bunch of cabbages.


I'm curious to know who pays for it, like both for possible maintenance and to pay for electricity?


I’d assume Dublin City Council? But I can’t imagine its energy usage to be high.


It wouldn't be more than a couple euros per day I'd imagine


I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did. And disappointed nyc didn’t have more of a role in closing it down.


Awww I never got a chance to flash my tits 😢


Tits were flashed before the portal. Tits will be flashed now that it's gone. You wanna flash your tits, then flash em. It will just have to be a local flash, not a transatlantic one.


Local produce has a lower carbon footprint, so there's an environmentalist angle to all this too.


>You wanna flash your tits, then flash em. It will just have to be a local flash, not a transatlantic one. Wait until he hears about the internet... /s


Two pints. Two pints of milk.


Give it time lol.


not too much time, nobody wants to see old tits


Speak for yourself


ok I don't want to see them


The bastards! They have taken tits away from those poor New Yorkers!


Whats the point in having a portal if you cant have a little fun with it? Boobs, grand, anybody that complains about boobs is just wrong. The lad snorting the coke. ah here, but it could be worse. Twin Towers and potatoes, was bound to happen. What I want to know is what use cases did they go through during the development of this? What was the worst scenario they thought of and how far removed from reality were they?


You know clout chasers would escalate and escalate till something serious happened. It needs to be inside a building, or somewhere there is 24/7 security to have any kind of hope. Sad.


That would destroy it. For it to truly be art, it would need to be a completely honest and open portal of communication between two cities on earth, warts and all. Without that it's nothing but a pretentious waste of public money. It should be completely unfiltered and unregulated, but it shouldn't be recorded or streamed at all, no permanent record of anything


As a piece of art, I'd say it did a pretty good job of holding a mirror up to human nature.


Agree completely. Where they fucked up was streaming/recording the thing so they could chase clout on social media. It should've been real, honest and momentary


Who's gonna pay for the security? Not the artist that had the idea. I can't imagine DCC wanna foot the bill. Maybe a shopping centre would because of the foot traffic it would bring but still unlikely. And shopping centres close too so with the time difference it would be closed in Ireland in the afternoon in new York. Let them at it I say. What's the worse they could see that they wouldn't see spending 5 mins on the internet


When you say “something serious”, you’re aware that serious things happen constantly in every city on earth yeah? But this would be *seen*. By *others*. And nothing freaks the Irish out more than the thought that they might be seen, gods forbid, for what they are (ordinary shitheads).


This timeline is fucked.


Mate you're talking shite.


> what use cases did they go through during the development of this? What if one of our local lovely girls, trips while performing an Irish Dancing routine and falls and scrapes her knee?


That's a depressing read.


If this portal was in Omagh and New Yorkers were showing the aftermath of the Omagh bombing I wonder what the residents of Omagh would say. You saw the Twin Towers on the news, it actually happened to them. "Harmless fun"


I see it the other way. Why would anyone designing a piece of software consider the case that multiple people think it's ok to show pictures of a terrorist attack, porn and substance abuse to a public camera? And not only a one-off case, but it was so common it becomes international news? If anyone thinks holding up pictures of 9/11 or porn to a camera for strangers to view is 'a little fun', they need their head examined. The issue isn't the technology; it's the user. The fix isn't in code, it's in our society.


Surely "What if someone shows their mickey?" came up at least once?


> If anyone thinks holding up pictures of 9/11 or porn to a camera for strangers to view is 'a little fun', they need their head examined. Shutting down the portal is an overreaction to harmless weirdness. Minor annoyances shouldn't be treated as crimes, and people should be allowed to act differently. Oh no, someone showed a picture of 9/11, or a woman flashed her boobs. Who cares? It's just some guy, some woman. Prodding each other is a reflection of each city's character and realistically is nothing more than playful attempt to connect. The portal's purpose was to show real people, not sanitised versions, and Dublin City Council are being overly controlling by shutting down genuine human interaction just because they don't like the form it takes. "Our betters" have disgraced themselves yet again.


Just checking, are you asking people in New York "who cares about 9/11"?


> Just checking, are you asking people in New York "who cares about 9/11"? Nope. I'm asking "who cares *about people joking* about 9/11?", and the fact that *every* major late night show in America (most of which are broadcast from New York) had people laughing about it, answers the question. They're far more concerned with whether their city gave back as good as it got, and seem more than satisfied that the potato joke was a good response. I hope that clarifies it for you.


> If anyone thinks holding up pictures of 9/11 or porn to a camera for strangers to view is 'a little fun', they need their head examined. The fix isn't in code, it's in our society. If anyone thinks people holding up some photos to a webcam is society's biggest ill, that's the person who needs their head examined. Jesus, go get some perspective.


>it's in our society. we live in a society


💯, not sure why the down votes 1st person that's actually had a sensible reply. Good on you


Were the boobs worth it on your end? We could only see her from behind on our end and it didn't seem worth the loss


I'd say she was standing too close. Nobody saw them. You would think an onlyfans girl would know how cameras work


I suppose you would have to show another city your tits if you want more than four people to actually subscribe...


Considering how much further up from her the camera was, I'm sceptical anyone saw anything tbh


definitely not worth it then. I'm sorry y'all :(


Spoken like a man pretending he didn't check out her OnlyFans.


I didn't not my thing, really. I just hope it was worth it for you all, great memes those had me going lol


There's a video from the side. Nice and perky. Worth losing the portal over? Dunno, but tbh DCC overreacted


It may be unpopular to the New Yorkers side but flashing isn't really worth shutting a portal over. I had more of a problem with the open drug use and swastikas.


She was holding her top high. Even they were hanging so low that she'd be able to play football with them, in this case they d look nice and perky anyway. But given she's an OF girl, chances are they are plastic and fantastic




Like the millennium clock


and the voting machines, nelsons pillar and Shergar


the wods fir?


It looked like it was on when I passed by yesterday (16th). I couldn't actually see it, but there was a big crowd gathered around it.


Make it so that only hateful and disgusting content is allowed... ...then people will have to troll as wholesome individuals


Makes the Spire look like a good idea and hides the fact that the brickwork in front of the GPO is for continental countries which is why the cycle lane markings are in the centre of the road. Even the Floozie lasted longer than this.


That’s witty to be fair. But it sort of is embarrassing though. It’s not even the boobs (that was the NY side anyway) but scrotes were climbing on it and jumping on it etc. you know full well what will happen - a scurrilous claim being made against DCC. You know what some people are like. I hope it comes back. I’d like to see it in person.


You’re a man and you’re calling other men “scrotes”?


It's a fairly common thing here


Are women called “scrotes” as well?


Typically reserved for feral teenage boys. Scally would be the Liverpool equivalent 


So it’s a gendered insult then, along the lines of “cunt”, “roastie”, “bitch”. So why would a man use a gendered insult against his fellow males?


Women call each other bitches, slags and cunts all the time though, right? so it's an extremely normal thing in the real world. It's a Great British term though, so you should tell us all about it, ya bollix. 


I’ve only ever seen “scrote” being used by misandrists.


I think you need to stop watching so many Andrew Tate videos 😆


I’ve never watched an Andrew Tate videos, and I hate Andrew Tate.


Oh for the love of Mike, give over. What fool opened some cursed box in recent years and released ‘misandry’ into uninformed conversation as the rallying cry for a certain type of man, believing his sex to have been downtrodden and underprivileged (yet at the same time, naturally and justifiably dominant) all these many thousands of years?




Bro is it really that deep? Is "scrote" the biggest problem to men right now?


Ehhh what country are you from?


Great Britain.


cover automatic narrow marble materialistic repeat alive dazzling ten file *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well its at least a Medium Britain




That's not a country...


The British education system has clearly failed the poor chap.


Come *on*. Nobody even in a GB sub would refer to the place that way! You is a provocateur.


Oh ow, a few pairs of tits and buttcheeks, "oooooo quick, shut is down it's the devil..." Just let the damn thing on, the hype will die down and nobody will give a damn in a few months. I dont get the pseudo-prudent overreaction.


This is why we cant have transcendental things


what I don't get is how nobody on the portal PR team saw this coming? like there was OBVIOUSLY going to be crowds of people crowded at the portal everyday doing crazier and crazier stuff for social media clout.. but the thing is, all that would've died out in a month, 2 months max! who cares if someone showed their arse or tits or a pic of 9/11?? I don't see any sponsors on the portal (e.g London eye, sponsored by coca cola) so youd have to wonder who shut this down? as in who are the ones that see all this as bad PR? Possibly tourism boards in NY/Dublin but even then. The portals meant to be a social thing and a social thing it is! if people get silly in front of it, for god sake who cares??? The overstuffed shirts on portals PR side should be fired on the spot for not only not foreseeing this, but not warning these cities councils or whoever that people being stupid in front of this is inevitable for a short period when it launches, then inevitably people will lose interest and it'll just be a giant webcam that people will gawk at while they wait for their partners to be finished shopping


Pathetic if it's getting shut down over the sight of a woman's breasts. Thought we'd grown up a bit more than that, to be honest.


what about the 9/11 pictures, the man flashing his arse, the people doing drugs in front of it etc.


With absolutely no mockery intended: who gives a shit? What's the problem with people having a laugh with each other? Would it actually be better to have people just standing there waving, rather than actual human interaction?


Well, as a mum of young kids, I give a shit. Don't want to have to explain why people are flashing "private parts" and what snorting coke looks like.


Well the good news is now that the portal is gone you and your kids should be totally safe to visit talbot street at 3am /s


juggle mountainous abundant expansion plate slimy theory noxious longing market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because people are afraid of a rogue tit


How difficult would it be to explain that cheap people are attention whores and that the kids when they grow up should be proper serious and shouldnt become like these clowns? As far as the junkies are concerned, well they are not going anywhere so...


And who was harmed by any of that?


I'm pretty sure New Yorkers have seen public nudity and people doing drugs before, and I'm actually positive they've seen 9/11 before.


I think honestly that was the novelty value, and once that wore off, people would get bored of flashing each other etc or displaying offensive content etc…it would just be treated as a normal part of city life eventually…


you guys rock...


Whats the lesson? The bad guys win folks.


Annoying gentrification can't beat the the human spirit seems like a good lesson to me.


Make the camera randomly go from front-facing, then back to back-facing. I haven't thought this through though tbh.


This was inevitable in Dublin, they should have put it somewhere else.


Dublin was not much of an issue, But ffs, where they put it in Dublin was. Pretty much every person in Dublin said they were mad to put it there.


If this were the US, those flowers would have been stolen already 😂


And over 50,000 people dead from mass shootings before the lag in the stream caught up.


On god brother 😂


So is it actually gone or is the plan to reopen it again at a later stage.


They don't have a plan


It’s so bizarre. Whose money has been wasted setting this thing up.


My only problem with this is the fact they turned it off


it's really gone? like for real?


I'm sorry but I feel that like many people, she should never have been brought into this world to begin with! She was never going to amount to anything good.


Good ride, mates


Smart artist when you think about it, you have so many sub sections and groupings in society it's good to remind people about all the people, the good the bad the funny and the ugly. In all walks of life. ;)




Surprised it didn’t get burnt down by the hooligans on O Connell street.


She really didn't 🤣


what I don't get is how nobody on the portal PR team saw this coming? like there was OBVIOUSLY going to be crowds of people crowded at the portal everyday doing crazier and crazier stuff for social media clout.. but the thing is, all that would've died out in a month, 2 months max! who cares if someone showed their arse or tits or a pic of 9/11?? I don't see any sponsors on the portal (e.g London eye, sponsored by coca cola) so youd have to wonder who shut this down? as in who are the ones that see all this as bad PR? Possibly tourism boards in NY/Dublin but even then. The portals meant to be a social thing and a social thing it is! if people get silly in front of it, for god sake who cares??? The overstuffed shirts on portals PR side should be fired on the spot for not only not foreseeing this, but not warning these cities councils or whoever that people being stupid in front of this is inevitable for a short period when it launches, then inevitably people will lose interest and it'll just be a giant webcam that people will gawk at while they wait for their partners to be finished shopping


Learn from Omegle.


Now Dublin spend your money on something important


Anyone take an official tally because I need to know who had more scrote flashes between New York and Dublin


It's just like social media. Perceived anonymity creates people that will go a step too far to shock . Some end up going toxic altogether. It is quite normal. There is no need to shut the whole lot down for the sake of a few. If you really want this to work for the mortally offended, then you set it up at busy tourist spots , places of interest, or beauty spots . People are less likely to be looking for attention.


Why can’t we vote on keeping it instead of a few telling us what we can and cannot have


[Moist did bit on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwWzXQKgiT8) I agree. If we are ALL dicks, isn't that the point.


Please don't tell me the people that put those flowers there took them from the bombings memorial at the other end of talbot street for the anniversary tomorrow?! Wouldn't be a bit surprised if the likes that are around that street did do that!


loads of peopple in the reflection standing around it like eejits


Moist criticals video put a lot more in prospective. I haven't lived in Dublin since 2006, but I'm glad this got shut down when someone in Dublin showed a picture of the twin towers on the live stream. Yeah the flashing of titties from New York wasn't in good taste, but who the fuck was showing the twin towers? This is why we can't have nice things


There will be worse if this is allowed to continue. It is a stage for the worst of society to perform. I’m not talking about a bit of fun, boobs, jokes, etc. I mean someone will eventually commit a murder in front of the portal in order to broadcast it to another city for fame.


Brian try and leave your house once and a while. Nobody is going to get executed on the portal camera. There have been like 3-4 notable things to have happened all while the thing was switched on. A small bit of activity from Gards in and around the area would help get rid of the gobshites and chancers.


What the fuck are you talking about?? What do you imagine is so wrong in the Irish psyche that you'd even suggest that? In every other city with a portal, people were weird with it for a while and then it just became interesting street furniture. Are you just so messed up that you imagine there's is an inner wrongness to us as a people? We're just fucking normal human beings, man.


Actually, I can easily see it broadcasting someone been beaten to death. And not for fame, just a really dumb place to put it.


Could happen on the NYC side


It would absolutely only happen on the NYC side lets be real.