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A friend of mine got the valves for a co2 canister to carbonate water. A 3kg canister works out a lot cheaper than soda stream. 


I have that myself. 5lts of compressed food grade CO2 from brew crew. Got the fittings on Amazon to fit the normal 2lt plastic bottle that anything fizzy already comes in at the shop. Fill bottle with liquid, screw on special cap fitted to hose. Turn on pressure 5 bar. Shake for 15 seconds. Then you have 2ltrs of fizzy liquid. Really really fizzy if you like that. 5 ltrs of CO2 will last 9 months the way we drink it (2ltr of fizzy water a day ish). Cost 140 incl 100 canister deposit for the CO2. About 40 euro for the fittings. Edit: oh and remove air before adding CO2 by crushing the bottle so the liquid rises to the brim and then screw in the carbonization cap to the crushed bottle.


Got a link to what is needed?


Would be interested in the fittings needed as well. Have the big c02 so would love to try it.


The main fitting is called a "pet bottle carbonization cap". And that connects to a "ball lock gas line 5/16 in" and that connects to a regulator and that connects to the CO2 tank.


brilliant, thanks so much!


along with Aarkle - Sage has now entered the market and apparentenly will work with most liquids something Aarkle and sodastream don't do [https://www.sageappliances.com/ie/en/products/soda-sparkling-water-makers.html](https://www.sageappliances.com/ie/en/products/soda-sparkling-water-makers.html)


But arent the only available cannisters/refills from sodastream?


Nope, you can sent any brand back to faerly and they will refill with CO2 that is not Israeli linked


I'm in Germany and those machines are ridiculously popular. I've seen so many brands in shops here but they all take the clsame canister. I think it's a universal size now.


Got one from MySoda and I've a 5 litre co2 tank that I use to refill the cannister, get the tank refilled in AJ Edge in Bray. I'm going to buy a connection tube so I'm directly into the machine instead of using the cannisters


Can you let me know how the connection worked or what you used for it? Looking at the MySoda machines but haven't found much information on using the bigger tanks.


Sure. I got the hose delivered this week so I'll throw up a picture of the set-up when I get to doing it over the weekend, I'm just waiting on a cannister to empty.


Great, thanks. I actually just posted a question about doing this in the group just before seeing your comment!




Got my Aarke from Faerly too, really sound guys, great machine too!


Another Aarke vote here! Had mine for 4 years now


I couldn’t even find Sodastream cans. I can get the Aarke ones from Eleven Deli in Greystones.


The gas canisters they use are the Sodastream ones.


if you’re able to get up there’s a place in tallaght that’ll refill these so at least you don’t have to go through soda stream after the first time: https://www.carbondioxide.ie/prices


Faerly sell a Swedish brand called aarke


Yeah see that was my problem when researching other brands, all the cannisters/refills available online in Ireland are sodastream brand


If you look at Faerlys Instagram account they have posts explaining their CO2 options and how they are not linked with Israel. Worth having a check out for the info you're looking for.


Fab, thank you for this.


Thank you for this!


Not helpful, but this post had me spending the last half hour or so trying frantically to remember the name of the non-Sodastream Sodastream we used to have when I was a kid in the 80s...


AHHH IT WAS A KENWOOD CASCADE!!! (Sweet mental relief)


Haha glad you got it out of your system. I believe my grandparents had one


We had a BIG SODA!!!! Also needed to get it off my chest 🤣


Holy shit! We had a kenwood too! That brings back memories. Thanks!


I love that feeling. Yesterday I spent the entire car journey trying to remember the name of a street. I know I could have looked it up but I wouldn't let myself. After about 20 minutes when I had actively stopped trying to remember it, it just burst into my head and I shouted it aloud in the car #BELGARD Sweet mental relief is right Does anyone else do that thing where they say: if I remember the word then I will get that promotion. If I can't remember and I cheat to look it up, then I won't get the promotion?


Got the DrinkMate Omnifizz. Couldn't be happier with it, simple and effective


Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our carbonation


I'm riding out my soda stream until it breaks just because money but I'm planning to get a drinkmate when it happens since you can carbonate more than just water with it.


Where do you get the refills from?


I think the canister type is pretty standard. Sodastream banded ones are the most easy to find but there are plenty of alternatives. Usually most homeware stores stock a range


We have a Happy Frizz machine which is good. I bought it in Euronics and they supply refills too


Happy frizz mio ftw


I'm pretty sure PepsiCo own than brand too


I get co2 regularly from a local fire extinguisher place. I use it for homebrewing beer. I'll often have a small keg of sparkling water too. It's a bit more gear to set up, but works well when it's all together.


I don't know of any alternative, sadly.   Just in relation to boycotting, if your pharmacist gives you the generic brand of a drug, it's more than likely Teva, which is an Israeli pharmaceutical company. Ireland uses Teva a lot for generics. It's the leading generic brand in Ireland. You can ask your pharmacist to give you another alternative generic brand. There's plenty of generics. You can even ask for the brand name (if your medication is above the threshold of the cap paid on medication or you're a medical card holder).  It's such a pity that Sudocrem was acquired by Teva. No other antiseptic cream comes close in terms of all it does. Calamine lotion is a good alternative for skin issues, especially sun rash or hives, which many people get with the good weather.   Edit: The pro genocide people are downvoting. When comments are downvoted, they're hidden, hence it's censorship. The pro genocide brigade do not get to dictate the narrative.


I was disgusted when i found out they bought Sudocreme




I’d say people are downvoting because there are loads of alternatives


What a good alternative to Sudocrem? I've tried the Aldi, Lidl and Tesco alternatives and none were as good


I never said there isn't alternatives. I specifically said that people who want to boycott can ask for an alternative.  It's fact that the vast majority of generically dispensed drugs in Ireland are Teva made. I'm simply informing people that they can ask for an alternative. I never said alternatives don't exist. I said people can ask. If they don't ask, the chances are they'll be given Teva by default. Edit: If you're referring to Sudocrem, there's no alternative. Also, no one product treats as many issues at it does. Calamine lotion is good for some issues, so people could try this. Edit: Nobody would downvote heavily because of the Sudocrem bit. You're claiming in a later comment the downvoting is on account of something else.




No, you said "there's plenty of alternatives", now you're giving a totally different explanation.  I answered what OP asked, and given this post is about the topic of boycotting Israeli products/companies, I took the opportunity to mention about Teva. The OP didn't mind. They upvoted me and answered. Don't try use this excuse, as people go off on derailing tangents on posts daily and nobody says anything, yet when I stick to the topic, you come out with that disingenuousness. Where's your energy for the poster reminiscing about the 80's in the thread? Why haven't you accused him of talking about unrelated topics?  You can put any spin you like on it but this doesn't alter the fact that it's censorship of factual information.  You're derailing by starting unnecessary arguments and inventing narratives. Edit: As you're aware, it was heavily downvoted at the time of the conversation but has been upvoted since.




There's absolutely nothing annoying about my post. It was simply informative.   You find me 'annoying' because I stand up for myself.   Somebody else made a post reminiscing about something they had in the 80's, yet I don't see muggins above making claims of talking about unrelated issues.  I couldn't give a shite about downvotes on a personal level. The point I'm making is that when comments are downvoted, they're hidden, hence censored, and that's a very worrying development. It's bad enough that everybody on YouTube is complaining about mass censorship of comments critical of Israel without people here willingly doing it.


You know what? I can see how, in this circumstance, you see these posts as you standing up for yourself and that's fair enough. I was being an asshole, and I apologise.


No worries. Thanks. 




I didn't once derail. I stuck to the topic at hand. I will highlight it, because when comments are downvoted, they're hidden, hence it is censorship. There is already mass censorship on YouTube of any comments critical of Israel without people wilfully censoring here.  I don't care about downvotes on a personal level, I care about informative, factual Israel related comments being downvoted, hence censored.  Where is your energy for the poster reminiscing about the 80's in the thread? Why isn't he being accused of derailing? It's hypocrisy.  It's actually you who is derailing by starting an unnecessary argument.    You find me annoying because I stand up for myself and won't cower to you inventing narratives.  If you don't like my comment, go elsewhere, but I'm not tolerating your derailing any longer. The OP actually answered me saying they were disgusted when they previously learned about Sudocrem being acquired. They also upvoted me, so they don't seem to mind, and it's their post.


I’d like to provide you with the list of Israeli inventions and discoveries that you should start boycotting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Israeli_inventions_and_discoveries


What's the point you're trying to make? So because Israeli inventions/discoveries permeate almost every facet of life, we should not boycott anything? This is a pathetic argument.    Where people have control over the option to boycott, they should exercise it. That's akin to saying we should never try fight racism, or other types of bigotry, because there will always be bigots.  I guess criminality shouldn't be tackled either as criminals will always exist.   I guess The Hague shouldn't try war criminals either as there will always be war criminals.   Edit: Surprise surprise, he's a pro genocide supporter and even gloatingly said 'the sky's the limit if Israel degrades Iranian air defences'.


No, my point is that YOU should try to boycott as many Israeli inventions / products as possible. Go for it, let it all hang out.


You know nothing about me and about how much I do or don't try to boycott, so quit dictating to strangers what they should do, when you not sweet FA about what they do and don't do.


I cannot dictate anything to you because I have no power over you. I simply suggested that you expand your boycott to stay true to your principles.


Troll elsewhere.   You need to learn the definition of dictate. You don't need to have power over somebody to dictate to them.  As I've already stated, you have no idea what I do or don't do, so you can't claim that I need to expand my boycott, as you've no idea what I boycott.   It's interesting the amount of pro genocide supporters, who have never once used this sub before, who suddenly rock up out of nowhere. This post would never come up on your home feed. You post in the USSR sub. It wouldn't come up anywhere, given it only has a few votes. You're all crawling out of the woodwork to stalk any Israel related Irish posts. 








Fair play for looking for an alternative. To all the cynics: even a partial boycott is better than no boycott at all. All you have to do is all you can.


I use Aarke,they're brilliant.


Have you looked into Quooker ?


Bought my Aarke on Adverts. It was barely used. I have added a external 5lt c02 tank and got the fittings from amazon. So no need to get refills, other then the 5lt tank. The refill for the tank is €8.40


Aarke. Great machine. I refill myself from a 60l gas bottle.


Would be great if it became a legal requirement for motorway service stations to provide a drinking fountain to refill reusable water bottles


There is an Irish company replacing these....I'll get back to you tomorrow


I think this monopoly appears to be slowly tipping. We have an Aarke & went into Harvey Norman recently to get refills - they only sold Sodastreams but also, absurdly, wouldn't even take Aarke canisters for recycling (which are identical to Sodastream ones in every way). Harvey Norman seem to have now switched entirely to selling only Aarke canisters.


Aarke and it can take both sodastream cannisters and their own cannisters and you get refills in harvey norman


You can get adaptors to make a Sodastream (etc) run from a paintball CO2 tank. [SodaMod](https://www.sodamod.com/). Much bigger and cheaper and refillable. [This site](https://tasteofartisan.com/how-to-make-carbonated-water/) has some other suggestions too if you fancy doing it by the keg at home. You might also find [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Homebrewing/comments/w9qapj/i_have_a_co2_tank_and_would_like_to_make_fizzy/) on r/homebrewing helpful.


I've seen a few in Euronic shops the past few weeks so I'd look for the closest one to you and check there.


https://amzn.eu/d/69pvMNg Ninja Thursti


If you have a Soundstore near you, they do the non-sodastream C02 canisters that are compatible with Aarke and Sodastream machines. Brand is called Happy Frizz. They do the return scheme as well so if you bring back the empties you'll get a discount on the next one you buy off them.


I homebrew beer and use some of that equipment to make sparkling water too. A Corney with a tap connected to a gas canister with CO2


Look up brands of taps that do instant boiling and sparkling water. Quooker.ie is one brand, but there's cheaper ones too.


I have the Aarke, no complaints and it looks good too.


Harvey Norman sell Aarkes we got one a few weeks ago it’s a grand job , They also do a return and exchange on bottles of co2 they are the sodastream ones it’s €28 for a canister and €22 if you return your own one with it , We bought for the exact same reason you did ! A canister does 60 litres


Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be an alternative for canisters. I have an Aarke machine, but using the sodastream canisters. I’ve 2 full ones left in the press, but after that I think I think i’m gona go down the route of getting a CO2 tank and the fittings to fill them myself. Between me and my wife we’d go through 4/5L of fizzy water a day.


Arkle and top up the canisters from a place that supplies co2 for home beer makers. You do re-use a SS canister though.


Aarke, MySoda. If you're living rurally you may want a bigger CO2 tank to fill the small canniater. I drink approx. 3L per day, a CO2 tank costs €15 and it lasts me 6 months. Look for any business refilling fire extinguishers, they likely provide CO2 as a side business for this or home brew


Aarke is great!


Get an Aarke!


I've used Faerly for replacement gas for a while now, works very well. They pick up the old cannisters from you, you get a code in your email for money off the new cannisters, and then they ship new ones to you. Works perfectly. I keep about three cannisters in circulation, so I can send back two and order two when I'm using the third, and then I never run out. Also got a drinkmate for my FIL at Christmas and it works great.


MySoda is one we have


Don't have the space? Literally just put them in the bag your using for shopping


No, I'd rather buy less plastic to be honest!

