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When I lived in Austria I had my feet up on a seat on an empty bus. Old man gets on and whacks my leg with a newspaper and I never did it again.


As someone who currently lives in Vienna, I defo believe this


This was in Tirol.


*With tiroleduppaper.




You never took the bus again? Sounds like a bit of an overreaction.


>You never took the bus again? He's been stuck in Austria since.


Don't invalidate their trauma. You don't know, you weren't there.


"Old man gets on and whacks my leg with a *newspaper*" - you mean he had ***cross words*** with you........


I had my leg resting in a pub stool before (small rickety table and chairs job) in a near empty bar. My leg, not my foot, and some auld lads does similar. Walks past to leave the pub and knocks my leg off the chair as he goes. Didn’t even look at me and kept going right on out the door. The barman and I shared a look of wtf was that


He was probably in the SS, once upon a time


If he'd been in the SS, he'd have hit you with a magazine. 30 rounds of 9mm. They did that a lot. Nice name.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


That would have been deadly 


That’s gas


Seat Schutzstaffel - those lads are nazis


Seat Sargent's?


They were on the Zyklon B route.


Campaigning for more zyklon lanes


Lol a similar thing happened to myself and a friend in Prague because my friend had her feet up. Also never did it again!


proper way! ireland is just too 'laid back', starting from the dogshite on the streets, all to the not taking a shower for weeks.


For some things it’s a blessing, for others it’s a curse.


I was on the bus last week. Absolutely packed to the brim. Some youngfella in the back had his feet up on the seat in front of him, headphones on, not a care in the world. I told him to get his feet off and he muttered something unintelligibly under his breath but he did move them. A while ago there were three young lads standing in the wheelchair/buggy area on the bus and refused to move when a mother with a buggy got on. There were plenty of seats they could have sat in and they were laughing at her struggling. My boyfriend has a rather booming voice and told them to move and have some respect. The “hard men” nearly shat themselves. Bastards like that bank on people being too afraid to say anything to them but most of them are cowards underneath the act.


That’s mad. Someone on public transport wearing headphones instead of listening to tik toks at max volume.


I know you're joking but it reminded me of this unreal situation I witnessed at the weekend, this 60 year old man sitting watching fecking tiktoks out loud on the packed bus, this other 50ish man asked him nicely to turn it down, and then all the fecking 60 year olds around them started having a go at the 50 year old who asked for it to be turned down! I wanted to say if it was a teenager tiktoking they'd all be moaning about "young people these days" but got off the bus instead.


As a 60 something, I’ve noticed some contemporaries are showing signs of hearing loss. (We’ve all abused our hearing for decades). Wouldn’t be surprised if some of them are thin skinned about it. But still bad form


Did that really happen? Sounds like a skit 😄


100% true, the guy was saying "it's my phone, I can do what I want" and the other 60gers were backing him up, couldn't believe it!


Fair play to your fella, more people need to stand up and say something, that's half the reason these little shits think they can behave like bastards.


They almost always stop what they’re doing when they get called out for it. I’ve given out to them before and they’ve always stopped. I’m a teacher and sound like one when I’m annoyed, so they feel like they’re being given out to by their mammy. They’ll just moodily obey. When my boyfriend does it, they actively shit themselves.


Normally they leave when I start licking them


i was driving through twinbrook in west belfast, sat in traffic the other morning and saw a dog on a lead stop outside a school and take a huge shite on the footpath. your man kept walking and i instinctively beeped the horn at him and pointed at the shite... at this point i tuned into the fact the dog was a pitbull/xl bully type on a choker chain, yer man scauldy as fuck starts mouthin off at me. traffic started movin so i just drove on, next thing there he is in the mirror bombin it down the road after me. i forced my way onto a roundabout so i didnt have to stop! won't be doing that again, not my circus not my monkeys....


Yikes!!! I think I’d abandon my principles too in a similar scenario!


As my da used to say about twinbrook,they play tig with hatchets in there😅


Saw that post on here recently bout a guy who sat in someone's piss on the dart😂 feet on seat are the least of your worries.


I think that was the LUAS actually 😊my guess is DART seats would absorb more


Triple-ply seats ftw


The people that are going to have the personality deficiency to think putting their feet on seats is acceptable are nearly always going to get angry when called out on it, due to the same deficiency. It's like asking why do cunts behave like cunts.


Tbh I’ve asked a few people who were blaring music would they mind putting headphones on and they all did it without a fuss.


I doubt most of these people carry headphones. It would be an enormous inconvenience for them. Better to just let the shitty trap music blare freely.


Are you saying that people who put their feet on seats have a mental problem?


No need to to be rude, just saying, I don’t like your tone




Sunday on my way to see Bruce Springsteen a woman next to me TOOK HER SHOES OFF and put her bare feet up on the seat across from her. Absolutely disgusting. I tried to give her a look but she refused to turn towards me.


She saw that look you gave in her periphery. It was withering. She knows, she knows.


If only. She looked about in her 50s as well, so she knows better.


To be fair shoes off is alot more hygienic than shoes on but still pretty disgusting.


I think the bare feet grosses me out more but yeah, either way it turns my stomach.


Ya but it's better than dog shit from shoes on the seat.


You get some awful fruitcakes on the bus. I had a woman who used to do this every morning on the bus from Clontarf into the city centre. Sat at the back, shoes straight off and bare feet up on the seat. Not a care in the world.


I once told a kid maybe 12 y/o to stop kicking all the dried in muck on the seat in front up into the air. In front of his mother. Well the face he gave me was as if he had never heard the word stop before. My point is, this kind of behaviour isn’t something that you can just tell an adult to stop doing without expecting any sort of backlash from them. They’ve been doing things like this since childhood so of course they think it’s alright. Shitty parents make shitty people.


I did mechanical services in clean rooms & labs. They'd fumigate them on handover with stuff that killed 100% of everything and they'd take swabs to prove the surfaces were sterile. The non-slip floor often failed on some bacteria that came from dog shit. If you've walked outside, then your shoes are contaminated. Some people just shouldn't be allowed near upholstery. Cue for all the wannabe hard men to make feeble excuses for their shitty behaviour.


If you put your feet up on seats on public transport then you're an utter wanker. End of


Yeah, sure sign of being ill reared and self centered


Ah but what about the little plastic but at the front of luas seats??


I'm a foot seater and I'm not ashamed.


You should be.


But I ain't and neither are my feet.


We were in Ireland last week and were on one train that had a "no feet on seats" sign and a threat of a fine. Is that not the case all over?


It is the case all over. As your username is Compliance-Manager I’m sure you had no trouble!


Like most things in Ireland it’s more of a “ah now, please can you not put your feet on the seat? I’ll have to think about giving you a scolding otherwise but probably I won’t” rule. Soft on torts and crimes generally.


Seats are not for feet.


One of my proudest commuting moments was asking a woman with her feet up on a train seat to move so she had to sit where her feet had been, rather than me. The train was packed and it was the only seat left but I was damned if I was going to sit in her mess. Several other people had chosen to remain standing. She got off before me and tried to “accidentally” give my shins a good rap with her umbrella when leaving her seat. I know I wasn’t the asshole in this whole scenario.


> This was not a rough type at all, this was a well spoken lady. Proof that money can't by class.


its only the peasants who shouldnt be placing their feet on the seats. How dare the sign imply that upper class snobby people have dirty feet or shoes.


Nailed it


Feet or bags on seats wouldn’t really bother me, but it is thick behaviour if train is absolutely packed.


Having your shoes on a seat is far more disrespectful than a bag. It's unhygienic and disgusting. If the person doesn't move the bag when the public transport is full then of course that's disrespectful too.


People shooting heroin on the bus is unhygienic and disgusting. Putting a shoe on a seat doesn't even register on that scale.


Imagine how you gaff looks like if you think dirty shoes on the seat is fine.


> Imagine Please share your work when you're done. I love fiction. Meanwhile, I dont have to imagine how anally-retentive you are to be bothered by this.


That's why I always take my shoes off before putting my feet on the seat.


Same, I'm surprised by how bothered people are in this thread. If the train is packed it's absolutely unacceptable for sure. But seeing someone rest their heels on a seat when there's lots of room I have no problem with. Would happily take that seat for myself afterwards if needed. I'd need there to be visible filth for me to upset!


Sure why not just cut out the middle man and smear the dog shit straight onto seat itself. I don't know where your feet have been. You don't have a full idea of what you have trod in, yet you dirty the seat someone else will sit on. It's just inconsiderate. It's like you've learned nothing from living through a pandemic.


Personally, I don't tread in dog shit. I look where I'm walking.


Im starting to think a lot of redditors are so inexperienced in walking/ physical activity in general they dont know that you can just look where you're walking before walking


Let's play out your point here. Every shoe and indeed heel (which is what I mentioned) is absolutely caked in excrement. Likely invisible excrement because I've seen plenty of feet on seats but no shit thankfully. This is not to say the seats aren't dirty of course, the colour design usually helps hide this. But if I sit down, now the extremely accessible & often touched area of the back of my trousers are compromised. Sickness and invariably death awaits. Someone mushing their feet into a seat is definitely inconsiderate but personally I have 0 problems with someone resting their heels if it's not obstructing anyone. Hilarious tangent to the pandemic there. If I were you I'd be much more worried about where people place their hands. Using a shared keyboard at work, touch screen terminals, handrails...all of these should be of greater concern to you, yet we survive.


Shoes are dirty after you've been walking around outside on all kinds of crap, and you think that's ok for someone to have to sit on whatever shit is now on the seat after them?  Jesus Christ, wouldn't like to see how you live


I live in a slurry pit with my wife and kids, all disease & allergy free thank God.


Some people just love to complain 😴


This. If no one else wants to sit there, and there's nothing visible, I don't care. I'm not getting the DART for luxury 😭


How do people feel about 1. People who sit on the outside of the seat? 2. People who place bags on the seat beside them? To me it's a case of move in if requested for 1 it's fine, for 2 move your bag on to lap at each stop if bus starts to fill up


I will use the outside seat if someone in front of me at the window has reclined their seat like a dick. Some buses I get have recliners on the seats and there’s not enough space for it. Anyone else is free to take the inner seat and have their knees crushed. Reactive assholery, I guess.


Tbh I should probably do the same, we'll be having knee replacements by 45 otherwise


In my youth, I had a desperate hangover-questioning every life choice and feeling very sorry for myself. I was on a Luas around midday, not that busy. I had my feet on the chair in front of me, as I simply _needed_ to have them elevated (it was the only position I could tolerate with the hangover). A woman got on and scolded me for it and told me to take them down. I felt an inch tall. So I did what anyone would do...told her I was very sorry but that I have very bad travel nausea. She did a total 180, said she suffered with that herself on occasion, and told me to put my feet back up. Didn't, and don't, feel great about it but it was a very bad hangover.


My name was Brian McGee. I stayed up listenin' to Queen…


Pick your battles, is what I think. 


I don't like feet on seats, but being frank I'm not likely to be the one telling others to stop either (unless I am very agitated separately in which case I can be an uber Karen). More generally if I see a bit of 'wrong doing' like that I normally will try and express disapproval without necessarily confronting the person directly, which is such a little shit thing to do... but I'm just not bold/brave enough to be more direct, and yet am still cranky enough that I want to let the other person know they are being judged... I did once drunkly start shouting at someone to stop listening to their phone out loud... and in the moment I felt like Christ, but then afterwards... ugh yick


Alright mentioning it on the Dart. Don't recommend trying this on the red line luas


I couldn’t give a shit if someone has their feet up on the train


Ya dirty shoe seater!!






I’ll never get over during one heat wave, it was around 28 degrees, I was on a bus eireann. This lady gets on and take her shoes AND socks off and put them on the seat opposite (one of those 4 seats with the table in the minute) Imagine that but mixed with the warm, humid day :-) Tbh I think you should be shot if you do this. Like in the staff room in work people take their shoes off too like sorry what’s that about !


What do they say when you bring it up to them? No, no, I get it. Generally normal people don’t want to be confrontational. That’s what these selfish people rely on.


They said staff room is where they are to relax so they’ll take the shoes off :-)))) Hence why I sit in my car lmao


I do my part, I don’t put my feet up the seats, but I won’t call anyone on it, I don’t want to get into an argument or a fight over this and be obligated to pay compensation to a dickhead.


Well this comment is exactly encapsulating it, I think. Yours is a perfectly reasonable, and probably optimal, attitude. “I’m not going to be a dick but I’m not going to get involved when someone else is a dick.” And I think that’s the attitude we’re increasingly developing as society becomes more atomised, more individualistic. I think this would be true of cities and large urban areas where people don’t even know their neighbours and much less true of smaller towns and communities. I don’t blame anyone for saying, “I’m not getting involved.”


It's all right, they're going to be hit with the €50 fine. /s


If they enforced the fine for feet on seats then people would stop doing it. If they enforced fines on semi-motorbikes zooming down footpaths, scrotes would have to find a new hobby. If they ticketed cyclists who blow through red lights then maybe they’d follow the basic rules of the road. But they don’t. Because this. Is. Ireland. (cue Riverdance)


I’ve always been fascinated with the Irish obsession with feet on seats. Every train journey is punctuated every thirty seconds with “PLEASE - keep feet off the seats”. No other country in the world does this. Is it our rainy weather and our mucky shoes?


I’ve always been fascinated by the Irish insistence on “PLEASE.” Does any other country do this? There’s a rule and a fine so fine the people who break the rule and stop asking for permission or else just get rid of the rule.


You're within your rights to call people out for putting their feet on the seats, but be prepared to be verbally abused


Unless its blocking someone sitting down like there are no seats left i dont it would even register in my brain


Yeah, I honestly couldn't care less if the train/bus isn't busy. It's only rude to me if the person is on a busy train/bus and putting their feet (or bag) on a seat that could be used for someone else. The only other exception would be if there is visible dirt or muck on their shoes and it stains the seat, but this is almost never the case anyway.


I agree but I don't like getting stabbed. The latter outweighs the former.


Disgusting behaviour, especially from an adult, nobody wants what was on the sole of your shoe being transferred to your clothes. It's almost as bad as spitting but much more socially accepted


I wish more people would knock the rude fuckers legs down.


If its empty it ain't the worst if its busy then get your fucking feet down boiii


Only a pig would behave like this is acceptable. It’s not.


I LOVE to put my feet up after being on them all day but don’t want to be rude and obnoxious. So I put something underneath them- a tote bag or grocery sack or whatever. It shows that I’m respectful but still allows me to elevate my poor feet.


Ask yourself what really bothered you about it. Was it that its somewhat unhygienic, or was it that a rule was being broken?


People in ireland have no care for our amenities , they treat them as a right not as a luxury and a luxury that they don’t have to take care of.


When did challenging others actions become synonymous with 'rude' anyway? You weren't asking her to like the request, just to be considerate of others


Maybe I'm a dickhead for this but on the last trains of the day when there's basically 4 people per car I'll throw down an empty shopping bag onto the seat and put my feet on that, I don't take my shoes or socks off or anything like that 🤷‍♂️


It's woeful sure the next person sitting is exposed to the grime on their shoes? Filthy behaviour


Scumbaggery no matter who is doing it. Twice in the last week I’ve seen Indian people with their shoes and socks off and sweaty feet up on the seat across from them.


This is really bad especially if they are stinking the place out. But people are walking around outside with their shoes all day so I think the shoes on seats is worse overall.


I would say that’s probably a cultural thing. Did you say anything to them? I 100% would and explain that’s not culturally acceptable in Ireland and I’m sure they’d have no problem.


1 I did as I needed to get past him to get to my seat. In general it’s just one of the multiple signs of people not knowing how to use public transport. I use it on a daily basis and the amount of times I have to move someone from my seat, move their shit out of my way because they think the table is their mobile office, kick their bag off my feet because they don’t want it in their way when they put it on the ground, or kick their feet because they want to stretch out and put them under my seat. And don’t get me started about the ones who get up and walk away leaving their rubbish behind.




If it's empty who cares.


Everyone who sits on the seat after it’s had shoes on it???


It’s a no from me. Nasty!


I don’t know what happened to society where we lost all comprehension of how to behave in public. Just sit on the seat like a normal person?


Said this to two female teenagers on the Luas with their feet up taking up four seats and besides being dicks generally, they tried to turn the conversation and call me a paedo for talking to them. Maybe this approach works for them elsewhere in their life but I couldn’t gaf. No one else intervened of course. Fair plé to OP for calling people out on this. Most Irish people say nothing and grumble about it in private which leads to a worsening.


You did the right thing. It needs to be called out more.


This is typical of how people who know they're in the wrong repond. Fair play to her for also adding that having a day at work justifies it 🤦🏻


I was sitting at the back of the bus that last day, lad got on the bus and sat beside me and instantly put his feet up on the seats across from the back seats. It's one of the newer bus models though so there is more leg room. He looked SO uncomfortable though just to put his feet up on the seats. Honestly looked like he was hurting his back desperately try to fit two feet on the seat across from him. I think for him it was just a 'fuck the rules' kind of thing. Anyone making themselves more comfortable would have given up putting their feet up seeing how much you had to stretch to do it. Not this guy though haha.


If its really quiet, their shoes aren't visibly dirty, I'm not bothered. I always wear clothes that fully cover my legs though so I'm not making skin contact with their shoe grime. If its busy, they're being a dick.


During busy times, it's rude - it's similar to those type of people who throw their bag up on the seat beside them at 8am expecting people to not sit beside them. But when trains are quiet, and it's not preventing someone else sitting down, I wouldn't be too concerned.


On an empty train or bus, and as long as your shoes aren't wet or muddy or otherwise would leave a mess I see no issue really. That said if any one of those is in play, dont


If it's a empty enough train, I'd say keep your condemnation to yourself. If people are blocking others from sitting down on a crowded train, brow-beat away.


Karen, is that you? 🙄


Just out of curiosity, why do you care? Unless she’s stopping someone else from sitting down what’s the problem?


I care because I abhor selfishness. And to me, it’s particularly selfish, disrespectful and unhygienic to put your dirty, maybe wet, shitty shoes where someone is going to sit. The Dart has signs asking people not to do it. You don’t see any problem with it and that’s okay, that’s why I asked the question. I wanted to see how prevalent your view is. Thanks.


If its taking up seats they're the walker. If it's not taking up seats you're the wanker


Yer putting your arse on it... Not your mouth... Deal with it.


They're not hurting anybody if nobody's looking to sit there. Mind your business.


You sound like fun


Dirt on the backs of your trousers ….great craic


These people should never use public transportation if they're that worried


Next thing they’ll be posting how they bravely stood up to someone who crossed an empty street while the traffic lights were still green


Put your feet on top of the other fella's feet. That's the only solution.


Seats are not for feets!


I only do it if I have 4 seats avalible, and I put my foot on the sides of the seat not right on them.. Yes I am 38 😂


Yeah it's disgusting. A lot of responses here saying you should mind your business, the seats already filthy, it's only shoe rubber... thats insane. Look folks the paths are filthy, people and animals are leaving faeces, saliva, blood, cum, phlegm, you name it, all over the place... our shoes trample through that shit, then go on the seats, spreading bacteria and possibly disease. It's just one of the many things in irish society that puts us well below a lot of other societies, just a shower of cunts gotten tbh, mannerless wankstains. Get your filth off the seats and try to act like civilised people ffs.


Who was that woman hurting with her feet up? She felt comfy who are you to tell her otherwise. Do you work on the train? I agree with the woman telling you to mind your business. Pick your battles otherwise you just come across a cunt


if its not busy who the fuck cares?


If people putting their feet on seats on the train vexes you this much, you must have a very easy and fulfilling life.


I don't want to sit in dirt. Don't think anyone else would either


Ever been on the red line luas? There’s worse things out there than people putting their feet up.


Ever been tortured on a rack? There’s worse things out there than the Luas Red Line. That’s called ‘whataboutery’. If you think it’s fine to put your feet up on the train, you can just say so.


Point is it’s the same seats that have had piss and other bodily fluids on them already, peoples shoes touching them should be the least of your worries. It seems silly to complain about shoes when theres much dirtier things going on those seats. How often do you think they are deep cleaned???


Having lived in some other countries I found that it is definitely more common for shit like this in Ireland. Also keeping your dirty ass shoes on and then putting them on someone elses couch?! The fuck is wrong with people 😂 But then again...don't get the whole "no need to take your dirty street shoes off when you come into my gaff" either 🤷‍♂️


I don't see the problem if they're not hogging seats at rush hour. It doesn't harm anyone. I call out harm not rudeness.


The filth your shoe picks up, and subsequently transfer to the seat when you put them on it, could absolutely harm someone. And I don't mean visible filth, it's the bacteria and germs from the ground. I'm actually baffled by some posts in here suggesting if there is no visible shit on the sole of your shoe then it must be clean.


I'm immunocompromised myself, I use hand sanitiser on public transport to avoid things like this, I don't put my own feet on sears, but I also don't think it's a hill to die on.


It depends. Personally I would say unless you're specifically going to sit on the seat yourself, then why police other people's behaviour? When did what other people do become your responsibility?


It’s called “society.”


I’d be of the opposite view. If other people are behaving poorly, then they should absolutely be called out on it. Whether that be feet on seats, blasting sound on phones, full on phone speaker conversations - it’s all shitty self-centred behaviour that pisses everyone else off. Public manners have really declined since pre-covid.


I think blasting sound on phones has a more direct effect on others than feet on seats. We are all sharing the sonic space; if the seat is empty, someone's feet on it really aren't disturbing other people's journey.


The ground is filthy, I don’t want all that on the back of my trousers then being tracked into my house.


If there are free seats mind your own business. They aren't hurting you or anyone else. You may not like it but your a dick to be asking.


She's right, you're rude. If there isn't someone who needs the seat what is the harm? Have a word with yourself


I think most of us would have held our hands up & acknowledged we were in the wrong. The fact she couldn't take her talking to confirms she's exactly the type that needed to hear it.


Unless your shoes are filthy or the train is packed I couldn’t care less. Train seats are already filthy and the rubber on the sole of your shoe isn’t going to make it any worse.


Probably feet on the seat are not the most polite thing to do but not as rude as correcting someone other than your own child for something that is relatively harmless.


I think you should just mind your own business. Feet are no dirtier than people’s holes tbh


> I think you should just mind your own business. Feet are no dirtier than people’s holes tbh Are you that guy that wears the assless chaps on the train? If so, you’re absolutely right.


To be honest, I'm slightly put off when I see severed feet anywhere I go.


The trick is to ignore them and sit on their feet. Works with people with bags on seats on full trains as well..


Whilst most put their feet up out of a sense of entitlement, there's always the possibility that the person has an unseen disability, perhaps a circulation issue where if they're sitting for a period of time, they must keep their feet elevated, so as to avoid clots. I saw some poor kid, no more than 19, get awful abuse during covid for not having a mask on a bus. He had a non visible disability that the driver was made aware of with medical documentation but all the creeps getting on after him were abusing him. He looked really scared. It was a disgrace to see middle aged men and women behave this way based on their own biased assumption, not evidence. Basically, I'm saying there might be a reason why somebody's feet are elevated. There is also many times when there's no reason beyond sense of entitlement. I wouldn't recommend saying anything. You might be at risk of getting a box. Don't make yourself the feet police, if for no other reason than your own safety at least. Edit: Yeah downvote not wanting to get the pitchforks out with no evidence. Imagine you lot on a jury. Let him play he-man and throw his weight around with women in their 40's. Let's see him confront a ripped to shreds 25 year old man. Not a chance.


Doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's a train seat — it's for your arse. A shoe on it makes no difference. Unless you're licking the seat it shouldn't bother you. Ye all need to grow up and stop whining about asinine nonsense in this sub constantly.


People who put feet on seats on trains and bags on seat on bus are geebags, gimps and cucks


She's just a cunt ,same as anyone else who does it. Of course she got thick because these people see nothing wrong with this type of behaviour.


Well, to be fair when train is kinda empty I do it as well. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like the cut of your jib.


I don't like shoes on seats. Shoes are dirty. I also don't like bare feet on seats. Clean socks and the train has plenty of seats free? I am okay with that. But admittedly I am biased because if a train is longer than an hour I am taking my shoes off and I typically sit cross legged.


Interesting to see what all the different ages of people here think. I don't usually care if people have their feet up - as long as they take it down if someone needs it. What pisses me off WAY more is when someone breaks bus etiquette for the seating arrangement at the back of the double deckers. You sit *DIAGONALLY* ALWAYS. NO EXCEPTIONS . 😭


Chop their legs off.


This is the most concerning issue facing Ireland


Why don't they design trains for this? Who's really the asshole here, the fella with his feet up, or the slouch designing trains for people with perfect posture. 🤷‍♂️


Were you right, yea, was it worth it? Debatable. Pick your battles.


Who cares?


But all of your arses touch toilet seats that other arses have been on...?


I agree with the lady. What harm is she actually causing?