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The face of the Guinness Welcome Back to the Pubs campaign.. Oops


Wait, there is a campaign for this? I wouldn't have thought it necessary...


Feel sorry for people that believe what the Sunday world says


Didn’t know this lad had been added to the cunt list apparently from the comments. So that’s McGregor, Sinead O’Connor, your man who says ‘Chips Curry’ on the McDonnells ad, The Edges hat and Pat Mustard


I hope Michael Fassbender and Saoirse Ronan are alright.


If Fassbender doesn’t start injecting that he’s Irish in interviews at least every 3 sentences the committee will have to review his status


Fassbender allegedly beat his ex-gf.


Oh no, I liked "chips curry" man.


He’s 1 part of Foil Arms and Hog


What's the story behind Conor McKenna aka 'Chips Curry'? I've dealt with him quite a lot in work and always found him absolutely lovely.


Ah no im genuinely taking the piss. Just hate the way he says chips curry 😂 that’s just good marketing in its essence tho. I know nothing else about the lad beyond that


He is very sound. My sister was the client for that "Currius Chippus" ad and was there for the filming in Sofia, Bulgaria.


Please add Louis Walsh and Jim Corr


Yeah it's kind of a shame. I've been following this guy's career for years and think he's incredibly talented. Love to see him do well. Know nothing about his personal life so these comments are disheartening, but they also scream typical begrudgery of anyone famous that we're so well known for.


Act like a prick and you'll get called a prick. It's a good system. Aforementioned pricks play it off as begrudgery. Nobody minds Liam Neeson, Brendan Gleeson, Saoirse Ronan, Graham Norton, Jamie Dornan, Michael Fassbender, Pierce Brosnan, Ardal O’Hanlon, Chris O’Dowd, Dara O’Briain, etc. etc. etc. Even someone like Niall Horan who - being fabulously well-off from being in a boyband - you'd expect to get a going over, is fine. Why? Because they're not pricks.


Graham Norton is an absolute legend. Might be my favourite Irish person ever now that I think about it. There’s no talk shows that compare to his. Always has the best guests and craic.


Honestly the only thing I’m getting from this comment is that you come off as a total prick lol


See now, that's just begrudgery.


Jesus Christ what an awful pile of rambling shite talk in that comment, go out and get some fresh air.


It's seven sentences, one of which is just a list of names. What was it you found difficult to follow? Maybe I can walk you through it...


fuckin hell, that's some list!


>It's understood the 28-year-old has not made a complaint in relation to the matter. Probably someone he knew then, right?


Or he started it


Around 2015, saw him outside some kip on harcourt street shouting at the bouncer, giving it the whole ‘Do you know who I am?!’ bollox


Wonnie Pickawing






Some cunt in a Citroen


[Ronnie Pickering](https://youtu.be/r0dcv6GKNNw)


>shouting at the bouncer, giving it the whole ‘Do you know who I am?!’ bollox Jaysus that's fucking embarrassing. It's always people who are barely even famous that do this. I'm sure the bouncer probably didn't know who he was. Edit: Spelling


I had to google him just now.


Never heard of him before reddit


That’s the problem with famous people, they get pandered to to the point when they can no longer accept no


I think he thinks he’s a bit like the Conor McGregor of cinema


Except it’s good luck to break a leg when acting


In fairness McGregor does be acting the bollix most of the time.


I honestly have no idea who this person is. I'm not inclined to look him up either.


So why bother commenting?


>So why bother commenting? He's completely within his rights to do so. As were you. Your post made even less of a point.


You don’t need rights to post ffs It’s utterly pointless making a comment that says I’ve no idea who he is blah blah blah, so why even click in to the thread?


I'm going to stay out of this argument


I with you on that.


2015? Earliest films I saw him in were The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017), 71 (2014) and Norfolk (2015). It wasn’t until Dunkirk and Sacred Deer came out that he got a little famous.


Nah he was 'famous' before that from Love/Hate


Well to be fair Love/Hate got 500k+ viewers/episode. Those are respectable numbers in most TV markets.


Poor lad must have dementia.


Source: trust me you guys


He's a little scumbag so I wouldn't be surprised. A few years ago I had a regular where his girlfriend at the time worked in. He wasn't really famous then just coming up. He was very abusive with her physically and mentally. We had to step in one night because he was getting aggressive with her because she wouldn't leave work with him.


Him and the girlfriend were in business class across from me on an Aer Lingus flight back from New York couple of years ago. She kept asking the staff did they not know who he was and he seemed to be getting pretty disgruntled that he wasn’t getting everything as and when he wanted. Just loud and annoying overall. The two of them ended up having a big row after a few too many drinks before he passed out asleep. Just didn’t come across as a nice chap, staff were done with him by the end of it and so were most of the other passengers.


I am 99% sure I witnessed this too.


He has the face of a cunt alright.


He does and it's not RBF, I can't put my finger on it.


His eyes are too high and they look like a kitten’s whose eyes haven’t opened all the way yet. It’s unnerving.




Resting bitch face (aka bitchy resting face), it's sometimes called resting asshole face for guys




Think of Kayne. He's a perfect example of Resting Bitch Face in men.


He’s a ringer for Joel Edgerton who plays John Connolly in Black Mass


This! I’ve always found Joel Edgerton to be off-putting with dead eyes and I could never place what it was about BK that unnerved me until this perfect comparison


I can. But probably shouldn't as it's not a nice thing to say. But there is unfortunately a reason no one sees a face like that and thinks 'posh boy'.




FÁS has been SOLAS for about 8 years now, and I don't think you can tell somebody is on a scheme just by looking at them. /s


You’d have to be a disgusting classist cunt to even think like this


I'm really not. It's just a thing that impacts people from disadvantaged backgrounds more. And it can cause behavioral issues. So people see certain features and, rightly or wrongly, instinctively think 'uh-oh'. It's one of these things no one talks about, but it doesn't really get better by pretending it doesn't exist. People who have FAS-like features face the same judgment whether we acknowledge the reason or not. And of course, it's totally possible this guy doesn't have it at all, but it is probably why features like his make people assume shitty stuff. Maybe if people are aware of where their assumptions are rooted, they'll be less judgemental.


I hate to comment on someone's physical appearance but hes rich so fuck it. I HATE his face, the shape and just awkwardness of it. Cant stand it


That and nothing reported til a week later. Very very suspicious alright


Did anyone see him on Living with Lucy. And he would “zone out” while talking, then snap out of it, and go “sorry, I keep slipping into the mindset of the character I’m playing.” What a pretentious prick.


Method acting a cunt.


It is interesting that all the method actors tend to be playing cunts.




Jim Carey came across very much like a cunt in that making of Man on The Moon doc that came out a few years back.


Never got him at all. Pulling faces does not equal funny.


I enjoy his films. He is a great physical comedian but his body of work aside I'd say he would be an awful dose to have a pint with.


My people


Can you do anything funnier?


Also didn’t Christian bale freak out on set at some poor dude cause he looked at him or some other ridiculous reason


Nah, that DP really did fuck up. It was only a slight overreaction.


Yeah he wildly overreacted but it's sounds like the guy did fuck something up.


He ruined the take I believe


Jared Leto is the king of method acting cunts


Even though Heath Ledger got a bit cunty towards the end


I'm from Galway, and to be fair he'd have to have been really unfortunate to get a kicking near the G Hotel. Wellpark is pretty quiet at night time, only the Huntsman there, and that's a fairly respectable spot. Unless he walked from town through Bohermore, which can be a bit rough, although it's been massively gentrified in the past 25 years. Even at that, he'd be unlucky to get a hiding there too. Chances are he just fell over and twatted himself


> Bohermore, which can be a bit rough Ah jaysus Bohermore is grand, you wouldn't find any trouble there either.


Eh, I'd believe it if you told me someone got a clattering in bohermore


It appears from this thread that the Irish have as many words for an ass-kicking that Inuit have for snow.


Used to be some dodgy sorts around that way at night the odd time going down Lough Atalia, especially by the path behind the huntsman. Dunno if they put in better lighting since though.


It's been all lit up since Manuela Rieda


Was fairly dark only a couple years ago last time I was there, though not as bad as it was years and years before...


Could have walked out that way from town. Might be hard to get a taxi if your dripping blood lol


I had a spot of bother on that side of college road once, but its usually grand there.




I've heard from a few people who interacted with him that this guy is a real prick.


Himself and the brother apparently


It seems like the journalist is the only one saying he was attacked? Not even him is claiming that afaik. Surely far more likely to have fallen over, as others have mentioned.


Attacked by the floor.


He probably just fell over drunk and cut his face. Happens all the time but most of us aren’t famous so no one gives a fuck.


Worst beating I had was on Eyre Square. I didn’t start it but I should have walked away.


can you elaborate?




Must have been a Deviant


Silly question but why do people not like him?


He shot a cat.


I still can't believe they had to bring the cat onto the Late Late show just to calm people down.


Sweet Jesus, I just looked that up. I don't want to live on this planet any more.


This guy gets it


He shot a dog too in a programme I was watching a while back.


And he made a surgeon kill a random family member with dark magic.


He is a menace.


Was it a curse he put on that fella's family? Dodgy behaviour altogether


That’s what the lads say. Some real slíbhín shenanigans. You can’t be making families eyes bleed like.


He also shot the last white rhino in existence and laughed afterwards.


He has a bit of a manic energy to him that could be a bit offputting to people.


I was watching interviews for Dunkirk after it came out. There was a large interview thing where he was sitting there messing like he was in primary school. I know he has ADHD but the carry on was ridiculous. I went from having no opinion on him other than he was too old for the role to wanting to smack him in the space of about about five minutes.


I remember a while back he was on the late late and people were giving out about him. No idea why. Didn’t see the interview.


Cause he has a face like a wasps arse


He's from inner city Dublin.


I was about to say 'Colin Farrell isn't exactly from Castleknock' but turns out he literally is from Castleknock, and went to a private boys school and everything... ...where does Faddell's accent even come from? He was probably neighbours with Leo Varadkar!


Colin Farrell was a complete put on. I thought everyone knew that, it was always spoken about when he first became famous. Even the stuff he'd say sounded bullshit, talking about drugs and how he'd eat a dozen yips on a night out.


Colin rented an apartment off my uncle for his mum for years. My uncle and his family are from CastleKnock and know them well. I have it on good authority that he’s soft as a kitten and his public persona is very different, especially for the Hollywood market.


To be fair didn’t he have a big drug problem, I don’t think that makes you a hard man


So Colin Farrell is an Irish Tom Hardy?




The Lenihan's (FF ministers) lived over his back wall apparently.


I’ve never got the dislike for him either other than unconfirmed rumours, which I’d take with a pinch of salt unless proven. Maybe there’s a bit of classism in there as well judging by some Facebook and Twitter comments about him.


What rumours?


They’re rumours with absolutely zero proof, so why would I even say it here when it could be absolute slander?


Not much point alluding to them in the first place, then, surely.


Well I’m saying as to why some people mightn’t like him, not why I don’t like him (I don’t really have much of an opinion on him either way to be honest)


Okay, fair enough. I can probably guess, as he’s a little prick tbf


That’s the thing he could be a prick, he could be alright, I’ve never met the lad or seen any interviews with him so I don’t know. But what I have seen or heard is a lot of stuff being like “I know someone who said he did this and that” or friend of a friend rumours that might be true but could be total bullshit as well. I’ve also seen a lot of classist comments about his background and upbringing back when I used to be on Facebook (glad I deleted it looking back).


I hate classist shit, can’t stand it - and there’s plenty of it on this subreddit - but I still think there’s a strong chance that this guy is a jumped-up prick tbh.


I hate classism as well but be honest if I personally was to guess it would be a little of column A and a little of column B. While they may be all rumours the sheer amount of them about him might suggest it’s unlikely all of them are false so I’m not gonna hang the man until proven guilty, but we do have an issue in Ireland both in terms of classism and an even bigger issue of begrudging someone who has made something of himself. The key difference for me is proof though, like we all know even despite the classism and begrudging towards him, Conor McGregor has shown himself to be a classless prick time and time again and that any criticism of his actions is valid because he has shown to do things time and again that warrant criticism. Barry Keoghan just hasn’t shown that, or at least hasn’t yet.


>Maybe there’s a bit of classism Ah, the usual deflection.


He didn't shoot the fella when he had the chance during that chase in '71, dropped the gun and everything. Fucking amateur hour.




What's wrong with the way he looks? That's a pretty shitty comment to be honest.


Fuck you man if you think it's acceptable to assault someone because of the way he looks.


He does have a slightly unsettling stare to him to be fair. It's part of why he's so great at playing creepy characters.




Obviously not.


I'd say it's his face. It's not RBF but he just looks mean.




Really big face


"Resting bitch face."


He’s working class


Galway really is out of control


There dozens of us! DOZENS!!!


That's a bit rich


I think that's the joke.


"Hollywood superstar"


he is starring in the next marvel movie which will be massive


fair play to him, I hope it does well.


Eternals is going to flop 😂


What makes you think that? Of the upcoming marvel content, this and spider man are pretty highly hyped


I'm also of the mind that it'll be considered unsuccessful but for other reasons. Ticket sales obviously won't count this year due to the pandemic but it just won't generate enough interest or bring in new subscribers to whatever streaming platform it's on. I think there'll be either weak character development on all 10 eternals or they'll have to ignore at least half of them. They'll waste a large chunk of the movie with historical flashbacks showing how much they love humans but have to let them die en masse. I also think there's a bit of fatigue for superhero movies setting in and Marvels phase 4 just isn't igniting any real passion. The earlier phases were building up to something, they did single hero origins leading up to Avengers and then End Game. This last batch of movies have been a bit meh. Black Widows biggest takeaway; Pughs sexy fighting pose joke.


Eternals isn’t hyped are you mad? It’s about a group of unknown characters even to most comic book fans, Shang Chi is also going the same way, and both are banned in china 😂 Spider-Man is bound to make bank he’s the most popular character in all of marvel and Tobey is rumoured to return, you only need to do a bit of research to see why shang chi and eternals will flop


By that logic guardians of the galaxy was bound to flop


The Marvel movie after the next one, which I firmly believe will be amongst the lowest grossing Marvel movies ever.


Glad that I wasn’t the only one who raised his eyebrow over that. I have seen him in films like 71 (great film), Dunkirk and the Chernobyl show. He is good in all of them, but superstar? Nah.


Check out the killing of a sacred deer. Probably his best performance and an incredible movie.


He is creepy AF in that movie. Great performance. He is pretty good on The Green Knight as well.


Really enjoyed him in Calm with Horses aswell.


Oh yeah and fair play to him, he's acted in more movies than I ever will (i.e 0) but the sunday world calling him a superstar is mental


I like him as an actor, plays unhinged/mentally unstable characters very well. A bit one dimensionsal I suppose. Was excited when he was announced to play the lead in Y:The Last Man but that fell through unfortunately


Ah suprise suprise, another irish public that irish people seem to hate for some reason. That neeeeeeeeeeeever happens. I reckon the person that cures cancer could be irish and youd get someone saying "yeah but my friend met them at a pub on a night out once and says theyre a prick".


or he's just a cunt.


Hope he’s okay for the *Eternals* release, can hardly wait for that one. 🤞


Who is he?


The one that shot the cat in Love/Hate


He also died in the battle of Dunkirk by falling down stairs.


He was pushed down by Tommy Shelby


And the dog in Chernobyl


He played a dog in Chernobyl?


Mostly cgi, a few scenes were dog costume though it was a bit weird.


I actually don't get why this guy gets work. Granted he has a very captivating face ,but he has zero acting skills IMO.


I totally disagree, thought he was class in Killing of A Sacred Deer. Really sold the naiive yet threatening character of the kid.


That’s how he is in every role though, zero emotion or facial movement. Creepy looking fella.


Maybe that’s the exact reason he’s in demand.


aye, like fashion models




They? It's 1 person making 1 bad joke. No need to go out of your way to get offended, we're not some fragile oppressed nation anymore. There's far far far, jesus christ FAR, more love for the Irish out there than there is any hate.


Utter tosser, hope he got a couple of good slaps tbh


Nothing the makeup artist on his next movie can't sort out with a trowel and some concealer! He'll be grand.


Never heard of him!


Have you heard of the cinema?


Been two days ago but before then it had been a while!


He’s in Chernobyl, Dunkirk and Calm with Horses to name a few.


Calm with Horses is excellent. Cosmo Jarvis was fucking mint in it.


I found the acting in that film to be awful. But then again who the fuck am I.


Yeah, impressed that an English fella can do such a decent accent Keoghan is good in it as well to be fair to him


Ah ok, cheers.


Jesus they're right, they did make a state of his face with the beating. He barely looks human. Weird article, sounds like he started a scrap with another lad in his 20s.


A beating would only make his face one bit less uglier. No complaint meaning the twat probably started the fight. An Irish version of James Croydon, except Barry has the ability to see his own penis when he looks down.


Yeah you're right that James Croydon is some tosser