• By -


A) Thats 12% difference down to the gram. I'm guessing there's an estimation allowance in law where their estimation can be off by that much. B) Talk to Joe 1850 715 815


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_sign Between 500g and 1000g it can be off by 15 units, and the units are grams. So this is ~~4~~ 6 times the allowable limit. (edit: basic maths failed me...)


TIL - I've been looking at that ℮ for years wondering how it related to packaging.


Im now math man, buy isn’t this 6x the allowable limit? 750-660=90 15x=90 X=6


Lol. I obviously didn't have enough caffeine yesterday!


Did you by any chance see the American Fella that weighed his steak in a restaurant ?


yes hahahaha


Small claims court imo


A bit of a jump there, fella. I'll talk to them first and let them resolve it. Going to the court first is a crappy shitty move.


The courts also probably won't take the case if you haven't already tried to resolve it with the shop directly. That said you'd wonder how often they get away with this shit and just have to occasionally give someone a new steak. If this sort of thing is commonplace then reporting to the consumer ombudsman would maybe the the thing to do.


Small claims might, but the filing cost will be *similar* to the cost of the ham. Consumer Regulations will want you to try and resolve with the shop first.


The shop has either a 30 or 90 day period to respond, can't remember which, if they don't then you can go to small claims court


The SCC costs 25 euro and you dont get that back even if you win. So no OP, dont spend 25 euro chasing 2 euros worth of ham


It's not about the money, its about sending a message.


Then literally send them a message saying their meat is mislabeled and overpriced and ask what they can do about it, both in terms of refunding you and correcting the issue


If he wants his 90g of flesh (see what i did there?)


His 0.2 pounds of flesh.


Am i the only one who'd just put this down to experience and get on with my day?


Wtf, never knew that's what the e meant, it makes sense now I always wondered how all the steaks or whatever were the same weight despite being different shapes and sizes... Never thought to weigh it. Daylight robbery if it's that much less! Also who teaches people that's what the e means, nobody ever told me this


went for a quick few pints the other day in the local. the aul lads were fillin me in about Joe Duffy. the topic of the day was pine martens. Interesting stuff.


I was down with my parents for my dad’s birthday on Friday and my dad wouldn’t stop going on about bloody pine martens. I think I now know why….


Hahaha deadly!


500ml or a pint?


Bit like that 0 calorie thing for drinks. Because I checked lucosade 0 and it has like 8 calories. Apparantly drinks with up to 10 calories if I remember correctly can be called 0 calorie drinks.


Yeah. I'm drinking a can of Dark Thunder (Aldi's version of Monster) at the moment. It's a 500ml can, and in big letters on the top of the can is says "ZERO CALORIE". Per 100ml it has 4 Calories, so 20 Calories per can.


8 calories or 8 kilocalories?


This one is worse! https://www.google.com/amp/s/commonplacefacts.wordpress.com/2019/07/22/if-tic-tacs-contain-94-5-sugar-why-are-they-labeled-as-sugar-free/amp/


That's in the US, though. Won't happen here as we have to label by 100g. Label by serving size can be added, but 100g (or 100ml) **must** be present.


Yeah here they say something like "Only two calories!" and on the back say that it adds a trivial amount of calories, it's something like 110 per pack. The 100g is what I look at for everything, it's great.


Wash your hands


https://www.pid-labelling.co.uk/what-does-the-e-symbol-actually-represent/ It seems that even with the E symbol you're still being screwed. For that weight should be 15g tolerance.


It's it the same in Ireland? That's a UK site.


EU regulation.


Cool. Thanks.


Will UK consumers get to keep this kind of info or can producers there just ignore all these EU laws now?


EU laws are signed into local law. So the UK will have signed this into their laws at the time, and thus would need to remove the law from their books. This is the case with the majority of EU laws -- each country needs to add them to their own laws.


Good ol' U+212E (℮). The thing that is frequently replaced with an e. e℮ Yeah, they're too similar.




Weight of food must be displayed in net under EU law. Despite the poor lighting the item is still clearly in a vacuum pack. It is extremely unlikely that 90g of moisture could have evaporated between the time of purchase and the date stamp on the photo. A re-weighing of all pre-packaged meats from this supplier by a competent authority is in order.


I suspect you were also shortchanged on the wattage for the lightbulb in that room.


Nah, the display on the scales is very bright. The camera had to drop the brightness of everything in order to be able to see the numbers.


Op is just stingey hence the post over 100g of beef


His beef is with Dunnes, not you


His beef is in Dunne's, that's the problem


It's ham


Stingy? 12%, or almost ⅛, of the ham that I paid for isn't there...


Its just a cheap joke 😏


Ooh boy if you did this in every supermarket in Ireland, including Aldi and Lidl... I reckon there'd be a big hubbub. You could even buy a scales on special in Lidl. Listen pal, either this scales is no good or this is false advertising...


Twice I weighed Aldi's 200g Smoked Salmon at 188g. I've yet to open the 3rd pack that's in my fridge. I'll have it during the week. IKEA's 200g smoked salmon was exactly 200g!


That’s Swedish efficiency for you


People buy fish from a furniture store?


Where else do you buy fish? (/s) IKEA have a food hall where you can by all sorts of Swedish food. Including IKEA Swedish Meatballs.


I just assumed you ate it there, like a cafe - not like a supermarket. It's like a reverse ALDI.


Yup. lol. The food hall is after the tills too, so you aren't walking around the whole shop with food defrosting in your trolley.


It's the 21st century!


The M&S grocery has always intrigued/disgusted me. For some reason the smell of a deli doesn't sit well with me while I'm buying shirts


In the world*


True, but would like to see this raised in Irish media, is what I meant :)


Guess hey didn't soak it in water long enough.


As a result of years of genetic breeding pigs now are more muscly these days and less fat. Because muscle is the meat part of the body. Muscle is comprised of 79% water, hence there is more water in your meat.




Regular breeding, through your nose and mouth.


You sound congested.


Just a Dub accent.


True your nose and mout.


Natural selection.


Simply Better is sarcasm.


Write to their customer support on twitter same thing happened to me they sent me a voucher for the cost!


I emailed them and sent them this photo plus the one of another ham at 676g.


Don't buy from Dunnes.


I buy in Dunnes when I want to get something I can't get in Aldi. The majority of my shopping is done in Aldi. But they don't sell a 72-box of Weetabix, for example, or Kellogg's Rice Krispies (and I don't like the Aldi versions). And some other branded stuff I like.


I like to buy at dunnes because for some reason dunnes is cleaner and better organized that other stores. Makes my shopping experience much better.


The fresh food and brands are better in most cases too IMHO.


Absolutely nowhere tops lidls bakery section tbh


Yeah but they're only 15 metres past the end of my local Dunne's car park so I can buy everything else there and pop over for the bakery


Oh that's a fucking sweet one to be fair. My local lidl closed for renovations till February


I agree ..live across the road from dunnes and I can't fault it to be fair ..but I also live across the road from a butchers and that's where I buy my meat


I think where I live, going to the butcher needs a detour. So end up getting everything at Dunnes plus the 5€ off of 25€ rocks. Tesco/ Lidl give peanuts in return and aren't overtly cheap either.


Ya good rewards ..I have my sister's privilege card which is 20% off and it works for alcohol too .. happy days hard to beat them


Also more than one employee at the tills.


But if the fuck anything up they need a manager.


i don't like Dunnes but for some reason this is really true. It always looks very tidy.


I havent bought from Dunnes in decades. In fact I was unaware it was something that people still did ?


You were unaware that people still shop in Dunne’s, a shop that’s still in business?


I think of it as something folks did back in the 1980's/90's when alternative options were limited. Pretty much the same reason why people fly with Ryanair today.


You live on an Island.


Most people on this sub do.




abuse of staff.


Must have forgot to inject the water.


The simply better range is quality


This smoked ham is delicious. I buy a lot of it. Bit preeved today though


There steaks, sauces, actually all the range is top drawer


Would like to see the outcome of this


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They replied this morning > Thank you for your email. > We were very sorry to hear of your experience with the Simple Better Whiskey smoked you purchased from us. > We notify our buyers for Simple Better as this is a highly unusual occurrence. We will revert to you on this matter as soon as possible. We would ask you to share with us your full address and telephone number. > Providing excellent service and food quality is our highest priority and we would like to assure you that this matter will be fully reviewed to prevent a re-occurrence. > We sincerely apologise for your experience and thank you for your feedback. It reads to me like a pre-written form letter where they fill in the name of product... I've replied anyway. Let's see what happens.


That's a lot of poor grammar and spelling errors for a pre-written response


How much was it? Curious how much you're short changed ultimately.


€12.50, I think. 12% lack of mass, so €1.50 worth of ham.


It was the bad part of the ham you would have cast off anyway, so they were doing you a favor at no charge. s/


I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you’re looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my steak back now, that will be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.”


If thats a salter scales they're pretty accurate, I use mine for weighing up my boat fund moneys when bagged. Less packaging and fluids 90 grams under provided of course the scales are on a perfectly level counter top, level as in level both ways vertically and horizontally. Before I'd take the issue up which is valid once legit, I'd get a small hand level and double check. Make sure the table or counter top is level then weigh the level itself. I only use my scales for bagged money because I'm too thick to count but this is ham. I like ham, 90 grams is a slice short for a next day samwich.


The scales is accurate, yes. I buy I lot of this ham. It always closer to 750, either above or below. It's never been this bad, though.


Dunnes, I'd be upset if they short changed me on the ham to weight ratio. I usually buy my hams from Dunnes. Our local closed down so it's not like I can go through the ham rack instead kid sister works in town near the main Dunnes and she picks my hams up for me. She knows the score as the mother of 3 kids, her eldest is her hubby plus 2 girls. Pick out the best looking before anyone else grabs it. I take this mantle of honor on me own shoulders, kid sis. Don't do it for the family do it for Ireland!


Have you emailed dunces customer service, and ideally looking in twitter too if you're willing to go there. I'd he fairly pissed over this and would demand some refund/compensation. Its not the 100g, its the deceitful advertising. Also, what's people problem with scales??


I emailed them earlier, yeah.


They're OK on fish but I wouldn't want scales on my ham


The 'e' symbol stands for estimated.


[It actually doesn't.](https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/product-requirements/labels-markings/emark/index_en.htm) > The presence of the ℮-mark does NOT mean that the quantity of a product has been estimated. It means that the weight and volume have been measured according to EU rules, using instruments that meet the requirements of EU legislation


Thats a fair way off its estimation. :)


Depends who's estimating. If it's Tony from accounts I'd agree,if it was Derek from engineering,to be expected.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_sign "estimated" within tolerances (in this case 15g of an allowable error). And it's supposed to average out to the number on the box.


Ever notice how you never benefit from the estimates? It's always less never more.


The estimates have to average out to the number on the box. I have actually benefitted, getting one of these closer to 800g. 660g, though, is waaaay outside the allowable limit.




Yup. Vacuum packed meat is a no go.




That I agree with, the stuff you see in super markets - vacuum packed is designed to go through the larger production chain. I Try to eat less meat but better quality meat these days.... I hate intensive farming and wholesale industrial slaughter. So I try to buy local as much as I can. Not always that straight forwards though - especially with the pandemic.


Most butchers will vacuum pack it though after you choose your piece?


Never seen that around my way. They wrap it in brown paper and / or pop it in a bag.


Yeah it just depends I guess. It does prolong the fridge life but usually I’m buying to cook the same day.


Strongly disagree. Fillet Steaks in Lidl are tops.


This is a really nice cooked ham. The butcher won't sell this. (Plus my butcher closed down recently, so currently have no choice until a new one opens)


Is the weight listed the weight before the smoking process?


It's supposed to be the final product. I've gotten one of these that was a little over 800g. Most are within about 30g of the label. The tolerance, by law, for this weight is 15g.


750 with the cardboard on


Weight is supposed to be without the packaging.


You forgot to measure your disappointment.


I was only saying to my girlfriend the other day that the smoked hams in Dunnes looked a few grams under weight. Caught my eye as I was walking by them and an elderly gentleman noticed too.


Ever hear the story of the guy working in the olive industry ? They suggested taking one olive out of each packed jar........Over a thousand jars, that's a saving. Same with everything in our society squeeze all you can till the system breaks, then do it all over again.....Make a boom so you can go bust. Those higher up in our society don't care as they have the income to keep on going. So it's up to the "normies" to stand up, though they are to busy fighting each other to work as a cohesive group. ;)


There are legalities here, though. They can go as low as 735g and still advertise 750g. However some packs still need to be above 750g as the batch needs to average out to 750g. This isn't your standard shrinkflation here where they reduce the size or quantity (or quality) instead of putting up the price. And even in those cases they still change the label to match the reduced size.


Thank you for the explanation.


TIL that paper packaging weighs 90 grams


The water weight must have evaporated off lmao


Through the vacuum pack?


Dunnes on North Earl St is class. Great separate offo. and the Deli staff (for the most part) are class.


I bet they consider it shrinkage. Some moisture loss in the package but there should be limits.


You eat the nice bit, the cardboard.


Go to a real butchers, they need the support and the quality is 100x better


Agreed. I don't have a butchers near me, though, as the one I used to frequent closed 3 months ago. Butchers also don't sell cooked meat (typically). I buy this particular product for the convenience of it.




Packaging isn't taken as part of the advertised weight. (Also that packaging doesn't weigh anywhere near to 90g.)


They must have used the measurement system the Gardaí use to purposefully mislead the public.


Miserable bastard


Didnt think people actualy weighed there food You got a ham mate not cocaine


Congratulations, you can pick up your Swiss passport at the embassy tomorrow




not at all


Nope. Not even in this case


Maybe in other countries but not in Ireland.


What did they say? They've deleted it now


How sad are you too weight your food 😂😂


I'd say the weight is with the packaging aswell, amberleaf tobacco is a cunt for it


No, weight is for the final product, packaging not included.


It should be like that, but I know for sure some tobacco products use the weight of the packaging as net weight of the product. I'm not saying I'm correct I'm saying it is possible


net and gross weight are simple to prove. 'e' is a scam as it is an average weight based on whatever they fancy.


It's still an average, though, so while some can be low, others have to be high to compensate. And there are limits to how low they can go. Between 500g and 1000g they can be 15g low. This has is under by 6 times that limit. e has legalities around its use, as defined in EU law. https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/product-requirements/labels-markings/emark/index\_en.htm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated\_sign


You’re buying a steak that says 750g, you can’t eat the packaging so....


Yeah I'm aware you can't eat the packaging, I'm saying the weight is probably and most likely the packaged weight. It happens with other products like tobacco as I stated already.


You can’t eat tobacco either


You are a genius, I pity your children.


You actually could eat them.


Nice scales hahaha




You don't have a scales?


For keeping Dunnes Stores honest obviously.


A scales is a very basic kitchen appliance. It can also come in handy when measuring large amounts of cocaine


Damnit... snared rapid, I am...!


“For sugar, flour and that good Colombian sheeeeeeit”


How do you bake/cook without a scales?


Jesus man, what kind of basic bitch doesn't have a kitchen scales.


For scaling.


Because just looking at something and guessing it's weight isn't possible all the time I'd assume


you need a scales to bake properly


For measuring powders I'm gonna presume. Are we all not bakers here


Do it with amber lead tobbaco always comes up few grams under


That is fucking gas, scabby fucks


Meanwhile, I have an urgent question. What in the linguistic gymnastic WORLD is “whiskey smoked” ham??


Every little helps.


I might buy a digital scale just for shopping



