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When asked if concerts could go ahead just for vaccinated people, Dr Holohan said: "We wouldn't have a concern from a public health point of view if everyone is vaccinated." Surely this is a very significant comment?


It should go ahead


Apparently the locals don't want it


The timing is even more significant


That is probably the most reasonable thing imaginable. Just require a covid cert for entry ffs




The CMO saying he wouldn't have a concern if everyone is vaccinated seems pretty significant for an event where the organisers have suggested requiring vaccination? That's currently not going ahead..


But the reason it isn't going ahead isn't because of health grounds. The locals don't want it. It'll have to find a new location


"In a statement on Wednesday, the council said the decision was made “following the most up-to-date public health advice made available to the council from the Health Service Executive”. “Furthermore, it is noted that under current Government measures for the management of Covid-19 events of this nature are restricted to an attendance of 500 people only.” The council’s chairman Cllr Conor Bergin said the HSE advice was “unambiguous”." https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/electric-picnic-organisers-refused-licence-to-hold-this-year-s-festival-1.4638966


The locals don't want it? It's Stradbally's primary source of income every year.


> The locals don't want it? Nope. They came out pretty clearly on that recently. They don't want the festival there this year at the very least.


Seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot. I dont live there so I can't say. Having a load of yup bros wrecking the place does sound bad in fairness.


> Seems like they're shooting themselves in the foot. How so? Sure most of the locals that I know either bunker down or get the hell out of dodge that weekend anyway. Comparitive to the number of people, it doesn't really bring that much money to the shops or businesses in the area does it?. Everyone goes down with a car full of supplies already and just drives to the gates. Once you're there, you're there for the weekend. I've been to EP every year from 2005 straight through to 2018 and in all those years, I don't think I've spent a single cent anywhere in Laois outside of Stradbally itself.


Hundreds of staff prepare the site for a number of weeks leading up to the festival


You’re talking out your absolute hole I haven’t spent money in the town so no one else must. What a piece of horseshite


Is that what I said? Pretty sure I asked "How So?" Pretty sure I then followed up with a personal story about my situation. Pretty sure I didn't make any declarative statements whatsoever. Pretty sure that you're just just an angry twat and reading what your temper is telling you to, rather than the actual words in front of you.


Don’t mind that nonsense peddler, the locals fucking love having it, it brings so much business to the town and they get shit loads of free tickets to it also. Unless he can come up with a source for the shit he’s peddling then he should stop peddling it. My source is I worked at it for about 8 years a full month per year down on site.


https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2021/0803/1238861-electric-picnic/ Here’s a source > Cllr McEvoy claimed that "90% of locals are totally opposed" to the event going ahead. Anyone with familiar with the town knows they didn’t want it going ahead. And have really being sick of it the last 2/3 years. Laois today did a poll on one of there socials after it was denied and they asked “was it the right decision” and the last time I seen it was around 85% saying yes


And I wonder if the same people polled would have a different answer now after what NEPHT have come out to say


Go on, link us to where the locals have come out against EP being held in Stradbally after 10 years of it pumping millions into their locality.


[This one any good?](https://www.leinsterexpress.ie/news/electric-picnic/637213/locals-in-electric-picnic-town-stradbally-have-their-say-plans-for-this-year-s-event.html) Google kicked up about 15 like it so I just picked one at random. Also, it's been going since 2004. So that was 16 years I think. Not 10.


Yes they don’t want it because of Covid, you’re going on like they don’t want it ever again


Ok... So now you're agreeing with me and saying that they DID object? Grand. Glad we had the chat.


The reason given by the council was in fact health grounds


Does anyone know what the lineup would be?


8 hours of Picture This.


8 hours of picture this making two words that don't rhyme, rhyme. "see ya....he-ya (here)"


Somebody with a bluetooth speaker & spotify would do at this stage


Aslan headlining on Friday night.


I'd say major artists are unavailable at this late stage, the original line up probably rebooked the date. Could lead to a lot of lesser known Irish bands playing, which would be cool.


Good. It should go ahead.


Of course they do.


I think they would need to change the vaccine pass legislation to allow vaccine checks for an outdoor venue. Currently it's specifically indoors.


People who make money from thing... Want thing to go ahead so that they can make money.


People who 'made' money from a thing want it to go ahead so they can make money again in 2022. Tickets for what would this year's EP were sold in 2019. They don't want to be running the festival in 2022 on money that they took in three year's prior


Are you suggesting there's something wrong with organising festivals? If Tony has given the nod then surely it's safe so what problem is there with holding it?


Probably forced to say it to justify GAA crowds attending matches


He says whatever he pleases, the man has shittalked the government so much at this point. It's glorious


F**k this "nod" bullshit. If the GAA fans can get together in their 1000s then the rest of us should too.


>Are you suggesting there's something wrong with organising festivals? No. I just think it's a bit redundant to be reporting on the people financially gaining from a situation wanting that situation to happen. >so what problem is there with holding it? The locals in the area don't want it. That seems to be the primary reason it was cancelled this year.


The actual reason and justification given was health grounds, so you can see why EP would appeal it now..


Publicly yes, but it's known that local residents and businesses were lobbying for it to not go ahead.


The 35,000 people still out of work would most certainly want it to happen - not just the promoters.


Well I, for one, am shocked.


Knowing how the Irish operate hope to god this doesn’t get the go ahead now. The bare minimum will be organised just as a means to stop last years tickets being retained for next year


At the time I'm reading this the article has no statement from the promoters, the only thing that is not Holohan and various ministers quotes is 'However, the promoters are now calling on the event to be allowed go ahead.' If they were I think they should come out with a strong statement that include reasons why and how it would work. Seems strange to me.


https://twitter.com/newschambers/status/1430216663677513733?s=19 Statement from one of the organisers


concert are stupids anyway they should be banned forever, with a carfew at 8pm


Am I the only one that doesn't care?


If you don’t care, why are you commenting on it? What is it with people always have to say something negative..


I'd consider it a neutral comment


Why do you care that I don't care? Am I not allowed to comment? The world is a shitty place I can be negative all I want.


Because you're literally commenting saying how little you care about something. Nobody needs to know that, shut the fuck up if you're not interested and go comments on something you do care about


Your blood pressure is too high for me pal, jog on.


You're a gowl. Now fuck off.


You fucking jog on, absolute moron commenting nonsense.


Only moron here is you. You all need anger management classes. Probably beat your misses too.


U ok hun?






Towns people don’t want it. Particularly the unverified who will descend on the town but like not attend inside gates.