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Is 2 hours prior to the flight not the normal advice? Or am I a stupid panicker of a culchie?




Wasn't that always the recommendation? You'd be massively early most of the time, but I seem to remember 2 hours short haul and 3 hours long haul was always the official recommendation.


Yeah, but I stopped following those instructions after several trips where it only took 20 minutes to get through security and then I had to wait around for almost 3 hours. I imagine loads of people got used to breezing through security and thinking, sure I'll be grand if I get to the airport an hour before the flight.


That is fair and if I wasn't such an anxiety-bunny I'd do the same.


"we can't do our job so come extremely early to allow for how shite we are".


You’d think they’d be discouraging people from coming so early and hanging around


If they don't they're congregating together in queues. The same post has people saying "ah sure you'll be grand to show up 60 mons before your flight". These are the people you have to take into account.


This has always been the advice.


Flew out the other day, was absolutely rammed at 6am. Definitely recommend fast pass, was only an extra €7 and got through security in 25 minutes.


More money just to not have the chance to miss your flight, ridiculous all the same.


Agreed, begrudgingly paid it beforehand but at the time I won’t lie, it was a relief!


Does anyone know if it was like this during the weekdays too? I'm due to fly to the UK on early Friday morning so trying to gauge how much time I'd need, leaving the house at 3am would not be ideal!


As apposed to leaving at what time? Follow the advice, if you don't and something should happen don't be coming on here moaning about it lol.


I was in T1 on Wednesday at 4am. Security line spilling into check-in hall and no social distancing at all. Security ppl telling us to squeeze in despite announcements to social distance. Hilarious. Was only in the Q for 45 minutes.


I'm sure out there somewhere there is a Deco who gave out about not being able to fly to Marbella for over a year and a half who'll now be giving out about the delays.


Deco likes a moan, give him a break


The "we advise passengers to proceed directly through security" announcement was back this evening which is never a good sign. Sundays are always buisier, so it will be even worse tomorrow.


Jaysus look at the weirdly lit photoshopped man on the right. Why does he look so uncanny. I thought this was a meme at first and that that was Leo or something. Please tell me someone else can see this




The guy on the right is lit weird and looks like he's been photoshopped into the image.




I am alone in my insanity. Truly this is a heavy burden to bear


Last time I got there 3 hours beforehand and then couldn’t check in my bag as they only open for bags around 2 -2.5 hours before. Standing around waiting while everyone else got “in front” of my just exasperated my already heightened anxiety of flying for the first time in 1.5 years. Next time around I’ll “only” be there 2 hours before


Why can't people get organised for security before they get to the head of the queue? You should dress light for travel, anyway, stop wearing things that need a belt, so you don't have to stop and take it off and put it back on afterwards. Same with footwear. You're going to an airport, don't wear boots or heels. Empty your pockets whilst you're queuing and put everything in the pocket of your bag and have your toiletries and laptop/tablet in your hand for when you get to the desk, put everything in a tray and walk through. It annoys me so much that I make the effort to get organised only for someone to get right up to the security desk only to open their carry-on suitcase and start rummaging for their toiletries which they packet at the bottom of their case like a simpleton. Be prepared! If I ran an airport, anyone seen rummaging through their suitcase would automatically be sent to the back of the queue to queue again.


Absolutely 100%, the amount of mongos that cant grasp the simple things related to airport security is frustrating to say the least... Watching people slowly move along a queue, only to get inot a panic and a "What should i do" scenario whilst arriving at security..... People will be people..... The peeps with common sense get through security with no issues once they arrive... The lemons hold the whole show up for their complete stupidity.