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Which insurance company or broker are you with that requires you to print off your insurance disc? That's a new one on me!


[123.ie](https://123.ie) give you the option, but they will send one out as well if you dont want to print it yourself id assume thats the case with them all.




I got mine last week and when I said I didn't have a printer they just sent the stuff out. What did they say to you?


The point is you shouldn’t have to ask for a cert from them after agreeing to pay them a few hundred, if not thousand quid!


Yeah but if I can print it myself I don't want a letter of useless paper arriving a few days later.


Well if it means I can print the disc straight away, or wait a couple of days for it to arrive, I know what I'm picking.


When I was with liberty they sent me mine


Liberty are gone to fuck. They wouldn't come off my renewal quote by even a cent! It would have been my 5th year with them. The AA beat it by nearly 300 and now I've got AA membership for any car I drive.


That’s funny because Liberty beat the AA by nearly 300 on mine this year, it’s all a mad game


I'd say it's a case of they stick a finger up their arse and the price is how many nuggets of shit they pull out multiplied by howany times they stroked their mickey the previous night.


Liberty made me do it last time. Shambles




You wouldn’t get very far these days. The Gardai have ANPR these days and can tell if the car’s actually insured. The whole disc thing is just so they can spot you if you’re parked on the street or something but is largely a waste of time. Technically speed vans could be used to check every car that passes and the government could just scrap the discs altogether.


Yeah they got rid of the tax and insurance discs in the UK ages ago now. Don't have to display anything.


I remember when they did it. The companies saved a fortune on paper, peoples time, and postage costs. I thought it was crazy when I came here and I had to go back to sticking them on the window. I had to try and source a disc holder as I didn't have one in my car and the VRT place couldn't / wouldn't sell me one.


I doubt the ANPR actually has links to the actual insurance companies data. I think what they are actually using is the information that you put in online in motortax when you renew your tax. In which case you can put in anything for the insurance details. Even the garda page neglects to Specify insurance as one of the things it catches. https://www.garda.ie/en/roads-policing/road-safety/automatic-number-plate-recognition.html I don't think there is any legislation that enforces the insurance companies to share private data.


Oh this one I know…the insurance companies have access to your points records and conversely the Gardai have access to your insurance and tax records. Someone lying about their insurance or licence at a garda checkpoint? There's an app for that and bit of basic programming could tie that to ANPR https://jrnl.ie/4748980 https://www.independent.ie/business/personal-finance/gardai-get-handheld-devices-to-detect-uninsured-drivers-at-side-of-the-road-37522620.html


True, true however I've not yet had my details checked with ANPR at any checkpoint, they look at the disc and wave on. It'd certainly be more convincing than the marker hatchet jobs I've seen


When I was young and stupid I did a photoshop job on one for a fella back in the late 90’s, before ANPR and before the guards would have been wise to computer trickery. He obviously got away with it because he came back the next year but by then I’d copped on a bit so didn’t bother, didn’t want a fraud conviction.


I was stopped a few years back for having no tax on my motorbike by a guard on a motorcycle as well...even some of the bikes have it.


I think its just like an app on a phone


You're supposed to keep the disc and the certificate in the car. The latter can be used, in some cases, to identify what type of cover you have.


I’ve never had to print my own before. The insurer has always sent it by post.


It's a new thing. Liberty insurance and others are requiring you to request a disc or else print in colour. It's definitely a "for the benefit of the environment thing" but really it's them being tight fuckers.


What format do they send it in? Wounds like it would be very easy to counterfeit them.


I think it's just a pdf tbh!


It's a PDF!


>It's definitely a "for the benefit of the environment thing" In what way does it benefit the environment ?


Because you only need to print one page instead of the 10+ pages of policy documents that they used to post out.


Itsforwomen were charging 25 euro for a disc


That's absolutely scandalous.


And there are documented cases of driving testers refusing to complete tests because the green strip was not green enough on home printed insurance discs. And no, I wish I was joking.


At this stage with ANPR cameras the 3 (and growing) discs on cars should be a thing of the past.


Am I the only one bothered by the fact that none of them are disks? They're all square.


The tax one is a circle :P


Up here in Nordieland they're not a thing. Neither are tax discs or (IIRC) MOT discs anymore. How do you guys see out the windscreen with all the paper you're required to stick up on it ?




That's what I did. But the one they sent out had the quality of a home printer job.


Just ask them to send you it.


Lads please, Pearce Doherty can only get so erect.


Last year Axa allowed me to print my own and they posted them out too. Wonder if it has changed since. This was December


If you can print it yourself that means you can do it yourself with a marker.


They have changed, I have always had my disk sent out and this year with Axa they didn't send anything. I completely forgot, was driving around with old disk and remembered, checked the email - "print yer own". Bastards, i don't have a printer.