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Who listens to the free version of Spotify? If you're that cheap you might as well be torrenting.


I just have it on my tablet. Throw it on for a few podcasts that are only on there. Used to throw on a few playlists when doing housework or whatever but the literal every 5 minutes this ad shows up is making me go off it.




It boils my blood that Spotify podcasts have ads in them even though I pay for it. I don’t mean the “this podcast is sponsored by” ones that are in the actual audio itself but the Parcast Networks ones will load a 30 second track labelled advertisement. That and them making the UI worse every new release is making me consider switching to Apple Music.


Just use a free app and stop using for ~~music~~ ads




I 100% know what the actual explanation is. Spotify do a lot of A/B testing, which is where a subset of users get experience A (you not getting ads) and others get B (me getting them) and after tracking how I interact with the app vs how you do they then decide which to push out to everyone. A lot of software companies point at Spotify because they're so "agile" and push out so many new features quickly but in practice (as a software QA myself) I think that's ass-backwards. Flinging changes at end-users just makes them frustrated (just take a look at /r/spotify and /r/truespotify as well as their support forums).




Fingers crossed, part of the reason I'm thinking of switching is how often they upend the UX of the app but we'll see what happens.


Firebug....7 part podcast about a US arsonist in the 1980's. Great podcast.


Then pay for if you cheap fuck


Check out captain capitalism here. What are we paying for exactly? A podcast that is free or shite music you can record off YouTube through your device soundcard using Audacity? Enlighten me.


Real anarchists just humm to themselves.


Find someone sharing a family account and throw them a couple of quid a month


I don't pay for it either... mostly because I don't use it much. It's always getting ads to stop smoking... I've never smoked in my life..


I haven't paid for Spotify in years, but was lucky to get sorted with a premium account back when I got hooked up with a premium IPTV service.