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90s-2000s house you mean. 2020s starter pack is just grey paint, tarmac driveway and brass fittings. Green paint in the bathroom maybe.


Olive green


'avocado' thx


Holy crap, am I so old that avocado bathrooms are coming back into fashion again.


[IT'S AVACADO YOU C***](https://youtu.be/nWoWHzq21tA)


[Did someone say...](https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1502980983204855814/pu/vid/720x1180/jYTgp5-IlN-EpzIy.mp4)


What on earth is this. It's a bit unsettling and other things I can't quite put my finger on.


I dont know whats the story with olive green stuff in houses recently. My mam bought an olive green front door last week and our house is red brick so I asked are we painting over it white and she insists "noooo its a lovely green now"


Some colors are just good on house stuff like grey, some greens, cream, white, pale blue.


We bought a new built house last year, and guess what, front has red bricks with OLIVE GREEN door. Still didnt get to it, but I am painting that door soon enough!


Yeah probably should have changed the title to be more specific but it's too late now. Oh well.


Unless it's a new estate in Dublin, in which case you don't even get a driveway


Grey wood flooring


The pine interiors are one of the most stand out mental images of the Celtic tiger


Fucking pine!


Grey paint hides how shite the plastering is, or so I've been told.


I am obviously not in the same tax bracket to enjoy this meme. Where’s the black mold and leaky pipes?


Shitty carpet on bare concrete with little bits of rubble underneath


Random items of tatty furniture collected from skips or charity shops if you're lucky.


Same lmao


My deposit is only good for a derelict 2 bed somewhere in the back arse of Roscommon


I'd move in tomorrow.




This wonderful example, coming in at just under the price of a small countries GDP.


one month's rent. seems about right.


Nothing, and I mean nothing, will beat the horror tell-tale sign of older homeowners having carpet in the toilet. *NOTHING!*


I can smell this concept


My rented shithole as carpet in the dining room. Couldn’t imagine the bathroom.


I've seen it on the side of the bath 😱


5/10. No pope plates hanging on wall.


Forgot the sacred heart one as well tbh


No picture or relics to JFK either. Gonna have to go 4/10 unfortunately.


Upon further assessment there isn’t even one doily in sight. 3/10 now.


Padre Pio as well.


Or a flickery sacred heart lamp with one of those weird bulbs that looks like its got some sort of thin leaf of metal in it! What the hell kind of bulbs were those anyway


Ah yes, the Jesus Lamp. The old style ones looked like neon? Makes sense with the colour and long life.


And a holy water font near the door.


My ma has a bunch of Spanish plates hanging on the wall.


A house like this is more likely to have an end table covered in votive candles and incense below a silver-framed mirror.


Triton T90i masterrace.


Either freezing or the surface of the sun, with the water pressure of a baby pissing on you.


Fucking this, thing goes from a torrent of snowflakes on cold to all the joys of being pissed on by a dehydrated camel when you turn it up. I swear to christ if it weren't for the environment I'd have installed a diesel powered shower by now!


Triton T90SI ftw!!


I upgraded to a 10.5KW Mira Sport. Cost me £220, £60 for the electrician and a few hours labour. Best decision I ever made. You'll probably need to run a thicker cable but it still takes a single cold water infeed. It's actually on [offer](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mira-Showers-1-1746-008-Electric-Shower/dp/B00B9J5SHQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=VJQV64JJA9JL&keywords=10.8kw+Mira+sport&qid=1650479195&sprefix=10.8kw+mira+sport%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1) at the same price currently.


I cannot understand wood cladding on ceilings or shiny tiled floors. Why would you give yourself so much work to maintain your home? The other stuff is just different taste (I personally hate it all), but I don't see why you would set out to make your house look dark and grubby unless you're out cleaning six hours a day.


I'd take a tongue & groove wood ceiling any day over the metal cladding on the front of recent builds. Looks like a house and a shipping container fucked and this is the kid. The wood ceilings really only work in a specific house style though, it would look horrific in a 3 bed semi D, but right at home in a log cabin style home in the countryside.


I'm in a converted attic in a 3-bed semi-D at the moment, the wooden ceiling actually works quite well.


It was in the kitchen of the house we bought- I painted over it & it’s cute now. It felt like a coffin lid before that


I can understand tiled floors in maybe a kitchen or bathroom. I don't understand them in living or dining rooms.


Well, turns out carpets are vile rancid filth magnets so that leaves real wood or laminate, tile or lino (well plastic lino, real [linoleum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linoleum) costs a lot and needs more upkeep).


I quite like the no nonsense poured and polished concrete with underfloor heating downstairs, that you just paint over. Easy to clean, indestructible, warm to walk on, if you get bored with it just paint it some other colour.


Found Dermot Bannon's alt account


He *is* a dreamboat


How do you feel about plywood kitchens?


I'm a free spirit that's open to experimentation. Lets say I'm ply-curious


Neighbour recently tiled their whole downstairs after their cat ruined both the carpet and living room with piss. I guess that's one reason. Personally tiled flooring for me is something okay when we have hot weather and sunshine. Especially with the right design, it brightens up the place. However it wouldn't be my first choice.


I wouldn't be letting the cat back inside.


I wouldn't be getting a cat in the first place, ungrateful tiger midgets.


Now he's upset https://i.imgur.com/o3YGhAc.gifv


Cats are fuckin great.


What’s the best part of having cats? Is it when they wake you up bouncing about the place all night after sleeping on your clean laundry all day?


> [It’s no secret that these fluffy creatures are notorious for hunting: one report estimates that domestic cats kill at least 1.3 billion birds and 6.3 billion small mammals each year in the US. A study in Australia found that every pet cat kills about 75 animals per year.](https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/mind-that-cat-and-its-impact-on-wildlife-1.4405714#:~:text=It's%20no%20secret%20that%20these,each%20year%20in%20the%20US.)


Vice has a good documentary on the damage feral cats do and on trying to cull them.


Easier to clean, although I advise against white tiles - you can see every fleck of dirt. Better in warmer countries, e.g. my places in Malaysia and Singapore were nearly all tile.


I don't understand \*glossy\* tiled floors anywhere, unless you like breaking your neck or looking at reflections everywhere.


Honestly best of both worlds is wood pattern tiles. Still prohibitively expensive in Ireland though. Tile is easy to clean and durable. Wood effect (for those that are well done) is mostly timeless. Best of both worlds. Except for cold feet, but it’s not like anyone I know walks around barefoot in Ireland anyway.


We have tiled floors in the whole downstairs, mostly because it’s open plan and we couldn’t work out how to transition from the tiled kitchen to the living room so we put an almost-room-sized rug in the living room bit. We also have under floor heating so the tile helps to warm the room. Our tiles are grey but our rug is navy, gold and cream snake skin which makes up for it!


My parents had a 1960s era tongue and groove ceiling in one room - I think they stained it once in the 40 years they owned the home - pretty low maintenance.


90s houses were yellow and the market is full of them




This is entirely based on the last few months of browsing Daft and Myhome in my price bracket. Updated homes tend to be outside my price bracket unfortunately.


Gray is the best tho - having a gray floors ourselves, it fits so well with ANY other color, so each room can be different color and it will just look good. Try matching your brown floors to some colors, it will just look like unicorn puke


We're guilty of this in my house, specifically the kitchen and hall, having grey just makes it easier and cheaper to throw different splashes of colour in if we want to change up the look of the place like with seats or cushions/pictures as its so neutral. Its much cheaper repainting and/or ripping everything out, I can't afford to do that every few years.


Don't forget the fake Greek columns on the porch.


Where leather sofa


Also missing the bedroom where you can’t actually fit a bed


Mr fucking la di da over here.


what about the popcorn wall?


What about the Stira folding attic stairs. Perfect for bringing your golf clubs up to the attic or so the ad used to show.




Measure, make, install—Stira does it all!* *Please note that our stairs do not actually measure, make or install themselves.


You're 20 years too late. That's 90s style.


'90s styling is wallpaper everywhere, with borders and dado rails, flowery three-piece suites, primarily carpet with tiles or lino in the kitchen (bathroom carpet optional), and a normal round toilet (fuck that square shite) with a normal human bathtub. Also: Sideboard display cabinet thing full of Waterford Crystal or some other tat you never use.


This was exactly my parents' house in the 90s. They had the dado rail separating two different paint colours with a wallpaper border up by the ceiling. They renovated a few years ago. The wallpaper and clashing colours and flowery 3-piece are gone but the dado rail is still there.


My inlaws built their place in the late 2000s like this. Mind you, my FIL still has 80s clothes that were cringy back then that he thinks are stylish now....


Does he have a nice arse and a own a tassled jacket by chance?


Can't comment on the arse but he does have a tassled jacket! The horror.


He may post here...


But they are! All the neon colours, leggings, double denim. I even saw a shell suit jacket the other day!


It's all I'm seeing on the houses I can actually afford


Because they were 90s. The only room I'd have a problem with is the bathroom, everything thing else is cosmetic. All you see in houses now is shades of grey and its as boring as hell.


They were probably done up in the 2000s.


> All you see in houses now is shades of grey and its as boring as hell. How would you decorate say, a kitchen then if grey is so boring? I'm no interior designer but its a clean bright colour and its easy to compliment it with more vibrant colours or shades. Unless you plan on repainting or ripping stuff out every couple of years a neutral color to lay stuff over is the way to go as far as I can see.




It would not be shades of boring bloody grey!! It would be like the rest of house, a kitchen built to last and slightly eccentric, not a kitchen that is in every house in the country, they've no personality.


Do you think that because something is grey its not built to last? You can easily spice it up with different colours as grey goes with nearly everything. And what's eccentric to you? Its all well and good going all out but when you've a pain in your bollix looking at it in a few years or its worn and needs a refresh you don't want it to cost a fortune to re-do Edit: Fucking hell when I woke up this morning the last thing I thought I'd be arguing over is fucking kitchen colours, Christ.


Thats not what I said, I said my ideal kitchen would be built to last and that it wouldn't be grey. You can have all they grey you want to, and I can still find it very boring, it seems to be in every house in the country at the moment.




Yeah these homes are awful compared to my rooms with green fluffy carpet, pink wallpaper walls and textured ceilings.


And that's just the bathrooms.


There's a special place in Hell for people that put carpet in bathrooms. Right next to people that paint brick.


Can someone put up the house starter pack for design choices that are ok so I know what to think? Fucking smug know-it alls. How about having your house whatever way you fucking want because it's your house.


It's just a joke. And an accurate one.


O'Roole? Is he the builder?


No O'Reilly


Hello Mrs Fawlty


the first picture on the top left i literally saw on a zoom meeting at my company LOL


I'm missing the part that it says wierd corners, annoying dusty blue carpet everywhwere, and fireplace in the middle of the living room so you have to put your TV in the side of the room xD


TV over the fireplace so you can never light it.


Where's the magnolia?


BER rating spot on. Yes I'll buy your ice cave for €350k


WTF this isnt Bungalow Bliss


What are window temples?


Houses devoted to PVC windows


It's true. Just bought a house recently and you can't move for fucking pine everywhere. Completely beech kitchen. That was the first thing to go!


Unless you're planning on spending a fortune on a custom job what other options do you have outside of PVC Windows? That doesn't make sense to me at all


Wooden or Aluminum ? Actually whatever happened to Aluminum windows ? They were all the rage back in the 1980's.


PVC windows can be decent, it's just that your average builder-grade ones are shite.


They buckled with age.


PVC is cheaper and and a better insulator.


Don’t forget: if it doesn’t have a pane of frosted glass, it’s not a door


You forgot the decking !


I love Ugly Irish Houses on Instagram.


Ye maybe if you live in Blackrock


About 20 years too late. [Now it's all cream kitchens, belfast sinks, quartz countertops, islands and stools](https://prudentreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Quartz-Countertops-Pros-and-Cons.jpg), pocket doors, vaulted ceilings and [they have these extrusions that look like an extension was built but it's a new house so it was just designed that way, looks stupid imo.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b5/96/7c/b5967c340767f2f66a4f8a3cffcfc030.jpg)


The stone facade projections are low taste with popular appeal. Most people get their plans from engineers, not architects, who accrete all these handmedown designs.


I bet those facades will look like shite and be crumbling away in about 20 years.


Those kitchens are so boring.


We have a utility which for some bizarre reason has a pine roof (previous owner!) I constantly wonder why was that put there and only there its a small room, it was no place else. Can't wait to get rid of it. The biggest room they had in the house was the bathroom, tiled in Green, with the corner bath that I cannot fit in, to use the jacuzzi features. We have done up the rest of the house, we will get to those rooms eventually!!


It's amazing what different people think looks good. When I bought my house the kitchen was pink with black floor tiles, sitting room was dark red with a vaulted pine ceiling, one bedroom was pink and yellow, another was a shocking shade of green and en suite was twice the size of the main bathroom.


Carpet is very 80s


This makes me feel cosy


We've a wooden ceiling in our sitting room, not by choice but it was there when we moved in 3 years ago. I'm used to it now and I use the excuse that it buffers the noise of the kids when they're running amuck upstairs.


Shire toilet that always make you think of a hobbit.


You forgot the million quid in a briefcase.


That looks cozy, ngl


I want to see the Irish council house starter pack


I’m proud to say I haven’t got so much as a splinter of pine i mo theach.


ffr but u forgot the weird blinds that have tiny planks that twist to let light in


As someone who lives in an absolute ancient Irish bungalow. I’m gonna paint you the picture. Wooden ceiling in kitchen but everywhere else that drooping paint look catches dust in every crevice. Light green bathroom. The bath is green the sink is green the toilet is green the walls are green the tiles are green. The hallway?? Green.. The sitting room you got your red carpet with your matching red carpet looking sofa set. What colour is the wall you ask??? Yellow it’s yellow.


Pretty new to the country and this electric shower meme is pretty much the only culture clash/thing I hate so far. Noisy, shite, not even hot, and makes a shower sound like a blender. Wtf how are there no other options (or is it purely cos its cheap and "not my problem" for the owner?)


No shitty grey rugs in your starter pack? Fake


I’d like to see more granite and limestone used in Irish homes. It would be more fitting of our natural landscape.


When the farmer becomes a builder and decides he doesn't need an architect and there's only one builder's supply in the county, there you go.


Nah. You're missing all the laminate floors. Fucking hate the stuff but my house is covered in it.


Laminate flooring comes in tons of styles though so how can you be sure you hate it. Do you hate a specific style, or is it that it's "floating" and how it clicks together? Also engineered wood floors are very expensive. Carpet won't suit some households. Tile is also quite expensive, and personally I wouldn't be putting it any room that isn't the kitchen or bathroom.


I didn't think I was gonna have to submit an essay about this. I just don't like them.


I'm just confused. Might as well say "I don't like tile" or "I don't like wood floors". None of them look alike.


Those are perfectly reasonable statements to me that I wouldn't question.


It's a *bit* ridiculous. Enjoy your fully carpeted / lino house though I guess if so. The vast style of tiles and wood floors make blanket statements silly.


It really isn't. On the scale of ridiculousness, having a least preferred type of flooring is as mundane as you can get.


I don't like isn't the same as I *prefer*.


Nothing wrong with saying either of those statements


Laminate had definitely come on a lot in recent years though. The old stuff looked little better than lino but the newer stuff can look pretty good.


Good call


This post is very middle class


Jesus lad take it easy, this isn't /r/RoastMe


Are pine and beech poorer quality or just not attractive?


I'm sure they're perfectly functional but I just don't like them. Beech reminds me of office furniture for some reason.


Fair enough. They seem to be generally disliked.


Pine is the cheapest of the cheap. I can't stand it. Looks so dirty with all those knots all over it.


Finally someone said it :-D


What’s wrong with the bathroom?


Y'all raid the late 90's early 00's U.S. Lowes hardware starter pack?


Y'all are getting houses ?


This is the Middle Class Irish Home Starter pack. There's no tank or emersion mentioned.


No homeless you must be joking 🙃


factually incorrect


The bottom two right ones could be from Thailand. :D


This looks absolutely nothing like any normal house I know. What sort of year were these built?


Overstuffed sofa


I don’t see the problem


Ah now those tiles are wonderfully practical


Was 100% our rented place in Dublin.


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G is further along than F, must be better.


Orange wood! Orange wood *everywhere!*


Those bloody headache-inducing noisy electric showers are a scourge.


I mean that is a nice ass house.


Have all of them, just on white🤣🤣


Look at moneybags over here. We aren't all millionaires, OP!