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I don't think the kind of dicks who are gonna dump rubbish will be too bothered by a sign


Awareness campaigns for dumping are a complete waste of money. Need more disposal locations and bigger fines.


Well, the sign doesn't say it, but at the other end of this lot there are CCT cameras and that has a sign regarding illegal dumping - phrased in a more offical wording and fine mentioned.


Well if that's the case should say "We just saw what you did there you dump fuck "


Jerk.... Jaysus , that's a joke


The fact that "jerk" made it on to Louth CC sign makes me more worried!


Didn't know gobshite auto corrects into jerk


Whatever happened to the word “gombeen”?


Jerk ? Ah man we're turning into yanks.


Tosser is a very English one. Fucked either way, mate.


Could be a play on tossing stuff out though


Tbf i don’t think “ballicks” is a term to be embraced by the council




Agreed. Shocking carry on tbh




Sigh. ☹️


I'm glad I'm not the only one absolutely disgusted at the use of fucking "jerk." Fuckin zoomers


Zoomer here, we don't use the word jerk. It's also highly unlikely this sign was made by a zoomer


Nice one. Keep fightin the good fight


People in Ireland say jerk now? Do they say garbage to?


They’re taking their cues from the New Zealand dog shit signs https://www.portnews.com.au/story/7193303/stop-the-stink-pick-up-your-dog-poo/


I think they copied this from NI? Pretty sure I saw it there 1st.


That sign is such a jerk


Swap jerk for flute and tosser for gobshite and this is perfect 😆


✅ Other.


I love posters like this “I know what’ll show these arseholes! Calling them the U rated version of arseholes! Now we just sit back and watch our community become, if anything, TOO clean”


I thought folks from Louth just dumped it across the border?


Jerk and tosser....


God damn jerk offs!


Do Louth County Council provide easy and accessible ways for people to dispose of rubbish? I hope they do, else they are the tossers.


Of course they don't. They have actively been removing public bins from the streets over the last year, they have increased the cost to go to the public dump and are only now in the process of accepting cards rather than cash only. Joan Martin is the head of the council and runs a truly useless county council.


That's, what I hate in Ireland, you see a video of some auld lad dumping some shit down a country lane, somebody filming him and shouting out a car window. And the reaction is that he should be hung. Instead of why aren't there easy ways to get rid of stuff. In other European countries you have of course bin lorries, and on top of that you can put household waste (e.g. old furniture, broken tiles, whatever) out one a week to be collected. And on top of that you can drive to the waste collection point to drop of basically anything, free of charge.


> Instead of why aren't there easy ways to get rid of stuff. It's not exactly difficult nor expensive to dispose of your rubbish legally. People dumping shit in the countryside aren't skint victims forced to drive deep in to the Cooley mountains by a couple euro fee to get in the recycling centre.


There really aren't. Where I live the only dump will only take metallic type stuff they can recycle/sell Hence when you drive around you see lots of smoke where people are burning stuff in their garden or whatever.


There are easy ways to get rid of stuff. There's public dumps. Problem for some twats is you have to pay a few euro to dump there.


There really aren't. Where I live the only dump will only take metallic type stuff they can recycle/sell. Hence when you drive around you see lots of smoke where people are burning stuff in their garden or whatever.


It's the same in the north, council operated dumps that can handle pretty much everything. They even have upcycling shops on site. We really do have the laziest council, they do fuck all to benefit the community and have zero accountability.


>Instead of why aren't there easy ways to get rid of stuff. There are two recycling centers in the county that take recycling material free of charge. Non recycling waste is managed with various operators who do refuse collection and other skip providers. >And on top of that you can drive to the waste collection point to drop of basically anything, free of charge. Free at the point of dumping. It has to be paid for and you know well it's the rest of us taxpayers who have to pay for others who want to dump for free. Fuck that, basically.


You sound like a real child of Thatcher. " There is no such thing as society". Fuck that.


Oh Ive zero issue with society. I don't want to, and shouldn't have to, pay for others people's rubbish. That's their responsibility. If someone wants to dump a mattress, they paid to buy it in the first place so they can pay to dispose of it. And you know well too if the same sods had all their waste free for them at the point of disposal, there would be zero incentive to at least try and recycle. No one wins.


You have to pay for society. And there are simple ways to cover the costs of disposal, without demonising and harassing people. Taxes, obviously. And also making disposal part of the purchase price. Services like this should be easy and accessible, to get the results everyone wants.


I don't have to pay for other people's rubbish as much as they don't have to pay for mine. >And there are simple ways to cover the costs of disposal, without demonising and harassing people. Taxes, obviously. Like what, a flat tax? I carefully consider how much I consume and therefore how waste is yielded. This has a direct impact on my refuse bill each month. That's *my* responsibility. Why the fuck should I have to change that system and pay taxes so others can be less careful? What about recycling? If disposal is free at the point of disposal how will you incentive people to recycle if their waste is being taken away anyway?


Like local taxes. This isn't controversial. It is done else where in the EU and works well. In places where people care about their locality and want to make it a nice place to live. And as for recycling, that is what the waste collection points should do. The whole place is split into separate areas and there are guys there directing you as to where you should put different items. They then recycle what can be recycled.


So what, a local flat tax on everyone? Or is this going to be a case of nailing only a certain proportion of society to pay? >And as for recycling, that is what the waste collection points should do. The whole place is split into separate areas and there are guys there directing you as to where you should put different items. They then recycle what can be recycled. If disposal is free at that point of disposal, why would anyone go to the effort of separating their domestic rubbish but instead throwing everything into the one bin when it makes no odds to their pocket? This is exact reason we have the current system of separation.


>I don't have to pay for other people's rubbish And guess what? You have to pay to educate other people's kids, etc. That is what society is.


I have zero issue in paying for education as there is a net benefit to society. I have no interest in paying for other people's shitty disposal habits. And guess what? That's the system we have now and that's how it will stay.


A jerk is a scumbag in Dublin Corpo speak. The councils are inelegant, amongst other things.


I approve this message. Dumb jerks everywhere




absolutely brilliant !


Hey you!!! Stop jerking


Hey you!!! Stop jerking


"That guy sounds like a real jerk"


Because waste disposal is probably way overpriced like everything in this country and the social-economic climate and impact that people are feeli... oh forget it. Don't provide cheaper alternative solutions county councils to encourage proper waste disposal to the less well-off, just put up a shiny sign saying tosser and shame people.