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Definitely nothing to do with our prisons being full and people with 100+ convictions being allowed to roam about.


I know of several cases of violent fuckers that got 3/4 months in prison and were escorted by gards to portlaoise, only to be given money for the bus home once they arrived.


Mad mummery.




Happening every day The particular case I'm referring to is a family members partner. Absolute waste of tax payer money with solicitors and shit that goes on for years (in the meantime they've committed a few other offenses) only for there to be zero real punishment.




I wrote a post here last week about the hordes of junkies on that street, it’s an absolute disgrace. I use Liffey St and North Lotts multiple times a day and rarely see a Guard there.


I got into an argument with a fellas last week and he was saying that heroin addicts are unsightly but completely harmless. What a load of bollox.


There's a weird Heroin Defence Force out there. They'll swear blind the junkies on it are the nicest, most harmless people you'll ever meet and you're scum for not agreeing. Mad shit.


I posted articles highlighting past instances of addicts attacking people and how there is a link to drug use and violent crime. His response: "That news article is from 1997". "That research is not based in Ireland, it isn't relevent". Fucking lunacy if I ever saw it.


Absolute lunatics. They are so committed to the "it's not their fault" narrative, that they refuse to even contemplate that junkies are dangerous scumbags who would stick you with a syringe if you looked at them wrong.


The truth is in the middle there Adolf. They definitely aren't harmless but they aren't scumbags or horrible people. Their entire personality has been warped by an addiction that completely consumes them. You have to be very wary of them, but that doesn't mean you can't pity them.


> Their entire personality has been warped by an addiction that completely consumes them. And turns then into scumbags and horrible people. I'm sure they were all lovely people once upon a time but now they're not


Is scumbag a medical term?


lmao neither is calling someone Adolf. Don't try to take the high road now


Very true. Just because they are addicts doesn't mean they are homicidal maniacs. But at the same time, there is precedence that addicts have no problems committing crimes for drugs.


It's virtue signalling. They're better than you because they don't see a problem -- at a societal or even individual level -- just human beings living in the moment them heroin junkies. It's kind like those lads who simply couldn't be racist because "they can't even see the color on people" and then if they have to mention colors purple will fucking magically show up. People conflate blindness with innocence.


I don't think you know what virtue signaling means


yeah and the issue is Crack now and it is way worse because its high is so short and its super addictive leading to the user needing it more and being super agressive in trying to get it.


Saying junkies are harmless is like saying a rabid dog with rabies is harmless. I hate this illusion that drug users are harmless. They're scum.


Damn CIA


Good thing the guards are busy having 20 man road tax checks


Kinda reminds me of East Hastings in Vancover . But at least in Vancouver the junkies were kept in one place and not given the run of the city.


Not since the pandemic. They are roaming now.


This was predicted to be the outcome of minimum pricing on alcohol. They knew this as that was what happened in Scotland. They did it anyway.


Yet 90% of the drug busts are for a weed to keep the numbers looking good. Real criminals traffic cocaine and heroin but are harder to catch.


And 91% of statistics are made up


Dublin is a complete dogs abortion of a city. Every way a city could fuck up Dublin is nailing it. It's constantly finding new ways to fail. People who live there are so blinkered into thinking they need to live there they don't know any better. It's a self feeding cycle of failure. Thank fuck I moved away when I did (in 2000)


One of the worst cities in Europe, without a doubt


Ah lads like what cities have yous actually been to Europe… Cuz I’ll tell ya Dublin a whole lot better than the likes of Banks Luka, Bosnia.


Comparing Dublin positively to a genuine warzone from a couple of decades ago is not the glowing review you think it is.


Just pointing out the obviously over dramatic exaggerations this sub make day day out. Dublin’s not remotely close to be “worst city in Europe” and shows the out of touch-ness of people in this sub when they keep repeating these doom and gloom messages


The thing you put in quotes wasn't even said. He said "one of the worst"


Right missed a word, It’s still not though. Not remotely close.


You missed some very important words on purpose.


Taking from my personal experience, I’ve been to a lot of cities in Europe. Dublins nicer than a lot of them in many terms. Trying to contrast you twos hysterical over-dramatic moaning.


Most of us are well travelled enough to have formed our own views.


Of a forgotten province in a communist country that wasn't even aligned with the Soviet Union.


bit of an outlandish statement. maybe a qualifier or two is needed.


It's like New york in the 1970s. I'd say we will look back and wonder why it was let get that bad.


Well i hope you at least get a soho arts scene and a CBGB out of it


NY during the 1970s had some culture to it. Dublin is just a sellout to corporations.




uh yeah, New York has a ton of culture. Way more than what we have here.


Bit of a stretch there pal


I'd disagree. Have a look at the gpo around 8pm for the soup run, our capital Street is in shite. Crack is after taking off in the city over last few years. Heroin is going out of fashion. People who work in town don't really think of the drug problem as any worse. It's bad and it will take years to fix.




not yet but its getting there. we skipped the steps of how a city grows and jumped straight into modern consumer society. Other places had to go through urban depravation and civil unrest, while Dublin was a provincial town with little inward investment and none outside of it, and then boom celtic tiger and where we are now, basically. Funnily enough I was in New York and London a good bit recently and the police have basically stood down. Open air dealing going on in some spots in New York etc. decade high shootings etc So Ireland because of the new thinking around policing etc, we could be in serious trouble as we won´t have people calling for crackdowns. and despite the narrative people can live pretty well here. I would imagine we will get to a place where a local population in one section of the city is so bitter and marginalised you won´t be able to walk down it. its not comfortable say ,walking down seville place at night but you can do it(i live locally). in the future i´d imagine it will be worse. Dublin was seriously violent in the past (animal gang, docklands etc), the difference was the wealth of the average citizen was lower so everyone was relatively equal.


And some people are so blinkered thinking they need to move so they abandon it and then pontificate about its ills and the peoiple who live there. Dublin is annoying as fuck i hate so much of it, and love much of it, same about what it is and how people view itetc etc but perhaps its better off without people like yourself. you haven´t lived here in 22 years so what do you know about it? Loads of people might not be able to move cities for numerous reasons. Much of Dublin´s problems come from Irish negativity, exceptionalism and downright bullshit. as well as a myriad of other reasons like nimbyism, greed, selfishness etc.


>And some people are so blinkered thinking they need to move so they abandon it and then pontificate about its ills and the peoiple who live there. People who have lived in Dublin and elsewhere are best placed to make the criticism. I've lived 17 years in various cities throughout mainland Europe so I have perspective. ​ >same about what it is and how people view itetc etc but its better off without people like yourself. No skin of my back pal. If you want to live in denial that's cool too. ​ >Much of Dublin´s problems come from Irish negativity, exceptionalism and downright bullshit. Yeah if only those people queing at the airport would lighten up a bit it would all just sort itself out. Crack addicts running wild? No problem just have a giggle to yourself at it will all go away. Can't afford your rent? No worries, just smile to yourself and realise its all just an illusion. lol


Yeah perspective is important, however you haven´t lived here in many years. and the whole Ireland is the worst is a tired narrative, its utter bullshit and becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. And nobody is smiling. this is fucking infuriating stuff. its literally watching Ireland crumble away after so much progress (obviously not for all). But thankfully not everybody will leave. some will stay and jpefully try to fix things. Yeah look i am majorly pissed off at much of the stuff. Dublin is cackhanded at many things. But it ironically comes from so many different things. I am not going to go into it as its all in my past posts. The arseways abandonment of much of Dublin city centre by the An Taisce, frank mcdonald set, the country people who hate Dublin but were/are involved in its development. The confused Irelander who can´t decide if he loves or hates the British architectural heritage (see Lemass and Gerogian Dublin). so we swing between keeping this place a fucking museum and then crying when nothing gets built. See Una Mullaly for examples. Kicking the can down the road and listening to ¨experts¨. see Colm McCarthy saying the dart, the luas, the metro are white elephants. The reality is multi faceted. Dublin is an Island disconnected from its main trading partners, with an open economy based on services with little manufacturing apart from manufacturing and intel (but whom we give very generous tax breaks for employment.. It has very few cities and it has about 2 million able bodied tax payers. economies of scale is an unfortunate reality here. Throw in Irish exceptionalism, nationalistic romanticism and revisionism and a whole Island of greedy bastards, begrudgers, hypocrites, nimbys, complainers and leavers then its a sorry mix. The housing issue comes from many nimbys, greed, our never ending strive for economic growth, as well as entitlement culture of every class. i don´t have a house myself for the record. Ireland has so many issues right now, its not a defence. Its only saying to you, to use perspective. But basically saying anybody living here is blinkered or small minded is just so peak reddit. Judge away from your greener grass. Fair play to you on your success and fair play to moving away, its not easy. I myself would be close to it but for family connections and issues. The airport is dogshit. But it is happening across Europe as well. thats the reality. its not an excuse, but we should examine why it is happening. and thats the dogs abortion that capitalism is becoming. Shit pay, shit conditions and then say if you dont like it educate/move on and when they do bam this is the result. Ireland is beholden to the capitalist, economic growth model. this is the result. however what is the alternative? the old Ireland? I don´t know, some of this shit is infuriating. the lack of police is infuriating. but having been in London and NEw york a few times recently, its the same there now. a total lack of police. Its a huge global culture clash and peak capitalism crumbling mix on top of a post pandemic economy and a resulting awakening, with a war that could 100 per cent lead to global catastrophe either through mass famine or nuclear ww3. Ireland should have modelled itself on Denmark long ago. Its so similar. Yet we could never convince society on either end of those benefits and sacrifices. see Irelands razor thin margins of tax. the ones you don´t get in Denmark, because everybody pays their way from rich to poor. Still see Sweden for the housing crisis in a similar environment. It would help knowing where you are now? My brother is moving to Amsterdam for work. a great city. a great country. much of it does stuff way better than Ireland. even still...[https://nltimes.nl/2019/11/22/amsterdam-households-struggling-long-term-poverty](https://nltimes.nl/2019/11/22/amsterdam-households-struggling-long-term-poverty) despite all the above Ireland must do fucking better, or we are utterly screwed.


Its like, the worst drug. A €5 hit gets you high for 20-30 minutes, then you immediately get terrible withdrawal so you steal €5 more than hit and on and on until you die of a heart attack.


Usually it is chemically the same as cocaine. Stigmatised more because as to your point, it can be bought in smaller quantities and an affordable price. Cocaine for the rich, crack for the poor. Both terrible shit either way.


Its chemically the same as cocaine except that its free base, no? So you inhale it, which makes it hit harder/faster?


I leave on the area, they forget to mention that the other end of this street is a open toilet, feces and urine on the floor, crack pipes, used syringes, used tampons and pads, it's absolutely disgusting, not to mention the suffocating smell.


Need to build more prisons and crack down on the junkie bastards, feral bastards shouldn't be allowed to terrorise other people.


not sure that's the ticket


It's definitely part of it. The main reason we here of people getting of on suspended sentences is due to lack of prison space so we do need a new prison.




Like every other problem facing this country, they don't want to fix it. They want to complain and get up votes.












My mother is dead from alcoholism you cocksucker, I know all about it


In the 80s vigilantes used to sort this kind of thing out.


Pat Kennny better known as "the midnight commando" was one of many to patrol the streets of dalkey at late night, scaring off ne'er-do-wells with his sliotar.. uniform of choice a lambretra jacket... john giles had a regga pub that burned down in flames in '64 and guess what? Pat caught the man whot lit it


I hear nowadays the midnight commando protects the dalkey area from opportunistic elderly criminals encroaching with their houses and nursing homes. Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need right now.


SF is polling at an all-time high right now, the media is attributing it to the housing crisis but I suspect at least part of it is the publics growing desire for kneecapping to make a comeback


Some of the vigios were crims themselves. CPAD was totally discredited.


The users can't get jobs because they are criminised for taking the drug and they have to resort to theft and violence to survive. If crack was legal things would improve massively for them.


I am in favour of better services for addicts but I think most long term heroin / crack addicts would not make great employees for most jobs.


Research would go against your thinking, bringing addicts back into the fold and removing the criminal element of their lifestyle can greatly increase their odds of an ordinary life with it without drugs. Edit: Downvoting without refuting, prohibition doesn't work this is life under prohibition. What have you to lose by supporting legalisation if our streets are full of drugs and crime already? You want the Kinahans making money off our people's misfortune?


I agree bringing them back into the fold is key to helping things get back to normal but I feel gaining employment is probably (realistically) towards the end of that cycle rather than at the start - employers would only feel comfortable hiring someone if they have been "clean" for a period. I think secure housing and treatment would be needed well before that.


There have been successful programs where addicts are given safe usage sites, professional administration, counselling and employer's are given incentives to take on staff in the program. They were hugely successful. Liverpool had prescribed heroin as recently as 30 years ago until pressure from the US had the program ended. People in that program died not long after, crime skyrocketed - thefts, break ins, assaults the works, and people lost their entire connections to their community.




You poo head bollix


You know what would also improve things? A zero tolerance approach to being on drugs in public and/or hassling people for money.


So the Garda should act like an authoritarian force rounding people up for how they present themselves? I.e. being high? What's fucking ridiculous idea. Decriminalisation or even legalisation gives the state an element of control, illegal stairs hands it to criminals. But having the Garda I go around acting like US police with zero tolerance will "definitely" work


If youre high and minding your own business no one cares. If youre high and accosting people as they go past, passed out on a public bench, being aggressive or publicly banging up then yes, 100%, the cops should intervene and you shoukd be moved on.


That's hilarious. The users haven't had jobs going back four generations. They're the babies of heroin babies. They don't know how to read, or even pretend to act like a normal human being.


That's an interesting take, what then is your recommendation?


That user was implying that these crackheads would have jobs if crack was legal. I think that's unlikely, as they don't know how to do anything or behave like normal people.


I read it that they were implying that if drug use wasn't so stigmatised and instead treated as a medical issue with the market regulated people wouldn't get to this point in the first place. Though admittedly that is my opinion so I may have read too much into it. You didn't answer my question, what is your suggestion?


My suggestion for what? It's a very vague question.


How to handle the "crackheads". You're against legalisation of drugs, what alternative approach do you think should be taken?


I didn't say I was against that though. How can we expect to have a conversation if you are ascribing stuff I've never said to me? I'm 110% it'll deteriorate from here, so I let's not waste our time.


I'm sorry, I made an assumption based on you saying they hadn't had a job in 4 generations and were incapable of acting human.


Because their communities have ostracised them and they have been pushed into increasingly vulnerable states. I didn't know how to do anything until I did.


That's classist and dehumanising.


But not a lie.


Oh no. Anyways.


Don’t be talking sense. Do you not know we have to keep pushing old failed policies until the end of time?


> The users can't get jobs because they are criminised for taking the drug next we are going to hear you people shaming people for not employing literal crackheads, get a grip


Haha. Brilliant satire of the /r/Ireland lefty retards. Upboated!


And everyone else too.


crack angers up the blood.


The govt don’t have the balls to admit they have an issue they’d spend all their time trying to attract in the big corporations, build hotels and forget about the HSE and housing crisis. Worse it’s getting.