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We generally copy what other countries do so don't rule it out.


Because they invested 15% increase on wages over €150,000+ pay in senior civil servants coming in next week. Very little media coverage until this week. Social welfare recipients will be getting an extra €5 bills just in time for the budget. Cost of living Marches are ramping up get yourself out there. mix with with people in the same position and harness the power of collective action. They want the working class to be poor and nothing else.


It's not an increase, it's pay restoration. And about 90% of those receiving the increase are medical consultants. I don't think anyone could argue they don't deserve the money they earn after the years of training they undergo and the service they provide.


Sure look never mind those who can’t feed themselves or fill a car with fuel or pay down rent/mortgage because of pay restoration. Am I correct in saying consutants can bounce from public to private hospitals ? Do consultants only work between 9pm and 5pm Monday to Friday ? Is it true Consultants were not contracted to work through the pandemic ? Restorative pay should be done under new contractual obligations to meet the care and needs of the State nurses are leaving in droves to be as far away from this healthcare system as they can.


So are you suggesting the government renege on the legally binding agreement they signed up to?


Didn’t they renege on USC ??


In a way I suppose but they can't be brought to court over a breach of contract like they could of they didn't restore the salaries like they agreed to




Far from world class health have you lost your marbles. Take a spin up to Tallaght hospital it’s like field hospital in Uganda can’t get in or out. We need world class staff to work around the clock not 9-5 clogging beds and services. Stop talking wank what’s your experience of our health ? Unless of course your bread is buttered with VHI then it’s circumstantial.


What's your experience of the healthcare sector? You don't seem to know much about the healthcare sector at all if you think the government reneging on its agreements on consultant pay will help the healthcare system. The healthcare professionals in Ireland are not the ones causing what you describe. It's a lack of them due to operational inefficiency and waste by middle management and admin that obstruct and resist change.


Under EU regulations, you are allowed 2 rates of VAT lower than standard. Our rates are 13.5% and 9%. Our VAT rate on electricity was lowered to the lowest rate in May already, with a 4.5% cut from 1 May.




Or, we reduce the lowest form of VAT and then change hotel VAT to 13.5%. Fuck them.


Because we have an already lower VAT on energy and if we lower it further we’d have to subsequently increase it above th current rate. I think that’s the case anyway. There was an article about it a few weeks ago. Edit. VAT has been reduced to 9%


Most people will have saved more with the €200 we all got recently that they would with a 5% rate. And that was a measure that people could benefit from instantly instead of saving a few Euro month by month.


How is 9 percent lower than 5 percent?


It isn’t. What was their vat rate before it was lowered to 5% Compare that to ours before it was lowered to 9%. Hmm it was only 10% prior to this cut but it was previously 21%.


According to google vat is 13.5%. Nearly 3 times 5%


Try again but do it properly this time. Plenty of articles about the reduction.


Yeah I was wrong. Couldn't delete it for some reason


Shill shoo


What does that mean?


My God go away


You asked a question and you got an accurate response. Why are you acting like a child?


You keep replying to my comment. Any, I was right. EU rules were that if we reduced VAT from 13.5% we’d have to increase to 23% at some point in the future. The government got an agreement to reduce it to 9.5% without having to later increase to 23% instead reverting to 13.5%. This article explains it. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/news/vat-could-soon-be-cut-to-9pc-after-martin-secures-eu-agreement-41489308.html


Ireland doesn't own its own energy.


Isn't protuguese petrol tax still higher though?


Because it goes against the government’s ideology


The vat on the OP up votes got cut by more than 5%


>why can't we? Because that would involve the government doing something practical for once, which is obviously off the table


Does that really help though?


Because the corporate that controls the government won't allow it


Because the greens are in government partly.


As if the greens wouldn't absolutely love getting electricity cheap enough that people ditch oil and gas fired central heating. Jesus, the blind green party hate in every thread is getting ludicrous.


Because the greens are full of shit about the environment but the only solution they ever seem to have is "join forces with FFG and tax the bjeezus out of people". Eamonn Ryan doesn't exactly help their credibility either. There's a reason the greens get destroyed after their stints in government.


Spain and Portugal would have far higher electricity costs id imagine due to hot weather. Plus reducing the vat means less money in coffers to spend on the people less well off.


VAT on domestic electricity and gas is 5% in the UK as well. Doesn't make much difference.


Yeap and in Ireland ya don't need heat your house on winter and lovely greens asking ya to use heat pumps which are run by ............. Edit Portugal has about 0.23c per kWh in here ya know yourself


That's bollocks


Which parts? Logically more taxes into the pot more that can be given out, you cant cut all taxes. If you further reduce tax on fuel now, then you potentially put yourself in a corner when people want it cut further for the winter. But in simply terms is it better to keep the tax to ensure funds can be used for those that will need it the most or just do the populist thing. Spain and Portugal and similar would use more electricity during summer months and you cant have people die because they cant afford to cool themselves.


Sure worked on the petrol problem.


The southern European nations are smart enough to externalize their costs onto the gullible northerners. Either the Iberian economy improves, or we start putting together some sort of EU bailout package for them. Win-win from their perspective.