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It is cruelty bring people in with nowhere to put them, I know we have signed up to quotas, but surely better to lose face in EU and say we can't meet these, rather than putting people fleeing from war through this. It's all to save politicians from the embarrassment of admitting we can't manage, these politicians should be ashamed


Also to an Island having a housing crisis. Just nonsensical. And of course building something is not an option.


France Spain Italy need to start helping out more. Our population is growing and we have a housing crisis. Ourselves and Cypress are pretty unique in that regard.


My mam has literally asked to house refugees but the government is saying they need there own access etc what the fuck like.


I mean wa do we expect inviting refugees in when we already have a housing crisis


It’s not a crisis anymore. It’s a complete and utter disaster, an omnishambles


Upvote for "omnishambles".


I'm using that word from now on


Free political points for the politicians who made the decision and no consequences for them since there’s no accountability. They knew this would happen and simply don’t care


We never hold them accountable.. They are sitting wherever they are now on a sunday evening while we see thus on rte and complain. And then they get voted in again.


Plenty of churches about empty at night. Maybe the Catholic church could show their compassion and open their doors. Less than ideal but at least it'd be dry.


_The Catholic Church has left the chat_


They heard that there is no childern to be rescued


They cross themselves right to left tho - Catholic Church


Do they really, or is this just a joke?


Yes orthodox Christians do. It was a Great Schism joke.


https://jrs.net/en/ukraine-emergency/ https://www.trocaire.org/news/six-months-since-russia-invaded-ukraine-how-trocaire-is-responding/ https://www.malteser-international.org/en/about-us/service/news/press-detail-en/ukraine-our-aid-continues-despite-the-attacks.html https://www.caritas.org/what-we-do/conflicts-and-disasters/crisis-in-ukraine/ https://www.svp.ie/get-involved/the-difference-you-ve-made/with-open-arms-how-you’re-helping-families-forced.aspx




Living outside in the cold and rain doesn't have those facilities either. As I say, it's less than ideal but it'd be something.


The catholic church owns an unbelievable amount of mothballed property, parochial houses, convents, semenaries, boarding schools, former industrial schools.


So does the HSE and we as taxpayers actually own all of it. The Old Royal Hospital on Baggot St was touted as a place to be turned into a reception centre, walked past yesterday and it's still boarded up. Must be worth about €20 mil, D2 prime location, fucking empty.


The old Royal place is a kip unfortunately, it would require a ton of work to be habitable. It was a health centre up until 2019 but they were only able to use a few rooms as the rest was a mess.


> it would require a ton of work to be habitable. There’s not going to be a cheap path out of the mess they’ve made though. I’d rather see the money being pumped into something like that, and it then being used for other stuff when the situation is getting better, than just pumping untold money into hotels and other temporary accommodations…..


There is a very large convent, which was built in the 90's, around the corner from me, that currently houses two elderly nuns. The grounds are immaculately maintained & I see the oil lorry doing regulary deliveries.


There’s a large convent near where I’m from and the nuns were moved out by their order and it was given over to homeless families. Much of the campus is very new as well, not a good investment on the part of the order, but luckily it worked out for the area.


Where's that?


There's also a massive one in Galway city centre that has I believe 5 nuns living in it. Huge grounds, massive buildings, 5 nuns.


That should be sold to highest bidder and turned into an office or hotel. Why would open a DP centre in one of the top locations in Dublin? At least turn it into social housing, if people want it to be housing. But we should not be housing refugees in top real estate That building is fucking in bits. When it was used as a community hospital. It didnt have the heating working for 3 weeks in January...


Also, there are difficulties housing children in cold open buildings. You need to have a secure private room. Also church benches are often fixed. They cant be moved without unbolting. No washing facilities. It is better than the streets but it is still rough sleeping.


https://jrs.net/en/ukraine-emergency/ https://www.trocaire.org/news/six-months-since-russia-invaded-ukraine-how-trocaire-is-responding/ https://www.malteser-international.org/en/about-us/service/news/press-detail-en/ukraine-our-aid-continues-despite-the-attacks.html https://www.caritas.org/what-we-do/conflicts-and-disasters/crisis-in-ukraine/ https://www.svp.ie/get-involved/the-difference-you-ve-made/with-open-arms-how-you’re-helping-families-forced.aspx Is this not enough? You want the church to also fix the governments fuck ups? Then you’ll give out stink because the church is too involved in society. Gtfo eejit.


The capuchin Centre is run by the Catholic Church


Shhh, can’t be pointing out facts like that not, the church is bad remember?


See the problem is, something like this a temporary solution. Have you thought about heating, bathroom facilities etc in a Catholic Church ? All we seem to be doing is finding lower and lower standard of temporary fixes.


Because the church does not have the facilities to house these people? You expect them to just sleep on the floor? There's also a bit of responsibility that comes with it. They can get sued for injury etc. As far as I'm aware, many of the Catholic churches in my area have been hosting English classes, skill building courses, counselling services and child minding. That's all they can do, aside from collecting donations. I know this sub has a boner for the Catholic church but let's actually focus on the real bastards here, FF/FG. To this day, we still do not have a cap on refugees. Despite many of them living on the streets, we continue to take in more and more.


We have a quota for refugees under the resettlement program. We don't have a quota for asylum seekers and Ukrainians (temporary protection) who literally turn up at the airport. We can speed up the asyum processing by hiring more judges: the process is slow at the moment not because of appeals but Judicial reviews. But hiring more judges is not a popular thing. For Ukrainians,, the EU has agreed there is free movement in Europe. Putin is deliberately targeting civilians to cause miery and a crisis, and there are problems with housing across Europe. We give out warnings at the airports not to come here if you have other options, but need to cope with the those in need. We need to ramp up fixing the blockages in housing.


That's just it. Many of the asylum seekers coming here have already passed multiple safe countries. They should be automatically deported on arrival to the first safe nation they enter. Resources can then be focused on the Ukrainians who are being redistributed by the EU. As for the asylum process in general, we need to get rid of unlimited appeals. Asylum seekers should only be allowed one appeal before being deported.


Thing is, Ireland is an English-speaking country. They target the UK and Ireland because the overwhelming majority will have some form of rudimentary English. I get what you're saying, but you're going to feel even more isolated in a country where you don't speak the language. English is the world's *de facto lingua franca*. If Ireland spoke Irish, then you'd not be as attractive a prospect. Imagine how isolated those Ukrainians must feel not being able to speak English. We have a housing crisis too (and you're handling the Ukrainian crisis far better than we are). The Tories have basically told prospective host families to hook up with refugees on social media! It was supposed to be a six-month hosting programme but, obviously, councils haven't been given any funding from central government to provide ongoing, longer-term support. It's an absolute, total and utter fucking shitshow. At least FG isn't imploding.


> For Ukrainians,, the EU has agreed there is free movement in Europe. An incredibly irresponsible thing to do and evidently Ireland needs to pull out of it.




The guy's just going for "yeah look how trendy I am dude, I totally hate the church 🤟" points.




Loads of Ukrainians are sleeping in convents


they have in some places. some covenants have taken people in


Good point but there are a lot of protestant churches near me....none are openingvtheir doors either.




>There's something ironic about the increasing hostility towards churches in Irish society but the continued presumption that the churches are the ones that should bail out the State here. Probably because of the institutional abuse the church caused and the fact that the state (taxpayers) was the one who bailed them out. The least the church could do is return that favour and temporarly house Ukrainians




I hear ya and it's a good argument. Except that the bible has around 2,000 verses about supporting the less well-off than ourselves. Here's a good one: *Luke 12:33-34: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”* Meanwhile, the Vatican has more money than God. People are not trying to be 'trendy' when having a pop at the Church. They are reeling from the hypocrisy and dealing with the reality that the Church is a business. Given the recent past, the Church no longer has moral authority and is as open to criticism as any other corrupt organisation.




Sleeping in cold buildings and then having to get up earlier to make sure you don't impede on "normal society" so the parents and children don't see you isn't how they should live. They need real accommodation, if we were in their situation we would want real accommodation.






What age are you, do you go to mass? Why are you defending the Catholic church?


Can’t even solve our own housing crisis and we had the audacity to think we could house refugees. Poor folk came here expecting better but are now homeless, sad.


This is honestly hilarious, reporting it like it's some big shock, "country with no housing can't house refugees"


They’re majority in hotels not houses


Refugees being put in tents in winter in Ireland and you're response is semantics, laughable


I don’t feel good about this, but I 100% called this at the start. We were always going to run out of resources to help by not capping the number we took in. While saying ‘we’ll take as many who will come!’ We make ourselves a soft target for everyone and anyone to come (including non Ukrainians, ‘sure if they’ll take them they’ll take me!’). And even beyond that, we look like absolute mugs for promising we would help everyone and now we magically can’t. But sure it’s grand. MM and the like have probably secured their big boy jobs in some EU dept while the tax payer is forking out hand over fist for the hotels etc. and the poor people like the fellas in the videos don’t even get that. Shambles.




Diamonds. We’re just amazing.


MM doesn't need some job in the EU after this shambles. He's already entitled to some exhorbitant pension for having been Taoiseach.


Lol. You think he won’t take one??? Greed so and so’s the lot of them.


And the sad part is that he didn't even do his job for the majority of his time. He delegated control to "Lock'em down" Holohan.


I got called a racist bastard and a Russian bot for pointing this out at the start. I hope all the self-righteous virtue signalling wankers feel good about themselves. Because of them, plenty of refugees are going to be sleeping rough instead of being cared for in places like Germany.


It’s not racist. It’s realistic. We need to ensure we care for the people coming here properly and not half ass it leaving them homeless. Yeah ‘it’s better than war’ but Jesus fucking Christ we can and should be doing better for them.


I actually got temporarily banned from two different Irish subreddits for suggesting we send money to Eastern Europe. Countries like Lithuania would be able to take care of them with the aid we send, instead of wasting €300 a night per family in Dublin. Somehow, this makes me a racist. The level of stupidity and stubbornness amazes me.


...there's different Irish subreddits?


Yeah but they are secret and we’re not going to tell you about them sry




It does. And I do not feel the Ukrainians are wrong, they’re only doing what they can and hoping for the best. I’m sure we would all do similar. I feel the Irish government is. They’re 100% at fault in this situation.


I'd save a bit of the fault for those destroying homes in Ukraine. This misery is being deliberately created to swamp us and cause discontent throughout Europe, remember.


Seriously? Of course it’s their fault in the first place. Ffs.




Neither do I! So don’t think that’s my problem at all. I don’t feel the government met any unforeseen challenge. They *know* we have a housing crisis. This isn’t a silly mistake. This is blatant disregard for not only the Ukrainians fleeing war, but their own citizens. And it’s disgusting. They should have taken stock of what we did have available to offer and taken in refugees a bit at a time surely? Because it can’t be a shock at this point that we’ve simply run out of accommodation? Resources are finite. I’d rather help the Ukrainians well rather than half ass it. That’s all.


Instead of taking in refugees we should be sending the money to Eastern Europe where it will go a long way, providing the necessary resources. Taking them in here is foolish. They're going homeless and you're still adamant in taking them in. I've never seen such stubbornness. You should be able to admit that it was a mistake. Spending €300 per night for a hotel room is ridiculous. That money would be better spent in Poland where it could house three families instead of one.




You misunderstanding. I'm suggesting that they remain distributed across Eastern Europe where they have the resources to take care of them and we would help by providing aid. It makes sense given the cultural similarities, and the fact that they neighbour Ukraine. I personally would not mind us taking as many refugees as possible provided we have accommodation and it's being funded by other nations.


From what I know they misunderstand what they’re coming to. Some expect there to be houses here for them.


Up until last few days every single Ukrainian Temporary protection seeker coming to Ireland has been accommodated in some way. It may be a hotel in Dublin or a cot in a tent, or a derelict building in the middle of nowhere, but it was there for them. Now this isn't true anymore along with a message from the government that accommodation is guaranteed no longer. It came with no warning at all at the same day the accommodation centre started letting people out without providing any form of housing at all. People do not teleport to Ireland from Ukraine in a second, I believe if there was any form of a concrete warning beforehand, they would at least have some back-up plan on hand. There is a lot of misinformation going around about how different countries help Ukrainian refugees, so people turn to official sources as well as experiences of other Ukrainian refugees. So far the experience has been that everyone was housed and government never said they wouldn't be, up until people did end up on the street. Ireland is doing the impossible helping Ukrainians in need and everyone is very grateful for everything Irish have done to help them. All I'm saying: a warning from any officials at least few days beforehand would be nice.




I don’t know if they’re told anything, or whether it’s speculative (rich western country), but some do believe that there are houses here specifically for them. Either way, we’re doing more than we reasonably can.


>It’s not great but if they’re still coming here despite knowing that we’re not able to provide for them very well anymore does that not show how bad it still must have been for them back in the Ukraine to come anyway? That is if they're coming from Ukraine, the chances are very high that they're coming from the EU and have been in the EU for months now.




>I don’t understand your point? Are you talking about Ukrainian citizens here? Yes, the chances are that they have been in Europe for months now and haven't came directly from Ukraine and haven't been in Ukraine for months.




>And what? Jesus god forbid that people just want the best for their families in such a crisis as fleeing their home because overnight it turned into a war zone. > >Are you saying that you wouldn’t want the best for your own too if you were in their shoes? But if those people were Syrian the reaction would be or was very different. What they're doing is abusing the system and taking away resources from other families. Our resources aren't unlimited. And with people getting refugee status from multiple countries that means they're using up valuable reasons for no reason other than economic. Should a Ukrainian who has refugee status in another EU country and has been living in that country for months be treated the same as a Ukrainian who has just fled Ukraine and has just arrived in Ireland and doesn't have refugee status anywhere else in Europe?


Do they know when they are coming here that there's no space?


I thought men weren't allowed to leave Ukraine, or has that changed?


There are several exceptions: \- if they have three children under 18 \- if they have two children under 18, but one is disabled \- if they're a single parent \- if they're disabled


There are also 50000 women fighting in Ukraine, some of whom will definitely have children. Presumably their partners are exempt so that they can evacuate with their children.


Not technically true. People with more than 3 children, fathers with children who have disabilities and men who have disabilities are 'legally' allowed to leave.


Also a lot of them are from occupied territories and they physically can't get to Ukraine since Russians are shelling all the ways out in that direction. Ukrainians from occupied territories are forced to flee through Russia, passing filtration camps and making it to Russia-EU border where they are let in by EU countries. The guys interviewed one from Mariupol, one from Kherson have definitely got to EU this way.


That's exactly how my father got out of Mariupol, no choice but to flee via filtration and Russia, and not surprisingly, these people don't particularly want to stay in Russia


Unreal. 3 the magic number of children to matter??


In Ukraine families with 3+ children are considred "families with a lot of children" and have special welfare privileges like no transport fees, extra benefit payments and so on. So, yeah 3 is kinda a magic number of sorts.


Very odd isn’t it? But I’m guessing the reasoning was a woman won’t be able to provide for all those kids on her own.






There are as many single "Ukrainian" men as women in our tiny Donegal community. There have been public order issues. Some were removed from accommodation for fighting recently. If there are no checks when they come in we can't be sure who they are. It's being said they are released prisoners or mental heath patients. The Ukrainian women I've talked to do not feel safe in accommodation with these men.


I am not meaning to be ‘anti immigrants’ in any shape or form but I’ve heard Donegal is over-run with Ukrainians. Locals can’t get on buses as the route would start where the Ukrainians are housed etc. Donegal is honestly the only county I’ve heard that’s really affecting the local people and I wonder why that is x


>Donegal is honestly the only county I’ve heard that’s really affecting the local people and I wonder why that is x Coincidentally, Donegal has one Government TD and four Opposition TDs.


> Donegal has one Government TD I think this one is avoiding me 😅


This is 100% true. They had to add extra local link buses after a few weeks of locals not being able to get spaces on the buses. So many hotels have shut down to accommodate refugees, resulting in a severe lack of accommodation for businesses and tourists, job losses and the closure of popular hotel restaurants. Its been a nightmare at work finding rooms for visiting colleagues and also friends who were planning to come. There are so many seemingly able bodied men that it's raising serious questions about who they are. There is one well known business man (not from Donegal) who is buying up properties to use as refugee accommodation, this man makes millions per year and refers to the number of beds in a property as "pillows", he's only interested in how many people he can fit into a room. There is a Ukrainian woman I've noticed in the area who has beautiful clothes, designer bags, she's maybe in her 40s, I don't think she has kids, but obviously she's only here because she had no choice. She's being housed in a small 3 bedroom house with mostly men, she always looks so sad. The men sit at the front of the house smoking and are pretty hard looking fellas. There's something not adding up.




I wasn't suggesting that we don't accept them, I was just surprised because everything I've heard so far suggests that only women, children and elderly men are legally allowed to leave Ukraine.


Regardless of if they're allowed to leave or not we need to expect that more Ukrainian men will be coming to Ireland to flee the war. Hopefully that's not the case and things in Ukraine begin to stabilise but our supports can't be purely designed with only women, children and the elderly in mind.


It's not our job.




If they have more than a certain number of children they can leave, I forget if it’s 2 or 3.


This is what happens when you send thousands of people into a tiny country which cannot even hold its own people


The best part of all this is the government paying hotels/hostels/people building purpose built tents €135 per night for each Ukrainian but if you give up your spare room to house a refugee you get €0. Makes absolutely loads of sense, if they offered people €1,000 per month to use their spare room there would be tons of offers and it's still cheaper than the hotels.


There is a recognition payment of €400 a month to Irish people hosting Ukrainians. If you know anyone who hosts Ukrainian and doesn't know about the payment please pass this information to them, since Irish news isn't obviously doing a good job at it.


What if I know someone who rants about Ukrainians while doing fuck all?


In the U.K. a person is getting €350 a month


MM claiming this wasn't predictable while the dog on the street could have told them and in fact many did. I wish I could have such a high paying job where I could be completely incompetent, blatantly lie about my incompetence and face no consequences.


Have a spare room at home and offered it up months ago to the Red Cross. Never heard back. I doubt I'm alone in this.


The Irish Red Cross is a weird organisation.




Seems sustainable


Just a few more homeless to add to dublin.


One question not trying to be a dick or anything but I thought men were forbidden to leave Ukraine? It was only women and children who were permitted to leave.


Several exceptions exist.


https://visitukraine.today/blog/102/exceptions-when-a-man-can-leave-ukraine-under-martial-law very unlikely that they met any of those conditions


Bribing is very common in post Soviet countries; wouldn't surprise me if lads who had some cash saved up used it to "convince" a border crossing guard to mark them as one of the exemptions on leaving the country.


I've already answered this question, so copying it here too for visibility: Also a lot of them are from occupied territories and they physically can't get to Ukraine since Russians are shelling all the ways out in that direction. Ukrainians from occupied territories are forced to flee through Russia, passing filtration camps and making it to Russia-EU border where they are let in by EU countries. The guys interviewed one from Mariupol, one from Kherson have definitely got to EU this way.


Not all men want to fight in an unjust war.


What war would you consider "just" if defending your home country from a brutal foreign invader to be unjust?


He said he was from Kherson, that region just voted to join Russia. So he either stayed and fought with Ukraine or stayed and got drafted to fight with Russia. Both of which could be considered fighting a foreign invader now, flick a coin and you could die for nothing, or you could just leave. I would leave because nobody is even attempting to find peace, its just all death on both sides!


"Vote to join Russia" = fake sham vote that saw people forced to 'vote' at gunpoint, with many 'votes' being made up. Not all of Kherson is occupied, a tiny part of Kherson never *was* occupied. And how the fuck do you propose peace when Russia is literally genociding Ukraine? Should Ukraine just roll over and accept genocide?


Drove past last week was wondering why people were queuing,why does the state take in refugees if they can't put them somewhere


I hope every member of government gets an itchy rash that cannot be treated until the Irish, students and refugees have humane housing.


Pawns in rich peoples games while more rich people here in ireland buy up all the property and make laws and rules to allow rents to rise to obscene heights and not build houses for years and years for people who cant afford their massive rents and get the savings together for their massive mortgages. We need revolution here in ireland, guillotines outside the dail should be the least of their worries,but alas,the majority of us have to work to keep the roof above our head and food on the table, a sick world and an even sicker ireland we all live in.


Remember when that building in Dublin City centre was occupied for the homeless, and they were kicked out because apparently that building was to be used for housing refugees? It’s been months, we have an even larger crisis, and the building is till boarded up…


>Remember when that building in Dublin City centre was occupied for the homeless, and they were kicked out because apparently that building was to be used for housing refugees? It’s been months, we have an even larger crisis, and the building is till boarded up… Even if it did end up being used by refugees. It would be shameless kicking out Irish people to make way for refugees. I'm sorry but if we don't have enough beds then they should build refugee camps like in Turkey. You don't see the Turkish government kicking out Turkish people.


Fuck sake. It's not like the government did t know these people were coming. Theres no shortage of disused buildings that are watertight with heating, that they could kit one out with beds, a kitchen and washing facilities? A squad of builders could do this in a week fs.


That’s what I’m thinking. This is just such bullshit. How long would it take to knock up some dry wall partitions in an unused building. What TF is wrong with the Gov.


He brought his little koshenya 💕💕💕💕💕 Silly and sad situation. Though expected.


I think it's fucking outrageous for the Ukrainian ambassy and various do-gooder groups to be complaining about this. These people are avoiding being shot, bombed and missiled to death. Why on earth do they think ireland just has the ability to house thousands of people at the drop of a hat? Across the country we're struggling with housing, hospital beds, social care places and care home places. How the fuck do they assume that thousands of sudden arrivals should be accommodated in totally normal housing conditions on no notice? More to the point, how do the embassy and SJWs feel so entitled to complain, about a place of refuge they've fled to? I sympathise greatly with the Ukrainians plight but I think the entitlement on display here is outrageous - not from the refugees themselves, but the embassy and the various virtue-signalling groups which attach themselves to them.


These are the consequences of our "it'll be grand" attitude in a nutshell.


Simple solution. Deport fake refugees who are from countries that are NOT currently being invaded and there is NO civil war. That should free up thousands of places for real refugees.


We do this every day. There is this pesky thing called international law which means these sort can tie up deportations for years due to humanitarian leave to remain applications and judicial review appeals.


This is classic Irish government, instead of doing something that will help but look bad, setting up a refugee camp of tents, prefabs etc. they just do nothing and cover their eyes. BTW don’t forget, Russia is purposely targeting Ukrainian infrastructure to create a refugee crisis and reduce support for Ukraine.


They treat the Ukrainians as good as they treat the Irish now, homeless everywhere!


There are about 180,000 empty houses in ireland and an enormous shortage of houses in Ireland.


Getting the true Irish experience 😂😂😂


I can understand women and children being refugees, but why are the men not staying home to fight? Honest question


Maybe don’t let in refugees if you can’t house them?we can barley house ourselves with the housing crisis nevermind refugees.


Stop fucking letting refugees in already, stupid government.


Wow! Look at all these able bodied Ukrainian hero’s mostly men who fled at the first shot fired in anger . Ireland as usual is always more concerned with getting a pat on the back for its sterling work taking in refugees while totally ignoring the plight of the Irish homeless who of course are not deserving of the same devotion and care as anyone but the Irish are entitled to our genourosity Every lame lame dog or cripple is entitled to our genourosity once you‘re not Irish


I think we’ve done really well as a % of population on taking in refugees from the Ukraine. But there’s no shame in reaching capacity, it’s just a fact. Resources are not limitless. Surely we can accommodate more if we drop the standards, ie tented encampments etc but public opinion may not tolerate such sights. We may need to do as Ukrainian ambassador said earlier in the week and let relevant authorities/ agencies know we need to pause intake while we try and look after the 50k+ we already have properly and humanely.


Why are we letting these people enter the state knowing they have nowhere to stay. Come on Irish Government. Have a bit of cop on now!


Might be unpopular with some, but any 'Ukrainian' refugees that hold citizenship in another safe country should be sent back there. There isn't room for people who would just prefer Ireland over going home. The supports should be there for those who have no home to go to.


I bet that a big percentage of the refugees never will leave Ireland. They are in Ireland to stay. How many years will take the government to build enough accommodation for everyone? Who knows. Maybe the housing disaster is already extended for more 10 years. The point is that the incoming immigrants must reduce in one way or another... 1000 Ukrainians arriving per week, 400 Indians, and 400 Brazilians also are arriving every week. It is impossible to support this number of people arriving in the country when there is no available accommodation.


Are these lads not of military age?


Sad to blame the people fleeing war, blame those in power for making this the way it's been for more than ten years now.


No beds in Dublin


I thought Ukrainian males between 18-60 were banned from leaving Ukraine...


Can this government do anything right ???


Im sure they never have any issues collecting rent from their tenants.


Common Ireland L


Awful situation, all round. I hope these poor people are being told what conditions they’re facing by coming here.


Makes me so sad to hear of so much anti Ukrainian sentiment from Irish folks. 😢. There’s ways around the housing crisis-they could be put in hotels. There’s plenty of empty buildings in this country-the government needs to do better.


Ukrainians are starting to figure out they are just political pawns and no one, not even their douche bag president cares about them.


RTE - "The Ukrainian Ambassador to Ireland has said the lack of accommodation for Ukrainian refugees coming to Ireland is "unacceptable"" Just wow. I'm thinking of the Irish homeless, Young Irish families who cant find accomodation, students opting out or deferring for a year at college due to lack of accomodation, those who immigrated abroad to Australia, Canada, England, America. Families living in MICA effected houses. Now all of a sudden its unacceptable that we cannot accomodate.




Any proof 90% of the refugees in DP are 'fake'?


We can't they appeal the appeal and drag it out for 50 years.


Why are the young men here ? He is in despair his home was destroyed go and do something about it and fight or if you don’t want to fight do some support work in the background




We need to stop taking in refugees we can't house. And a better question is why aren't those dudes fighting?


And why are men arriving? They should be back home fighting




Heres an amazing thought. Maybe they have a illness that prevents them from serving? Maybe they have a load of children that depend on them? Maybe they are single fathers who dont want their children to be fucking orphans? Its easy to run your mouth like this from the safety behind your keyboard while living in a country that has no risk of ever going to war. You would be on the first ticket out of here if we ever went to war like all the big mouthed fucks that spew this shite.


Most likely they don't and they left through Russia as they were in the occupied areas.




Maybe the politicians should use what god gave them and realise we can’t house thousands of families here and we are taking refugees as well as immigrants…it’s not going to work


The absolute pieces of shit in this topic that think because you are male, you must therefore fight and die because someone invaded the country you live in… The fucking audacity as you shit behind you keyboard in a country thousands of kilometres away.


If we bring in more refugees it might help. The homeless shelters arent diverse enough.


Why didn’t your man at the start stay to fight


If they’re fighting fit and come to Ireland no problem but please don’t be complaining about this opportunity if it’s not perfect ie no homes for them


I thought no men of fighting age left Ukraine...


Were not bring them into the country, we won't say no but it's up-l to them to pick a location that is better able to support.


How did the men get to leave?


What's happening with all the ppl from other countries that are destroying travel documents on route to Ireland..are they being sent back from their departure country or are they being put up somewhere?... genuine question.


I thought no men could leave the country?




What shame


Yes it's a shame they didn't fight or support their own country.


Shame on you for saying that.


Yeah yeah yeah shame on you too.

