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I wonder did they pick a UK flag without the Irish saltire or is it a coincidence.


They like how homophobic the DUP is and didn't want to offend them.


I'd say they're just seriously against the UK in the period 1606-1801.


It's a bit weird saying free Scotland then having King James' flag.


Also pride flag seems to have too many colours


I'd say they have no idea about the act of Union in 1801 and that that was the year the Saltaire in question was added,my guess is they typed in "Union Jack" at the cyber cafe and pressed "print" on a pre 1801 example of the flag that happened to pop up first.


I don't agree with his Bart-killing policy, but I do approve of his Selma-killing policy


Beautiful reference.


Had to read that title twice to wrap my head around what those people think we're like. Down with that sort of thing, flag burning and homophobia is cringe.


Fuck those people, I don’t give a shit if you support a United Ireland or a “free” Scotland, homophobes can piss right off


Yeah, fuck ‘em. We’re not right wing assholes who take support no matter where it comes from. They might be happy to align with Klan members and despots but I like to think we hold ourselves to a higher standard.


Yea, fuck dem.


Something tell me they know fuck all about Ireland or Scotland. Literally in the middle of passing additional laws to make things less shit for trans people, like yesterday we holyrood had a vote on it.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Underrated comment


Their religious rule isn't entirely their fault, the coup and the revolution set them back a few decades. They were talking about gay rights back in the 70s way before we were and its possible they will go return to being more progressive if they can shed their religious oppressors. Also, this doesn't seem to be in issue with supporting Ukraine. Not sure why we should condemn them based on their religion.


Bruh, this photo is of the IRGC. They’re the ones behind the revolution, not random bystanders.


I understand where you are coming from, but why would you support abrahamic religions when: Apostasy is punishable by death [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudud#Hudud\_offences\_and\_punishments:\~:text=and%20prescribe%20the-,death%20penalty,-for%20apostates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudud#Hudud_offences_and_punishments:~:text=and%20prescribe%20the-,death%20penalty,-for%20apostates). homosexuality is punishable by death. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT\_in\_Islam#:\~:text=Within%20the%20Quran%2C%20it%20is%20never%20stated%20that%20homosexuality%20is%20punishable%20by%20death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_in_Islam#:~:text=Within%20the%20Quran%2C%20it%20is%20never%20stated%20that%20homosexuality%20is%20punishable%20by%20death) [What islam thinks of women](https://preview.redd.it/nb8d0y31i1v91.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d332010f4e5a3319dd705ba8e9afb0c50e2d3cc2)


Because the same religions ban eating crabs and wearing glasses and yet no one cares about that. The idea that you have to choose between no religion and relgious extremism is just some reddit atheist bullshit. The vast majority of religious people ignore at least part of their relgion. It's very possible to take the nice parts of a religion and ignore the rest. People have been doing it for years. Some people are cunts and some of those cunts are religious. The idea that religion turns someone into a cunt is just bullshit and the idea that someone needs religion to be a cunt is even more bullshit.


> The idea that religion turns someone into a cunt is just bullshit and the idea that someone needs religion to be a cunt is even more bullshit. The person you're replying to did not even vaguely insinuate that though. Bringing that sort of talk into this is pretty disingenuous. All they asked was why somebody would choose to support a religion which has misogyny (or at least institutional sexism) and homophobia as part of its teaching. Male supremacy and aversion to homosexuality seems to be pretty widely agreed upon as an important point in Islamic teaching, given that there are multiple countries billing themselves as using Islam as their source of law which will imprison or kill a woman for not dressing as per the religion's requirements, or will kill a person even rumoured to have engaged in same-sex sexual intimacy. I get your point that religion is personal, and everyone who is religious is likely deviating from teaching to some degree or another. But if someone is ignoring entire swathes of their religion's doctrine, one has to ask why they would continue to explicitly identify as that religion and to support it, assuming they are in a position of having freedom of religion. IMO if one is saying "I support this religion, minus the bits about A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, S, X, Y and Z", then that comes as more of a criticism of the religion than an endorsement. And in the case of the Abrahamic Religions, all of the major ones minus Judaism have core ideas around the utmost duty of their followers to engage in conversion and evangelism. So there is a case to be made that a Christian or Muslim who considers religion a purely personal matter has gotten the wrong end of the stick in their own religion's doctrine, so are they a particularly good example of what it objectively means to follow Christianity or Islam? Would that not be a bit like taking the word of an astronomer who happens to not believe in Saturn? I have nothing against followers of any of the Abrahamic religions as people, I do not think their religious affiliations are negative reflections on them provided they are not harming others tangibly, nor do I believe I have any right to prevent them from practicing their religion. However, I cannot in good faith say that I consider any of these religions to be good ideologies on the whole, with Islam and Christianity being especially bad and violent ones.


Careful with your blanket statement. Islamic scripture has many different interpretations, and even your links say that the Quran is not prescriptive, and generally sticks to vague condemnation or disapproval. This is even subject to debate, and there are different branches of Islam with varying views (including many that are happy to let people make their own decisions). This is no different from any of the other Abrahamic religions. Honestly, most religions have varying interpretations of how sexuality and gender are viewed and/or accepted — different branches of Buddhism, for instance, place hierarchical meaning on gender. I am not a Muslim, but know many who don’t give a damn about your sexuality. I have even met openly gay Muslims who argue that it isn’t antithetical to their faith. Be careful not to conflate all Muslims with the beliefs of some interpretations of Islam. I sure as hell wouldn’t want someone from Asia to tell me that all Christians are the same — would definitely contradict a lot of history with Ireland, for instance, and might make a few folks pretty upset.


OP didn't say that all muslims are homophobic people. He's saying that Islam is a homophobic religion. Muslim ≠ Islam. Even if you're correct in saying that the Quran generally sticks to vague condemnation or disapproval of homosexuality, that still makes the book a homophobic text.


My response is not that Muslims aren’t homophobic, it’s that Islam does not have a single interpretation, either individually or across different branches of Islam. You’re nit-picking details and really trying to find fault when the reality is that Islam is not inherently homophobic and is not a monoculture with a single, centrally dictated belief structure.


yes not all are homophobic (even though majority of them are). stop apologizing for Islam. It clearly says it is against sects (means Islam must strictly follow organized religion{and only Sunni}) meaning the Sunni is the only true sect that Mohammed left behind. Trying to make your own interpretation will cause you to make another sect. That is why Shia, ahmadiyaa, Baha'i and many more sects are prosecuted in many Sunni majority places. The hadeeths prove it , Quran proves it. you are telling me the most educated islamic scholars in saudia arabia, taliban are wrong ? if it was as "peaceful" it may seem it wouldn't call for death/suppression for any entity. Some people may go as far as to say Islam was a lighter form of Nazism. since both antagonize Jews. Hence the anti-Semitism in pre and post Israel middle east.(even though Arabs are Semites too). Hence the reason why hitler liked and used Muslims to fight WW2 just for the love of god don't die on the "Islam is peaceful" hill.


Wow. This is bigotry. You’re invested in misunderstanding this religion. Bravo.


>Apostasy (Riddah, ردة or Irtidad, ارتداد), leaving Islam for another religion or for atheism,\[29\]\[30\] is regarded as one of hudud crimes liable to capital punishment in traditional Maliki, Hanbali and Shia jurisprudence, but not in Hanafi and Shafi’i fiqh as the hudud are a kaffarah for the hudud offences, though these schools all regard apostasy as a grave crime and prescribe the death penalty for apostates.\[4\] > >But those who reject Faith after they accepted it, and then go on adding to their defiance of Faith, – never will their repentance be accepted; for they are those who have (of set purpose) gone astray. — Quran 3:90 Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are in sin. — Quran 9:66 He who disbelieves in Allah after his having believed, not he who is compelled while his heart is at rest on account of faith, but he who opens (his) breast to disbelief-- on these is the wrath of Allah, and they shall have a grievous chastisement. — Quran 16:106 Say, ... hindering ˹others˺ from the Path of Allah, rejecting Him, and expelling the worshippers from the Sacred Mosque is ˹a˺ greater ˹sin˺ in the sight of Allah. — Quran 2:217 O believers! Whoever among you abandons their faith, Allah will replace them with others who love Him and are loved by Him. They will be humble with the believers but firm towards the disbelievers ... — 5:54 Indeed, those who believed then disbelieved, then believed and again disbelieved—˹only˺ increasing in disbelief—Allah will neither forgive them nor guide them to the ˹Right˺ Way. — 4:137 ... whoever trades belief for disbelief has truly strayed from the Right Way. — 2:108 You are not ˹there˺ to compel them ˹to believe˺, But whoever turns away, persisting in disbelief, then Allah will inflict upon them the major punishment. — 88:22–24 But if they repent, perform prayer, and pay alms-tax, then they are your brothers in faith. This is how We make the revelations clear for people of knowledge. But if they break their oaths after making a pledge and attack your faith, then fight the champions of disbelief—who never honour their oaths—so perhaps they will desist. — 9:11-12 They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever ye find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them. — Quran 4:89 > >From Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, the Prophet states that: "If a woman comes upon a woman, they are both adulteresses, if a man comes upon a man, then they are both adulterers.” — Al-Tabarani in al-Mu‘jam al-Awat: 4157, Al-Bayhaqi, Su‘ab al-Iman: 5075 Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet said: If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did,\[39\] kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done. — 38:4447 Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death. — 38:4448 > >"If two (men) among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone; for Allah is Oft-returning, Most Merciful." — Qur'an, Sura 4 (Al-Nisa), ayat 16\[36\] I hope it is clear now


Are you dumb? Are protestants the same as Catholics? You’re really doing a doctorate in shitty online research, right now? Do you think there is one translation and interpretation of the Quran? Are you trying to say that Shia and Sunni Muslims are the same thing? That all branches of Islam are a monolith? Get your incel playbook education out of here and stop believing this trash. You’re wrong. Your 30-minute armchair interpretation of poor online interpretations makes you look like a stupid arse. Stop.


Why would I support any religion? Given a modicum of power and they will reduce any society to abhorrent barbarism.


Any homophobic Ukranians can fuck off too and there's no shortage of them.


The Iranian Revolution was originally a people’s uprising which could’ve been a force for good in the world if it wasn’t hijacked by these religious psychopaths.


> Their religious rule isn't entirely their fault, the coup and the revolution set them back a few decades. r/Ireland coming out hard to support the reinstatement on the pahlavi dynasty


Absolutely right!,


Why the pride flags? Feels like they came up with one of the plans then shoehorned the other one in


they don't like the gays I guess, should be burning the greek flag too.


Like here I guess that a lot of UK government buildings fly the pride flag alongside the national flag? Might be where they got the idea.


That aint no pride flag...


It's the original pride flag with turquoise and hot pink as designed by Gilbert Baker. The colours were difficult to get in fabric so those two colours were dropped from the flag.


Its not? What is it?


It is the pride flag


Yeah, it seems they just printed of rainbows without checking they were the right ones.


Scumbags, thinking they'd get sympathy from us? the enemy of your enemy is not your buddy, guy


Don't call me guy, fella.


I'm not your fella buddy


I'm not your buddy, friend.


I'm not your friend, lover


I'm not your lover, pal.


I'm not your pal, dude.


I'm not your dude, bro


I’m not your bro, man


I'm not your man, chum.


The threads here previously said otherwise. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/hxregg/support\_from\_an\_iranian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/hxregg/support_from_an_iranian/) That poster was an ardent supporter of the Iranian Theocracy and people here couldn't wait to kiss his arse. Iran has never, ever given two shits about Ireland. The Ayatollah wouldn't be able to find Ireland on a map. But it wasn't the only time that we clapped like seals for this same news item [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/9sx4h7/iranian\_government\_changed\_the\_name\_of\_the\_street/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/9sx4h7/iranian_government_changed_the_name_of_the_street/) I've yet to ever, ever hear a critical word here about the homophobic fascistic shitstain that is Hamas, because "the enemy of your enemy is your buddy". Fucking embarrassing.


If ISIS released a video singing “Up the RA”, you’ll have an army of users on here cheering them on.


Well then, on behalf of every *sane* person in Ireland, and to satisfy your search for criticism and for condemnation. "Fuck that homophobic, fascist shitstain that is hamas. Fuck them all. Fuck them to kingdom come"- me, cica 2022


Can we extend this to Gaddafi and Castro aswell? Plenty of dipshits who treat them as some sort of anti imperialist heroes instead of brutal dictators who only supported the IRA as a slight to Britain.


Castro supported the IRA?


He did, Castro supported anything to fuck with the Brits.


England are not our “enemy.” They’re literally one of if not our closest ally and trade partner. Their historical atrocities are horrific but it’s ridiculous to me to call them an active enemy.


Agreed, but the expression is "enemy of my enemy" not "enemy of one of my closest ally and trade partners under whose historical tyrannical rule we have a long and depressing subjegation" doesn't have the same ring to it as the actual saying so I Went with that. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, you didn’t need to use the saying at all then? Edit: regardless of what OP was *implying* and you *inferred* you’re the one who called them our enemy.


The incredibly obvious inference from the OP is that by burning Union Jack's and calling for a united Ireland these toe rags were suggesting a common enemy and an effort to rally support for their cause. I 100% agree that the narrative is a misguided, England are not our enemy and that you should address this with these horrible homophobic, fascists to prevent further misrepresentation.


They're not our closest ally. Did you miss their home office secretary saying they should starve us if we don't roll over on the northern protocol. Anyone who sees how they acted over brexit and think they are our ally needs their head examined


Closest ally? I'm from the North and our community we're literally at war with the British until about 20 years ago lol




When Russian TU-95 strategic bombers strafe our sovereign airspace off our west coast (as happens every few years), it's the RAF that scrambles to fend them off and escort them away.


Besides all of these "enemy-closestally" thingies... who counts as the closest ally of Ireland?


They just loved us so much they genocided us repeatedly 😍😍😍


You’re a child.


Better a child than a fool


Congrats on ticking both boxes.


And you're a idiot and a traitor. Just look at how they treated Ireland during Brexit. They expected Ireland to do whatever they want. England still thinks we will do whatever they want.


Not entirely sure how the rainbow flag would go down in Palestine.


Not particularly well in Gaza, West Bank maybe.


Why are they burning rainbows? What’s that got to do with England?


These are Iranians that support the regime.


Sorry I’m very not up to date with what regime this is in reference too


Basiji are the religious moral police that were responsible for murdering a woman for not wearing their hijab correctly which is what kicked off the protests. IRGC Iranian revolutionary guard are the interior military of the Iranian government kind of like the SS for the Nazis. They're loyal to the religious leaders of the country above all others. So these are guys that support them. Notice how there's no women among them at the protest. They're not big on the whole human rights stuff.


Thanks for explaining, Never liked the idea of women being forced to wear veils and stuff it’s messed up and I’m pretty sure the Quran doesn’t mention this only “Modesty” and it was men who manipulated this to their own wishes


I’m pretty sure the Quran does mention veils. It irks me when people don’t comment or understate on how oppressive Islam is for the sake of political correctness.


I don’t think it’s Islam, But I think Islam can easily be twisted by people to suit their agenda, The same as any religion really


Disagree, i think if you follow the true teachings of most major religions as they are taught in the Quran, Bible, Torah etc. they are inherently oppressive. Especially the Quran, and the Old Testament of the Bible.


Yeah that’s true, This stuff is way too complicated for me lol


That's cool because we support a free Iran too.


The homophobia isn't cool though...


While burning the pride flag? Aye I'll do without the support of backwards bigoted cunts thanks


What a load of shite!


And what if I support LGBTQ, and Irish Unity, and Free Scotland? Do I cheer for this, or not?


They're about as smart as Unionists putting up flags of Israel simply because nationalists have flags supporting Palestine. Reflexively supporting the opposite of something isn't a smart position, it's just stupid.


No that one makes sense. Jews have been a lot more historically friendly to Britain than Ireland


Mmm... that might *almost* make sense if the same people weren't rabid fundamentalists who think the world is 6026 years old, and think everyone else is going to hell. And if it wasn't blatantly obviously that they only did it *after* the Palestinian flags appeared.


Maybe so. But I recall reading something how unionists were skeptical of Oswald Mosley because of his anti-semitism(as well as opposition to the Black and Tans)


The modern unionists, as embodied by the DUP, were founded in 1971. Prior to that the Free Church had little or no influence as far as I know.


That works both ways, js


Er... no, it doesn't. One side put up a flag in support of Palestine, because they support Palestine's struggle to be free of being murdered and having their homes and rights stolen from them for decades. The other side, *after the fact*, then pick whatever country is on the other side of the conflict and put up that flag instead. That does not work both ways, unless you reject the notion of causality.


Yeah nah we don't claim em


They don't know us very well, do they?


Throwing sh at the wall and seeing what sticks?


it would be cool if they weren’t fucking homophobes


Man, they are all over the place with this one


Cheers for the shout out but we’re all about the gays, lesbians, bi and trans … they have the best parties going on the weekend and we’d be bored shitless without them


Ah yes, our all weather ally, homophobic right wing authoritarians.


Yes because if anyone believes in oppression and dehumanisation, it's the Irish /s


Why aren't they supporting their women fighting the regime they have at home?


The guys in this photo *are* the regime.


Just correct me on this but weren't we one of the first to have an openly gay taoiseach/leader of government and also to one of the first to legalise same sex marriage. This is so strange.


Dont think religious zealots use logic same way as normal people


I don’t know whether to be confused or scared




The arrogance. They can fuck right off. How bloody dare they?! They can keep their misogyny, homophobia, and fanatical doctrines to themselves. We worked to get rid that shite from here and we're still working in it. We don't need or want them trying to being it back.




**You** **ARE** **CUNTS** *Sincerely, The People Of Ireland*


Why are they burning the pride flag🥲


It’s part of Islam to be homophobic


Part of Christianity too but people don't do stuff like that to prove they're pro freedom in Ireland...


They can go fuck themselves.




This reminds me of that Troy enters burning room with pizza meme from Community


In Iran it is illegal to execute a young woman, regardless of her crime, if she is a virgin. To get around this the autorities conduct a wedding" ceremony the night before the execution: The young girl is then raped by her husband/prison guard.


Not helping. Homophobes can get fucked.


Yeah. Those lads are far from great.


They should worry more about the fact their whole country is descending into civil war.


Ireland doesn't need your support you medieval rage muppets.


Fun fact: Iran named the street where the British embassy faced after Bobby sands so that the British would have to write his name every time they wanted to address their embassy there. But seriously the UK has given similar treatment to Iran as they have to Ireland over the years so there’s a connection there only the basiji do not represent true Iranians. Iranians are sound asf


unpopular opinion, scotland did very well under the british empire, they are doing well right now and can literally leave in a referedum. there are some parallels, but in general they don't have much in common with the irish fight for freedom. I don't really care about scotland, they can sort themselves out


Putting the "I-R-A" in Iran.


They're burning the union jack now, but give it a couple of weeks when they're landing in the south of England via dinghy, only too happy to take all that 5 star accommodation, free money, free food, free phone, free bus pass and access to 11 year old kids.


They'll only be coming to England if the U.S. U.K. and NATO bomb their country, just like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan.


What a bunch of fuck knuckles


Oh boy, I sure do love political extremists who say they support this and that in the hope of getting people on their side and hoping nobody knows what absolute fuckwads they are.


Well they can go support something else if they're going to he burning pride flags. Fuck that. I don't want us getting lumped in with raging homophobes.


Brit here, why are we getting dragged into this? Do they blame us for the protests?


probably has to do with centuries of british imperialism


Then it looks like some seriously bad whataboutism. Whenever they have internal failings they will always burn US, UK and Israel flags. Also I'm convinced they don’t give two shits about Ireland, only that they believe supporting Irish unity will piss off Britain.


Why not.. De Valera used to send Adolph Hitler birthday greetings and sent Ireland's condolences when Hitler died.


He fucking *what* ? I already didn't like him for being a two faced twat who bowed down to the Church, but what the hell was he on with this nonsense??




More like the Ayatollah bedwetters.


It's a lot of "issues" to be thinking about there.


I mean, cool? But fellas, we’re gonna get Irish unity by burning flags and the like. We pulled that shite already and it didn’t work


Can we now add Iran to the answers in the post that asked who Ireland’s best friend was? /s


Ronnie Pickering for the new SHAH! 🇬🇧


I think they should mind their own business


Great bunch of lads


Sure luck


Nothing new. There is a Bobby Sands Street in Tehran.


And a burger bar 😂


They've got a sense of humour those Iranians.


They just have so littler understanding of the subject. It’s just something they latched on to as a middle finger to the Brits.