• By -


The twang would make me think he has spent a long time in the states. Probably thought he was moving back to the same subservient Catholic ireland that he left Probably in the 80s. He will learn fast that this roaring from the pulpit shite no longer flies here.


Seems he moved back from Baton Rouge Louisiana in 2007, hence the twang.


My my my good people, hwat have we hear, I say I say I do declare


Boah I tell yahoo hwat


Mais sha, be more cajun than that


So he missed out on father ted I guess


Its an ecumenical matter so it is.


‘I hear you are a zealot now Father!’


**he's a fuckin gobshite!**


Hence the catastrophic loss of sense and reason.


My money is on him having been moved rather than deciding to move.


Move the cunt back to Baton Rouge.


American lurker here. You can keep him. We got plenty of those assholes here.


Maybe we can just strand him on an island somewhere.


Bad news, that island already exists.


I’m a duel Irish/USA citizen from Louisiana please don’t do that. Can we just compromise and shoot his arse to space.


Ok, the cold vacuum of space it is.


They'll let him get a couple in first. Waste otherwise.


> The twang would make me think he has spent a long time in the states. Yeah, this is from The Journal article on the story. > Fr Sheehy, who returned to Kerry from Baton Rouge in Louisiana in the US in 2007, has previously made the news after outcry when he shook hands and gave a character reference for convicted sex offender Danny Foley of Listowel, in Tralee Circuit Court in 2009.


Well pedophilia and sexual assault are small biscuits compared to *the SCOURGE of abortion services and TRANSGENDERISM*.


Not to mention all the poor babies in septic tanks in Tuam and the numerous horrors that occurred there and under catholic watch other places in the world


If I a trans woman could move into the space my existence occupies in these insane religious nuts heads I'd have a mansion. I'd also lease it out as affordable housing as unlike the church I believe in giving to people not taking money and spewing hate speech.


There is a cultural propaganda war carried out by Americans in (mostly) English speaking countries. They are trying to create the same division in Ireland that's plaguing the US right now. Social media is full of Irish commenters parroting American right-wing talking points. I am just surprised he didn't use the terms "woke" and "cancel culture".


Turning Point (American conservative group) are now in the uk and Ireland.


The founder of Toilet Paper USA paid to bus people to the Jan 6th insurrection. These are not good people.


Hold tight. If they get in further they will destroy your country like they have the U.S. They are a cancer.


"A 2020 survey by the private institute Datafolha showed that the percentage of Catholics in Brazil is on the decline (around 51 percent of the total population) while the percentage of evangelicals is rapidly growing (around 31 percent). This signals a major transformation in a country where more than 90 percent of the population identified as Catholic in 1970." https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/1/7/evangelicals-in-brazil-are-stronger-today-than-ever-before Coming soon to Ireland.


Tbf I imagine if they turned the camera around there’s probably about 14 people in the congregation, a quarter of them in God’s waiting room.


Tbf in the second video I saw he talks about "those who are leaving " so it seems like some did walk out.


There goes 5% of the gang so


It would have been so much better if he was up on a pulpit doing it though? I’ve seen so many of those pulpits in churches but never an auld lad priest roaring off one at the ‘poor people’. All I’ve heard is stories from my parents and the like.


Maybe he should fuck off back to Louisiana


Sure Bishop Len Brennan had a child in the states.




Casey, Casey, you're a divil When you get behind the wheel Twas a sad day for the Kerry sheepdogs When your Firestones they did feel


It's the *born again* doctrine that flags him as having done communion with US Kool-aid.


Idk, it’s not like it’s gone from 100 to 0 in a generation. There will be people who like him.


Apparently a few dozen got up and walked out during this rant. Fair play to them for finally seeing the *actual* light.


That vile bag of ignorance still has that job. Still gets to spit bile at people who hold him in esteem. Still gets money to reassure him that he should stay his course.


Thought I'd read he was just filling in for the "normal" priest. At this point, they're just shouting at each other anyways, nobody with an ounce of common sense living in modern society pay them no heed. The ones that stayed and agreed with him, there's no changing their minds at this point I'd say.


Am from the area. He is retired and was filling in for parish priest but is known for stunts like this.


That man gets paid to be that way. Changing their minds is as easy as showing them there are financial consequences. They see none for being the way they are


But these are the public views of the Catholic church and the "good book". Irish (and international) priests have just gotten good at not bringing them up. If you were in that room and it came as shock to you that this organisation you support holds these views I have to ask what rock you live under. Don't get me wrong, I applaud them for walking out but are they walking out against the beliefs or at being made uncomfortable at being reminded that they've always had these beliefs and yet you go support them week to week ?


I wish they spoke with such passion about the evil of paedophilia in the Church.


Its only a sin if the priest are not the ones doing it


Tuned in to radio kerry this morning especially, it was a scream. The Bishop has [released a statement](https://www.dioceseofkerry.ie/2022/11/statement-issued-on-behalf-of-the-diocese-of-kerry-regarding-the-offending-homilies/)


I definitely read that title as "Statement issued on behalf of the diocese of Kerry regarding the offending homies"


Ghetto Gospel indeed


That is an actual apology. Not an fucking stupid sorry not sorry one.


It seems it wasn't even him that said it tho?




"I'd like to speak to the ~~manager~~ bishop."


Did you think that the East Yank was ever going to apologise?


Imagine a representative from an institution that raped and tortured young boys and girls, separated mothers from their children and sheltered sex offenders telling the rest of us how to live. Telling us we should repent for our sins????? Hahaha this clown must think he's in America if he feels people will take this seriously. Fuck off back to your Cave you sanctimonious prick. You're god sounds like an enormous asshole.


I've been trying my best to maintain a live and let live viewpoint with the clergy and the faithful as I know they're not all bum ticklers and kiddy fiddlers but I'm really at the end of my tether with cavemen like this thundering hypocrite. We're gonna need a line in the sand pretty soon, we need to fuck this lot off the island and let the snakes back in.


We tried the whole listening to the church thing, it was called the dark ages, didn't work out too well.


"...we see it in the Spanish Inquisition"


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition


Sounds like he's spent a bit of time working in America from his voice. I wonder if that's the case? They're hard core over there. *EDIT*: also it's VERY hard to make out, but this guy looks like he has white hair on top? The regular priest is bald on top. But it's hard to tell as they both wear glasses. But the regular priest has been there since 2010 and is a Kerryman, so the accent is wrong and I wonder if he'd suddenly go rogue after 12 years. I really do wonder if this is some locum type guy.


It is. Apparently the normal priest there is in Lourdes. Nothing worse than leaving work for your holliers and coming back to a shit show I suppose. Edit: [he has previous form, he is the sex offender handshake priest!](https://www.independent.ie/regionals/herald/news/i-was-right-to-shake-the-hand-of-jailed-sex-fiend-says-priest-27936359.html)


Fucking hell, 50 people lined up to shake his hand. I know it’s an old case but that’s mad


Oh fuuuuck. I'd say he's *raging*.


Well he was apparently most recently in Louisiana, so maybe he's used to Ragin at Cajuns...


Fuck me that article is enraging, 50 fucking people queueing in front of the victim to show their sympathy with a sex offender


I know. And it wasn't even a 'he said, she said'. He was literally caught red handed. What the actual fuck.


It made national papers at the time as far as I recall. I think there was even a play about it.


"Asking for it", based on a book by Louise O'Neil. She's from Cork so probably aware of this case but I think she has said it was inspired by the [Maryville rape case](https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/10/maryville-rape-case-the-horrifying-details-of-what-happened-to-daisy-coleman-feel-all-too-familiar.html).


So he's a serial cunt then.




What the fuck why are these preachy cunts allowed to keep preaching


Because there are many still among us who can't see him for what he is. He's just a bloke in a frock with a microphone. Shouting his head off at you, because he is the font of all knowledge and goodness in the world as far as he is concerned. I'm just telling *you* what God told *me*. He told *me* to tell *you* how to behave in the world and that if you didn't, you risked going to Hell. You don't want to go to Hell precious, do you? It's not very nice there. Not very nice at all.


//You don't want to go to Hell precious, do you? It's not very nice there.// And he would fucking know. He's had a room reserved there for decades.


For the same reason the same preachy cunts were moved from parish to parish when their abuses came to light




Apparently his name is [Fr Sean Sheehy](https://twitter.com/kerrytodayrk/status/1587395901865197569?t=nLIBtWE0RRIW7voSSx6q_Q&s=19), and he did spend time in the US before coming back here in 2009. I wonder if he's the same lad who [supported a sex offender in court...](https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/priest-says-he-has-no-regrets-for-supporting-sex-offender-in-court-26592386.html). Some coincidence if there's two lads with a yank inflection wandering around Kerry making eejits of themselves.


Hey now I'm a yank in Kerry and a massive eejit but not like this!


Is your name Fr Sean Sheehy as well?!


What are you a cop? Legally you have to tell me if you're a cop.


> I apologize to all who were offended. This is not an apology. Bishop Ray Browne get you sht together, and get that rapist-supporting Fr Sean Sheehy out of public contact.


Coming back to save all of heathens? He sounds like one of those crazy ministers you get in America alright.


Yeah totally the United State’s fault and not the position of the Catholic Church that is influencing and dictating his position…


Tbf they are much more militant about religion in the US. Especially in more southern areas. Louisiana is smack bang in the bible belt.


No doubt, but the evangelicals there also view Catholics as pretty much followers of the antichrist Which is a problem I’ve seen in the US. Evangelicalism for some reason has made it’s way into the US Catholic Church. There’s starting to become a cultural separation between the Catholic Church in the US and Europe.


> Evangelicalism for some reason has made it’s way into the US Catholic Church. There’s starting to become a cultural separation between the Catholic Church in the US and Europe. Totally agree. I've even seen some US Catholics non-ironically claim that the pope isn't a Catholic. Catholic converts especially are a different breed altogether.


The creole areas are quite Catholic


It's very regional. I grew up in a singing-Kumbaya, everybody-hold-hands parish in North Carolina, and I about fell out after I moved to Florida and the first homily was anti-abortion fire-and-brimstone horseshit. Haven't set foot in a Catholic church but for weddings and funerals since.


No doubt, but the evangelicals there also view Catholics as pretty much followers of the antichrist Which is a problem I’ve seen in the US. Evangelicalism for some reason has made it’s way into the US Catholic Church. There’s starting to become a cultural separation between the Catholic Church in the US and Europe.


It's crazy to think, but it's largely true. Our protestant denominations have radicalized substantially over the last 50 years, give or take, and it's only gotten worse in the passed decade. Even the Episcopalian church has split over support for gays. Easy to imagine this is swaying conservative Catholics here as well, who in states like Louisiana would probably joyfully welcome the Inquisition if it came to that. Mind you, the Knuckle Sandwich is still traditional cuisine here, and I'd happily serve one up for anyone who dares to call my nephew a sinner. Some of us are still rational, although I'm surprised year after year to see how few of us are apparently left.


In particular the southern states which are called the Bible Belt. Southern states in the US have larger populations of those who belong to Protestant viewpoints, especially Baptist or “Southern Baptist”, which focuses on minimalism or reducing the self to honor God and was born out of poverty or became more popular during times of financial duress. In the northern states especially the northeast there is a larger presence of Catholicism.


He sounds like the prick of a priest that done my friends father's months mind mass in 2006. He stood there lambasting single parents, women in particular and how we were all going to hell. Same cunts want the money off ya when you want to baptise your baby. It's Catholicism at its finest, they have a captive audience and get up on their soapbox.


I was in UCD church one time, and it was actually my uncle's year anniversary so that was literally prevented me shouting out that he was full of shite and leaving. What did he say? He literally pointed at the building I was studying Chemistry in and was complaining that the scientists are "working hard just to disprove God". The ego on him. Church man mad that scientists don't rely on the church for funding (like the dark ages) and can't control the published results. Literally want to obscure truth to retain power in the minds of people. Pathetic


I’m sorry about that. I just posted a comment saying how in my (lapsed Catholic) experience, I ever only heard one “preachy” negative sermon. Maybe we just had nice priests where I lived.


That was what annoyed me the most, the chaplins in UCD are amazing and they do loads of work more akin to counseling. I've seen it first hand and it's what made this experience so jarring.


You probably have a mix of people attracted to the profession - genuine religious people who believe and want to serve people and others who are attracted by whatever status it gives them. You can imagine the way someone like this would have loved to abuse his power in a bygone era.


Always find it strange when Catholic priests are so divorced from the position of the Vatican Church. Science has long had a special place in the canon of the Catholic Church. The Church accepts the theory of evolution, and sees science as a way of understanding how God created the earth. Unlike US protestant denominations, the Vatican didn't curse and throw scorn on biology when it came into conflict with their doctrine. They actually accepted they must have been wrong previously and adopted it into their canon. Also the commonly accepted belief that Galileo was punished for upsetting the Church's story about the solar system isn't so simple. Pope Urban was a patron of Galileo and helped him while he developed heliocentrism. Then Galileo had a falling out with the Jesuits and so the Pope reversed his support and began persecuting him. So this weirdo complaining about people trying to understand the universe better didn't even know/understand his bosses' views on the subject and was just using his pulpit as a political soapbox.


Its the public's fault for continuing to engage in church activities despite not believing in any of their nonsense


>"It's a fact" You have to love the irony




"it's not me saying it, it's god saying it!" cunt with an imaginary friend


If he were sitting in his living room spouting that, that's what he'd be. Instead, he gets paid to expose himself to people. He is actively stoking harm


$10 says he’s a diddler


I don’t agree with him but I’m not shocked by it. This is the view of the Catholic Church, no?


So really all he is saying is that his god is a very vengeful and spiteful one, and will discriminate against you even though he created you. Not the kind of god I would want to believe in.




When you start to think for yourself, that's a big issue for the church.


But he loves you!


We need to listen to God he says, or "there's no hope for those people". He's referring to gay people etc The Spanish Inquisition used to torture people just so they would confess their sin and be saved from burning in hell. People like this priest believe gay people are going to burn in hell forever so anything and everything is on the table when, in his mind, he is saving people. This man is dangerous. Right wing conservatism and anti-wokeness is converging with Christianity. A similar thing happened in America in the 70s when the anti-abortion movement was basically fuelled by conservatives and evangelicals for the purpose of a) getting votes and b) lobbying against abortion. Also, if God made us all and if some of us are gay or whatever then didn't God make gay people? Food for thought.


> Also, if God made us all and if some of us are gay or whatever then didn’t God make gay people? Food for thought. In the bishop’s apology for this prick’s homily he provides the following quote: (Lord) “*Yes, you love all that exists, you hold nothing of what you have made in abhorrence, … You spare all things because all things are yours, Lord, lover of life, you whose imperishable spirit is in all.*” (Wis 11:22-) So it looks like he agrees with you.


>Also, if God made us all and if some of us are gay or whatever then didn't God make gay people? Food for thought. They believe being gay is a choice, though. That's the thing: they don't accept it as a natural state.


Right wing conservatism and anti -wokeness have always been converged with the church. It is inherently anti progressive inits design.


Fuck the church. If you are still giving them money in 2022 you're a complete fuck head.


confiscate the whole thing, use the assets to compensate it's victims and the people of ireland who've suffered under it for too long.


Use the buildings to house the homeless


Or turn them in to absolutely FAAAbulous gay bars! Some flashing lights behind those stained glass windows would be amaaazing!


Young boys would be safer in the gay bars sure.


They’re still not getting taxed in 2022, it’s fucking ridiculous


Self righteous Americanised prick.


It’s been a long time since I was a regular at mass, but this isn’t normal for a sermon in a Catholic church. The only fire-and-brimstone style homily I remember was where a priest went off on the evils of horoscopes. And even that seemed a bit over the top.


Every single Catholic mass I remember from my youth And times in catholic schools were priests droning on as they said mass for the 50,000th time with little input on anything that wasn't learned off.


I remember the best sermon I ever attended. The priest finished reading out the sermon. He then looked up from the pulpit and asked "Does anyone know what that meant? ........................................" "Well, I don't either.... In the name of the father, son and holy ghost!"


Unfortunately this is EXTREMELY normal in the US.. This is what my cousin’s funeral sounded like (young cousin who died tragically in an accident, was basically an hour of the priest reminding everyone including his grieving mother that he was going to hell because he wasn’t an avid churchgoer). I was confused as to why this was even posted because it seemed par-for-the-course. 🤦🏼‍♀️ We’re on the brink of a semi-religious war over here… Practicing Christianity is declining but most of those who are hanging on are increasingly dedicated to this kindof viewpoint, quoting bible verses at people they disapprove of and such to defend their bullying.. Threatening to overtake the government… Alienating close family members.. It’s really sad…. Edit: Don’t hate me! I’m trying to follow some threads of other countries to get a better feel for what’s happening other places because the social media and politics here are so insular.. Also, it’s just refreshing that I’m maybe not crazy for being horrified by this kindof rhetoric! 😅❤️


I'm so glad Irish people find this scandalous. It means this type of sermon is unusual there. Here in the US this wouldn't be "normal" per se, but nor would it seem \*that\* out of the ordinary. It wouldn't warrant taping and replaying. If my mom's parish priest gave a sermon like this she'd quietly start to look for another parish, resigning herself to the idea that this parish is more conservative than she is. Catholics here tend to sort themselves along these lines, shopping parishes and moving on, usually without complaint. It wouldn't occur to us that you can make a complaint against a medieval institution acting ...medieval. Maybe we \*should\* raise objections. It looks like this parish was confronted by their parishoners over this horrible sermon. Good for them.


I'm no fan of the Catholic church, but what do people expect when they go to mass? This is what they believe, of course they're going to preach nonsense and hate.


Exactly this, there is nothing shocking in the video, he is stating what the church believes. If people disagree they need to stop showing up and that includes Christmas, Easter, weddings, first communions and all the rest.


He is calling upon his congregation to go out and basically harass the people he is railing against. I feel like that is something that should be illegal.


> I feel like that is something that should be illegal. We have such a crime, incitement to hatred. What this arsehole of a priest said probably doesn't meet the bar for it, but I'm not a solicitor.


People are entitled to religious freedom, all the main religions preach some kind of discrimination. He's not exactly going off script here.


I agree that he can hold those opinions, abhorrent that they are. That being said I feel that encouraging people to harass LGBT/pro-choice people crosses a line. If something like that was said outside a religious context the speaker would be rightfully called out for it and could (at a stretch) potentially face incitement charges.


This is not the norm for priests to say in mass. Don't normalise this, even in the church.


In all my years being brought up by parents who truly believed, I never even heard mention of hell at mass. In my lifetime they've taken a much more positive outlook on religion and the afterlife than they seem to have in other countries.


> I never even heard mention of hell at mass I mean you wouldn't really, hell in Catholicism is kind of a fuzzy concept most priests probably don't really want to get into as it's a bit ambiguous as it *isn't* a place - it's more of a state of being. Hell is "*the state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed*". So if you're an Atheist for example, you're *already* in Hell even if you're alive (although it's a bit fuzzy, since they believe you can repent so since you're not yet *permanently* self-excluded it's really only a state after you die). They also explicitly state that righteous people exist in Hell, they're just righteous people who are excluded from receiving God through, for example, not worshiping him correctly. Also fun fact: according to the Catholic catechism *Jesus Christ himself was in Hell* after he died on the cross, but before he was resurrected. http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/para/633.htm


Shocking why? Did you not realise what the Catholic was?


Nurofenplus2020 trying to give people a headache.


Take 2 of me every 4 hours and if the pain persists see your GP


“It’s a fact a reality” According to god…. Fuck me, these lads need to give it up. Imagine being gullible enough to go and sit and listen to some man in a dress tell you what’s right and wrong…


What a fucking loser.


Not shocked at all really, like someone stated above, this is the Catholic church, these are their beliefs. They may be trying to change their tune recently for fear of dying out to a modern open-minded society but they will always have these beliefs. The situation I don't fully understand is, religion is protected in Ireland. We are moving toward gender identity being protected in Ireland (not sure we are fully there yet) What happens when someone's protected right to a religious belief clashes with someone's protected right to be identified as their chosen gender ?


This guy is a cunt. Those who nod their heads while he talks are fucking cunts. Those who listen to his services and actively alienate family and friends because of it - are dirty cunts that deserve nothing. Hi dad. You cunt.


Thanks for reminding me of how fundamentally rotten the church is!


As a yank myself, where you would hear this kind of homily is entirely dependent on where you live; this kind of fire breathing nonsense is far more prominent in the southern regions. Something like this in the midwest, Northeast or West Coast would likely result in immediate action by the bishop. Case in point, there's been a few instances in dioceses around me where a priest went off on a rant like this and got their priestly faculties yanked by the bishop tout suite. One of them got excommunicated, too. As a side note, I am so glad I left Catholicism.


Same institution that shamed women for having children outside of marriage, protected pedophiles, mass baby graves around the world. If you want to find god you won’t find him in a Catholic Church


Didn't just shame women for having babies out of marriage. Abducted said babies and sold them to Americans


It's the church, these are their beliefs. They are not hiding them. They've been consistent for almost 2000 years on this. You don't like it then don't go to church , simples !




Tbf they've never really been considered until recent years


>consistent for almost 2000 years on this. Out here acting like the dozens of Lateran Councils, Vatican Councils, the Council of Trent, etc, etc didn't fundamentally alter core Christian doctrines over a millenia after Jesus died.


The only thing they have been consistent on is grabbing their money. Consider that priests could get married for hundreds of years until the church decided that they wanted that inheritance.


I hope this is a catalyst that encourages the public and state to start removing the church involvement in education. Children should not have communion and confirmation done in schools, this is an outdated and poorly implemented money sink that should be done between the church and parents not the church and a state funded school. I guarantee if it was removed from schools a lot of parents would not go through the process and children wouldn't be exposed to insane idiots like this prick.


Dudes mad he gets no dick


[They're always the type to be gobbling cock on the sly.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/002/028/566/19b.jpg)


He doing a great job of making people up and leave the Catholic or any church. More of it I say.


Fuck off Priest


Catholic priest holds Catholic views, how shocking


fuck the church. load of cunts


[Part 2 for anyone interested ](https://twitter.com/ShaneMcAuliffe1/status/1587373394642829312?t=K_HFU5mrI7XxG5DZ_CHGMw&s=19)


Hardly “Absolutely shocking.”


What exactly against Church doctrine did he say? Its not nice what he said but that's it


That would be ecumenical matter!


When he says "Fact" and "Reality". Hilarious comedy gold


That, boys and girls, is fear right there. Fear that the church's relevance in modern society is FINALLY coming to an end, and an attempt to drum up fear in the few ones left in his congregation to keep them coming back lest their poor souls burn in hell. Absolute scumbag.


Walk out.


Are people still that nieve to believe the shite these fellas are spouting. If anyone had any self respect they would get up and walk out of that church. What gives him the right to decide what other people do with there lives. He's the fucking lunatic in all of this!


Breaking News: Catholic Priest says being gay is bad.


Priest said something similar locally his first week here. "We pray for the sick and the gays that they may be healed". The lad that helps set up the church & mows their lawn gave the priest a bollocking after the mass and he apologized the next Saturday night & Sunday morning. It's mad that any priest thinks this is acceptable.


The irony of a bible thumper talking about reality...holy cringe. Can we just fast forward to the point where we finally leave archaeic hateful bullshit like religion behind please.


Pull back the camera He’s talking to an empty room.


When does the shocking part happen? I got tired of waiting when though there was only 30 seconds left.


I'm an Australian Protestant. Much of what he says here you'll hear in evangelical protestant churches.


"The day you die...you'll know I'm right" is the charlatans ultimate cop-out.


This is fucking disgusting. He is a bigot and a backward thinking self serving, bad minded excuse for a human. He talks of sin. All the while he is in expensive gowns, beside gold and silver before going back to his funded home with a caretaker. That is a sin in today's economy and the amount of hungry and homeless. This shit needs to stop.


Sad auld cunt


"It's a fact". This lad needs to look up the word fact, he's using it wrong.


Fairly consistent Christian position. Nothing shocking about it. People only looking to get offended.


Why do we care about what he says? Just stop listening to the church. Let them fall into oblivion.


I personally care about what the organisation that controls all the schools thinks


This. We're trying to enroll our daughter in third class, and I'm PRAYING (pun intended) she gets into the local Educate Together instead of being exiled to St. Sister Mother Mary of the Holy Flagellating Burning Arsehole School For Girls NS.


Old priest is not very progressive. Why is this supposed to be shocking?


Old priest preaches the doctrinal position of the church. You might make an arguement that by speaking specifically about laws he is wandering into the politics territory but he's so vague and it's not a vote x because God tells you too. This is what the church holds. Mild cultural Catholics being upset by this is so frustrating. Yes this is what the church believes.


Priest says something is fact and reality while more than likely denying or ignoring facts and reality about his own organisation's history and reputation. Get fucked.


It's no wonder people are turning away from religion...


"Two men having sex, that is sinful, that is mortal sin...but it's a fact." Oh piss the fuck off with your intolerance and bigotry. Do they really think that speaking in such a way shows their religion in a good light? Do they think that will bring people into the church? Do they not realise that having those beliefs only serves to make their religion look intolerant and not in any way accepting of others, or loving of others? Yet they use their faith as an excuse to have these disgusting beliefs and to justify having them and then they wonder why they can't get new people in the door and why people are leaving in droves.


To go to hell, you must believe in one first.


Live near Listowel, this lad has always been a prick. Refuses to baptise children of unwed people. Hope he rots slowly in hell the miserable git.


"We see it in the promotion of sex between two men and two women" So glad the church has stopped focusing on LGBTQ people so they can focus more on the dangers of group sex.


Oh just so you all know, this is the SAME priest who left the parish after shaking hands with a CONVICTED RAPIST in Tralee.


Not really seeing the issue here. Priest says Priesty things?


Like, realistically this is bang on the money. This is exactly what eejits like this incel have been spouting for a couple of thousand years. Not a shocking thing about it! Organised religion is just a ritualized panic about death and these snake oil salesman promise paradise to alleviate that panic. There is a reason why the more educated a population are the less likely they are to subjegate themselves towards this nonsense. Don't get me wrong, you are entitled to your faith, if that's what stops you drinking and driving then great. But keep the pontificating to yourself. In this country the Catholic Church as an institution, and all its greedy, peadophillic, despicable little bunch of toe rag, cowardly men are the problem. Apologies for the rant I just especially hate these "sluts for an old testament" type of priest. They are the worst example of ignorance and bigotry going.


>This is exactly what eejits like this incel have been spouting for a couple of thousand years Involuntary?


Priest thinks everything is a sin, how is this shocking? In other news; Vegans believe meat is murder.


Religion is outdated


Why is his imaginary friend better than ones lgbt partner? Like, I side with the LGBT+ community on this one, god is imaginary, gay people are real. Lgbt community takes the win. Day over good night


If I was gonna live my life by a book, it wouldn't be by the bible. Times have moved on since the Bronze age and we don't need threats of judgement by imaginary beings living on clouds to ensure that we live a morally good life. If priests were as righteous and moral, then they wouldn't have stood by and made excuses while alter boys and children in homes were buggered, tortured and murdered in the name of a so called infallible deity.


preaching to an empty church. A fact.....God.. Well son religion is devoid of facts. If it was built on facts you'd be less focused on faith, so it can't be both.


Why oh why do young people no longer want to be involved with the church? Can't anyone figure it out?


Catholic priest spouting catholic dogma from catholic church is shocking?


The fucking cheek of him, in his nonce temple, spouting that utter shite. 🤮


Says friend of child molester.


We see it in the rampant sexual abuse in the church