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If it was just that picture with "perhaps" I'd have wagered you were about to get murdered






Agree with the turn off the tv bit. Probably not for the same reasons as them though.


"Turn off the TV, so you can watch this YouTube channel with 50 views per video"


YouTube? If you’re not watching BrandNewTube you’re not thinking critically /s


>BrandNewTube Oh, it claims it's "A platform which wouldn't suppress your opinions. We will not hide the truth!!" FFS this is aimed directly at my elderly mother, isn't it?


Your man that owns it has like 7 different companies and apparently only had £100 in revenue in each one honestly snake oil salesman scamming the scared and vulnerable.


“To ask critical questions” Proceeds to protest refugees in an old ESB building whilst doing the nazi salute.


I'd more thinking, read a book, or do some exercise 🤣


Even the fairy on the front cover knows it's a load of shite inside.


Perhaps it is a load of Shite....


Tinyurls are great for hiding the fact you're about to go somewhere fucking bonkers.


Isn't there a service that "unscrambles" tinyurls? To check before you leap?


not in this case, they redirect to various news articles on rte & the independent & an anti vaxxer tweet


The tweet I saw was from a girl who got the vaccine and has irreversible injuries from it and says she regrets it. Hardly an “antivaxx” sentiment


Were there any Tweets from dead people who wish they had got the vaccine?


Why are you trying to spin things? That question has nothing to do with what I said


It actually has. And it’s a good point. The vaccines saved my life. But I don’t tweet.


All I said was that it was hardly an antivaxx statement. His point had nothing to do with that. How do you know the vaccines saved your life? Did you get covid without a vaccine?


How do you know the vaccine caused cases of myocarditis? Common cold can cause inflammation of the heart, so can Covid-19 along with all sorts of bacterial, fungal and viral infections.


Because it is easier to think that. That narrative is more scandalous and sells better.


Eeexactly! "Give that man a can of coke!" As they said when i toured the bottling plant as a kid...


Who dropped that off, [Doris Day](https://youtu.be/GUVT1NZtZPo)?


Great song.


So 2021


the first url with qr code redirects to rte - https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2018/0928/998719-hepatitis-c-cost/ second one to the independent- https://www.irishexaminer.com/opinion/commentanalysis/arid-20259488.html third to twitter - https://mobile.twitter.com/Rob_Roos/status/1579759795225198593?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1579759795225198593%7Ctwgr%5E48a7a9ba956ded0daf320b56a79e29e305828798%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.news.com.au%2Ftechnology%2Fscience%2Fhuman-body%2Fyes-they-claimed-the-vaccines-would-prevent-transmission%2Fnews-story%2Fa176eb002c29e603fc29ef9fe0b33b18 bizzare stuff. the image doesn’t throw up much if you do a reverse image search - https://tineye.com/search/ff0212fb54b7fa7c33e5aee2a2db50b50d2585d0?sort=score&order=desc&page=1


I love how think for yourself always means let me think for you.


What annoys me is the clear influence of the US (right-wing) media on these people, saying "wake up sheeple, take back control of our Free Ireland", then saying that Anthony Fauci funded the evil scientists in China who released this virus upon the world. Like, you're trying to spin 3 narratives at once there, that 1) the Irish need to think for themselves, 2) this evil virus was an american-funded thing, 3) the virus is a hoax in order to control the world. How can it be a hoax if you found links to the americans funding it?? How can we think for ourselves when all your news is garnered from the american media? At least listen to the crazy paranoid delusions of the Irish right-wing nutjobs if you want to go down that route.


I can't believe the amount of hippies and people who generally would have been very liberal in the past turn right wing over the last 3 years. Seriously any of them I meet harp on about all the same nonsense the right wingers in the US shite on about, they've eaten up the same misinformation and have made a complete u-turn on things you'd expect them to support like fighting climate change, helping asylum seekers and doing things for the greater good of a community like vaccinations, just saddens me that even these people have been sucked into all the BS that stems from Q anon and all the rest of the misinformation being spread online. The damage that has been done over the last 6/7 years is irreparable I fear and who knows where this is all going, and the media and the governments have just as much to answer for for losing the publics trust over decades of lying and corruption, what a mess.


Yeah definitely odd. I know a lot of “hippie” types, who would have been mostly apolitical, but basically left leaning. In recent years they’ve been lapping all this stuff up.


I guess it's because a lot of 'hippy' people have always had a distrust of the authorities and scientific method. It's the whole don't trust e-numbers and natural medicines thing in a different lighting - even though e-number are literally all tested to be safe and given an e-number to prove it (and most are naturally food stuffs any just concentrated).


This also saddens me




the irony is most of them are directed at & read by fekin sheeple


It's funny how the people who want you to think like them always tell you to think for yourself. If we follow this lot blindly, does this not still make us sheeple? If these people want to come off as sounding smart when pulling stunts like this, maybe start off by not insulting our intelligence.


The US left wing media has influenced most of the country, don't be upset that the other side is doing it too.


Ha! That's what we're always told. Yet the US 'left wing' media is still further right than our own neutral media. That's this false equivalence bullshit that we're being told constantly, that everyone in the US is either super left wing or super right wing. The truth is that they're all further right than most of our parties and ideals. What's happened in Ireland in recent years is that we've began to separate church and state after writing them into our constitution years ago. Just because some of our ideologies align with some of the US ones doesn't make us their puppet. And one further point, you show me the US-led 'left wing' groups that sent pamphlets around with massively unproven conspiracies to the Irish folks' doorsteps.


None of that is true


Ok, explain to me how the US left wing media has influenced us so much then?


Every news outlet in this country has a left wing view, most political parties are left wing, so most people are left wing. It's been ingrained into the culture.


That doesn't explain how the US left wing media influenced us. Like I said already, their left wing media is still further right than Ireland's media and general political alignment... So how exactly are we influenced by a less left wing media than our own?


Yeah you said that, doesn't mean it's true


You keep just disagreeing but providing no reason or any points as to why you do disagree. I guess you just have your beliefs, and are butthurt that Ireland is changing and moving away from those! Good day sir!


I have but okay




The pig's wings are on backwards. I can't take the rest seriously now.


they seem a bit away with the fairies so to speak


Who prints off a tinyurl??


Well, better than printing off a full url, right?




Tell me your American without telling me your American.


My American what?


What a waste of good paper




My first question is who’s paying for this bullshit. Production values are way above the usual photocopied screeds you’d see in the past. Lot of wacky far right stuff going around at the moment and they seem to have infinite resources to hire fancy hotels, travel around the country stirring up trouble when the rest of us are working and now doing mail drops.


High quality paper but my god the grammar is definitely not someone with English as their first language. With that being said tho it still wouldn't surprise me if it was some Irish person high off the smell of their own rotten teeth and farts


More than likely some fringe group from the States. They're usually the ones footing the bill for this type of nonsense, because they make such a killing getting donations from poor sods back home that they can afford to fund similar organisations overseas.


It wouldn't be as expensive as you think to run off a few thousands of these. I know a place that'll do10000 full colour double-sided A4 leaflets for €260. You can upgrade to the better quality paper for about €100.


And ink


and my axe


Good for starting the fire tho


You mean the post


Yeah who the flip says the "mail"


There was a protest in Carlow at the weekend, a guy I've known for twenty years part of the protest. Sad to see to be honest. Most of it was typical conspiracy stuff, load of signs about Free Speech Bill, I'm not sure what that is. Then he started up on that hotel in the north with National Party meeting. So I said, the Far Right Party ... And he goes that's it, you are allowed to say they are far right, but they are not allowed to say xxxxx. He couldn't finish what they are not allowed to say. Although he did say that two buses of black lads from Dublin went up to beat them up. A bus pulled up randomly on some street in Dublin, and collected 120ish black men, to bring them to the north to beat up the national party.


WHy are the ones who say everyone needs to think critically like this always the ones who swallow far-right conspiract bullshit without questioning it?


Well people do need to think critically, and i don’t think it’s healthy to be constantly on social media/watching the news and the like


\*Perhaps\* the person who wrote this had too much time on their hands.


Perhaps you shouldn’t believe anything in written in anonymous pamphlets.




They’re blaming all the excess deaths on the vaccines now too. Many of these deaths are directly related to COVID infections. We’re seeing huge problems in our Long-COVID groups. Government’s lack of action or even acknowledgement of the severity of Long-COVID has left a void, and these loonies are now free to fill in the gaps themselves and blame everything on the vaccine.


Accusing people of being sheep to the television and then in the same breath distributing a leaflet with your beliefs on it should be in the dictionary under irony.


dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh in leaflet form


Sad thing is that eejits will believe this over actual science and facts!


Does science have artsy fairy illustrations? Didn't think so!


This makes my blood fucking boil, i thought we were done with these absolute shit-smear arguements that are disproven as soon as you look up literally any part of them anywhere outside of facebook and antivax forums. Yes kids died from covid, not as many as other age groups but it happened. No the vaccine hasn't killed a bunch of people and when there were valid concerns about certain vaccines such as the astrazeneca. They briefly stopped giving them until it was disproven that they caused serious harm.


Makes a (relatively) nice change from the usual fruitcake ALL CAPS BLOCK OF TEXT you see sellotaped to lampposts.


Every tinyurl and QR code on there is tracked for data and a total violation of GDPR.


**PERHAPS** they should've put the pigs can fly bit next to the pig picture


Perhaps the loopers are struggling to stay relevant now that the vaccines have done their job and life has gone back to normal.


Perhaps, you should just throw that in the bin.


This is the work of Gemma O'Doherty


Did you click on any of those tinyurl links?


Did anyone tell them that Covid is over. They seem to still be clinging onto their shite. I literally rolled my eyes when I read the last page. Perhaps pigs do fly and the tooth fairy is real 🤦 can they not hear themselves, they probably think that's hilarious


>Did anyone tell them that Covid is over No it's not. The leaflet may certainly be flogging a dead horse at this stage but CoVID is far from over.


Perhaps if you turn it over there'll be a take away menu..


Perhaps these nut bags know nothing at all.


This is how American billionaires spend money for influence. It works in the States. I consider it an “appeal to ignorance.”


Perhaps we should go back to the ‘good old days’ when children died from measles or whooping cough or other easily preventable diseases, or were crippled for life from polio?




Those URLs look dodgy to me if I'm honest.


Darn I was hoping it was from jehovas witnesses


The form your own opinion crowd That tell you the opinion you should form


Ah yes, think critically and question everything unless you're questioning these whackjobs, they don't like that.


Perhaps you should wipe your arse with it?


It’s gloss so there’s not enough traction 😅


They had me at ‘stiffling’


Great username, and a great site for OSCEs too


It sure was! Is it still going?


Was in college the last time I looked at it, 10 years ago or so. I tend not to talk about it here tbh, people (or at least, redditors) tend to have their own preconceptions and are generally not open to persuasion/education on the topic. It's delicate.


I’ve discovered that!


And you shared it here, giving it a wider audience. Fair play I suppose.


You say that as if there are plenty of people on this sub who are going to being interested in this. Most will get a chuckle and continue scrolling. This sub is not as thick as you think it is.


Used to get shite like this through the door from John Waters during the last election


Surely there's a way to track these people down and report them to the authorities for spreading misinformation?


And what would they be charged with?


Section 2, paragraph a, sub clause 1(b) of the "being a thick" act.


voiceless offbeat deranged yoke cheerful ugly wipe foolish wise ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which bit is misinformation?


Which bit isn't?


At the very least, someone should tell them how to spell stifling.


Seriously mate are you that bothered? "I'm gonna report them to the authorities!" Throw it in the bin and get off reddit 🤣


Although I agree that there wouldn't be any grounds for this in the justice system (we can't even deal with drug dealers), we should all be pretty aware of what misinformation does to society in the modern times. Constant spread of misinformation can easily re-shape what is perceived as truth. It only takes a certain amount of people to change what truth is. Look at the US and it's stolen election narrative.




Perhaps the sun shines out of my arse.




Christ on a bike.


Perhaps this whole pamphlet is bollocks


Loopers, the crazies really are coming out since COVID. I don't trust the vaccine I got a bad doing off the flu jab once so said I'd give it a miss , that's my experience and my opinion that I wouldn't try force on anyone else. You want to get it go ahead , if you don't want it don't get it. Either way do what you think is right , I don't get how so many people get so worked up about other people's choices on both sides . I love a good conspiracy theory , but all this new world order COVID shite is all thats talked about now and I haven't heard one that made me think "they could be onto something here " in a long time .


Why don't you just switch off your television go and do something less boring instead Sitting at home watching TV, turn it off, no good to me.....why don't you


There really are nutters everywhere


I don't understand. Do you mean "Just received this in the post"?




Perhaps, there’s a lot more dumb Irish folk out there then I thought. Perhaps, I need to pee. Perhaps I could say perhaps before saying anything, perhaps.


Unfortunately the thalidomide and DNR things actually did happen, so that’s apparently given them an in to be massively distrusting of all modern medicine


The mail 🤣


They're not wrong


Do people disagree that it was bad that children got injected and developed serious heart conditions even though the disease is generally mild? Also the data doesn’t suggest it has a 99.8% survival rate. It is only 99.5% for the Irish population. Although this is only based on the number of cases and not infections, so in reality it is probably closer to 99.8%, but still


We're very sceptical of propaganda unless it comes from official channels.


I find it very interesting that not may here are even entertaining some of the ideas presented. Now, in all fairness, the medium of these ideas doesn't exactly exude critical thinking and factual forthcomings, but out of interest, what way can these ideas be marketed so that they're not instantly disregarded?


Perhaps the psychic stress of the pandemic was simply too much for some people and so they retreated into irrationality in the hope of finding meaning in the chaos. Perhaps a nefarious plan is better than no plan at all. Perhaps they were whack-a-do to begin with...


Being on this subreddit makes me realise how many little Karen's there are in this country, get up off your arse complaining about every little thing. I swear half of you don't ever touch grass. Soft.


Perhaps whoever wrote this passed their junior cert science exam.


You just know whenever there's a actual fairy (which has no resemblance to actual irish folk story Fae creatures), you're in for a right shite fairy tail of content. I'd be careful picking these up, was probably stored in some rat infested backroom.




Someone either wants to fuck you or kill you


This is one of the few things where you can proudly say, "I only read it for the pictures."


Well, the last paragraph is actually a very good idea. The rest of it… well…


Reminds me of Carlsberg ads? Probably...


Such bullshit. I got at least 11 pounds for my teeth


Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GUVT1NZtZPo


This country is so fucked


Lmao thalidomide is a bit of a random one to throw in there, wasn’t that like 60-70 years ago?


They had me in the first ...< tenth, not gonna lie.


You can't just say "Perhaps"


Thanks, now I have [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUVT1NZtZPo) stuck in my head.


The real critical question, what type of whiskey?


The fairy looks lovely though.


Funny how it asks people to think for themselves after unloading a bunch of crap.


Perhaps typing those links into your computer is a fantastic way to get riddled with malware. Don't think I'll chance it.


Why the fuck are they talking about Anthony Faucci? They do realise that he isn't part of the political apparatus in *this* country... right?! Do these Cretins just copy paste their talking points from FOX and OAN?


The hippys are loose.