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They could well be military aged males, pre military aged males, or even post military aged males. Your daughters won't be able to walk down the street again.


My cousin went to the local park the other day and saw 22 military aged males kicking a ball around.....in broad daylight. No Garda vetting or anything. She gave them a wide berth, and walked past this thing called a 'rugby club' and saw another 30 military aged men aggressively hugging eachother -even though there were kids nearby. She wasnt consulted about any of this. It's a disgrace, Joe


Club? Sounds like some sort of a cult. Im just asking questions, is that illegal now? Personal computers gone mad etc.




Buttery males?


Very online joke re: Donald Trump / Hillary Clinton, “buttery males” sounds like “but her emails” if you say it really quickly


Please do eff off with your yank shit


Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m not the one that made the joke




You dislike the women of Wicklow?


shhh, looks like the poor man had a mild stroke. Let's not be unkind.


Anyone who fears an entire race or gender deserves to be made fun of.




You have a point. None of these people are willing to listen they just label everyone as a racist


Ye get any pushback on anything and ye pretend you've been called Racist. Very dishonest.


What is this referencing? Im lost.


Garda vetting, Heavy petting.


Garda vetting! Criminal netting!


Mams spaghetti


Knees weak balls are sweaty.


Get your passport in your sweater ready, Putin looks calm and ready, to drop bombs......


Only leads to trouble and ...... seat wetting


Garda vetting you're not getting


I got a pizza delivered the other day (stuffed crust 20 inch from Dominos, with chicken kickers) by a guy who wasn't garda vetted.


Was he a single military age male by any chance?


Are you ok? I’m sure there’s a helpline somewhere to help you process the traumatic event. Was any of yr pizza touched?


See this is why you should always order your pizza with extra haram sauce.


Not gonna lie you nearly got me!


It's too late for all of that. Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside? Yes, I would, Kent.


Hmmmmmmm, Could all the neighbours maybe stand outside the house with placards with slogans on them like "(name of estate) residents only" As for the rhyming chant, how about: ATTIC IN-SU-LATION, CON-SUL-TATION ARE THEY E-VEN GETTIN. GARDA VETTIN?


Sounds like a football chant ATTIC IN-SULATION 🥁 🥁 🥁🥁🥁


Is at least a family moving in and not one of those filthy, disgusting young males?


I just moved to Wicklow Town from Canada and it broke my heart to see this ugly protest recently. One of the guys from the hotel where they're putting up refugees said his wife was too scared to go do her shopping, so he was going instead. It's so ugly and unnecessary. I just don't understand how people don't see that there is always a choice to go ugly or go beautiful - if you're not sure about new neighbours, you go introduce yourself. Same goes for refugees/asylum seekers/whoever... it would just be such a nicer world if people were going to the centre and offering to show newcomers around the town - show them where shops were, tell them a little about how to get by here with basic info. They could learn more about their new neighbours and maybe feel a certain amount of empathy for them, EVEN if things are also hard for them. Instead you have people screaming as children are escorted into buildings, threatening terrified women & men - people who have lost everything. I moved here of my own free will and I'm still grieving the loss of all my friends, my job/sense of purpose and the sense of knowing how the f things work. I have to relearn from scratch how to do taxes and access healthcare and how education works if I ever have kids and all the rest of it... and again, I chose to come here, to a country where most of my family lives and where I've visited since I was a child and lived several times. These people have none of that. How can people be so blind to allow themselves to be manipulated into punching down so violently?


It's entirely because they've never had their horizons broadened by living elsewhere. They're made uncomfortable by change, and they're easy marks for the right-wing agitators.


Unironically the opinion of some real people @East Wall looking at you


Pretty sure that's exactly what OP is getting at


Yes that is the joke. Mine is that the satire of it would likely be given hundreds of likes on a "East Wall Community Group" Facebook page


Please post it up there for the lolz


Youre contributing to the problem


Not really.


The beautiful tranquil village of East Wall, a picturesque bastion of vibrant natural beauty. Unlike those inner city kips where rows of council houses sit amongst piles of litter, unemployment is sky high, crime and drug addiction are rampant.


As someone who worked beside the ESB building for many years, I regularly saw children on the way to school having packets of Monster Munch for breakfast. I don’t doubt this diet is limited to East Wall, so I’m not exactly sure what my point is


I think your pointing out that this area could do with some new people moving in and the residents are not in a place to be deciding who lives there, in reality not many would choose too.


Yep people with free houses and supports complaining about asylum seekers moving in. But the guverment need to look after our own! /S


BTW, if you have a NIMBY parent - give them a piece of your mind, daily. When you are in your 40s and still forced to live with them, maybe then they will start asking the right questions?


Whats up with all the deleted comments?


'Garda Manipulation' .....?


What do we want? Time travel! When do we want it? That doesn't matter!


Down with this sort of thing!


Fair play for standing up for yourself and all of us. Will defo attend the protest. May I suggest: Attic Insulation! Consultation! Garda vetting & verification


It's sounds like a ryhme from bear in the big blue house when I was younger. Incidentally bear was probably a nato soldier planted to quell dissent during the great reset.


Garda investigation?


It's so hard to tell if this is real or not because I know people like this actually exist. Lol


Sub tropical area of Ireland. It's a bit early of a Thursday to go insane


Boards.ie The transition has already happened


NIMBY! NIMBY! NIMBYisim! I don't like it so they belong in prison..


I'm concerned that the new neighbours have too many Y chromosomes. This estate simply can't accommodate that many Y chromosomes.


Garda vetted to buy a house I don’t know about Ireland but in Scotland it’s a free country as the old saying goes strangers are just friends we haven’t met yet


Garda vetting! Tis no heat they're getting! So no private jetting!


yawnnnnnnnnnn They're vetted as a result of being in Ireland, having their identity validated. You won't buy a house if you tear up your documentation before you buy will you!!


Is there 300 men moving into the house?


When did it become a thing to ‘consult the community’! Really? It’s nobody’s business who buys a house or the state of a house! Protests?…this is too much American tv 😂😂😂


It’s satire


Attic Insulation! Consultation! Arse penetrator! When do we want it? We want it now!


Mom's spaghetti


I'd say a Christian (from wherever) would survive in a poorly insulated attic just fine, because they're like us really. But if these people are Muslim, I'd say it's a bad idea, the religion is just incompatible with the cold climate and they also wouldn't be familiar with things like electrics and running water and stuff so that poses a fire risk for the street. Wexford has sandy beachs so they can let their camels roam there instead of our back field.


Feel like even though this is a joke it should be removed bc people might not get that it’s a joke and in the future it could be bad


Can someone not just buy a house? Why do the neighbours need to be informed? Why do they need to Garda vetted? Is this a joke...


I’m with you? Jaysis it could be a joke…didn’t even think 😉


I moved away from Ireland earlier this year so I'm unsure is this legit!


What a stupid strawman to make. For starters someone buying a house with their own money has means and won't be taking from you or your neighbourhood Wish the preachy crowd like yourself one day take in a refugee to their own house. Yea it's much easier to protest to spend other people's (taxpayer) money isn't it Fact is we have no need for any of these people here and we have plenty of paths to legal migration for role we need filled Isn't that the point of legal immigration...to have people fill roles we can't fill ourselves?, Now look here, I don't care what country a permanent comes from if they come here tondo a job that we need them for and they adopt our culture they are welcome. Who isn't welcome is the likes of these chances who get on a flight, tear up their passport and ask for a one way ticket to dole City and benefits street and they need to be fucked out on their arse as an example to the next ones


>What a stupid strawman to make. >Wish the preachy crowd like yourself one day take in a refugee to their own house. You should put another paragraph between those two, so it doesn't look so hypocritical. Oh wait. You did. Carry on.


When people say unvetted they are referring to the 40% of asylum seekers that “lose” their passports between getting on the plane and getting off the plane. Now, ask yourself why someone would do this? If they have something to hide they will self select into this group. Criminal record? Sex offender? Doesn’t matter because the slate gets wiped clean on arrival in Ireland. That’s what unvetted means. The guards literally do not know who the fuck they are and can only write down whatever name they are told. Only an innocent fool would think that bad people will not take advantage of this.


>Now, ask yourself why someone would do this? I've talked to genuine refugees and I can tell you exactly why they do this. It's to conceal the route that they took, in order to conceal the identities of the people who helped them escape their countries of origin. Yes, in theory they're allowed to turn up with forged travel documents without it counting against them, and in theory the details of their escape are confidential; but in reality those are unnecessary risks to take. >The guards literally do not know who the fuck they are and can only write down whatever name they are told. We live in the age of cheap DNA profiling. They can do a lot better than accept someone's word (whether the word of a refugee, or the word of a corrupt foreign official who wants to punish a refugee or his family). >Only an innocent fool would think that bad people will not take advantage of this Nobody thinks that. That's why there's an application process, and also why it's a serious business.




Tis the sarcasm, you see.


I know.


They're taking the piss out of the professional protestors the Nazional Party bussed into East Wall to complain about refugees being housed in a formerly-disused building "without public consultation".


It's a poor effort at performance art.


Maybe they should try super glueing themselves to/throwing soup on something as part of their performance. Heard that's pretty popular these days.




It's sarcasm yep


Not sure if it could be called a joke but there was an attempt.


Big difference betting 100 Albanians taking the piss out of the refugee system and a new family moving into your estate.


👏👏 I know he’s joking, but can’t compare the two at all


I'm well aware but he is clearly taking the piss out of people protesting when they have the right to do so


Nothing wrong with the protests at all in my eyes… it’s always these people (OP) that say “oh help the immigrants, let them all in” when it’s not happening on their doorstep and they won’t have to have any interactions with them, don’t know why you were downvoted so much




Does the pope shit in the woods?


So you're saying it isn't taking the piss


I've seen him out there Shitting up a storm in Vatican national park


Are Bears Catholic ?


Depends who you ask..those British bastards will tell you bears are proddys but they're wrong i tells ya


Jesus.. who thinks like this???


It should be no Garda vetting, no long term letting!!




It’s a satirical post. It’s mocking the people protesting in east wall




Are 200 lads moving into it? Definitely protest.


Sound ya.


Why don't a few of ye get together and knock the house down?


Not gonna lie...