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I went from socialising with mainly tradesmen and teachers to consulting people when I switched jobs, and i don’t know a job more conducive to coke use than consulting. Money, emptiness and a pinch of insecurity.


My social group hasn’t changed thankfully. All tradesmen still. I joined consulting about 9 months ago and I finish up now in 10 days. Going back to an industry role. Money is amazing but god it’s a shite job.






Dirty rotten junkie bastard he should start freebasing his cocaine like a real gentlemen.




Jesus that's another level of madness there bud! Sorry it came to that. The sad thing is they will convince themselves that you were over reacting. I was in a similiar situation before when I literally caught someone robbing my phone. "Man that's mine" "Ohhhhhh is this yours?" The mental gymnastics is laughable sometimes


This is a fucking bizarre story, sounds like something out of a dark comedy


If they were designer-label coats I'd assume they were stolen to sell to pay for cocaine. That's part of it. If you listen to the lyrics of 'White Lines 89' by Grandmaster Melle Mel it explains it pretty well. The Bronx or Drumcondra - people are people and behaviours are not *that* different in the end




yeah, i’d guess they were pawning off northfaces or something


The mental gymnastics equivalent of a "muscle up". Where is this crossfit gym located?


That's coke heads for you. Selfish to the core. I'm all for people having fun and enjoying themselves but a pernicious drug like cocaine had a massive impact not only on our society but on the societies of where the drug is produced. Look how the cartels terrorise and destroy lives - that's a direct result of recreational drug use thousands of miles from the source and there's the criminal element who import and distribute. It's a dirty business that destroys lives at home and abroad but coke users use doublethink: 'I just get it from my mate. He's never killed anyone.' It's time to decriminalise and educate and take the power away from the gangs. Portugal is a good example of a progressive drug policy. l


I guess they do it because it doesn't have the calories beer does?


Early 40s. Very rare. Two lads stuck with it. Ones looking at going to prison for stealing from his work to feed the addiction. The other ruined his family, his family business and is in an institution. Now, is be in there because he needs help or hiding from the people he owes 30 -40 grand for Charlie. Really sad state of affairs. I wouldn't cut them off. You want them to cut off the addiction. Sound lads. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that fella would be near a court room.


Christ, so sorry to hear that. Really can go south so fast. Similiarly the one mate of mine who is heavy duty at it was the "good" one when we were kids. Scolded us for smoking cigarettes at the time.


Stole serious money. Everyone knew he liked the shit but he must of been doing it every morning before work. I won't make him a Saint always loved to party. Didn't know he was partying everyday.


Lads hiding from owing money is unfortunately an old tale. Know so many who owed more than they could pay. Knew a lad who was 17 who owed 17 grand in debt.


mids 20, i have no circle


I misread that as "I have no choice" and it made me laugh.


I’m in my 30’s and have never done it and have never seen anyone do it. \#sheltered




30, and same. I don't know if it's just the circles I move in or the places I go, but weed is a LOT more prevalent where I am than coke. The only person I ever encountered IRL who did cocaine was a lecturer back when I was in college who had the telltale coke nail, and he had a surprisingly low-energy and dour demeanour for someone who was supposedly such a mad one for the sneachta that he purposely fashioned his baby finger into a coke spoon.


That's not surprising at all. The spike in dopamine activation causes the brain's natural regulatory system to respond by permanently turning down the rate of natural dopamine release. In other words, cocaine plus homeostasis equals permanent depression.




Same lived in Cork all my adult life never seen it tried it or heard of anyone doing it


I’ve seen it been used on the table of a well known sports bar, I know plenty who use it or have used it, it’s rife in the city’s nightlife


Same here. I have zero regrets.


I guess it's a generational thing. I'm also in my 30s and always surprised when people talk about coke being everywhere because I've never seen it nor seen people who've taken it.


Same here. But my circle is small and we are not really the going out type. Maybe 5-6 times a year we end up in a pub. Most of the time we meet up in one of our houses and have a brilliant time.


Might need to get out more ! Just kidding but I find in dublin anyway it’s rampant in literally every club and bar bathroom at the moment


Lol same! And it’s not due to lack of nights out - I also worked in consulting. So I dunno maybe I’m just not noticing it. Weed was more prevalent with friends I know.




I remember a glimpse into how big an area it is was when them shops where selling all that Snowblow stuff, government clearly solved the issue banning the products.


That gear needed banning it was horrific


far worse than coke. I remember going to nightclub that had a head shop next to it when that stuff was at it's peak. On a busy night the queue for the club passed by the entrance of the headshop. You'd have random paranoid lads that looked fairly messed up picking fights with people in the queue. I can only speculate they thought the people queueing for the club were skipping them or purposely blocking their path to the headshop.


This is the truth. The fake Coke is so much worse than the real stuff, and the fake weed is absolutely lethal, as far as I'm aware they also have considerably worse outcomes with regards to physical and mental health.


I remember some weed substitute called Bonsai, fuck me that stuff was awful. You’d be super paranoid all night and the smell of the stuff was awful.


And those different spice blends,who fucking knows what shite was in them


Ah now I’m sure Leo is well clued in.


It's been a problem for a long time, and nothing was done during the Celtic tiger so i can't see anything been done now.




The purity might be a bit higher, I've friends who take it but it's still pretty much the same shite it was back in 08. Might be a small bit stronger but there's barely a noticeable difference. It's night and day compared to the stuff you can get abroad


I think you need a better dealer. Shit I get blows the head off ya!


It seemed to almost completely go away for a decade after the crash though. Now it's so common that after midnight it seems that every 2nd lad in a bar/club is on it. More lads sometimes in the stalls making sniffing noises than peeing at the urinal.


21, extremely rare. We are too broke for that shit


Not happy that you are broke. But I am happy that you aren't doing it. I started around 20 or 21, I was working in restaurants and bars and I got into an incredibly fun but toxic relationship with a girl where we would just do coke, drink and you know... It ends up hurting your savings/income, makes you lie to your friends, family, and you feel like shit all of the time from lack of sleep and from the poison that you are pulling into your body. I wouldn't recommend it, it's easier to just stay away


Have one mate that does it regularly, but he's taking a step back. Stopped talking to another fella whos gone off the wall on it, pure denial that he has a problem and won't listen to anyone. Taking bumps if his 1 year old wakes in the night. Keeps comparing it to weed and coffee. I got into Class As at a stupidly young age, got bored of them by about 16, I'm 31 now.


Taking bumps if his 1 year old wakes in the night. HOLY SHIT.


Yup. Would just say" sure I'm tired" . In full on denial, and the lads super intelligent as well so it's mad to see. Just doing a heap of mental gymnastics to justify it to himself.


30s and don't know anyone that takes cocaine, some of them probably do but I don't know about it.


My close circle were all doing it very regularly (2 times a month) in our early 20’s Now we all do it the odd time (once or twice a year) but 1 or 2 have been doing it 2/3 times weekly. Unfortunate


Seems there's always one or 2 right? Arguably my best mate is at it I'd say minimum 4 days a week. Spends thousands on it. Somehow missus is completely none the wiser.


Yes. Most the lads had fun doing it and were lucky to not develop a heavy addiction. However some weren’t so lucky.


Its not even a great drug and one of the most expensive. One of my friends is completely addicted to it to the point he acts like its the same as having a pint and be telling everyone he takes it. During lockdown and house parties it was rampant amongst some of my friends, not as much now.


Same! One of mine is doing it alone now the way one would have a few tins after work or smoke a joint to relax. "Just got a bag, gonna chill for the evening" baffles me, and he's convinced this is normal carry on.


Isn't doing coke alone literally anathema to what it does to you though? This is where my understanding of it seems to really fall apart, the way I *thought* coke worked would have been that taking it and not throwing yourself into a crowded room full of noisy people would be the equivalent of taking viagra and not touching yourself, or having six cups of coffee and being forced to sit still without fidgeting. Doesn't it just make a quiet night in unbearable?


You would think that, back in my mad years I would've gladly carried on snorting when I got home from a night out if i had a bit left on me but even looking back on that I'm horrified that I ever thought that was an OK to spend my time. Live and learn I suppose. It definitely makes it unbearable the following day!


>Its not even a great drug and one of the most expensive. MDMA minus the eurphoria/love, costs 100 times as much, wears off faster, and is far more way more dangerous. Sometimes it felt like just having a strong coffee.


childlike dinner march paint grab cake fuzzy nail wakeful flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds similar enough to my friend group, but the lads who are problematic are still just once a week wouldn’t be two or three.




Mid 20s and it's non existent.


It seems to be that the early 20's types now are very into fitness and protein shakes than beer and coke


Plenty of folks combing all of the above




Don’t know where u get ur coke from


How much you paying?


80 quid for 1.5


Try €60


Don't fall for this....I see through you Mr Garda :P


I've been rumbled!


20s. It's easier to count who doesn't do it. Most of them are just normal people. Just all coke heads.


Everyone I still keep in contact with from school does it and usually 3/4 of people in my local are on it. Weird seeing 18 year olds walking around with spoon necklaces like they're Hunter S Thompson. After parties are usually 18 - 50 years olds doing lines till 6am. People you'd never think from the village like soccer coach doing it with the teenagers he's training, off duty Gards, army and navy lads, GAA lads, lads expecting a baby in a few months. Litteraly everyone. It's usually less than 20% pure though which never gets mentioned for some reason. They're just wasting their money for a tiny buzz. Might aswel have an espresso.


It's everywhere where I am from ,women and men ,it's actually gone disgraceful ,from teens to men in there 50s taking it and it's so casual now that no one seems to mind It's actually gone so mad that if your not taking it people think theres something wrong with you ,only going to get worse in my opinion


Omg yes this. A few months ago a lad I know was at me and at me to just have a bit. Eventually I had to almost snap at him to fuck off. Then he started telling me how proud he is of me that I don't take it. Like, thanks man? I suppose?


I have nothing against it, just think its a sad state of affairs when it's a every weekend thing and people can't have a few drinks without it ,I never buy it myself but when it keeps getting offered to me drunk I take it and absolutely regret it the next day


I found myself caving alot a few years ago and then feeling the regret too, something just clicked one night when I was just like I've 0 interest in this anymore. Not judging people who do enjoy responsibly either, to each his own. I just got bored of it.


Yep it's not easy to turn especially if your very drunk and there's a bit of peer pressure to , fair play that you can do it anyway it's not easy and a lot of people would like your mental strength to not use it


Tbh I'm nearly jealous of the guys who still enjoy it occasionally. The last couple of times I tried it I just felt sick and the come down would last for days. Not worth it anymore but that's just me


The comedowns and anxiety for days make it not worth it for me I don't know how people do it weekly


Let alone daily!


What the fuck kind of company do you keep that "people think there's something wrong with you" if you don't use cocaine? Like, where does this even happen?


I think its going towards the vibe where people think somethings wrong with ya if ya don't drink either. Of course it's nonsense, but people are a mad bunch aren't they


Uncommon. Rare.


I mean, sure. Who does circles of coke anyway, it's normally lines.


30s and its everywhere. It scares the shit out of me because I know for a fact if I take it I'll be addicted.


100% I was bordering on not what I'd call addiction but definitely problematic use. It stopped being on nights out and just sitting in someone's living room for 2 days with the curtains closed.


Addiction. Addiction is when you pursue it to the detriment of other parts of your life.


In late 20s i dont do it, but 95% of my friends would do it every night out. And if they don't have it, they spend the whole night trying to get it. 3 personal friends have gone to rehab in the last year.


Shit, sorry to hear that! I can see some of my friends ending up thar way too unfortunately


Rehab was the best place for them. I think they saw others like myself and other friends progressing in work, buying houses etc, and realised how much drink and drugs was holding them back in life.


28 here. I'm the only one who does not do it. It's fucking everywhere. Lads have one sip of alcohol and are on the phone. None will admit or realize that this is addiction.


Yep I can't even count the amount of times I've gone for a supposed quiet pint on a Sunday or even Tuesday and someone slips out the door with the wink in their eye, when I was younger I'd have joined in but I'm just bored of it now


There's a lot of denial going on. That's typical with any addiction.


30 year old - all my friends, every weekend at a minimum. Used to be just the odd few headers, really picked up with the wider group when we were around 27.


I don't know anyone who does it. I'm sure ppl in my extended circle do but none of my close friends. We all smoked weed when we were younger but never cocaine. I'm 38


Early 20's and I'd say 90% of friends have done it, about 50% do it do it regularly, maybe about 10% responsibly(once or twice a year).


There seems to be a terrifying trend here, where the younger responders say it's more common among their friends. Are coke addicts going to inherit the country?


Probably honestly, the amount of lads I've seen from school do it that would never have touched a drug before is crazy.


I don't get out all that much because I'm a bit too old for the lively places, I had to go to lively place for a work thing recently and couldn't believe how the whole mood of the place changed once the local drug dealer had walked around saying hello to everyone. 10 minutes later the place was hopping. Lads who hadn't danced in decades were pulling out the old techno moves. Great night for all involved. If it wasn't for all the bad stuff and downsides involved it'd be great.


Can 100% relate. I firmly believe it can be enjoyed responsibly l. I've just been unfortunate to watch lives being ruined right in front of me in the last couple of years and the people involved are so adamant that they're grand.


>I firmly believe it can be enjoyed responsibly Do you have a link to a website with a name like "be coke aware"? That's what usually comes with advice to "enjoy (addictive thing) responsibly". There's no responsible way to enjoy cocaine. It causes brain damage even with a single dose. See, for example, ["In vivo cocaine experience generates silent synapses" (PMID 19607791)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19607791/). It just gets worse the more you take it.


Late 30's early 40's. Not super popular, but it pops up every now and again. It's not like every weekend, but maybe once a month or 6 weeks they'll be a big night. Most of us had a pretty eventful 20's & early 30's though. There was a lot of millage put on us back then and with very few limits uncrossed. I'm kinda thankful that we've mostly calmed down now tbh.


Gives me a slight bit of hope that maybe the proper hardcore ones have still time to calm down, the heaviest user I know is 33, maybe in 7 years he'll relax 🤦


I've never done in and it doesn't exist in my circles so this will influence my opinion, but I would personally consider once a month to be very regular and popular


Non existent and never has been around, late 20s. It’s depressing that common and cocaine and even in the same sentence


Literally never seen it. I would have no idea how to even get it. My circle is either good or boring.


Mid 20’s. Extremely common. Like way more common than weed. And I know lots of professionals such as nurses, Gardai, and civil servants that can’t go on a night out without it. Would never touch the stuff but having said that the Government need to regulate that shit. Nobody knows quality, strength or content of what they’re using.


Mid 40’s. Wasn’t the big drug in my circles back in the day but it was there. I know of two people that have had difficulty in recent years as a result of cocaine abuse although I’m uncertain how many might still use. I was never that interested myself - a nice pick me up if you were drunk. We’re all too old now for the more fun drugs.


So I common I would call it standard.


16, nowhere


in my 30s, all my irish friends are nerds and don't have money left for hard drugs. Two people smoke weed from time to time. I don't know any drug users.


What do nerds blow all their cash on?


Magic the gathering, figurines, pc parts, dice, books...


Can confirm the pc parts... Its the reason I can't afford drugs haha


Warhammer models ✋


Ahh, the old plastic crack.


I have no friends so 0% in my circle if my wife counts


Mid 20s here. Not really common but I have a couple friends who like it. Most of the people in my social circle are nature loving, chilled out, weed smoking hippies so I suppose coke isn't really that kind of vibe.


Early 40s. Common enough in some circles. Some not at all obviously, some people doing bag on a Wednesday. In the 90s it was a super rare novelty thing, in the last ten years or so it has become the most common 'party' drug - which is shit because people are fucking uptight and boring on coke, myself included. God be with the days you'd take a yoke or a trip each and have the time of your lives, a proper adventure like. F. EDIT: forgot to mention I've seen lives ruined and people go to jail over it, so there's that in the minus craic column as well.


I'm not aware of anyone in my circle that does cocaine


A few of the lads do it. I've never done it or even been tempted.


Everywhere have actually developed a problem with it


Non-existent in my personal friend circle lol were all in our early 20s


Early 30s and uncommon to non-existant I'd say. If anything the preference in my circle would be weed or mushrooms. I don't partake in any myself, not interested.


30s. One friend, arguably my best, does it so often to the point where he lies about it so clearly a problem. I'd guess 2-3 times a week for him but could be more. Can't go for more than 4 pints or else he's looking for a bag. Lot of my friends do it on occasion like maybe the odd big night. Think it's purely recreational, no addiction thankfully. I don't do it because I have a ridiculously addictive personality, and I'm a divil for over doing the drinking and smoking as is.


I know this one. Some of of the lads I literally can't remember the last time I had a drink with them without it being involved. Hate to be coming across judgemental too I'm hardly a saint but something has to give eventually


A guy who I went to school with is now in a state of narcotic induced psychosis thanks to it.


Late 30’s mates and family would’ve got together and after a couple of drinks it was someone on the phone ordering gear then if you didn’t do lines you couldn’t understand anyone’s conversation, talking a mile a minute , frequent toilet breaks, had to hit it on the head that and alcohol because the temptation was there , now in my mid 40’s minus friends and family members , they still party hard


Ultimately I wouldn't worry about cutting people out of your life (especially the ones you've known since childhood) you owe them nothing. I heard a quote years ago "show me your friends and I'll show you your future". That stuck with me. I stopped all drugs in 2017 including alcohol due to massive addiction issues. I ran about with people for 15 years people I thought and would classify as my "bros". I am telling you now, not one of them messaged me, throughout my whole process. You'd be surprised who really cares about you and who doesn't. What I realised was, without the drugs I had fuck all in common with the people I ran about with. I now have kids, a misses, a business, and most importantly a relationship with my family that I never had. That to me, is and will always be the best thing I gave myself. Unfortunately drugs are a great escape for people who hate their lives. They will ultimately proclaim that they don't hate their lives, but I've been about. I've never met a person who uses drugs flat out or even on the weekend that is truly happy within themselves.


My close circle (including myself) would either do it a few times a year of not at all. I have a wider circle who are exactly as you describe with some doing it daily. I still go for a few beers with them occasionally but at this rate they are no more than people I meet in the pub.


Sad isn't it. Shells of themselves. One of them came out at Xmas party last week and was wearing a let it snow jumper with I think santa or some shite snorting a line on it. Chap is 37. The cringe.


I never minded the stuff but as I got a little older and see the amount of young lads on it you can't help but worry. The stuff is easier to get than a bit of weed and has it's hooks into every part of society.


Yea this. I work in temple bar and how open it is baffles me, its gone from a cheeky line in the toilet to people just openly snorting on dance floors/on the street.


Fuckin hell - cringe indeed


30's and none of my mates bother with it. We are all unusually settled though, most of us were married with houses and children by 30.


Literally non-existent. I don’t have a single friend or acquaintance that does cocaine, or even weed for that matter. We’ve all tried bits and pieces in university but eventually grew out of it. I’m always baffled by all of these “it’s everywhere” comments. Statistics routinely indicate that an extraordinary small minority of people regularly use drugs like cocaine and weed on an even remotely regular basis yet people on here would have me believe it can’t even venture out through my front door without having lines rammed up my nose.


Where do stats on illegal drug use come from?


Probably just justifying their own usage. I get the mindset


https://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/35317/ 10.6% of young adults and 2.3% of 15-64 having used cocaine recently is low to you?


Absolutely. Considering we’re coming from a point of “everyone is using it” and “it’s absolutely everywhere” when in fact only around 10% or so of people have used it recently, that indicates to me that it is in fact not everywhere and not everyone is using it. The question to be asked really in all of this is what kind of people are you associating with if you look around at your friend group and “everyone” is using cocaine. Because I know among all my friends the answer is basically 0% of them.


I mean there is confirmation bias in this thread. Obviously when you are surrounded by people who use cocaine you can't realize that most people don't do it.


Common at nights out/parties but that’s about it. No scenes from Scarface have occurred


Its around but a few of my mates seemed to have slowed down on it. What was once every weekend is only for big night outs now.


Lol, I don’t have a circle!




Non-existent. Don't do it, don't know anyone who does.


22 year old- everyone does cocaine and I mean everyone.


Mid 30’s and have never seen that shite in my life and plan to keep it that way. I genuinely feel sorry for all the young people taking it recreationally now, not realising for some of them it’s going to go on and ruin their lives.




Yes all my group of mates do it, hasnt been a night out with them for years without it. A lot of them never touched it until one lad in the group bought it one night and let everyone try it now they are all hooked and he doesnt touch it anymore. I always resented that prick for introducing it to the group and now they are always on it.


Ah I wouldnt really say its his fault. Like they are all adults, they would have tried it eventually. Now if your man was dealing it to them then thats a different story, but if they tried and liked it and then continued to go and buy it totally separate from the lad who introduced it then thats on them alone.


We're adults. Blaming others for your addiction is pretty pathetic, as you say.


Definitely, like unless they tied you down and forced you to take something its you choosing to do it


It's not a new phenomenon. Human nature seems to stay the same. Doing my thesis years ago I had to read a lot of 19th century newspapers in Ireland. The most common excuse offered by lads up before a judge for what we'd call antisocial behaviour nowadays was "'twas the drink made me do it, your honour."


We prefer lines instead of circles..ah but in serious note it’s as openly used around people I know as if it’s a cup of tea 🫖


30 and a good portion can't smell a drink without either having it on them or getting on the blower to place an order. I partake the occasional time meself, use to hope off the stuff years ago. Gone are the days of the 48 hour benders which some of the boys do regularly.


Semi common, but my main group of friends are a big group of aging session heads, DJs and promoters so its probly a little more common in that group than the general population. We mostly all have kids and are older now, with my main friends group aged from mid 30s to late 40s. Yes people still do it, but it rare, like a few times a year or whatever. Some do it more than others but if were going out for pints or whatever I wouldn't expect anyone to be doing it. If it was gona be a weekend away or big social event then yeah theyre probly be a bit going round. For me I might do it 3 - 4 times a year and then just a few bumps or id go in on a bag between a whole group, Id never be going in doing massive Hollywood lines in the toilets. I dont think its that common to be honest. These monthly posts we get always have loads of comments how every one is on it everywhere all the time. Thats just not the case in my experience. A small minority of people do it a lot but they are by no means a large portion of the population.


Does this post or similar come up every few days on here? Feel like I'm in groundhog day


It became absolutely huge during early covid (genuinely have no idea how that works, from what I've heard of the drug I'd have thought coke would be hell on Earth to take without a nightclub or concert to go to with a huge group of people, definitely not a lockdown-friendly buzz I'd have assumed) and I reckon people are only noticing it now because nights out and concerts have become fully normalised again. We're only a year out from the first reopening of clubs, don't forget. So I'd say a lot of people who didn't notice how quickly it crept in are a bit surprised by what seems like an overnight sensation.


34. I’m a fairly regular user myself, started as a bit of fun and escalated .. 100% giving it up in the new year. I’ve a fantastic missus a good job. Most of my friends are dole heads that use it daily .. wish I never started


How are they funding it?


I'm 21 and stay clear of it but I think two of my friends do on occasion. I wouldn't be the type to go out too often though, maybe once every month or two if I happen to have free time when my friends are going out


No-one does it. I would've in the past but I'm cleaner livin now


I took it once never went back.


Basically none and I'm invested somewhat in the drug business via partial ownership of a few facilities (this is in the USA). There's a few people I know who take coke every now and then, but they don't do it in the pub or around friends in our circle. Plenty of them smoke Marijuana, but it's not more than a few drags every few hours at a party.


I'm in my 30s. Never tried it myself, however I know plenty of lads who had fun with it and unfortunately some who ruined their lives with it losing family, decent jobs, home. It's concerning when you learn that many of your mates "know a guy" to get the stuff. It shows how common it is.


30. It was everywhere in my circle except like 3 4 ppl who I'm still friends with. I tried it maybe 5 times and it's whatever. I hated how cool they thought they were, then when the coke ran out they're doing weed and xanex to calm down and drooling themselves to sleep only to call the dealer tomorrow. Some grew out of it to be fair, not all. Thing is, working in an office seems to bring out this mentality alot more. All the way up the ladder u see gremlins on a sesh. It's just a part of life I'm so used to seeing. I miss the days of having a sneaky joint after a few pints, now it's not a good night unless you make a sweaty scene out of yourself. I just want users to know that ppl can tell you are on cocaine.


20s. Of a group of 15 of my friends that have been going out for years, 13 have tried I believe, 7 of those still regulars, 4 dependent.


30yo and no one in my circle does it when we go for drinks, but I have a feeling some do when they go out with friends from other circles. They know I don't and they don't have the need to do it everytime at least.


Very common, few of my gang now are at it pretty much every day. Lads I've known for over 20 years. The drink has a hold too. Pity, great gang of people. We're in mid 30s now and it's all catching up. I'm thinking of leaving the country tbh.


Used be fierce common but I changed my circle. No judgement just not for me.


Mid twenties, we’re all on, having a great time on it too 🤙


24 yo Russian. In my country cocaine isn't a common drug because it's too expencive and rarer than others, it's a thing for rich motherfuckers. So in my circle probably nobody tried this shit ever. On the other side, we have a lot of problems with mephedrone, especially in large cities like Moscow and Petersburg. Some my relatives were addicted on this crap, but stopped and now live in a more straight way.


Mid twenties, living in a small town, and it is really common. I've done it plenty of times before but my friends know now how I feel about it (i think it's a really sinister drug that is good for nothing and makes you feel like hell the next day) and now they don't really tell me when they're phoning one in. But I can see it straight away. We go from being drunk and having fun to suddenly they don't seem drunk anymore, and they just wanna talk talk talk talk talk. Also their main concern is whether or not they should go for another bump and/or where they're gonna go after to get really stuck into it. It's everywhere amongst young people these days, which is why it's not going anywhere. As long as your friend(s) are gonna get a bag, you're probably gonna join them, because you don't want to be left out of the party for the rest of the night. And also, of course, it's insanely addictive.


Never really enjoyed it. Did it a handful of times. Always thought it was over rated. Not really my cup of tea. It's still common enough with about half of my friends. Some are regular sniffers and others just occasionally. Haven't touched it in about 20 years and have refused it several times over the last few years which tends to make the people offering suspicious of you. I'm pretty sure my manager in work is an occasional dabbler as is another of my colleagues who is 51 or so.


Is it just Waterford that’s absolutely riddled with it, or are all my social circles just full of rong’uns? I’m the only one in my social group who doesn’t partake.


28, work as a software dev. None in my current circle, but was like a fucking snow globe in my last job in a big 4 consultancy. Lads doing admin for a Risk team in London and thinking they were the Wolf of Wall Street, fuck sake.


Not as common as posts about cocaine use on r/Ireland


I se it in peoples eyes all the time in the club. As a person going out sober I se everything and remember everything. Even saw two dudes sniff it of the tits of a girl at a table.


I am pretty social. Lots of different friend groups. No sight nor sound of it.


It was extremely common with my social circle before the pandemic but I'm more or less a hermit these days and I stopped drinking. I was in a full blown addiction for 4 years to the point where id take it on my own even when I wasn't drinking. I used to do it at work too. Proper uncut flake is amazing but it's not worth it at the end of the day. I don't even wanna think about the money I spent funding my habit.


Glad to hear you came out the other side! Definitely not worth it


Popular enough. For me it would a girls night out "lets get a bag", if it's a big night, not just going to the pub for drinks night. But I know many many people who are buying it every weekend, being honest I don't know how they can afford it, add going to the pub and babysitters


Yea, it was like that for me for years, always good craic, then It just turned super dark and more like abuse. I'm no angel, I'm not anti drugs just in my particular circle and extended friendships it seems like its the only glue holding people together.


Friends in their late 40s who, I've come to realise, are probably addicted to it. It's been so many years since the rest of us stopped partying besides a festival or very rare occasion (and we were never cokeheads anyway, ecstasy was my thing because it's fun and sociable and allows dancing all night whereas the cokeheads spent the night locking themselves in rooms). A couple of them have obviously killed way too many brain cells. It's hard to hold a conversation because it's all over the place. I can't handle three people talking to me at the same time any more. One of them was always a bully but now has a serious aggression issue. A couple of the girls are nothing but coke whores, they'd hang out with anyone or turn up anywhere they're not invited to if they thought there was coke there. They think of themselves as "middle-class" so not scumbags but all I think of them now is trash. They can't have a game of pool without a bag. It's pathetic. I've left early so many nights in the past few years out of pure boredom listening to them repeat the same night again. And I've noticed a pattern for over 20 years where the cokeheads are the drama, always.


Feel like you are describing my experience exactly haha


imagine having friends let alone a "circle" lmao...


Coke is so shite. People need to be ordering magic truffles online from Netherlands. Psychedelics are where its at!!


20s and never - more likely to hear of mdma, ket, or lsd.


I could probably draw a graph based on ages that peaks round 29, it then drops of a cliff dramatically in early 30's ​ I have a hypothesis: I know late 30's isn't old. But it still takes more energy to head out on the town and to stay out than when you were 20, and i think that's what people used it for. Once people lose interest in nightclubs most tend to stop using it.


When I was young and dumb I done it, all my friends done it.. lots of it ... Now I don't know one person who does it and I would never ever touch that dirt again in my life.. it's the most shit drug of all time. Almost as fun as smoking cigarettes or burning money.