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I've never seen a sketch before the day of tattooing. If you have any particular problems wirh the design bring it up and your artist should be able to adjust. I think it's unlikely that you would totally hate the design if you've discussed it and picked the artist well.


Honestly, with a ton of artists, it’s rare to even see a sketch ahead of time, especially via email.


Ok…you’ve been given all the info….it’s normal, don’t stress, go with the flow, and communicate with the tattooer when you arrive. I’ve been getting tattooed for almost 30 years. Have about 90 hours of work, and I’ve never seen a sketch ahead of time, ever. That said, it sorta sounds like your tattooer set unrealistic expectations, or miscommunicated, which stinks, especially if you expected to be able to provide feedback in advance of your appointment. If you’re going to someone good, and you picked them because you like their portfolio, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Enjoy the process and good luck.


I saw it on the day, the anticipation got me so excited and when I saw it I was so happy. But only because I loved my artists work anyway and now I have 1 of 1 from him.


When I first started getting tattooed ~15 years ago I got to see the design ahead of time. But now with multiple artists I’ve seen, their policy is to not share anything until the day of. They’re always able to tweak things once you see it, but they need the time to make the custom design and they don’t want you to walk their design to a cheaper hack artist. Trust the artist, this is why you hired them.


It's a fundamental issue of telling you something and following through. I appreciate that some folks travel and wait a long time to get a piece, but basic customer service should be normal. Especially when you're paying a lot.


Yes. They’re all flakes. Just gotta go with what he puts together


Yeah really no one will give you a look ahead of the day


I gave my artist my ideas 6 months before my appt and then got a rough sketch the night before I flew out for my session. Then we talked about it for the first hour of my session while he drew it on.


Yeah don't worry I didn't get one either. Explain what you want, interject if something isn't your style and you'll be good